Forbidden Heat R18

Chapter 192 Spying

The door clicked close behind me signally the formal end to my job interview. I heaved a loud sigh as I maintained a straight back and walked away from the President’s office towards the elevator where her secretary was waiting to take me back down to the lobby.

“Thank you so much for your time today,” I thanked the secretary politely.

“No worries. I hope the interview went well,” the secretary, a woman who was probably in her forties, replied with a gentle smile.

“I hope so too. Thank you!” I replied politely.

The interview lasted longer than I had anticipated, I hope Edward isn’t bored of waiting. I picked up my mobile and dialed his number. I couldn’t wait to tell him all about the interview.

“Edward?” I spoke into the phone.

“The number you’ve dialed is currently out of service area…” a machine voice answered me instead of Edward.

Why isn’t Edward picking up? Is his phone out of battery?

Maybe I should look around here for him. This building was huge but I’m sure he’s hanging around here somewhere just waiting for me.

I hurriedly walked around the lobby of the building looking for Edward. I couldn’t find him anywhere in the lobby or at the cafes and small shops located on the same floor. With a sigh, I headed towards the building exit. Perhaps Edward was waiting outside.

There were many cars parked out in front of the building but as far as my eyes could see, I didn’t see Edward or his car. Great. These heels are beautiful but walking around too much in them was starting to become a nuisance.

I guess I’ll go around the building in my one last attempt to find him. If I don’t, I’ll just wait for him at one of the sofas in the lobby waiting area.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

With my heels clicking against the pavement, I began circling around the side of the building. When I was about to round the bend towards the back of the building, I spotted Edward.

“Ed…ward…” his name died on my lips when I realized that Edward was not alone.

Shocked at what I just saw and feeling very panicked, I slid back to hide. He didn’t see or hear me just now, did he? I pressed my back flat against the building wall and tried to make myself as small as possible.

Slowly, I peered from my hiding place at Edward to confirm the sight that I just saw. Edward was deeply engaged in conversation with an elegant woman with auburn long wavy hair dressed in an alluring red dress. It’s the middle of the day for crying out loud, why is she even dressed like that?!

Worst, what didn’t make more sense was the fact that I had to hide here like some criminal! Why am I hiding? I didn’t do anything wrong…

I felt my heart beat fast and loud in my chest and I started feeling very uncomfortable. I held a hand to my chest as I tried to calm down my labored breathing. My palms are starting to sweat. I clutched the file I was holding tightly in my arms as I leaned my back closer to the wall as if I could change my body color and camouflage to blend in with the wall.

Hang on, Natalia. It’s broad daylight in the business district, Edward is obviously meeting a business partner and that is just…that. You’re clearly over thinking things and drawing unreasonable conclusions. I spoke to myself repeatedly in my mind as I tried to calm myself down. I had to be right, after all, they were just talking in the middle of the parking lot behind the building.

I sighed loudly with my mind made up. If there’s nothing going on, then it should be completely fine for me to approach Edward. He’ll just introduce me as his niece to his business partner, acquittance or friend…or whatever…

I took in a deep breath and slowly peered back at the spot in the parking lot that Edward had been standing. I blinked rapidly at the even more shocking sight that welcomed me, Edward was kissing the woman passionately as they made out in broad daylight. Wait, or was she the one kissing him?

I jumped right back to where I was hiding, with my back pressed hard against the cold wall. Does it even matter who was kissing who at this point? I heard the sound of my heart beat as it thumped against my chest, I placed a hand over my mouth to keep myself from crying out in shock. What is happening to me?

I turned and ran as fast as I could in the damned high heels that I had on. I didn’t realize that I had been crying until I saw many people stare my way as they gave me weird looks. I touched my eyes and cheek and felt the wetness of my tears on my fingertips. I wiped them away before quickly heading into the building and to the nearest restroom.

It was after I had washed away my tears and touched up my make up that I realized who that woman with Edward probably was. Her name, if I wasn’t wrong, is Irina and she is one of the models who was super famous nowadays after being featured in a variety of series and advertisement campaigns. The color of her red auburn hair was quite unique.

I sighed loudly as I reapplied my lipstick. There had been rumors in the tabloids of Irina secretly dating a socialite. Guess I found out who the man in question was today. Good job, Natalia.

Who Edward is dating or seeing is none of my business. It doesn’t matter how many times I see gossips of him and his affairs in the tabloids, it is none of my business. I repeated this to myself over and over like a mantra until I seated myself down on one of the sofas in the building’s lobby as I waited for Edward to either call me or find me.

To distract myself and my gloomy thoughts, I flicked through various shopping websites on my phone as I waited for Edward. At this point, I honestly wouldn’t mind if he didn’t turn up at all. It would be better if he didn’t turn up…unfortunately, I knew that sooner or later he would. So, until then, retail therapy it is.

–To be continued…

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