Forbidden Heat R18

Chapter 249 Learning to Trust

I couldn’t believe that I used to enjoy these public events somewhat when I was a little younger. Back then public attention just seemed to add to my popularity, and I had just decided to enjoy it as it came. I never imagined that there would come a day when I would just flat out hate these events and the public attention that came along with it.

Perhaps it was because I just grew up or perhaps it was because I now had other important things in life to care about rather than my own personal public appearance and fame. It was probably both. Now I began to understand Lucien, Edward, and Zak a little better. This became nothing more than a responsibility related to their job to them.

I felt the warmth of Edward’s hand on the small of my back and I smiled my most dazzling smile at the camera. Natalia Rosenhall is back. Edward is here, so everything is going to be ok.

“It’s good to be back on the scene. Hopefully everyone hasn’t missed me all too much. It’s good to be here and with Edward as well,” I replied, seemingly effortlessly.

“It’s very rare to see you two together at events like this. How has life changed for you after your marriage…and having a kid?” a woman reporter asked.

I could see that she was from one of the most popular tabloid magazines and her question suited her profession very well.

“Everything in my life has changed for the better. Edward is an amazing husband. Our son has completed our family. We are very happy right now,” I replied with a happy smile. It was for the camera, but it was also true.

“Sorry to ask this but…there are rumors, you know your son doesn’t resemble…” another reporter asked, awkwardly before trailing off with a ‘you know’ expression.

I felt Edward stiffen a little beside me, but I bet no one realized how angry he was right now. It wasn’t like we haven’t heard this before, but I had to say that this was the first time that someone has asked this question to my face.

“Really? I didn’t know people think that. I beg to differ though; I think my son has my eyes and he definitely has Edward’s character and charm. Rumors are just that…rumors…” I answered casually, trying to keep the mood light.

Whether our son resembles us or someone else is clearly none of their business. It took a lot of self-control and practice for me not to roll my eyes at the reporters. Instead, I plastered on a photo-perfect smile on my face. I knew it was perfect, trust me, I practiced in front of the mirror the night before and had all my smiles lined up and ready to go.

“Photos of Edward on a date with a young woman have appeared online. What do you make of that, Natalia?” another reporter asked.

These reporters are not here to cover any product launches. They’re just here to pick my relationship with Edward and our marriage apart. Then if we get into an argument or get a divorce, they will have more stories to write about.

“Well, the man is here so I don’t know why you’re asking me,” I said with a laugh as I redirected that question to Edward.

“The photos are real but us being on a date is your own personal assumption. With my work, I’m with people, women and men, all the time. Next time try taking snaps when I’m alone with some of my male colleagues…you never know, we could be on a date” Edward replied with an amused laugh.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

One of the valuable lessons that Edward has taught me in our marriage is that trust between us was very important and that things are not always what they seem. I’ve seen images of Edward with other women so many times now that I’ve lost count and my sense of jealousy has died out completely as well. The images of Edward sitting at a coffee shop with a young woman was nothing compared to the others that I’ve seen, most shown to me by Edward himself.

The highlight was probably one of Edward with a supermodel in his arms. It looked like he was hugging her and perhaps even kissing the side of her neck, the photo looked very intimate. That obviously caused a huge argument between Edward and I after it was published online and also in physical magazines.

To solve the issue, Edward purchased the entire collection of photos to show me. That was when I learnt that over a hundred photos were taken that showed the whole story of the model tripping over her overly-high heels and Edward saving her by using his arms and body to break her fall.

There were more photos of him lending her support to take her to the nearest seat because she had twisted her ankle. Other photos taken at the same moment as the photo published but from a different angle showed the model breaking her fall with her own arms as well and Edward’s lips were nowhere near her neck.

Yes, one photo or a few out of a hundred or a thousand, could be taken out of context. You could say that I was too trusting of Edward, but I had decided that digging into the truth behind all paparazzi snaps wasn’t the right way for me to dedicate my time and effort.

More questions of similar nature were thrown our way but we managed to answer them together until it was about the right time for us to excuse ourselves and enter the main part of the venue.

“You did well, wife,” Edward teased when we were finally inside.

“You too, hubby,” I replied as I rolled my eyes at him.

I no longer needed to suppress my urge to roll my eyes and it felt amazing to be able to act a little natural. The event was busy and filled with people that Edward knew well. I knew some of them as well and had fun greeting and talking to them after being out of contact for a while.

–To be continued…

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