Filthy Beautiful Lust (Filthy Beautiful Lies, #3)

Chapter 11 Kylie

KylieToday has been exhausting, and it’s only noon. With Max’s nanny out of town for the next two weeks for a long overdue honeymoon, I know I’m going to have my hands full. We’ve played trucks, kicked balls around the yard, finger-painted on sheets of construction paper, made up songs, danced, read books and now I’m ready for a nap. Of course Max is still raring to go.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

With Max content for a moment to explore the little plastic farm I’ve set down in front of him, I plop down onto the couch and kick my feet up onto the oversized ottoman.

I can’t help my mind drifting back to yesterday and how it felt to see Pace with my son. If there was ever a form of foreplay for a single mom – watching an attractive, attentive man interact with your child was it. Max is my heart, and so observing how careful and sweet Pace was with him made me feel all kinds of things I’d rather not admit.

A knock at the door breaks my little daydream and Max’s head pops up. I push myself up off the couch, wondering who it could be as Max races toward it. I need to teach him about stranger danger.

I pull open the door and am momentarily stunned into silence.

It’s Pace.

He’s standing on my front porch holding an inflated baby pool and a bagful of water toys.

What in the hell?

He’s dressed in a simple white t-shirt and dark jeans that hint at the muscle beneath, and a pair of leather flip flops on his long tan feet. His eyes dart from mine down to the baby at my feet and a slow smile overtakes his mouth.

“Hope you don’t mind…Sophie mentioned that your nanny is going to be out of town for the next few weeks…I thought maybe you guys could use some company…”

“I…uh…” I’m at a loss for words apparently. Men don’t show up at my house with toys. Especially not men this utterly attractive that make my breasts perk up, my nipples pushing against the lace of my bra, demanding attention. Son of bitch!

Pace’s eyes wander from mine downward and I cross my arms over my chest. That damn dimple adorns his cheek while his mouth curls into a crooked grin.

Pace’s gaze continues down until he reaches Max, who’s currently hiding behind my legs.

“Hey little man,” Pace says.

All I can think about is the fact that there’s a gorgeous man on my porch and I’m unshowered, unshaven, dressed in a tank top that shows my ratty old bra straps and, oh dear God…. a pair of maternity shorts I hung onto because they were sooo comfortable. My child is thirteen months old and I’m still in maternity clothes. What is wrong with me? I’ve lost the baby weight – all except for the last ten pounds and the muffin top that sits at my waistband. I vow here and now to begin a gym regimen soon. Tomorrow. And to throw these damn maternity shorts away. In the three seconds I’ve taken to ponder all of this, Max has emerged from behind my legs and charges straight at Pace.

He slams into Pace, full force, hitting him straight between the legs.

“Omph,” Pace releases a strangled grunt and doubles over, dropping the toys to cup his battered manhood.

“Oh God, are you alright?” I spring into action, removing Max from around Pace’s leg.

“Just give me a minute,” he bites out.

I feel terrible, but then I decide that’s crazy. He’s the one who showed up unannounced and uninvited, and Max didn’t intentionally hurt him.

Max, oblivious to the pain he’s just caused, climbs into the pool that is now lying on the porch.

Composing himself after several moments, Pace stands, rising to his full height. “Strong little guy,” he comments.

He really is. We wrestle every night, and he wins. “Pace?” I ask, still wondering what on earth he’s doing at my house.

“It’s a beautiful day.” He smiles, looking straight up at the cloudless blue sky. “Care for a swim?”

Since Max is already in the pool, I know I can’t refuse. “Sure. Do you want to take that around back? I’ll get Max changed and we’ll meet you out there.”

He grins at me, knowing he’s won this round. Sneaky. I just wish I knew what he was up to.

When I lift Max from the pool, he kicks and screams, until I explain that he needs to put his bathing suit on, and then he relents, letting me tow him back inside the house.

Through Max’s bedroom window, I can see Pace setting up the pool, and dragging my garden hose over to fill it.

I quickly strip Max down and get him into a swim diaper and his red swimming trunks. Then I grab the baby sunblock and my sunglasses, and we join Pace in the backyard.

Max toddles toward him without hesitation. Be careful, baby, this man could hurt us.

Pace has dumped the bag of water toys into the filling pool – the colorful balls, buckets and floating plastic animals capture Max’s attention and he lets out a loud squeal and begins clapping his hands. He doesn’t have a swimming pool, but given how much he loves bath time, I know he’s going to love this.

As he gets near the water, I reach out for Max.

“I’ve got him,” Pace says, closing two big hands around Max’s tummy and lifting him into the water so that he can dip his feet.

Max kicks his feet and giggles, clearly enjoying himself.

I feel wary and on edge. I know I said too much last night, and I don’t know what Pace must think of me now.

Max sits down in the pool, and I turn off the hose – three inches of water is enough for him to splash around in.

I sit down in the grass beside Pace, both of us watching Max. At least with him capturing our attention, the pressure is off to make small talk. Yet as the minutes pass, I can’t seem to relax in the presence of this big, beautiful man who came baring gifts and is playing with my son.

“Pace, I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, because it’s very sweet of you to bring Max a pool and toys, but I need to understand what this is.” I’m thankful for the cover of my dark sunglasses because his gaze settles squarely on mine and his look is serious and intense.

“I get that this is a big deal, and it’s scary. It’s not just you. You’ve got this little guy to look out for.” He pats the top of Max’s head, ruffling his hair. “And you don’t know my intentions.”

I nod. That’s it exactly. He knows about how Max’s dad abandoned us. I eagerly await his answer, practically holding my breath.

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