Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

Aftermath Prt 1

“Where you at, buddy? I need to come see you.” YuZhi called ZhengLi once he dropped TangShi off at the house on his hands free as he drove back towards the center of Shanghai, making way to his friend’s apartment. Squinting at the windscreen as tiny drops of rain started to fall and added to the melancholy of his mood.

“I’m at Dream in Changning district with Linlin, What’s up?” ZhengLi was standing at the bar of a popular nightclub while getting his table a fresh round of drinks. It was quiet given it was a Wednesday night, so the volume was low. He was a seasoned party animal who often hit clubs on a weekday and still managed to work the next day. He turned to watch Linlin sashaying across the dancefloor with two girls in tow, giggling merrily and unaware of his watching them. Amused by his date for the night, her wildcat antics and dirty dancing she had been doing minutes ago that had held him standing there longer than required.

“I’ll head to your place then. I’m staying there tonight, and I’ll see you when you get home. Don’t rush on my account.” YuZhi lifted his hand to hang up, not wanting to impose when ZhengLi was with Linlin, but ZhengLi cut in smoothly. Recognizing the strain in his tone and the curt and cool manner.

“Wait for me. I’m not in the mood for this tonight, so I’ll head back. Have to keep the little woman on her toes and make her miss me. I’m getting too accessible and she’s undervaluing my worth.” He grinned, lounging casually with his hip against the bar, propping an elbow behind him and motioned her a little ‘come here’ gesture as he caught her eye.

Linlin stopped in her tracks, leaving her two friends to wander back to their table without her where a group of them were convening and made her way to ZhengLi with a sassy catwalk. Her face lighting up at being summoned and aware of pushing her bust and butt out to appear as sexy as she could be. They weren’t drunk at all yet and had only been here a short time, meeting up with a mix of his friends and hers in a so-called casual meet. Neither would admit it was a real date and were still playing the hot and cold game with one another in some strange power struggle that was exciting them both.

“If you’re busy…” YuZhi felt guilty about ruining his plans, but ZhengLi was having none of it. His friend sounded stressed and rarely made calls for help so he knew something was up. ZhengLi was maybe a heartbreaker when it came to women but was loyal and true when it came to his friends.

“Dude, I’ll be ten at the most. Buy some beers, you owe me a drunken stupor.” ZhengLi hung up before YuZhi could refuse, knowing he would, and turned to smile towards his tiny vixen, strutting her stuff up to him in stilettos and a zebra print, strapless mini dress that went well with her new fuchsia pink hair. She was a knockout in a small package and crazily addictive for him since the first time he laid eyes on her. Linlin was a bold girl when it came to style, and he liked that she was fearless in expressing herself through her hair, make up and fashion, and her bad temper.

“What? I was going to sit down and await my cocktail. You better not have gotten me over here to carry the tray?” she accused, tilting her chin towards the drink order the bartender was sliding behind him and narrowed her eyes while pouting like a child.

“Baby, you’re too weak to carry that big old tray. I have to disappoint you I’m afraid and apologize in advance. I have another hot date and can’t stand them up. So, I have to go.” He grinned wickedly, reaching out to bop her on the side of the chin in a playful gesture. Enjoying the way her face switched from cute sulking with a hint of sexy, to enraged murderous thunder as a scowl pinched her pretty pink lips.

“You what?” She snapped at him, blinking in shock that he would come out with this crap to her face, prodding him in the firm abdomen in angry reaction with a lethal finger. “What hot date? What the hell, ZhengLi Kim? Why ask me out if you’re going to ditch me and run off with another bitch? What kind of shameless bastard are you?” Linlin was beyond mad. Furious and seething with green eyed fury, unable to really compute that he would be this much of an asshole and not able to control her outburst. She knew they weren’t exactly exclusive, but this was a whole other level of jerk

“Baby, are you mad? Is this jealousy?” He smirked, leaning in close to bridge the gap between them in a smooth manner. His voice lowering to that seductive husky that he knew drove her wild while tapping her on the tip of the nose and almost losing his head in the process as she aimed a slap to swipe his hand from her. Scowling and gritting her teeth while trying to control her outward reaction and failing, Linlin stomped her foot and narrowly missed his toes. He dodged back, chuckling as she stomped again to aim this time and then kicked him in the shin in rage because she never was one who could hold in all that internal lava when it started spewing.

“Ouch!” ZhengLi barked and hopped back clutching his leg and making an ‘eeesssssh’ noise through clenched teeth.

