Feral Omega: A Dark Reverse Harem Omegaverse Romance (Ghost Alpha Unit Book 1)

Chapter 39

The couch squeaks as I shift my weight, trying to find a comfortable position. Sleep eludes me, not that it comes easy on the best of nights. Not with the screams echoing in my skull, the phantom tang of blood on my tongue.

Tonight it’s her scent that haunts me, clinging to the air like a ghost. Honeysuckle and spice, sweet enough to make my teeth ache. It coils through my head, sinks into my bones until I’m half-mad with it.

Footsteps thud on the stairs, heavy and graceless. I sit up, lips curling back from my teeth in a silent snarl. Thane and Whiskey stumble into view, smelling of sex and omega musk.

‘You’re up, psycho,’ Whiskey grunts, jerking his chin toward the upper floor. ‘She’s all yours.’

A dark thrill rushes through me, my cock twitching against the confines of my fatigues. I’m on my feet in an instant, shouldering past them without a word.

I take the stairs two at a time, her scent growing thicker, headier with every step. By the time I reach the master suite, I’m hard enough to hammer nails, every nerve ending alight.

I shoulder open the door, nostrils flaring as Ivy’s essence crashes over me in a dizzying wave. She’s curled in the center of the nest, dark auburn hair freshly damp and tousled against the pillows. A low growl rumbles up from my chest at the sight, possessive instinct flaring white-hot.

Ivy tenses, crystalline eyes snapping to mine as I stalk closer. Wariness flickers in those haunting depths, threaded with the unmistakable tinge of fear. She shrinks back against the headboard, sheet clutched to that enticing body like a talisman.

‘Afraid of the big bad wolf, little rabbit?’ I rasp, a slow grin spreading across my face.

Her plump lips purse, defiance sparking behind the trepidation. But she doesn’t answer, gaze darting away.

I chuckle low in my throat, prowling to the edge of the bed. ‘What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?’ I crook a finger beneath her chin, tilting her face up to meet my heated stare. ‘Or are you worried I’ll punish you for that little stunt you pulled?’

Her breath hitches, pulse fluttering wildly against my fingertips. I can practically taste her panic, the sour notes bleeding into her honeyed scent and the aroma of fresh soap.

Slowly, deliberately, I lean in until my lips brush the shell of her ear. ‘I’ll let you in on a little secret, sweetheart,’ I purr, relishing her full-body shiver. ‘I have a hard time respecting anyone who hasn’t tried to kill me at least once.’

Ivy freezes, eyes widening in shock.

I take advantage, claiming her parted lips in a searing kiss that has her arching into me with a breathy, nervous whimper. My tongue delves past the seam of her lips, stroking along hers in a slick glide that sends cold and hot sparks sizzling through my veins.

She tastes of ambrosia, sweet and sinful and more intoxicating than the finest vodka. I could drown in her, lose myself completely in her and die a happy man.

My hands roam the delicate curves of her body, fingers dancing over silken skin as I map every hollow and ridge. She mewls into my mouth, hips canting up to meet my exploring touch as if begging for more in spite of her fear.

I growl my approval against her lips, palm molding over the perfect handful of her breast. The pebbled peak grazes my skin and I pinch it roughly, swallowing down her sharp cry.

A harsh knock shatters the charged air.

Rage spikes through me at the interruption. I tear my mouth from Ivy’s with a snarl, head whipping toward the door.

‘Fuck off!’ I snap.

Ivy tenses beneath me, but she doesn’t shatter the way a normal omega would even if my ire isn’t directed at her. But I’m really going to have to work on sanding down some of those rough edges if she’s going to become a regular part of my life.

Who am I kidding? I’d disembowel anyone who tried to take her from me and use their entrails to hang up a warning sign for the next fucker dumb enough to consider it.

The handle turns anyway, because someone is clearly jonesing for my knife in his occipital lobe. Plague slips into the room on silent feet. I curl my lip at him, a vicious curse on the tip of my tongue.

‘Why bother knocking if you’re just going to barge in anyway, birdbrain?’ I demand, muscles coiling with the urge to vault off the bed and tear his throat out.

On a normal day, I’d use my knife.

Tonight, my teeth.

Plague spreads his gloved hands in a placating gesture, but I know he’s unruffled as ever even if I can’t see his face behind that mask he’s so attached to. As if he’s not the prettiest fucker in the unit. Or perhaps that’s why he always wears it.

