Forbidden Love

Chapter 4 - Family Dinner

Chapter 4 - Family Dinner

“Vera, Aisha, I thought you girls weren’t gonna come?” my mother, Fiona, asked, raising a brow.

“Oh, please, mom. Tell me why I would want to miss your wonderful cooking,” I joked.

She sighed, putting a hand on her hip. “You better go set up the table or else you will miss my

wonderful cooking.”

I nodded and began walking to the kitchen with Vera. She was honestly so quiet, I would be surprised if

my mom didn’t know something was up.

“Listen, sis, if you don’t want to be here, tell me. It’s obvious you aren’t okay. They’ll know something is

up and they’ll want you to tell them what it is, even if you aren’t ready. I understand this is hard for you,

which is why I’m telling you that—”

“No, you don’t! You keep saying ‘I understand how you’re feeling, blah, blah, blah’—when you don’t!

You don’t understand what I’m going through. You don’t understand how I feel right now. You don’t

even know what it feels like to be in love with someone because you’re too scared you’re gonna get

hurt! So, tell me, how can you understand how it feels knowing that him and I broke up and he might

find someone else? Do you even ‘understand’ how that feels?” she lashed out.

I stared at her in disbelief, my eyes wide. “Are you kidding me? You have got to be joking. For once in

your life, stop making everything about you! I know you’re going through a lot but that doesn’t mean

you can just lash out at other people! I have been in a relationship, and I’m so fucking sorry that I’m,

quite literally, scarred. Maybe that’s why you and Dan broke up. Do you even try to understand how he



“Of course not!” I cut her off. “Cause you’re a fucking selfish bitch!”

I was fuming with anger, and so was she. I was so sick and tired of her making it seem like she was the

only person going through stuff. It’s always about her and how she feels, and honestly? I don’t mind

most of the time. But even I have my limits.

If she’s going to yell at me for literally trying to help her, then fuck her. I don’t need to help a selfish

person who doesn’t deserve my help and support.

“Aisha, I’m so fucking sick and tired of you acting all high and mighty. You always act like you’re the

best child, with the best job, and blah, blah, blah, only because you’re a teacher at a private school.

When, in reality, you’re a cold-hearted bitch! I’ve always been going through so much shit and you’re

the only person who doesn’t even try to understand what I’m going through! Always too good for the

rest of us, huh? Fuck you and your sick ego,” she spat.

“Do you hear yourself? I was literally telling you that I fucking understand how you feel because I do!

And even if you believe I didn’t, at least I was trying to! And now you’re saying I didn’t even try to? I

was just trying to help—”

“What’s all this yelling?” my mom yelled, coming in between the two of us. “Why are you both arguing

like kids? Have you not grown up?” she asked, looking at the two of us.

I sighed. “Look, mama, I’m just gonna go,” I announced, getting ready to grab my things and leave.

“No, you will not. It’s a long drive back to your place and I want to spend time with my kids.” She set her

foot down.

“No, mama, Aisha should go,” Vera said, angering me more. Who did she think she was, saying if I

should go or not?

I gave her a heated glare and she backed down instantly.

“Enough of this bickering! We are trying to have a peaceful dinner tonight, as a family. You both should

be ashamed of yourselves! Leave this kitchen this instant and go talk your problems out. Don’t come to

the dining table until you’re done talking it out. And, as a reminder, none of you are going to leave this

house without my permission. Understood?” my mother, quite literally, barked.

“But, mom—” I tried to say but she cut me off.

“Leave. Now,” she said, pointing to the kitchen’s entrance.

Sighing, Vera and I unhappily walked out of the kitchen. Our other siblings gave us knowing looks

before they tried to make it seem like they were minding their own business. It was obvious they

weren’t though.

Admittedly, I knew the fight was stupid and I didn’t want it to get in the way of us being sisters.

Once we were out of earshot of our siblings, I talked.

