For The Stars Have Sinned

Inside the court

I stayed inside the covered court because I thought Lyndon would not enter. But who I was kidding? It’s foolish to think that he’s restricted to enter the covered court.

When I saw him entered while panting slightly, I walked away from the crowd so people wouldn’t notice that he and I both knew each other. I saw from the corner of my eye how Ate Rosan, like what she did earlier, gave Lyndon a bottled water too and even invited him to the activity.

If I hadn’t begged Ate Rosan to let me stay earlier, I probably would have run outside as soon as I saw him walk into the court. But I can’t just run away after I asked to stay, right?

“I am the youth minister of our church,” Ate Rosan said. She pointed a finger on the decorations around the place. “We will have an outreach program to the youth here in Tawala. It should start at seven o’clock but the worship team hasn’t arrived yet.”

Lyndon nodded then glanced at me. I quickly looked away and pretended to eat marshmallows. I even adjusted my butt while sitting on the monoblock chair. I saw out of the corner of my eye how the side of his lips curve up into a smile. Both my cheeks warmed up with embarrassment.

“How long will you guys stay?” he asked Ate Rosan.

“Maybe by ten or eleven o’clock, we can go home.” Ate Rosan took a good look on his face before she asked him again. “Your name is Lyndon, right? What church do you belong to?”

“I don’t go to church,” said Lyndon.

“Ah. Is that so?” Ate Rosan said, a little disappointed. “It doesn’t matter, this outreach program is a good start for you to know the importance of going to church.”

I saw Lyndon’s nod out of the corner of my eye as he glanced at me again. I sat properly. I know he’s here because I’m here. Then I won’t leave until the program is over.C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

“Rose! It’s good you’re here.”

I turned around when Ate Rosan called someone. It was a girl who I think is about my age. She greeted the newcomer, hugged, and went up to the platform to introduce herself. Lyndon sat next to me so I frowned. But I didn’t mind it anymore because that girl called Rose spoke.

“Good evening! I’m sorry if we’re late. There was an accident in Dauis and we have to wait until the car has been pulled over.” She smiled. “Let’s start?”

I just noticed that Rose is beautiful. There’s something about her that I can’t name. Maybe her voice is just too sweet and doesn’t hurt the ears.

“If you know this song, join us. There are lyrics on the white screen if you don’t memorize them. Is that okay?” Rouela asked.

I smiled and nodded at her. My smile widened when both our gazes met. She smiled and nodded in acknowledgment that she noticed me.

The team’s guitarist started strumming. Then suddenly the drums accompanied the guitar and I was stunned for a moment. I love this upbeat kind of music. Ah, I’ve missed Vine. Upbeat music is one of the reasons why I stan them.

I’m not sure if the concert is over or not. I sighed. It’s Lyndon’s fault! Hmmp!

But I froze suddenly when the people present at the venue went along. A few others stood up and danced. Some were jumping up and down while laughing. I was dumbfounded while seeing this scene. A concert would not have this kind of welcoming atmosphere.

Even Lyndon was nodding a little to the beat. I think it was just the two of us still sitting because everyone was already standing and dancing. I was still shy to go along because it’s not the kind of concerts I always went to, so I was a still hesitant. But I couldn’t deny that music creates good vibes and people’s genuine happiness.

After a while, the music stopped and Ate Rosan climbed the platform again. “Hi! You guys enjoyed the music!” she asked.

“Yes! It’s so much fun!” shouted a teenager. He was sitting in front of me.

Sister Rosan applauded. “Praise God!” Ate Rosan closed her eyes and looked around. “We have not been with your Kuya Orilo so I will be the first to speak in front of you.”

I heard the regret of some. There were a few others who complained in whispers but because I was close I could hear what they’re whisperimg about. I raised my eyebrows. Did they just come here to see Kuya Orilo that Ate Rosan was talking about? Oh.

Ate Rosan smiled and clapped again. Maybe to cheer on the music team. “Thanks for the praise jam, Rose.” She looked at us again. “Do you know why we are here?”

“To see Kuya Orilo!” shouted a woman from behind.

Sister Rosan laughed. “Okay, let’s video chat with him later. Is that okay with you?”

The women cheered. I laughed. It’s a fan, isn’t she? I glanced at Lyndon but he was just looking straight ahead at Ate Rosan. He looked deep in thought. Hah, it’s a good thing he stopped scolding me. I just let him.

