Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

Chapter 7 – Linlin

“So, you really liked her?” Linlin expressed her confusion on the phone, while talking to her lifelong best friend now she had a moment’s peace. A little astounded at this strange turn of events. It seems her good-hearted, honorary sister, from another mother, had been befriended by her new husband’s ex-girlfriend. Linlin thought this was beyond weird, ridiculous even, and didn’t have as much compassion or understanding as TangShi in this situation. She had always been more of a protector of this girl, and this baffled her, that TangShi was so willing to get on with Rhea. In Linlin’s mind, Rhea was the enemy.

“Yes, I guess. She spent the day guiding me, helping me. We picked out enough clothes to last a year; she has such classy taste, and she was so patient and gentle and kept that horrid Ling Je away from me. I truly think she’s not as bad as I was expecting.” TangShi smiled, genuine affection gracing her pretty face, because she was speaking from the heart. Relaxing as she soothed away the pains of her tired body by rolling her shoulders and stood casually looking at gorgeous scenery.

“TangShi, you have lost your mind. She’s your love rival….” Linlin exclaimed, trying to inject some sense, a voice of reason. Outraged that maybe TangShi was being taken for a ride by a master of scheming, an actress that surpassed most. She couldn’t really believe that Rhea would be so gracious to the woman who just robbed her of her blissful future with YuZhi.

“I don’t love him, nor do I like him, and I never intend to.” TangShi was firm, a biting tone so instant it made her blush. A sudden fire in her belly, coming up to ignite her wounded heart as she stared from the window of the bedroom in the Leng mansion. The only thing that could prick up her aggression and anger tonight was that man. One mention of him and boom, a stick of dynamite was lit.

She stood her ground, aware of her outburst, taking calming breaths to return to her Zen state of before, aware this was an overreaction. Overlooking the pretty flowers in bloom below to return her calm state of mind.

All while Xiaosu put away all her new purchases behind her in companionable silence and kept her eyes on her task. The day was coming to an end and TangShi was not looking forward to dinner with the grandfather before being allowed to go to bed. She still had to face YuZhi too, but she knew with her schedule now, that he wouldn’t do anything until her fertile day came in three more days.

Linlin sighed helplessly at the other end of the line. Knowing that TangShi was just trying to find a way to navigate this living situation, but Linlin was a romantic who had other ideas about why YuZhi stood her up five years ago. Stubborn and impulsive, she wanted TangShi to loosen up a little, to the possibility of her new situation. YuZhi was rich, famous, and gorgeous. Despite his attitude towards her little lotus, she knew TangShi would win him around before long and she was certain YuZhi had reasons for that night.

“Even if YuZhi turns out to be your masked fantasy from your sixteenth birthday? Can I just say though, he gives me crazy strong Shawne Dou vibes, as you know he’s my ultimate bias actor. He could be his twin…. You never told me he was that level of gorgeous!! How I didn’t know your masked man was YuZhi Leng is beyond me.”

Linlin knew all about him, about how hurt TangShi was afterwards, even if she hadn’t been there to accompany her on that trip so long ago. She had been held back for family affairs while TangShi had been sent out to give her father a break from looking at her face. Her birthday was spent with strangers on a convenient school trip in another city, so her family didn’t have to make effort, and her best friend wasn’t even allowed to be there. It still angered Linlin to this day, that her girl suffered all by herself and then came home with a broken heart. Linlin would have hunted YuZhi down had she known it was that infamous poser and dragged the truth from him.

“What difference does it make? He’s not a nice person, even if he looks like your current celebrity crush and that night, it was all about seducing me. I see that now. I didn’t give him what he wanted, so he left me on that bridge. If it’s him, then it’s all the more reason to dislike him.” TangShi had given this a lot of thought this afternoon, when getting to know Rhea and seeing how sweet a soul she was. It shocked her that someone like her, would be with someone as aloof and cold as YuZhi, and strengthened her heart against him. She had also come to realize that it was the fact she was only seventeen that he left such a lasting impression. She had implied to him she was eighteen, assuming he was too, and her naïve little heart had been suckered. The reality was, he was turning twenty, now she could count it backwards. Mature enough to know how to play with a girl’s heart.

