Forbidden Love: My Daddy's Best Friend

Forbidden 244

Forbidden 244

Chapter 244

I want to hurt D for telling her, but I won’t. Mainly because she is clung to him and asleep.


guess you’re staying?” I look at him and he nods.

“Yes, just don’t kill the ones I said. I want them alive.” His words are cold and I nod.

“Dean and Richard will stay alive. Along with the men who were in that room. We go to the business D, that room is bigger. Mary tried escaping with their slaves, but they couldn’t get out, so when we get back, Dean will be releasing every single one of those women. He signs them all over.” I look at him, making him aware.

“He has ten women, then what?” Marcello looks at me.

“I don’t know, I will find them work or something.” I didn’t get that far.

“Look, when it comes to you meeting the women, offer them jobs here. Emmi opened a new spa and Salon. So if anyone is happy to, then let me know and we will sort them out somewhere to live and a job.” Dante offers and I nod.

“Thank you, Dante. We should go.” We leave, D stays behind with

Chapter 2:44

Daisy, Emmi stays with about twenty guards. I don’t blame Dante.

Even the children have five guards close by them when they are in the fortress of their home.

“Okay, so the plan is we go in each building together. People will see us working together and taking them out. Those who aren’t important die quick, anyone else we take with us.” Dante speaks and we nod in agreement.

“Those going back to ours will be on the plane ready for when we leave. Our guards will ensure they can’t move.” Flying home with them isn’t a good idea, but it’s the quickest way.

We stop outside the building and we move through, I watch as people begin running and we round up the ones we need.

I walk through them pointing and either saying ‘Dead‘ ‘Ours‘ or ‘Yours‘ the ones I say dead to are killed, the rest are removed and taken out to cars. We have found the men in the room with Daisy, but Dean and Richard are last. We wanted them and Natan to hear about us taking down all the men and slowly closing in on them.

By the time we each the final building. The men protecting them put their hands up and defeat. I laugh as we clear them out and walk to the room. Kicking down the door we move quick, Gunner throws daggers. are them, and I watch them fall. Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

They aren’t going to die. We just needed to make sure they can’t start shooting. Grabbing them we drag them out. I look at Nathan and stop in front of him. He spits at me calling me scum and I nod.



Chapter 244

Chapter 244

I want to hurt D for telling her, but I won’t. Mainly because she is clung to him and asleep.

“I guess you’re staying?” I look at him and he nods.

“Yes, just don’t kill the ones I said. I want them alive.” His words are cold and I nod.

“Dean and Richard will stay alive. Along with the men who were in that room. We go to the business D, that room is bigger. Mary tried escaping with their slaves, but they couldn’t get out, so when we get. back, Dean will be releasing every single one of those women. He signs them all over.” I look at him, making him aware.

“He has ten women, then what?” Marcello looks at me.

“I don’t know, I will find them work or something.” I didn’t get that far.

“Look, when it comes to you meeting the women, offer them jobs here. Emmi opened a new spa and Salon. So if anyone is happy to, then let me know and we will sort them out somewhere to live and a job.”

Dante offers and I nod.

“Thank you, Dante. We should go.” We leave, D stays behind with

Chapter 244

“You call me scum, but I wouldn’t use my own family to get what I want, I wouldn’t hurt my family. Unlike yours. You believe it was Demitri who killed Evalyn, you’re wrong. Your own sister–in–law and husband did that.” I turn the phone and his eyes widen.

“Now, answer me something, why did they feel the need to kill Evalyn so they could be free of her and sell Daisy to get cash?” I look at him. and wait. “Your family had money, so why were they struggling so much?”

There has to be a reason.

“I found out Evalyn was having an affair with him. I cut them off after that, I refused to help them when she fucked him.”

I laugh slightly..

“Have fun with him Gunner, I just needed to know why her family struggled and had to go to killing their own and selling their daughter. Now I know.” I turn and walk out, Evalyn saved Daisy, I wonder if she knows that it was her parents who killed her?

