Fighting Darius

Chapter 36

This is very nice…and warm. I snuggle in more comfortably and the arms around me tightened to gather me in closer. His wonderful male scent fills my nose and his heart beats steadily in my ear. I open my eyes to the sight of smooth soft skin of my mate’s wide powerful shoulder. My cheek is firmly pressed against his chest.

My room is now bathed in sunlight. The curtains are partially opened but I closed all the windows yesterday since the weather is starting to get cooler. It must be after seven in the morning.

I pull back a little bit to look at my mate sleeping peacefully on his side. His fair hair is sticking out everywhere. His eyelashes are a bit darker than his hair but they have a slight golden tinge at the tips. His cheeks are slightly flushed pink from sleep. He looks so harmless, almost boyish and cute when he’s sleeping.

Cute. I almost giggle at the thought. I just called a fierce, dangerous and powerful lycan warrior cute!

Even though his eyes are still closed, a sudden surge of emotion fills me and I know he’s awake.

I trace my fingertip along his thick golden eyebrows, down his straight nose, his firm upper lip and watch his firm lips curl up into a tiny smile.

“Good morning, Malyshka.” His voice is low, husky and sexy in the morning. He opens his eyes and I’m struck by his

penetrating blue gaze.

“Good morning, Darius,” I whisper back. I love lying in the bed in the morning with him, just whispering to each other. Just

the two of us in our own little world where no one else exists.

This is when he opens up to me the most.

“How are you feeling?”

“Good,” I answer.

“Just good?” His voice is lazy and teasing. He runs his finger over my cheek, down my neck and it goes lower until it touches the medallion that’s resting on my chest.

“I have to take it off soon, I suppose,” I tell him reluctantly. “I guess I can’t be seen with your family crest around my neck in Russia.”

“Malyshka, I hate doing this,” he says. His voice sounds calm but I can feel his intense frustration through our bond. “I love seeing you wearing my family crest around your neck. I want to tell the whole world that you’re mine.”

“I know,” I sigh. I love wearing it but since we’re doing this, I want you to wear it for safekeeping while we’re in Russia. I want it back when it’s safe for me to wear it again.”

He pulls me in again and buries his face in my neck.

“So, you’re a nobility, a blue blood then?” I tease him, trying to take him out of this sullen mood.

He just shrugs like he couldn’t care less.

“Now tell me about your family.”

“There’s not much to tell. I have a mother, a father. So, that’s all.” He’s still sounding glum.

“End of story?” I ask him, running my fingers through his hair.

I know that calms him down. “You never mentioned them at all before. Why? Do you not like talking about them?”

“It’s not that I do or do not like talking about them. It’s just that they’re not important to me. Insignificant in my life. We’re not close, to put it mildly. I grew up with nannies and a governess while my parents were never there.

“I was shipped off to the military school when I was nine. I saw them a handful of times since then. The last time I saw my parents was briefly at a Royal Gala eighty years ago. They’re like strangers to me.”

That’s sad. “What about aunts or uncles or grandparents?”

“I have an aunt and a cousin. I saw my aunt twice. I see my cousin, Æmelius quite often now because he’s also in the military. We’re not close though. We don’t really get along.”

“You’re pretty much alone your whole life then?” I tighten my hold on him.

“Yes, but now for the first time in my life, I’m not alone anymore. Now I have you.”

The next few days are filled with classes and fight training. At first, Darius didn’t want me to leave the house and attend

classes on my own, but I stand my ground. I can’t live my life in fear just because I was kidnapped and hurt that one time. After a long civilized discussion (which consisted of me throwing a fit and threatening him bodily harm) he finally gave in. I suspect he has his men watch me discreetly when I’m out on my own.

To be honest, I don’t really mind. It actually makes me feel safe and protected. Despite being stubborn, I’m not too eager to be getting kidnapped and getting stabbed again.

My stomach has healed nicely. There is a little raised pink scar on my stomach, but I know pretty soon it’ll be barely


The fight training is strenuous. Lazarus wants us to be physically ready for anything. Even Genesis is forced to train.© 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

Darius and Lazarus drive us to train harder than we ever did before. Days like these remind me that Lazarus is also one of the best warriors and his job is to look after the safety of the princes and the pack.

With my new strength as a lycan, I can run with the rest of them. I know that I keep the men on their toes. I might not be the strongest, but I’m fast and a quick learner. I’m quick to pick up on my opponents’ weaknesses and use them to my

advantage. When I can’t beat them with my strength, I learn quickly to strike at every little opportunity and opening I can get.

“You’re born to be a fighter, Penny,” says Lazarus, patting my back with pride at the end of our session this evening. I can’t help but feel proud. My head might have expanded a bit. It’s rare to get praise from Lazarus.