“You know what I think about that night…” Linlin started again but TangShi cut her off with that tone she hated so much. Stern, yet also stubborn, while somehow sounding calm and commanding.

“I do. You think he might have had some grand reason for not coming and that fate concluded it was not our time to meet. Linlin….” TangShi sighed. “You read too many romance books. He didn’t even acknowledge me, so it looks like I left such a small impression, that he didn’t even recognize me.”

“Maybe he is pretending. Maybe his heart swooned, and he kept it secret because it will betray Rhea?” Linlin knew she was being overdramatic and giggled as she said it. Lightening the mood once more, but TangShi could only sigh. A deep heaviness in her heart even if she had repeatedly reminded herself YuZhi was a liar, and a womanizer.

“Then asked me if I was the maid? Yes, sure…. such a charming line.” TangShi reminded her of relaying the details of the last few days when she first got her chance to call her. She didn’t care that Xiaosu could hear every word. Somehow in such a short time she had invested her full trust in the girl. She had no doubts about her at all. Xiaosu seemed to be loyal, true, and very protective of her new Miss already. Today she had played dampener between Lang Je and TangShi anytime she got close, and Rhea was preoccupied. She was already so fond of little Xiaosu and didn’t want secrets between them if she was to spend her every waking hour with her.

Xiaosu was folding clothes and putting away her new dresses and shoes. Listening, but really not trying to. Her heart raced at the mention that Miss Lei may have known YuZhi so many years ago and had some sort of romantic interlude before he dated Rhea. Xiaosu was a believer in fate and these past years she had watched the young master with a growing sadness. She believed if YuZhi truly loved Rhea as he made out to the world he did, nothing would have stopped him from marrying her and already producing heirs. There was nothing old grandfather could have done to stop them had an illegitimate child come out of their union. He would have insisted on a fast marriage. Yet YuZhi never betrayed his grandfather, and despite having Rhea by his side, he never truly seemed content or happy. There was affection, and maybe stability and mutual trust, but there was no passion. To Xiaosu they looked like best friends who enjoyed one another’s company but the intimacy and affection you expect between young ones in love always seemed lacking.

The sad fact was Xiaosu could honestly say YuZhi had not been a happy person for the many years that she had been employed by the family. Since first his father, then mother passed. Followed by the tragedy of his extended family and an ill-fated plane crash. Xiaosu believed Rhea picked up the pieces at the right time and was the only reason YuZhi finally let a woman close enough to start dating and commit. Xiaosu didn’t believe that YuZhi had fallen for her truly and instead he was dependent on her and used her as a shield and a crutch.

“So, Miss Lei, when are you coming out to play so I can properly hug my sister, and introduce her to Shanghai high society? I have missed you too much” Linlin changed the topic as she could feel TangShi was getting tired of turning it over; her mood souring and it’s the last thing she wanted. Linlin finally had her home again, so much sooner than planned and she wasn’t going to waste time. Even though TangShi was now married to the Leng family, Linlin saw it only as a blessing.Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

It brought her more freedoms than she ever had in the Lei home and it meant that someone, even if grudged, would now take care of TangShi’s health and finances, where no one did before. Linlin could see that even in a hostile environment she was still better off than being with her own family. YuZhi may not be kind to her, but at least he had to show her some kind of care to make sure she carried a healthy child, and in public, he would have to acknowledge her as his loving wife. Linlin could only hope that soon he would see how pure and good of heart her TangShi was, and that he would soften to her better traits. She had pure faith that anyone who spent real time with her best friend would fall head over heels in love with her good heart and compassionate soul.

“Not for a few days yet. Not that I have ever been part of high society, nor do I wish to be. It seems I am to be primped and preened and turned into a beauty queen. I had an examination today too and now my belly aches with the amount of remedies and supplements I was given to improve my womb’s health. I feel like a walking prized baby oven.”