“I let D know to meet you guys at the plane. Get back, we could all do with some rest and you guys have a lot to talk about. Tell Daisy to feel free to speak to Emmi anytime she needs.” Dante waves to us and we get in a car and drive to the plane.

“So the plan?” I turn and look at Marc. “He fucking told her, after we


said to wait. He was meant to wait until we got home, Cal.”

“I know, but we can’t kick off. Let’s just get on the plane, see how Daisy is feeling then we talk to her when we get home. The guys can stay tied up at the business until we figure shit out.” I rest my head back. I could fall asleep, but I can’t. Getting to the plane we wait, not long after the car stops and D walks towards us carrying Daisy.

“She sleep asleep?” I watch as he nods.

“She woke up for maybe five minutes, but then gave up and went back to sleep.” He holds her against him and we sit on the plane. My eyes stay on them, and I can’t help but wonder how much

she will hate us. We caused it all, our enemies, ones we didn’t even know we had. The Copolla family never bothered with us before.

Getting back I look at D. “Put her in her bed, and come through, we need to talk.” I walk through to the office with Marc following me, a few minutes later D walks through.

“Look, she was in tears, she could see everyone was looking at her weirdly. I told her we agreed to speak to her together she refused to listen. She got so worked up that she was convinced you had decided you didn’t want her that morning you have her the contract and her freedom. She was preparing herself to walk and there was no way I was going to sit and let her think you hated her.”

His rant ends and he quietens.

Chapter 244


“D, forget it. She knows now that’s all that matter. We need to figure out guards. Over twenty died, Troy died. So who replaces him?” I don’t know who should, or if any of them can replace them.

“Grant, he was the next closest and best fit. The only reason Troy was if you remember Cal was because Grant had been stabbed and was in hospital If he wasn’t we would have had him.”

“Okay, so Grant.” I turn and look at D. “Did she say anything to you, about what happened, been pregnant, anything?” I need to know.

“She told me she pissed them off because she refused to act hurt I think, I told heer to wait until we’re all together and tell us. As for the pregnancy she said she doesn’t know how to feel. She never knew she was pregnant, didn’t want to be and wasn’t trying. It isn’t like she found out and then it happened.”

“We still watch her closely. After what she tried doing before, the fact she saw Troy dying and couldn’t help, knowing her mum is dead, the baby, everything, we watch her closely. Tomorrow we go to the business and sort out those there. Then we take a week to help her heal, plan the funerals for the guards and pay money to their families.”

I don’t want her feeling alone, or like she can’t talk to us.

“You really think she would do something as crazy as that again?” D looks at me.

“D, it’s happened once, so who knows. How are you feeling now?” He

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Chapter 244

told her alone and I know that can’t have been easy, plus the fact he was the one with her all day.

“I’m fine, I calmed down so don’t worry I won’t be going all crazy.” He laughs at his own statement.

“D.” I rub my temples. “I didn’t mean that, I meant telling her. Staying with her, cleaning her, after what you said and how you acted when we got her, I want to make sure you’re okay.”

“I didn’t mean it in that way, I meant it in the way that they were repulsive. She would have known, she thanked me for not looking at her different or finding her repulsive. She was worried when I washed her but I told her it made no difference to me.

“So you’re fine?” I don’t want him going crazy, he does that a lot.

“I’m fine, so we get Grant to set up the guards right?” He looks at me and I shake my head.

“No, we set up the guards, Grant needs time he was close to Troy, he knows Troy’s family, so he needs time.” I hear the door and turn seeing Daisy stood there. We need to talk to her, she smiles at

us and walks to D and cuddles him. It’s strange that she goes to D for comfort, but then again, I pushed her away so much, and hurt her.

Maybe it’s because D is crazy, craves blood and little disturbs him? I don’t blame her, especially not coming to me after how bad I treated


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