Forbidden Fantasies (Erotica)


Emily and I shared a quick kiss on the lips before she ushered me to the dining table and served up some all-star breakfast. Both Emily and Amanda were fantastic cooks, and I would have to watch my weight if these two kept feeding me. Although with the extra strenuous activities I was sure to be having with at least two of my siblings, I could keep any added weight off without too much issue.

Mel joined me as I started eating, followed by Emily, and we all had a nice breakfast as the twins started talking about university, which would be started up next week. Meaning I’d be starting my new job also.

I was excited to get out of the house and have something to do. Ever since I could remember, I’d had a job and a purpose for each day. Those days, it was more necessary since my mother didn’t make a lot of money and relied on me to chip in whatever I could. These days though, I had enough money in the bank to keep me going for a couple of years if I was careful with my spending. I still wanted to work, so I didn’t cut into the cushion I now had, and I’d get to see Emily and Mel each day.

Halfway through breakfast, I spotted Erica creeping across the backyard. She must have hung about in my flat for a while to make sure the coast was clear before coming down. She slipped in through the back door without a sound and crossed the kitchen on bare feet. Emily was seated facing me, so she didn’t see her older sister come in, but Mel did. My platinum-haired sister gave me a knowing smirk that shifted to a frown as she looked between her twin and myself. The look on her face told me exactly what she was thinking.

I’d have to tell Emily sooner rather than later.

Once I was finished eating, I helped Emily with the dishes while Mel cleaned up the dining table and kitchen counter. Emily was all smiles as we worked closely, and I spied Mel giving us a small smile-one that told me how happy she was to see her sister smiling-when she thought I wasn’t looking.

Just as we were finishing up, I heard the front door open and slam shut. The next minute, Amanda rolled into the room with the look of fire and brimstone on her usually pleasant face. My eldest sister stopped in her tracks when she saw the three of us in the kitchen, and a flurry of emotions-anger, lust, sorrow, pain, and longing-flitter through her beautiful blue orbs in a matter of seconds as they bore into me.

“Good morning, Manda,” Emily said cheerily. “We just finished breakfast, but I can whip something up for you.”

“It’s fine,” Amanda sighed. “I’m just going to have a nap.”

Amanda gave me another quick glance, then spun on her heel and strode away. Her footfalls on the stairs sounded heavy, almost like a child throwing a tantrum. The sight of Amanda in a bad mood was a completely new experience. I had seen her happy, sad, and even upset. But never mad.

“Maybe one of us should go talk to her,” Emily said after a few seconds. “I haven’t seen Manda like that in a long time.”

“I know,” Mel replied. “I was actually a little terrified for a minute there.”

“I’m guessing that’s out of the ordinary for her,” I asked, turning to the twins.

“Completely,” Mel nodded.

“Manda never goes out all night,” Emily added. “I was happy when she told me she was, but now I’m worried Craig and Amanda had a fight.”

“Do they fight often?” I asked.

“Not at all,” Mel said. “Craig is a dick, and I’ve told Amanda that, but she doesn’t rock the boat. It’s actually infuriating how little she stands up to him.”

Amanda was so beautiful she would make a solid 10 look like a barely scraping in 5 on their best day. Not only was she physically stunning-an angelic face and the body of a succubus, with just enough curves to accentuate her lean figure that could make a eunuch crack a stiffy. She was also an incredibly wonderful woman with a smile that brightened even the darkest nights. A woman like her should have her pick of any man and for that man to feel like the luckiest son-of-a-bitch in existence for being with her.

I had no idea why Amanda let Craig walk all over her.

“She is worried he will leave,” Emily chimed in as if reading my mind.

“She could do so much better, though,” I replied, sounding more than a little frustrated.

“She could,” Mel said, giving me a pointed look, one Emily failed to notice.

She was cute, but she really needed to pay attention to what was going on around her. I was sure a bomb could go off, and my adorable little sister wouldn’t notice. Especially when she was giving me a look currently directed my way.

“I’m guessing you’ve all told her the same thing?” I said, and the twins nodded. “Well… maybe I can go talk to her. I know I’m new around here, but a fresh perspective might help.”

“Good idea,” Mel nodded. “Come on, Em, let’s go watch some T. V.”

“Okie,” Emily smiled. “We’ll be down here if you need anything.”

The twins and I parted ways with a quick hug and kiss from each of them. Emily was paying attention this time when Mel kissed me, but she only smiled before looping arms with her platinum-haired twin as they strode away to the living room.

Mel once again busted me-with a cheeky smile and a wink-checking out their flawless behinds as they walked away.