“I’m sorry for lashing out at you like that. I was…not in the wrong completely but also not in the right,” I


“Don’t apologize…” Vera sighed out. “It was my fault completely. I shouldn’t have said those things or

yelled at you in the first place. I know you’re trying to understand what I’m going through… I was just

angry and took it out on you. I’m sorry,” she then apologized.

I gave her a small, sad smile. “Don’t stress over it. Besides, as people say, if you’re brave enough to

say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.”

Vera smiled back, hugging me. “Let’s go enjoy this family dinner, eh?”

. . .

“Oh my god, mom, remember the time you were looking for all of us at the movies for two hours

because you forgot that aunt Tina took us home? You were so worried!” Lin laughed out, causing the

rest of us to laugh along with her.

“Hush, child. Didn’t we agree to not speak of that day?”

“But, mama, it was so funny! But at the same time, it was so cute,” Lin responded.

“I will smack all you kids across the face,” my mom said with a smirk. We all laughed once again. That

day was probably the day I first realized my mom really did care about us a lot, and loved each and

every one of us.

“How are all of my kids doing, hm?” she then asked.

We all looked at each other as we replied “good” in sync, which made us all giddy and stuff.

“Everything’s the same, ma. But I started talking to this sexy bartender I met a few days ago,” Anna


“Yeah,” my other sister, Grace, said. “Apparently she was making the poor man blush. But everything is

the same as always.” She hadn’t come with us to the club but we had told her about how Anna flirted

with the guy.

“Agreed. I think we’re all just trying to get the hang of life since we don’t live with you anymore. I’m

actually surprised we didn’t all just come back here and live with you,” my brother, Leo, said.

My mother sighed. “A mother is always going to be worried for her kids.”

“We can clearly see that, mom,” Donny, my other sibling, said, chuckling.

“We can always come back and live here.”

“No, my plate is full. I also…have something to tell you kids.”

“Mom, we’re not kids anymore, Charlotte said, rolling her eyes. I smack her across the head since she

was sitting next to me. She glared at me though, which made mom chuckle.

“I’m just gonna get straight to the point: I adopted two more kids. They’re siblings who came from a

rough background. The adoption center was gonna separate them but I made sure I could get custody

of both of them. Their names are Diamond and Daniel, and they’re coming here today with your father.”

“Ooh, no wonder dad isn’t here yet,” Lin acknowledged. I was surprised to see how she was pretty

calm about the situation. Meanwhile, the rest of us were stunned as we tried to digest the information.

I don’t mind getting two new siblings; I’m just worried about my mother. She’s always adopting kids and

trying to give them better homes, which causes her to not take care of herself.

“Mom, are you sure about that?” Sara asked.

Yes, I’m very sure. They’re gonna be my kids. I love them already.”

“But, mom, don’t you think you already have enough of us? You have 10 kids, afterall,” Leo said.

“Yeah,” agreed David. “We’re worried about you.”

“No need to worry, my kids. I’m doing the Lord’s work. I’ve always wanted to adopt a lot of children, so

I’m just fulfilling my dreams. I love you all the same, so don’t worry about that. And I’m sure I can

handle just two more kiddos. After all, I’ve been doing this since I was 22. I’m 43 now, did you all


“Whatever makes you happy, mom. If you need any help or anything, we’re all just a phone call away,”

Jada told her.

“Thank you, my wonderful children.”

. . .

Nearly an hour later, after we finished eating dinner and began hanging out in the living room, Dad

arrived home.

“I’m home!” he called out from the front door.

We all greeted him, some of us walking to him and asking him how his day was. I think I was the first to

notice the two kids who were huddled together behind him.

I went towards them. “Hey! You must be Diamond and Daniel, right?” I asked, smiling.

They both nodded but didn’t look at me. In fact, they seemed to be avoiding looking at me.

Diamond was a girl. She had a small body, and wore clothes that seemed too big for her since she was NôvelDrama.Org © content.

so skinny. She also had straight brown hair that was short, and her eyes were brown. They looked

dead, to say the least.