“Jerk. Go choke on your hot date. I don’t like you all that much anyway. No loss to me.” Linlin spun away, throwing her hair in his face, turning to march off as he hobbled to right himself, frowning at his banshee woman. Amused.

“Don’t hate the bromance. A man must do what he must do when the brotherhood calls for back up!” He called after her, grinning at his own humor when she stopped dead in her tracks about three feet away and snapped her head back around to him.

“Bro?…. You utter asshole. You’re ditching me to go run after YuZhi Leng? Oh my god. Why would you imply….? Ughhhh! Well, have fun, I spotted a handsome man over there who looks lovely and lonely. I’ll not miss you. Go, toddle off and play with your boyfriend.” Linlin stuck her tongue out at him and went back to stamping her feet in the direction away from him.

“Baby… Linnyboo? Princess Choi?” he limped after her at a surprising speed and caught her by the back of the dress, catching a handful that jerked her to a halt. Spinning her his way he caught her in his arms so he could tilt her back while he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Silencing all that building fire with a smooth move and a cheeky smile. He loved nothing more than riling this wench and she was so easy to make bite.

Linlin lifted her hand and pushed his head away with a flat palm to his forehead, glaring at him and wriggling to get loose. Held at a ninety-degree angle so she had to hold on with one hand on his shoulder to stop her feet sliding out. Madder than hell that he kept saying and doing stupid things like this to press her green-eyed button and then laughing at her in amusement as though it was all very entertaining. He was infuriating and immature and kept her on her toes by acting like she wasn’t all that important to him. She had no idea why she kept on agreeing to seeing him when he made her want to stab him in the throat with her shoes.

“I hate you.” She snapped, still trying to fight her way free and feeling useless as her body cooled down at his irresistible touch. Her mind simmering because his kiss was like a drug and she could never get enough of them. He could disarm her so easily after making her furious.

“That’s fine, it makes for better sex when I finally invite you back to my bed and end all this crazy tension we have building.” He winked, standing her up and pushing her to rights before letting go and patting her on the head like a puppy. Appraising her dress because it was pulled up higher, exposing more thigh on the sexiest legs he had ever seen. Not having sex with her was getting harder with every date, even a saint would raise his willpower, but he wanted Linlin to chase him as much as he did her and he could wait it out until he broke her.

“Pffttt. I would rather sleep with a homeless person than you. Who says I will ever grace your bed?” She bit, turning on her heel in the worst of moods because he was leaving her and taunting her all at the same time. Disappointed because despite being an annoyance, she had the most fun when he was around.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Ughhhh, wounded. I even had a pillow embroidered with your name, just for you. It sits right beside mine.” He mocked and clutched his heart dramatically, before following her with the tray of drinks back to the table and sliding them on the surface while casting her another smile and wink. He nodded to his friends at the far end, some guys from his gym, and gestured for his jacket as a hint he was leaving. They barely registered, too engrossed in chatting up Linlin’s pretty girlfriends to care and tossed it his way. He waved at them before turning back to his tiny crazy sulker.

“Behave. I don’t want to have to come back and save poor defenseless boys from you.” He leaned in and kissed her on the forehead, lingering a moment to enjoy the feel of her skin and the seductive scent of her perfume before he walked off without a second glance to head home. Getting only a few feet before a tall leggy blonde stopped in front of him, blocking his way on purpose, and he recognized her as a past plaything. He sighed, knowing this isn’t what he needed when eager to go.

“ZhengLi? I thought that was you. It’s been a while. Why don’t you come sit with me and have a drink, we could catch up and rekindle old flames?” She purred seductively, sliding a hand up his abdomen over his white button shirt to his muscular chest and he dropped his chin to look at it’s progress before raising a brow at her. Amused that she was being this brazen and assuming she was drunk. The girl was not this bold in the past and had bored him by being all too nice and vanilla.

“I’m busy. I don’t have time nor inclination. Can you move.” He smiled at her, full on charm offensive despite his harsh command and yet didn’t get her reply because a tornado swung in between them and shoved the girl back with an agressive thrust. A pint-sized head of pink hair and an ass thrust into his groin to shove him back away from her.

“He’s not interested. He has a date. It’s me, and I don’t share with drunk hoes. Toddle off before you end up with a sore face.” Linlin squared up to her from her smaller height, full on hostile and rammed her hands on her hips with attitude that was bigger than she was. ZhengLi chuckled at her little warrior self and slid his hands onto her naked shoulders to tug her back against him and save her from a cat fight she didn’t need to get into. He had zero intention of switching he rout anytime soon.

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