‘The others thought it best not to leave Ivy alone with you,’ he says mildly. ‘And I concurred.’

Rage coils in my stomach like a pit viper, a savage growl rumbling up from my chest. How dare they question my control, my ability to rein in my baser urges? I may be a monster, but I’m not a fucking animal.

I open my mouth to tell him exactly where he can shove his concern, but Ivy’s soft voice cuts me off.

‘It’s alright,’ she murmurs, ducking her head to peer warily up at me through thick lashes. ‘I want him to stay.’

I stare down at her, jaw clenching as I war with the conflicting impulses raging in my skull. To throw Plague out on his pretentious ass and have my wicked way with her, or to give her this small concession. A bit of power in a situation where she holds precious little.

‘Fine,’ I bite out at last, the word emerging as more of a snarl before I round on Plague again. ‘But you get to sit in the corner and watch. No touching.’

Plague inclines his head. ‘As you wish.’

He settles into the armchair by the window and crosses those goddamn long legs of his, as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. As if he isn’t fully aware of the violent impulses simmering just beneath my skin, clawing for release.

I force my attention back to Ivy, determined to block out the other alpha’s presence. She gazes up at me, lower lip caught between her teeth in a way that sends fresh heat searing through my veins.

Slowly, deliberately, I lower my head to nuzzle along the graceful line of her throat. She sucks in a shuddering breath, head tipping back to grant me better access. My tongue darts out to lave the thundering pulse just beneath her jaw, relishing the full-body shiver that wracks her slim frame.

‘Such a good girl,’ I purr, teeth grazing the delicate skin. ‘So sweet for me, aren’t you, little rabbit?’

She whimpers, a desperate, needy sound that has my cock throbbing in earnest. I slip a hand beneath the thin sheet, trailing rough fingers up the silken expanse of her thigh.

‘Let’s see if the rest of you tastes just as divine,’ I growl, already shifting down the bed to settle between her trembling legs.

Ivy gasps as I nose through the downy curls at the apex of her thighs, her scent thick and intoxicating. The first flick of my tongue through her soaked folds has her hips bucking up to meet my hungry mouth.

She is sin incarnate, all slick heat and honeyed musk flooding my senses. I growl against her core, the vibrations making her writhe as I feast on her, drinking down her essence like a man dying of thirst.

The world narrows to this, to her, the rest falling away until there’s only the hot silk of her flesh against my lips, the breathless cries spilling from her parted mouth, the flex of her thighs caging my head.

I want to stay here forever, lost in her, drowning in pleasure so acute it borders on pain. Want to lick and suck and devour until she’s a boneless, shuddering wreck, until my name is the only prayer on her kiss-swollen lips.

My tongue delves deeper, lapping at her honeyed essence as if I could drink her very soul. Ivy writhes beneath me, soft mewls and breathy gasps spilling from her lips like the sweetest music. Her thighs quiver against my cheeks, muscles tensing as she chases her pleasure.

I growl low in my throat, the primal sound vibrating against her sensitive flesh. She cries out, back arching off the bed as her hips buck wildly. My hands grip her thighs, holding her open and still as I devour her with single-minded focus.

The rest of the world fades away. Plague’s watchful presence, the mission, even my own aching need. There is only Ivy, only the slick heat of her core against my lips and tongue, only the intoxicating scent and taste of her arousal flooding my senses.

Then my throat begins to rumble with a strange sensation I’ve never experienced before.

Am I… purring?

That’s new.

I trace intricate patterns over her swollen flesh, alternating between broad, flat strokes of my tongue and quick flicks against that sensitive bundle of nerves. The vibrations from my purrs serve to drive her even more wild. Her fingers tangle in my hair, nails scraping against my scalp where she bashed me with that rock. It stings deliciously as she pulls me closer.

As if I’d ever dream of pulling away.

‘Please,’ she whimpers, voice thick with need. ‘Oh god, please…’

The breathy plea sends a fresh surge of heat through my veins. I redouble my efforts, suckling at her clit as I slide two fingers into her molten core. She clenches around the digits, inner walls fluttering as I curl them to stroke that spot deep inside that makes her see stars.

Her cries grow louder, more desperate as I work her higher. Her hips roll in time with the thrust of my fingers, chasing her release with frantic urgency. I can feel how close she is, poised right on the knife’s edge of ecstasy.