Daniel stood next to her like how a protective older brother would. He looked nothing like his sister. He

had ginger hair, green eyes, and was tall. He also had much more meat on him than his sister. It was

clear he wasn’t very comfortable yet, but he was trying to be brave for his sister (at least I assume so).

“Well, I’m Aisha and I’m your new big sister,” I greeted them both, smiling still. “I’m excited to get to

know you both better!”

Just then, mom saw the two kids and rushed over to them. “My sweet babies, there you are!” she said,

hugged them both tightly. “I haven’t seen you both in two whole days! You must be hungry. Don’t worry,

I saved some food for you both so you can go eat it. You can also meet the rest of your siblings.”

“Did you save food for me, too?” my dad joked, causing Diamond to giggle.

I laughed a little at how the two kids looked more at ease with mom and dad around them. They just

had that effect on people. No one was ever uncomfortable around my parents. It was something I loved

about them.

I remember when I first got adopted just how shy and wary I was. I had been through a lot but I found

myself telling mom about the things that happened. She didn’t pressure me into talking nor did she tell

anyone my secrets. She was easy to talk to.

I made her promise not to tell anyone about what I told her, too, just in case. That’s why the others

don’t think I’ve gone through anything. I could tell them, but I didn’t want them to worry or anything

since I was mostly over it. Besides, I was already enough of a burden.

I noticed the laughter and joy that surrounded me, and at that moment, I realized just how blessed and

lucky I was to have been adopted into a good family the way I was adopted. Diamond and Daniel were

in good hands. I just knew it.

We spent much more time together as a full family, even with our new additions: Diamond and Daniel.

Turns out, Diamond and Daniel were twins who looked nothing like each other. And, surprisingly, they

were really close.

As our dad was telling us a funny story, the doorbell rang. I told everyone I would answer it since I

didn’t want them to stop spending time together.

Before I even opened the door, I had a feeling it was Dan: Vera’s now ex-boyfriend.

“Hey, Aisha. It’s, uh, good to see you. How’ve you been?” he asked.

“I’m okay,” I answered. “I haven’t seen you in a while, Dan.”

“Yeah, I know. I’ve just been really busy. Is Vera here? I really need to talk to her in-person.”

I thought about lying but decided that if Vera wanted to talk to him, she should. I wasn’t going to stand

in her way. “One sec,” I told him, closing the door softly in front of his face.

I went and quickly found Vera before I told her that Dan was here and he wanted to talk to her. A look

of worry came over her face but she went to the door anyway.

I began to worry myself. Maybe I should’ve said she wasn’t home? But…I trusted Dan. I knew he

wouldn’t do anything to hurt her on purpose. They’ve been on a rocky road together for a while before

Vera eventually broke up with him and he disappeared. But now he’s back. For the better, I hope.

The feeling of worry quickly disappeared when Vera came in the house with a huge smile on her face

and Dan behind her. She and Dan began talking to the rest of the family, and I couldn’t help but smile.

It looked like they resolved things somehow. She’d have to tell me how though.

“Vera, Aisha, come help me with the drinks in the kitchen,” called out Sara.

As soon as we were all in the kitchen, Sara turned around and faced Vera. “Spill. Now, please.”

With those three words, Vera began rambling about everything that just happened.

“Basically, he said something happened that made him realize how important I was to him and how he

didn’t want to lose me. He found a good therapist and a couple’s therapist, and wants to try that route

out since he really doesn’t want to lose me. So, we’re gonna try it out and see what happens,” she

quickly said, not pausing to take a breath.

“Oh. My. Goodness, Vera! That’s amazing!” Sara cried out, grinning. “That man really loves your ass,

for real real. He used to say he doesn’t believe in therapy but look at him now! And it’s all for the sake

of your relationship!”

Sara and I continued to gush about how cute Vera and Dan were together as the three of us got the

drinks ready. We also brought some apple juice for the people who didn’t want wine, along with the

twins since they were still young.

The evening ended on a nice note. I was glad to realize just how closer I felt to my family. It had been a

while since I felt this close to them.

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