TangShi had endured an hour in an office, being questioned and examined until her face flamed and she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. Embarrassed about the topic, and mortified her male doctor had to place hands on her and do things she had never experienced before. She now had an app on her phone to track her periods and fertile days, and Xiaosu had obediently taken all written documents and left them in YuZhi’s assistants care at noon. He whisked them away for YuZhi to inspect and make plans. It all felt very sterile.

The lack of romance in the whole thing, the cold reality of it had made TangShi feel so many bitter emotions. Yet she swallowed them and reminded herself that this was her path to freedom and a better future, and she just had to endure.

“Boo. Oh, well. I guess that gives me time to make plans for us to have some fun. I start my second term of fashion school soon, so we have limited time before I have to return to my dorm and be a good student. Father told me I was allowed no outside activity when term time was on because he’s paying enough for such a ‘pointless’ education.” Linlin laughed at her father’s grumpy words. Someone who hated fashion and the entertainment business, yet he spoiled her too much and did whatever his daughter asked for. This was her third career change in five years, and he allowed her to do whatever she wished. The girl had first been an entertainment journalist and then started a business degree before switching to fashion. She was too impulsive.

“He knows you too well, Party Queen. It’s not good for you to drink so much and go dancing to clubs so often. It’s not a good reputation to have for a notably wealthy Shanghai heiress.” TangShi scolded her gently, that maternal tone moving in because she only wanted what was best for her friend and she knew Linlin was a wild child. She loved to drink, party, and go out for fun and laughs. Very few knew that she had little to no interest in meeting men at these times though, only TangShi knew that Linlin’s heart was on her career when she chose which path that was and her future, but she liked to use fun as a stress reliever.

Linlin had sworn that despite her inclination towards marriage, she never wanted to do it. Maybe because her father was on his third wife, and Linlin’s own mother was on her second husband. They had tarnished her view of marriage forever. It was a wonder she had such a penchant for romance at all, well when it was not related to her own beating heart anyway.

“Pffft. You, what do you know? You’re such a good and quiet little specimen and that’s been your problem for too long. You’re protected now. Going out, being seen, attending parties… it’s all beneficial to Mr Leng and I am going to make full use of your new status. After all, someone needs to accompany the heart of Master Leng and treat his wife to the social side of Shanghai.” Linlin was excited even thinking about all the opportunities they would have now Father Lei didn’t control TangShi’s activities.

“I don’t think YuZhi will be too thrilled with those plans. From the schedule his assistant handed Xiaosu today, it seems my life is controlled by him now and my appearances will be at his side. He has everything mapped out for our slow introduction to the world.”

TangShi had almost laughed at the almost military planned operation of TangShi’s being put in the public eye while Rhea was slowly receding. The PR team had timelines, planned dates, and even Rhea and TangShi double dating in six weeks’ time to show she supported the new woman in YuZhi’s life.

It was bizarre, but the story was that YuZhi and Rhea realized after a lifelong friendship that their romance had faded, and they were truly only friends. They had amicably decided to part and in coming weeks, TangShi was to be introduced by Rhea and supported in the dating, engagement, and then marriage of her ex-boyfriend. It was ridiculous to read but knowing the power of the netziens and the popularity of this prized couple, it was apparently a necessity. The public opinion held power and they didn’t forgive easily. Especially not a golden couple breaking up for a third woman to enter.

No one wanted scandal, no one wanted YuZhi to be called a cheat, or Rhea to be portrayed as a broken-hearted victim. Leng’s reputation was everything and grandfather got what grandfather wanted. An heir from a family he respected, an obedient and married grandson and the name of his empire still held intact.

If only they all were to find out how grandfather pushed aside YuZhi’s love and arranged this marriage purely on title. How would they feel about the great Leng group if they found their idyllic love couple were ripped apart and YuZhi was being forced to have a baby with someone he despised?

A stranger who was picked out and thrust in his bed after a rushed marriage they would be lying about until it was appropriate to reveal it. So many shady secrets and pretense. That kind of gossip would cause all sorts of drama.

This marriage was a joke and with a foundation of lies, TangShi knew it would only get worse.

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