‘Let go,’ I growl against her flesh. ‘Come for me, little rabbit. Let me taste you.’

As if my words are the key to unlocking her pleasure, Ivy shatters. Her back bows, a keening wail tearing from her throat as her climax crashes over her. I lap at her greedily, drinking down every drop of her release as aftershocks wrack her trembling frame.

Only when she whimpers from overstimulation do I finally pull away, pressing a last, tender kiss to her milky inner thigh. I rest my cheek against the soft skin there, breathing in the heady musk of sex and satisfaction that clings to her.

For a long moment, the only sound in the room is our ragged breathing and the shuddering sound of her purrs. Then Ivy’s fingers card gently through my hair, nails scratching lightly at my scalp in a way that has me rumbling with contentment. I nuzzle against her thigh, allowing myself this moment of vulnerability.

‘You taste like heaven,’ I murmur, voice rough with desire. ‘Could spend hours feasting on you and never get my fill.’

Ivy shivers, a breathy laugh escaping her. ‘Is that a promise?’

I lift my head, meeting her gaze with heated intensity. ‘Oh, sweetheart, I’m just getting started with you.’

In one fluid motion, I surge up her body to claim her lips in a searing kiss, taking care not to brush up against her wounded arm. She moans into my mouth, no doubt tasting herself on my tongue. The knowledge sends a fresh wave of possessive hunger through me. Mine. All mine.

My hands roam her curves, kneading and caressing as I map every inch of her. She arches into my touch, skin flushed and slick with a fine sheen of sweat. So responsive, so goddamn perfect.

I trail kisses along the graceful line of her throat, pausing to suckle at her thundering pulse. She gasps, head tipping back to grant me better access as her nails rake down my back. The sting of pain mingles with pleasure, stoking the fire raging in my blood to an inferno.

‘Tell me what you want,’ I growl against her skin. ‘Tell me how to please you.’

Ivy’s breath hitches, crystalline eyes meeting mine with a mix of trepidation and raw need. ‘I… I want to feel you inside me,’ she whispers. ‘Please, Valek. Make me yours.’

A savage growl rumbles up from my chest at her words. I capture her lips once more, pouring every ounce of my hunger and desire into the kiss as I settle between her parted thighs.

‘Are you sure you’re ready for me?’ I rasp, hips grinding into the juncture of her thighs so she can feel every thick inch of me. Each of the nine evenly spaced steel bars running along the top of my cock like a spine.

Her eyes flutter open in surprise as she feels them. ‘What are…?’

‘For your pleasure, little rabbit,’ I purr against her lips. ‘You’ll see soon enough.’

‘Please,’ she whispers, the word little more than a broken exhalation. ‘I need…’

I hum in satisfaction, already lining up the broad head of my cock with her entrance. ‘Don’t worry,’ I purr, the words a dark promise. ‘I’m going to give you exactly what you need.’

And with that, I sheath myself inside her in one powerful thrust since she’s already been thoroughly prepared on all counts, swallowing down her shocked cry with another kiss as her tight heat clenches like a vice around me.


Pure fucking bliss.

Like coming home.

I still for a moment, letting her acclimate to all ten inches stretching her so wide. When her breathing evens out, I begin to move, each deep, rolling thrust driving me deeper into her sweet core.

Ivy clings to me, nails scoring delicious lines of fire down my back as she meets me stroke for stroke. We move as one, give and take.

Distantly, I’m aware of Plague’s gaze boring into us, no doubt taking in every sinful detail. But I couldn’t care less, too lost in the slick glide of our flesh, in the broken sounds of pleasure Ivy makes with each piston of my hips.

It’s not gentle. I don’t have it in me, this wild thing inside me demanding I stake my claim, that I rut into her until she’s ripe with my seed.

But she takes it beautifully, yielding and pliant even as she urges me on with breathless pleas for more, harder.

I think she likes the piercings.

Release barrels down my spine like a freight train, my thrusts growing erratic as that pressure builds at the base of my cock. I’m so close, balls drawing up tight to my body as I hurtle toward that razor’s edge.

But something isn’t quite right. No matter how hard I try, I can’t get my knot inside her. It catches on her entrance, refusing to pop past that tight ring of muscle no matter how much I angle my hips or adjust the depth of my strokes.

