Forbidden Love: My Daddy's Best Friend

Forbidden 39

Forbidden 39


I wake up hurting, my head feels wet. I reach up and find my hands chained to the floor. Moving, I can feel the collar around my neck. My body is numb, how long was I passed out for? Groaning I try moving, and when I open my eyes I’m back in the same room from the start. I’m naked, why am I naked?

The collar is tighter than last time, so the spikes are constantly digging into my neck. I shouldn’t have fought, why did I not tell Jasper? I feel the panic rise within me. He wasn’t dead, if I knew he wasn’t I wouldn‘ t have been so damn shocked to see him.

“Now you’re awake, let’s talk.” I look up and see Joel standing by the door.

“How long was out?”

“Nearly forty–eight hours. Long enough for me to pack shit, we’re moving.” Wait no.

“Don’t! I’m sorry.”

“No, you’re not! The fact is now they know you’re here so me telling them you left will no longer fucking work! He will know now you were willing to fucking talk to him!” He screams and throws something.

at me.

My body trying to hide away. “I told you to behave, how can I protect you if you don’t fucking listen?” Moving he stabs me in the leg, and I scream crying.



“Please!” We can’t move. “I will do anything to prove I love you and won’t leave, please!”

“Anything?” He looks at me amused and I nod. “Here.” He holds out old phone, I take it and look at him. “Invite Daddy and Jasper to your wedding.”


“What?” I sit shocked.

“We’re getting married. Now invite them, we get married and we don’t move. Oh, and little mouse, there will only be your dad and Jasper there, but many of my friends, so if you try anything, well, you can’t be saved, or that baby you love so much.”

I can’t marry him. I can’t stand there and act like I love him and hurt. Jasper.

“Didn’t think so, an hour and we move.”

“Wait! I will do it.” Jasper is alive, I can’t have him move me, but maybe I can get the baby to Jasper? So I will marry Joel, just so he doesn’t move us.

“Give me five minutes.” He takes my phone and walks out, not long after he walks back through and holds out my phone again.

“It’s 10, invite your daddy and Jasper, and make them aware it’s a small private wedding. No one else is welcome. The wedding is at four.”

Wait today? I feel myself panic and type out the message, hitting send he takes the phone away from me.

“Good little mouse. I will send them the venue address.” He does something with the phone and then sits waiting, ten minutes later he smiles. “Looks like they will see us there.” I nod, wondering how this


will work. He hasn’t planned fuck all.

He walks out and comes back in. “Your dress, I had this plan a few weeks ago when they kept calling by.” Wait, the knocking was my dad and Jasper? “I guess I should stitch your leg.” He moves to me, and I bite against my lip to stop the screams as the needle keeps piercing my skin. Yet another scar to add to the memories.

He stays with me, helping me get ready and covering every bruise and mark. He reminds me to smile, and make it look real while reminding me that my dad and Jasper are outnumbered. Everyone there knows the truth.

I stand inside the small room waiting, my body shaking as I consider if I can really do this. We’re in a public place, surely if I get my dad or Jasper to grab me nothing will happen?

“Little mouse, little mouse.” I fight back the sick that threatens to escape as I hear him. “It’s time.” He wraps his arm around mine. “Did you notice? Jasper’s little friend was wearing an engagement ring.” I nod my head slowly.

He moved on, and I can’t blame him for that. It’s been months. He guides me out and down the small aisle, I look at the back of Jasper’s head and feel my heart breaking.

How can I save his baby? If Joel moves us no one knows where we are. Yet marrying him…I fight back the tears. As I walk past Jasper and my dad I feel a hand grasp me. It stops me from walking and Joel’s grip tightens his nails digging in. Turning I look at my dad, his hand on my


“We need to talk princess.” He looks at me waiting.

“After.” If I do this then it means Joel won’t fucking run with me. His



hand drops and Joel practically drags me forward. Stopping the man speaks and Joel leans forward, his hand slipping something into mine.

“Your vows little mouse, say them nice and loud.” Shit, I look at him. and he grins. Looking down I read the card.

“I promise to only have you, to be yours from now until death and even after. I promise that I will give you my…” No, I can’t say that not in front of my dad. Joel grips my chin, to everyone it will look sweet but it’s not.