I took a deep breath and steeled myself for the up-and-coming confrontation. I shouldn’t be so nervous to talk to Amanda about this, but I was. Ever since that kiss-and the follow-up conversations and looks we shared-things had been a little tense between us. I needed to enter this as her brother, not a guy who was jealous of her undeserving boyfriend.

I needed to do what was best for Amanda.

That’s what mattered most of all.

I stood in the hallway outside Amanda’s room for what felt like fifteen minutes but couldn’t have been more than a minute or two. I was feeling incredibly nervous and anxious about knocking on her door. Not only was I potentially waking her up-I was smart enough to know not to wake a woman when she was napping-but I really didn’t really know how Amanda would react to me butting into her relationship with Craig.

I took another deep breath to steady my nerves, then raised my fist to knock; that’s when I heard it for the first time.

Now I heard it; I couldn’t understand how I had missed it to begin with. I was probably too distracted by my own anxiety to notice, but it sounded like Amanda was sobbing softly.

My heart jumped at the thought of her in there, all alone, crying into her pillow. It was faint, but there wasn’t anything else it could be, and it was definitely coming from her bedroom. Erica was most likely in her room, but it was further up the hallway. Each of the twins had their own rooms too, but they’d stayed downstairs.

It had to be Amanda.

A new wave of determination washed over me, and I raised my fist to rap on Amanda’s bedroom door. If Craig’s behaviour had caused my sister to cry, I’d step in, and nothing would stop me.

“Who is it?” I heard Amanda call out.

“It’s Nick,” I replied. “Are you alright?”

I heard a rustling from inside the room, and the sound of something being knocked over, and Amanda cursing quietly. Then the door swung inwards, and I was confronted with the eldest of my half-siblings.

Once again, Amanda’s natural beauty struck me stupid for a few seconds.

“Hey,” she said, looking a little flushed. “What’s up?”

“Just checking in. You seemed upset downstairs, and I wanted to make sure you were okay,” I replied.

A small smile crept along Amanda’s lips as she glanced down to her feet. Then it broadened when her eyes met mine again. “I’m fine, just tired.”

“Okay,” I nodded, not wanting to push the subject. “I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.”

“Thanks,” Amanda said. “I really need that nap, though.”

“Too easy. I won’t let the others bother you,” I grinned.

“I’m sure you have ways to keep the others occupied,” Amanda smirked.

“And that doesn’t bother you anymore?” I raised an eyebrow questioningly.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I care about this family more than anything else,” Amanda replied seriously. “Plus, they’re all adults and are capable of making their own choices. Just try not to break any hearts and make your choice sooner rather than later.”

I hadn’t really thought about making any choices so far. All three of the siblings I had fooled around with had made it abundantly clear that they didn’t mind sharing. Mel even seemed interested in joining in. But Amanda couldn’t know that. All she knew was that feelings, attractions, and desires were flying around this house like a freshly popped balloon.

But she couldn’t know what had already happened or the words spoken between our younger siblings and me.

I wondered if Amanda would change her mind if she knew.

I trudged down the stairs feeling a little better about the whole situation. Amanda didn’t seem angry, mad, or upset, which made me think that maybe Craig hadn’t done anything after all. Then I felt like shit for wishing he had because perhaps I could have Amanda for myself if he did.

“Sneaking away from Amanda’s room so soon after we hooked up?”

I turned to look back up the stairs as I reached the bottom to see Erica begin her descent. She wore her customary robe that hugged her body like a greedy lover. Erica hadn’t tied the belt very well, and I could see plenty of exposed skin down her chest, stomach, and even between her legs with each step she took.

No doubt she had done that when she heard me in the hall.

“Nothing like that,” I chuckled. “Just checking up on her. I thought maybe she and Craig had a fight because she was in a bad mood when she came home.”

“I’d be in a bad mood if I had to spend the night with him,” Erica smirked. “Especially when there’s such an amazing man at home with an even more amazing cock.”

Erica reached out to brush her hand against my quickly growing erection. A grin spread along her beautiful face as she fondled my cock and felt it grow hard for her.

“I highly doubt that’s why,” I laughed softly.

“Well, maybe we can head back up to my room, and she can listen in, hear what she’s missing out on,” Erica whispered, stepping in closer to me.

I drank in the sight that was Erica. The lingering touch, scent, and warmth of her body were still fresh on my mind. The taste of her lips and tongue and the exotic feeling of making love to her felt like something from the most wondrous dream any man could conjure up.

I was extremely tempted to take her up on the offer. But… I had to think of the others. Amanda was in the next room and likely wouldn’t appreciate the ruckus, and I had promised to spend some time with Emily after breakfast.

“Rain check,” I said, ascending the steps to meet Erica halfway.

“I can’t wait,” Erica said in a low, breathy tone.

“You and me both,” I smiled.

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