“Don’t let that get to your head, Beany,” says Caspian. “I’m kicking your *ss tomorrow.” He just has to burst my bubbles.

“Oh yeah?” I return. “Well, I whipped your *ss today and I’m going to…I’m going to.. kick you in the nut tomorrow!” Wow, nice come back, Penny.

“Hey, no nut kicking!” says Constantine, grimacing as if I’ve just kicked him there.

“That’s right. You tell her, Constantine. Royal family jewel is off limits,” says Caspian with a big mischievous grin on his face.

Off limits? “How about me kicking your royal family jewel right now?” I yell as I spring up with every intention of chasing him around our 76.5 acres of training ground if I have to.

A big strong arm catches me and drags me back against a hard unyielding chest.

“Training’s over, Malyshka,” he whispers in my ear. “How about you, me, and a hot bath?”

“Okay,” I say meekly. Suddenly I realize how sore my muscles are and Darius’s idea sounds a lot better than chasing Caspian around.

“Whipped!” Caspian coughs into his hand.

I shoot him a deadly glare. Tomorrow I’ll show him how whipped I am.

There’s a slight chill in the air this morning. It is November and the temperature is beginning to decline. The cold wind isn’t helping either. I pull my little jacket close as I walk between the buildings of the faculties. This is actually the first time I’m wearing a fall jacket and boots since I came here.

I just had a tutorial this morning. It’s 9.45 am. now and I’m heading towards Club Espresso Degree Cafe. I promised Darius I’ll be waiting for him there.

I’m actually a bit early. I heard from Serena that Caspian’s erasthai is a student working part-time at the cafe. I’m hoping to catch a glimpse of her. Serena told me that if I saw her, I’d know right away that she’s the one. That makes me even more curious.

I glance around as I pull the door of the cafe open. There are not too many students here right now.

I find a seat near the window and start rooting for my phone that I threw in my messenger bag this morning. Darius got me a new phone a few days ago.

“Hello, what would you like to drink?”

I look up and I think my eyebrows just go all the way up to my hairline.

Standing before me is a gorgeous girl. Serena was right when she said that I’d know right away when I see her. Right now there’s no doubt in my mind that she’s Caspian’s erasthai.

Somebody with eyes like that can only be Caspian’s. They’re so unusual and look almost identical to his bright vivid green

eyes. They are surrounded by spiky long dark eyelashes. Her long hair is silky black, a lot darker than mine. Now I know what they mean when they say hair as black as a raven’s wings.

It is now tied back into a ponytail. You can’t miss a girl like that anywhere and she’s a human.

There’s something else about her that lets me know she’s Caspian’s erasthai. I can’t really put a finger on it. Maybe it’s an aura around her. I suspect only someone who knows Caspian as well as we do can tell, though.

Her eyes widen when she sees me. She stands there frozen with a pen and a writing pad in her hands, staring at me

apprehensively before she starts to look around as if she’s looking for somebody.

“He’s not here,” I tell her.

“What?” she asks in confusion, then, “Oh…” her shoulders slumps in relief. I’ve never seen a girl so anxious at the possibility of running into Caspian before. Usually, they flock around him, acting silly trying to catch his attention.

I was right, that bratty prince has been harassing this poor girl.

I bite down a laugh that almost escapes my lips. This is good.

Better than good! My brain is filled with ideas on how to torture that bratty prince. Oh, the possibilities!

“What makes you think that he might be lurking around when you saw me here?” I ask her.

She bites her lower lip worriedly before she answers me, “I saw you and your other friends with him before….and you look like

him.” I don’t quite understand what she means by “you look like him” but I let it slide.

It seems like she wants to say more but she watches me warily for a second as if trying to decide whether or not to trust me.

After a while, her curiosity gets the best of her. She looks around as if to make sure that nobody else can hear us, then she leans in and whispers, “I know you’re not a werewolf, but what are you?”

She smells like a human, so I’m surprised that she knows about werewolves.

“Lycans,” I whisper back. Her eyes widen, all colors seem to drain from her face.

“God help me. This is not good. Nana wouldn’t be happy,” she mutters to herself.

“You live with your Nana?” I ask her.

“No,” she answers, frowning as if she’s wondering how I know about her Nana. “Nana’s dead.”

“Oh, I see…” I say. Well, no. Actually, I don’t see at all. Is it just me or is Caspian’s mate is as crazy as he is?

“Nana said lycans are dangerous,” she explains. “But don’t worry, I won’t judge. I’m sure not all lycans are dangerous.”

“Oh, but we are,” I tell her.

“Well, that’s not very reassuring,” she says, frowning again.

“So, he’s been bothering you?”

“You have no idea,” she huffs.

I grin up at her. “I’m Penny, by the way,” I introduce myself, offering her my hand.