“Keep going. Or I drag you out and we leave and you won’t see them again. There are enough people to block you while I get you out.”

I nod feeling myself breaking. Where the hell are Jake and Oliver?

“I promise that I will give you my body to use in any way you wish and that I will be totally and one hundred…” No. I drop the card and he looks at me annoyed. “Cenny.” I pray Jasper hears, I fight back the tears and hear movement, my body pulled back. I look and see my dad. holding Joel back and Jasper holding me.

“What is going on?” My dad looks at Jasper confused, then at me. Joel glares at me.

“Give us a minute.” Jasper pulls me through to a room.

“What’s going on Harl? If you don’t want to marry him don’t do it!” His words are loud, and there’s a knock. He opens the door and someone hands him something, but I don’t hear the words.

“Apparently it’s for you.” Jasper holds out the phone and I take it, unlocking it I stand shocked. Ivy. That’s why I didn’t see Jake and Oliver, they are with her. I’m stuck. If I tell him everything, Ivy is gone. I look up at Jasper, I have to do this, I have to make sure they let Ivy go.



“I…” I close my mouth. “I just wanted to apologise.”

“Are you fucking joking!” He screams at me. “Why would you say that to fucking apologise? I thought you needed saving.” He turns and storms out, standing I cry. The door opens and Joel walks in.

“Ready?” He looks at me and I nod.

“You promise they will let her go once I marry you?”

“Little mouse, you say ‘I do‘ we leave and you can call your sister yourself to check they let her go.”

“Fine, but I am not saying those words.”

“We will tell him you finished your vows.” He pulls me out, and I stand quietly as the rest of the wedding is complete. Joel pulls me to him kissing me hard, and I know he’s doing it to hurt Jasper. I can’t do anything until I know Ivy is safe from Jake and Oliver.

Joel tells everyone we will be back in a few minutes, pulling me through to a private room before taking me out of the back exit. Getting home I look at him confused.

There is no way my dad won’t question where we went. He wanted to talk.

“I messaged your dad, I told him we had plans for after the wedding. but tomorrow we’re having a party. He hasn’t argued with it, so he won’t come knocking tonight.”

“What about Ivy?” I look at him and he laughs. “Joel you promised me! Let her go!”

“That was far easier than I had hoped.” He smiles and sits back in the



chair. “Harley, we’re still leaving. You’re married to me now, so, we’re not giving up that baby, no, because it’s your newest and greatest weakness. With us married, well, I guess I gained a child, I will register the baby in my name.”

“No!” What the hell? “Let Ivy go!”

He laughs. “You’re a fool, we never had Ivy, that picture was months ago when we were at your dad’s. Jake and Oliver were busy with work, oh and saving their energy for tonight.”

“You lied?” He never had her.

“Come on Harl, you have weaknesses. I realised one sure way to ensure you fucking behave is that in your stomach. So I’m keeping it and if you don’t behave, I kill it.” Screaming I fight against him, his hand. swings and he punishes me, my head hits the wall and everything goes black.

I’m a fool, it was a trap, I could have been saved and saved Jasper’s baby but I fell for his trap. I didn’t want this to be Ivy.

I wake in pain, and my head is bleeding.

“Wakey, wakey little mouse.” I feel someone kick me slightly, looking up Joel is standing there. “Sorry, wife. You’re my wife now and I will protect you.”

“Protect me? You failed at that every day, you couldn’t even protect me against fucking Jake!”

“What?” He stands looking at me confused and I laugh.

“Every day he uses me, and has been for over a month! And you had no idea.”



“Why wouldn’t you refuse? You know the rules.” His hand swings and hits me.

“I did, and he called making it sound like I was causing trouble. He made it known if I fought or argued he would lie and make sure I was tied up like a dog.” I fight against the restraints and he stands shocked.

“Let me go!” I begin to panic. I can’t let him take me.

“No, all bets are off little mouse. You have Jake and Oliver coming to have fun, then we’re leaving. I guess Jake using you for the past month is a good thing, as you lied.”

“I never fucking lied!” Screaming I kick him, he moves and stabs my leg and I scream.

“You acted like you wanted me, you fucking lied I saw your face when you looked at Jasper. If you want to be a whore, then so be it.” He turns. and walks out slamming the door. NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

I fight against the chains trying to get free, my eyes taking in my hand, it’s broken? Did he really break my fucking hand? I try and pull my hands out but can’t, screaming I continue to fight against the chains.

