First Love

Chapter 34


I wiped the blood away from my mouth as I stumbled on the floor of my room. Sharp headache hit me and all I did was to scream in frustration. Lily, my little sister. She will suffer hell. Her heart must have been torn apart. She was about to get raped in front of my eyes yet I wasn’t able to save her from that motherfucker.

All my life I had promised myself that I will always protect my Lily but I failed, I failed to save her from the dark world.

How much it hurts my heart to see my sister in pain. Her tears were like salts on my unseen wounds. The way she was silently pleading through her eyes for escaping from pain, the way her innocent face was twisted in fear, the way her tears were running dry, the way her dreams were shattering, every single thing was heart clenching.

I never had any feeling of humanity towards anyone except Lily. She was like pure light for me, Dad and Jack. She was the reason for me to come home. But in few seconds, everything ended. Now she was trapped with that Bastard who will do his best to hurt our Lily for hurting us. He knew that Lily was the only source to make us weak.

I couldn’t let her free from him because he had said that if we tried anything then he won’t think twice before killing her. I don’t know who was he but something in me told that I’ve seen him somewhere. Who he could be?

” Dennis, eat something.” Jack’s voice came through the door.

I screwed my face in his direction and found him with the plate full of meal in his hand.

” How can you expect me to eat, Jack when you know very well that Lily must be starving? That fucker will make her life, a living hell.” I asked, getting on the verge of tears.

He sighed and put the plate aside and stared out of the window. ” Don’t forget that she’s my sister too. I know in how much pain she was but brother, think wisely. We won’t do anything if we want Lily to stay alive. I know that he won’t kill her until we do something stupid. So please, for Lily’s life, let her stay with him.”

” But it hurts Jack. It hurts to think that our little sister will go through enough pain.” I said.

My chest constricted as I remembered about that one childhood incident which remains in my heart, forever.


” Lily.” I shouted her name and in response she hummed while concentrating on the dolls which were scattered on the bed.

” Dennis, let her play with dolls.” Jack said but after ignoring him, I took two of male dolls and threw them out of the window.

Lily looked at me then started crying, holding her single female doll to her heart. Jack hit on my head and then started finding ways to stop Lily from crying. I blinked in confusion that why she was acting as if those dolls really meant a thing to her when I know that she doesn’t like playing with male dolls.

” Lily, why are you crying?” Jack asked her, wiping her tears.

” Daddy said that those dolls will protect me but Dennis threw them.” She complained in her baby voice.

I shared a look with Jack and then we both burst out laughing.

” Why you two are laughing?” She pouted.

” You don’t need the dolls to protect you, sissy.” Jack replied.

” Yes, you’ve got two brothers who will always protect you.” I added.

She thought for a second before she started clapping and dancing on the bed. ” Yayy, I have bodyguards.”

I shook my head at her childlessness and smiled at Jack who was grinning from ear to ear at the happy state of Lily.

Dad had said that Lily is our sister and her safety is our responsibility.

” Pinky promise, that you both will always protect me?” She asked showing her little finger.

Jack was the first to promise her followed by me.


” We failed to fulfill her promise, brother.” I whispered to Jack who cast a look at me before nodding his head in shame.

” I know Dennis, I know.”



I woke up from my unconscious state which was just a way for coping the pain of my body but what about that pain which my heart was holding? How am I going to cope with that pain? Just few hours ago, everything was normal and then in a matter of second everything changed for a worse. Why Adrain has to be monster on me and end everything? Till now, my tears has also dried but what about this deep wound on my soul?

I diverted my glance towards my condition and found myself lying on the floor. My body was sore and I have not even a slight strength left to stood up. Every single muscle of my body was aching. I ran my eyes slowly in the surrounding only to saw a pale lighted surrounding which seemed like dusty storeroom. Am I in Adrian’s house? B-But why? He hurt my family, now what else could be the reason left for him to trap me in his house?

And what happened to me that I feel this much pain?

” Wakey wakey, slut.” A sick voice echoed through the door and all I did was to shiver in terror at the realization that Adrain was here.

Through my periphery I saw his shoes taking steps towards me. I froze in fear and still collected enough guts for trying to get up but I failed miserably. The scary sound of his dry chuckle dropped into my ears and in a swift moment, he pulled my body to stood up. My feet was already limp but still somehow I managed to stood without falling back on the floor.

” You must be thinking that why are you here, right?” I didn’t say anything to his question just stared on the floor.

He gripped my forearm and pushed me on the near wall making me wince in sudden back pain. ” Y-yes.” I stammered.

” Your father and brothers are safe in their own house, I let them go.” He added.

A huge relief passed through my chest at his statement. But then the question hit me that what I was doing here?

” But from now on you will be my personal bitch with whom I can do whatever I wish.” He spoke bluntly.

I gasped and instantly held an eye contact with him. eyes were blank; completely emotionless but his lips were twitched into that smirk which was reflecting the start of his brutality. Whore? What was my fault to become one?

” W-Why are you d-doing this?” I asked with every strength I had.

” I want to make you suffer till your tears bleed.” He replied with a malicious grin.

I flinched.


” Because you deserve it.” He clenched his jaw and forced a smirk. “YOU FUCKING DESERVE IT.”

I startled at his sudden temper and held back a sob when his expressions turned into pure rage. He was scary, even more than his actions.

I rolled my lips inside my mouth and bend my head low to avoid his eyes contact which was no less than torture itself.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

” Get one thing, straight into your head.” He tapped his finger on his chin then grabbed my mouth, forcing me to look at him.

” You’re my toy. Who are you?”

“t… toy.” I whispered.

” Good.” He smiled.

With his word, my heart dropped a little more into the pits of my stomach. It was like he was deciding a plan for me where my soul would be tore apart every single moment. He wants my pain? What else there’s left for me to cry in pain when he had already bruised my heart?

” Want to know a little secret?”

He smirked.” Your family would enjoy the recording of your pain through videos I’ll capture for them.”

My lips parted in heartache and automatically tears stung down my cheeks. “P-Please, don’t… b-bring my f-family in a-all this.” I pleaded in a low whisper.

” Tsk. Tsk. Darling, forgive me for not hearing your pleading because I am going to enjoy the show of hurting you by my sick games then hurting your family by your pain. Two birds from one stone. Amazing, right?”

I chocked on my saliva.

” From tomorrow, you will witness that how much worse your life could be.” He said and with that clasped my wrist only to pull me out of the room.

He dragged me out into the hallway and threw me on the couch and then all I did was to close my eyes to remember the once happy life I used to live.

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