“My name’s Quincy,” she says, taking my hand in hers.

“Hello, Malyshka,” says a familiar voice. My heartbeat picks up and my stomach clenches with excitement.

I quickly look up and my lips turn up into a smile instantly at my mate. My mate. I still can’t get over it. I feel giddy every time he’s near.

He’s looking hot in a grey peacoat jacket. His light blond hair is windblown and his eyes are focused solely on me.

“Hi, (Лапочка) lapochka,” I chirp. His lips curl up into a smile as he pulls out a chair and seats himself beside me. I know he’s trying not to laugh.

I’ve been trying new terms of endearment in Russian every day now. I know my pronunciation is crap, but you’ve got to give me props for trying. A+ for effort.

Yesterday I called him (коровушка) korovushka and the day before that I called him (Котик) kotik. He seemed happy and amused by my effort but I learned from Constantine last night that korovushka means cow, and kotik means pussycat. I knew it! I knew I shouldn’t have asked and trusted Caspian.

Constantine assured me that those names are sweet but why would I want to call my mate a cow or a pussycat?

Anyway, lapochka means darling or sweetheart, according to Constantine…unless he lied to me too.

I notice Quincy staring at him with big round eyes. I almost burst out laughing. I know the effect my mate has on women.

He looks gorgeous yet cold and intimidating. Somehow that still attracts girls like moths to a flame.

“This is Darius,” I tell her. “Darius, this is Quincy.”

Darius gives her a polite nod.

“Can we have a cup of cappuccino and a cup of Americano?”

Cappuccino is for me and Americano is for Darius. “Also, a grilled vegetarian panini, please,” I add, flashing Darius a sheepish look.

“I’ll be right back with your order,” says Quincy cheerfully before she swiftly disappears behind the counter.

“I saw you had a big breakfast this morning, Malyshka,” he says, shaking his head in amusement.

“I have to refuel after all the grueling activities this morning.”

“I don’t recall you complaining at all early this morning.” His voice is low and sexy, making sure that I know that he’s not talking about our training. He leans in further and says, “In fact, I think you ordered me not to stop.” His breath is warm against my ear, his thigh brushing against mine. My breath

hitches and chills of pleasure run up my back. I have to fight the urge to straddle his lap and kiss him silly.

“Oh, shut up!” I swat his thigh.

He chuckles as he catches my hand and laces his fingers through mine. He makes sure his palm lies flat against mine.

skin against skin. He likes to do that and the hold feels very intimate.

“Is that Caspian’s erasthai?” he asks me, tipping his head towards where Quincy disappears.

“Yes,” I answer with a wicked smile. “Isn’t it awesome? I think we…”

“Penny?” says a familiar voice. Oh uh… my human friends, Amanda, Keisha, Lily, and Daniel are approaching our table.

I’ve been avoiding my human friends lately, except for Lily.

Friends isn’t exactly the right word for Amanda and Keisha, maybe frenemy is the right word for them. For some reason, they always seem to be seeking me out. Mean things spewing out of their mouths makes me want to punch them in the face.

Frenemy means drama and I hate that. I’d rather be upfront. If I don’t like you, I’ll just stay away from you. If you seek me out and pissed me off, I’d rather punch you in the face and be done with it. Sadly, I can’t punch those human bitches in the face without seriously hurting them, so…no punch. That means I’m stewing in my anger for them.

“Hi, Darius,” purrs Amanda. “It’s great to see you again.”

I feel my temperature rises. Darius just nods politely, though his expression is unreadable.

“Hello, Penny. Hi, Darius,” says Lily, giving me a sympathetic glance. “I see an available table over there. Let’s go.”

“I think I’d rather sit here,” declares Amanda as she takes a seat next to Darius. “You don’t mind, do you?” she says, smiling up at him.

“Actually, I do mind,” he answers before I could.

Amanda’s face turns red, but she juts her lips out into a pout.

“But Dee, I haven’t seen you around for so long.”

Dee? Did she just give my mate a nickname? I feel the burning in my chest. I’m going to rip this human bitch’s face right out off her skull.

Darius wraps his arm tightly around my waist just as a glass of water is splashed right into Amanda’s face and the whole front of her shirt.

“Ooopppss….sorry. My bad,” says a voice beside me. Quincy is standing there with an empty glass. Her eyes are wide and apologetic.

“You stupid bitch!” Amanda screeches, jumping up after she gets over her shock.

Keisha tries to give her a napkin, but she throws it on the floor.

Lily and Daniel look like they’re holding in their laugh.

“Your manager will hear about this! I’m going to make sure he fires your sorry *ss!” she rants.

I look up at Quincy who is still standing there after Amanda stomped off to talk to the manager.

“What?” she asks innocently. “She just needed a cold shower.”

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