I need to get out, I feel the panic rise in me as I hear the knocking. Crying I frantically pull my hands, the pain from the broken one causing me to scream. I’m naked, I can’t let them touch me.

I hear something smash and turn to the door, are they fighting? I pull harder but it’s useless, the bolts are too far into the floor. I continue to hear the sound of them fighting and everything falling quiet. Moving I push myself against the wall to try to hide as the door flies open.

“Where are the keys Kiddo?” I look up and see Jasper, my head shaking. “Give me a minute.” He disappears out of the room and a few


seconds later I hear fighting again, the sound of them shouting coming through the door before it falls quiet again. I sit waiting and watch as Jasper runs in and unfastens me from the floor and wall.

“I can’t find the key for the others, you will have to keep them on until we get back to mine.” The keys he has unlock the chains from the floor and walls but don’t remove the collar or cuffs from me.

He grabs the sheet and wraps it around my body before lifting me. I wrap my body around him, and he carries me out to his bike. Sitting on it I keep my body around his. The air is cold and the sheet does nothing to protect me from the wind as the bike moves through the


I keep falling asleep against him, but jumping awake as the collar pushes into me more. He doesn’t speak, and I know he hates me and I can’t blame him for that. I don’t even know what happened, the last. time I saw him he was unconscious, and I was so sure he was dead. Then at the wedding, he seemed happy. That message Joel showed me from my mum was just confirmation he was.

The bike stops and he carries me in, he sits me on the sofa and I see the same woman as before standing in the kitchen. He moved on, that hurts to know, but I can’t blame him. I watch as he whispers in her ear and she smiles and leaves.

“Right kiddo, your dad is busy, let me see if I have anything that can get those off you.” He walks out of the room and I sit frozen, partly shock that I am out, but partly hurting that he keeps calling me kiddo.

It feels like we have gone back to before everything where he saw me as a child and I saw him as nothing more than my uncle. He walks back through and kneels before me, lifting my hands he uses something to open the lock, and the cuffs fall from my wrists. His eyes. look at my hand, and I can see he has questions.

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Moving he begins working on the collar, yet every time he tries, it pulls and causes me to scream.

“I need to get it off you. It’s going to hurt Harl, but it’s either I do it now and quick or we go really fucking slow and it can take hours.” He looks at me and I nod, bite against my cheek as he does it, and each. movement causes it to pull, and me to bite down harder. I hear it opent and watch his eyes widen as he removes it and throws it on the floor.

“Your dad has a doctor coming. I will clean your neck.” He walks off and comes back not long after and cleans my neck, his eyes on me the whole time. “Once your dad gets here and the doctor checks you, you’ re going to his place. The only reason you’re here is because your dad. was called away after the wedding and I was still local to where you were and I told your dad I would come to see you, he was going to come tomorrow. I came back into the shop after the call and you were gone. Then I get a message saying you’re getting married.” He looks at me confused.

“I thought you were dead.” He sits shocked by my words.

“What? No.”

“Joel showed me a message from Mum, it said you were dead and Dad was locked up.” It was all a lie. “Why are you talking to my dad?” I thought they had fallen out.

“Me and your dad are fine kiddo, he realised things after, and we sorted it out.”

“Stop calling me that!” I scream and look at him.

“What should I call you? What you did kind of puts you in the bracket of a fucking child.” I flinch at the loudness of his voice.



“You’re calling me kiddo like everything meant nothing.” That fucking


“Because right now it doesn’t and didn’t. I told you I fucking loved you, and you admitted to cheating on me and pushed me away. You made it clear it was nothing.” His words are cold, and my head


“So, you moved on.” I look at him and he laughs.

“Don’t do that Harl, you chose to end it, not fucking me. Get some sleep.” Turning he walks away, and I stay on the sofa, slowly feeling my eyes closing. When I wake he is standing in the kitchen looking over at me. I move and notice my hand is bandaged up.

“Where’s my dad?” I need to apologise.

“Not here, he was at another location, and needed to finish up things so won’t be back for a few more hours. Why?” His words are cold, and I shake my head. He moves and sits next to me, handing me a cup.

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