“Which of you are fans of music artists? Of actors and actresses? Of book authors? Of graphic artists? Of politics? Of poets and poetesses? Of rich persons? Or of a handsome and beautiful private person that you met one time?”

Almost everyone here raised their hands. I’m also a fan but it’s embarrassing to raise my hand because I’m not an original guest here.

“Ah. There are too many of us, right?” said Ate Rosan.

Sister Rosan laughed. “I became a fan. Hmm… Of the most famous band in the world. I almost used up my allowance just to buy the latest albums and merchandise.” Sister Rosan shook her head. “It’s not just a band. I’m a reader and a fan of book authors. I also had about five hundred books on my bookshelf.”

“Come on, sister! Let me borrow some!” suddenly shouted the woman in front.

Ate Rosan laughed as well as other people. I remained silent and motionless.

“Oh, sorry. They’re gone, buried in the ground.”

I heard some express their regrets. Buried in the ground? She burned those mechandise? Ah, what a shame we’re having the same dilemma. Well, I wish she would just gave them away. There are many who like to collect merchs.

“I also spent about five hundred thousand for my idols, both band and book authors,” said Ate Rosan.

A girl in front complained. “Then you just burned it? Why? What a waste of money you spent.”

“Yes, what a waste of money, right?” Sister Rosan nodded. “I regretted the time I spent fangirling. I regretted the money I spent on things that had no use, I couldn’t even exchange for my needs.”

Everyone went silent. I swallowed at what she said. It hit me so hard because that’s what Mama always said to me.

“If I had saved that money to give to charity, maybe I wouldn’t regret it like this,” Ate Rosan said and chuckled.

No one made a side comment. I was struck by Ate Rosan’s words. I remembered what Mama told me that I should prioritize needs over wants. But having merch has become a trend. I can’t call myself a fan if I don’t have merch to show off to my fellow fangirls.

“I was a fangirl for a few years before I realized that idolatry is a sin. It’s one of the things that God hates, having an idol.” Ate Rosan looked around.

“I also experienced doubting His existence. With all the pain and bad things in the world, is there still a good God? But according to a saying, it’s hard to believe there’s no God. When you look up in the sky and gaze on the depths of the sea, when you listen to nature and walk in the forest, and even in your relationship there’s love. Do you still believe that this is all a coincidence?” Ate Rosan smiled gently. “Even if you’ve had a bad experience, there are still good things in your life that you’ll be grateful too.”

“From the very beginning, God has shown His extension in everything He has done. Even though we try to ignore the fact that God exists, every time we deny it, the same evidence is revealed that He is real and alive. Nothing you run away from Him.

But why do people try to erase the truth? Hmm… Because although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened (Romans 1:21).

Even though people know that God exists, they do not acknowledge God. We are too proud to admit that we are weak without God. We are too foolish to think that we can do things without the help of God. Too blinded by the glory we got in achieving those temporary things.

Because we know… We can’t take what we have now in our grave.”

I looked down and sighed.

“We are given free will to do what we want.” Ate Rosan raised her hand and pursed her lips. “Maybe we wonder why God only allows bad people. Maybe we are disappointed that the bad people are more successful than us. That’s why we ask if there is a God?

Brother, have you ever thought that if God were to punish sinners, we would all go to hell?”

“Sister Rosan…”

Sister Rosan just smiled. “That is because there is no degree of sin. Lying is equivalent to sexual immorality. Stealing is equivalent to murder. You cannot say that a man is more sinful than you because the truth is, when you broke a commandment of God, then is death waiting for you. There is no one more pious or more sinful because we only have two destinations — godly or sinful, the saved and the lost.

This is the reason why God sent His Son, Jesus, to take the punishment for our violation of God’s commandments, that is death. When Jesus died on the cross, He also opened heaven for those who believe in Him.”

Ate Rosan took a deep breath. “So you should think about whether you want to continue idolatry when you already know that it is a sin.”

After the small sermon, I approached Ate Rosan to say goodbye. But Lyndon suddenly grabbed my wrist to stop me from what I was planning. I frowned at him.

“What’s your problem, Lyndon?” I asked. “Is your accusation still not over?”

He sighed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have forced you to talk about the case.”

I laughed. “You just realized now? Well, thank you huh?”

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