Forbidden Heat R18

Chapter 215 Waking Up from a Nightmare

“Ed…ward…” I whispered his name in shock.

Edward sighed as he strode towards us until he was standing firmly at my side.

“Are you ok? Stupid question, I guessed you’re not…” Edward said as he wrapped an arm around my waist to provide me support.

I wanted to ask how he got here. What else he knew? Was Reiner telling the truth?

However, I didn’t have the strength in me to speak anymore. I just looked blankly between Reiner and Edward as my mind struggled to phantom what was going on. I felt my body slowly going numb and then my whole face…and then…

“Natalia!” I heard someone call my name, but I couldn’t see, and I couldn’t respond.

**Beep Beep Beep**

The constant beeping sound of some machine that I was unfamiliar with was the first thing I sensed when I came to. The bright light in that white room was blinding when I slowly opened my eyes. The room was big, way too big for one person and a medical bed.

The smell of disinfectant filled my nostrils confirming that I had just woken up in a hospital. Glancing to the side of my bed I saw that I was hooked up to a machine and IV bag where transparent liquid dripped slowly into the tube that was connected to the vein in my arm.

I felt tired and stressed but apart from that I didn’t feel too bad. I wonder how long I was out for. The clock read sometime midafternoon.

“Natalia…you’re awake,”

I turned to see a tired-looking Edward come in through the door with a relief look on his face. His suit was wrinkled and didn’t match his usually impeccably perfect image. I wonder how long he’s been with me in this hospital.

“Hi, Edward,” I greeted him plainly because I didn’t know what else to say. I smiled a little at him instead.

“Sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up. I went out to get some clothes and some other stuff for you…” Edward explained as he piled a few bags onto the already crowded sofa.

“It’s ok. I just woke up…” I said as I continued to look around the room.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“How are you feeling?” he asked as he came to stand next to my bed.

“Not too bad…” I replied honestly.

“Oh…I should call for the doctor to check up on you,” Edward said as he reached over to press the button near the bed.

Soon after the button was pressed, a young nurse with hazel brown hair popped into the room with a cheerful smile on her lips.

“I see that you’re up…let me see,” the young nurse said before coming to the side of the bed and started going about checking up on me and the machine that I was hooked up to.

Edward and I watched her go about her task wordlessly. I admired how proficient she seemed at her job.

“Excuse me, Sir. Could we have a minute?” the young nurse said to Edward as she gestured for him to follow her.

“Sure…” Edward replied.

I watched their backs as they left the room. It was clear that they were going to discuss my condition and I hated that they didn’t do it in front of me.

After being led outside by the nurse, Edward was led to the doctor’s room where the conversation would take place. After a soft knock on the door, the doctor called out for them to enter.

“Hi, Edward. It’s been a while…” a middle-aged woman with graying hair greeted Edward warmly.

“Yes, it has, Doctor Elena,” Edward said pleasantly as he sat down on the chair on the opposite side of the doctor’s table.

“Well…let me get to it. Lucien is not here but I guess you can act as her guardian, right?” Doctor Elena asked to make sure.

“Yes. Please go ahead…” Edward said with a smile.

“There isn’t much to be concerned about her condition in general. She fainted due to stress and accumulated fatigue. She was asleep for three days to allow her body to recover both mentally and physically. We will have to do a few more tests but I believe that there would be no permanent damage to her body,” Doctor Elena informed.

“That’s a relief to hear. Thank you,” Edward replied, relief clear in his voice.

“Oh…but…there is one thing…” Doctor Elena went on.

“What is it?” Edward asked with worry.

“It’s still in the early stages but…Miss Natalia is pregnant,” Doctor Elena stated with a tight smile.

“…Excuse me?” Edward said in disbelief.

“You heard right, Edward. Miss Natalia is with child,” Doctor Elena repeated, more clearly this time.

For a moment Edward look conflicted as he seemed deep in thought. Doctor Elena watched her friend take in the news.

“Do you think…she knows?” Edward asked after a long moment of silence.

“That she’s pregnant? Maybe…maybe not. I’m not sure. As I said, it’s still in the early stages,” Doctor Elena answered honestly.

Doctor Elena went on to express how fortunate it was that the recent incident didn’t have any negative impact on the baby and that the baby was still safe. After that the doctor outlined the summary of future tests that she planned to run for Natalia’s check-up.

However, all that information was lost to Edward as his mind blocked out all the doctor’s words. His attention focused solely on one key piece of information: Natalia is pregnant.

I lay in bed as I watched the young nurse in her pure white uniform tinker around with the machine next to my bed. She tried to make small talk to which I responded with vague answers and a polite smile. To be honest, I appreciated her efforts, but my thoughts were elsewhere.

“How long was I out?” I asked the top question in my mind.

“You’ve been sleeping for around three days…but there’s nothing for you to worry about. You will be as good as new in no time,” the nurse replied with a gentle smile.

“I…see…” I said vaguely. I knew I was asleep for a long time, but three days was way over my own estimation.

I wonder…where Reiner is right now. Did he ever come back?

If I asked Edward, would he know? Would he tell me?

–To be continued…

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