Frustration mounts, mingling with the white-hot need scorching my veins. A growl rumbles up from my chest, the sound jagged and raw. I need this, need to claim her in the most primal way possible. Need to fill her with my seed until she’s swollen with it, until there’s no doubt who she belongs to.


But her body refuses to cooperate, that final piece of our joining remaining maddeningly out of reach. Sweat beads on my brow, teeth gritted as I redouble my efforts.

The angle is wrong, or she’s still too tight, or⁠—

‘Let me help,’ Plague’s voice cuts through the haze of desperate need, calm and clinical as ever.

I snarl, head whipping around to pin him with a venomous glare. ‘Fuck off,’ I grind out, hips still pistoning into Ivy’s pliant form. ‘I don’t need your⁠—’

‘Yes, you do,’ he interrupts smoothly, already rising from his perch by the window. ‘At this rate, you’re going to injure her before you manage to knot. Is that what you want?’

I falter at that, a spike of unease rocketing through me.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

I don’t want to cause her pain.

I do, but not the way I want to with other people. With every other human animal on this godforsaken planet.

But the thought of another alpha touching her, putting his hands on what’s mine…

‘Valek.’ Her voice is soft, threaded with a breathless note of pleading.

I stare down at her, at the trust shining in those fiery depths, knowing it doesn’t come easily for her. It steals the breath from my lungs, the fight draining out of me in a slow exhale.

‘Fine,’ I bite out, each word like shards of glass in my throat.

Plague inclines his head, already moving to join us on the bed. He stretches out alongside Ivy, one newly ungloved hand coming up to stroke along the delicate line of her jaw.

‘Relax, little omega,’ he murmurs, the endearment making my hackles rise. ‘I’m just going to help you open up a bit more for him, that’s all.’

Ivy nods, lashes fluttering closed as she leans into his touch. Something ugly twists in my gut at the sight, a low growl rumbling up to rattle my teeth.

But I don’t stop him. Don’t tear his hand away and throw him bodily from the room like every instinct is screaming at me to do.

For her sake.

Plague works slowly, methodically, clever fingers dancing over Ivy’s skin as he coaxes her to relax. He murmurs low, soothing words, his voice a hypnotic rasp that seems to drain the tension from her body by degrees.

And all the while, I keep thrusting. Keep driving into her heat in deep, rolling waves, the drag of her tight walls around my aching flesh a delicious torment.

I’m so close, teetering on the very edge of oblivion. But that final piece still eludes me, my knot refusing to catch no matter how I angle my hips or grind against her.

Until Plague slips a hand between our joined bodies, fingers easily finding the bud of her clit. He rubs in tight, merciless circles, the slick and methodical glide of his touch in perfect counterpoint to the thick slide of my cock stretching her wide.

Ivy gasps, purrs sputtering on her kiss-swollen lips, back arching as she shatters apart. Her release crashes over her in shuddering waves, inner muscles clamping down around me hard enough to bruise my fucking cock.

And finally, I feel it. The pop and catch of my knot as it sinks past that tight ring of muscle, locking us together.

I growl my triumph, hips slamming forward in a final, brutal thrust. Ivy cries out beneath me, nails raking furrows down the flexing muscles of my back as I empty myself inside her in pulsing strikes.

It seems to go on forever, the world shrinking down to the hot clutch of her body milking me dry. Distantly, I feel the bed dip as Plague rises, the loss of his touch barely registering through the haze of blinding light and fire.

When the last aftershock finally shudders through me, I collapse against Ivy in a tangle of sweat-slicked limbs. She clings to me, trembling and gasping, face buried in the sweat-damp hollow of my throat.

For a long moment, there’s no sound but the ragged rasp of our breathing and the rapid thud of her heart against my chest. Gradually, the rest of the world filters back in—the soft rustle of sheets, the creak of bedsprings, the low murmur of voices from the floor below.

And Plague. His scent still lingers, that crisp, clinical musk threading through the heady perfume of sex and rut.

I tense, a low growl rumbling up to rattle my teeth. Having another alpha here, now, with my knot still buried deep in my omega…

It makes me feel exposed.

Vulnerable in a way I’ve never been before.

But I can’t exactly throw him out, not with Ivy and I locked together like this. And some small, treacherous part of me is almost… grateful for his presence. Because as much as it galls me to admit it, I couldn’t have done this without him.

Not without hurting her.

For the first time in my life, I actually think I give a shit.

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