Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

I Don’t Know Prt 1

The bang, bang, bang, of a severe thumping noise infiltrated into TangShi’s sleepy brain, pulling her out of a dreamless darkness as light hit her eyes and made her recoil in pain. Screwing up her face as her head pounded crazily and she couldn’t distinguish if the noise was her own headache or something else. Invading her senses and making her reach out to pull her cover over her face. Blinking to adjust to searing brightness and aware her throat and mouth were as dry as arid desert and she felt so nauseous and dizzy she didn’t want to get up.

Rolling over in bed, squeezing them shut again and feeling around the sheets. She tried to find her bedmate, knowing he should have come home by now if the sun was dazzling through their bedroom curtains this strongly.

“YuZhi? What time is it?” She mumbled, her voice hoarse due to a raspy throat that felt burned, as though she had swallowed fire or ground glass, and she lifted her heavy head to try and look around. Blurry eyed and struggling to adapt.

“It’s show time. Guess we’re about to get found out, princess.” A husky male voice pulled her head to the right, the unfamiliar sound startling her fully awake, and she gawped at Rong Cai as he walked past the bed wearing only a towel around his waist. Her heart jumping into her throat and eyes widening in horror as she gasped and sat bolt upright as though she had been zapped with electricity. Her pulse hammering in fright.

He was sauntering casually towards the door with a smile thrown back at her, unfazed by her presence here. His hair and body damp from a shower, his naked torso making her turn away to cover her eyes at the inappropriateness, and she recoiled at speed, pulling the bed clothes around her as reality slapped her in the face. Mentally freaking out.

TangShi looked down, seeing her black lace bra and nothing else before yanking the sheet up to her neck and checking she still had panties on. Besides her underwear there was nothing else on her body at all and looking around showed her the disarray of the bed where a second person had slept and wanted to cry when she noted his clothes were in the mix on the floor.

Taking in her surroundings as she tried to process and find some sense to this. She tried to calm the inner mounting panic of how she got here and what was going on. Confusion sending her into an emotional spiral of doubts and questions as anxiety soared and tightened her insides.

Why she was with him of all people, and he felt comfortable walking around like that. Aware this wasn’t home or anywhere she had been before and looked a lot like an upmarket hotel room. She swallowed hard at things coming into focus and held her breath as she took it all in piece by piece.

Her clothes strewn all over the floor in a haphazard manner as though they had been tossed around without care, and her shoes were four feet apart in the entranceway, discarded clumsily, as Rong headed to answer the door. Her bag was laid against the wall with the contents scattered on the floor as though she had tipped them out to find something, but her cell phone was neatly laid on the side table above it. Too far for her to grab while over here. None of this jarred any kind of memory of the night before and she tried hard to recall something.

The noise that had ripped her awake seemed to be from someone trying to hammer the door down and she blinked up as Rong reached it and rubbed her head, trying desperately to wake up from this hellish dream. He didn’t seem to be in a hurry or even to care about the predicament she woke up to. Her utter shock was not a concern to him.

TangShi felt sick to her stomach, her eyes blurring with tears as realization sunk in and her chest tightened in fear and anxiety, making her gag. The inner terror that she had done something that she couldn’t take back, gripping tight and YuZhi flooded her mind, causing extreme pain in her chest. Jumping out of the bed to run for the bathroom before she vomited, a voice stopped her dead in her tracks as though smacking her to a standstill.

“What did you do, Tang? Why are you here with him?” YuZhi’s pained and torn familiar voice drifted her way from behind and she spun to see him standing in the open door, staring at her like she had just ripped his heart out through his chest. His eyes scanning her, the room and then Rong Cai and back to her as he searched her face for answers. TangShi’s mouth fell open and her air expelled as guilt consumed her. “Where are your clothes?”

YuZhi was stood motionless, his shoulders sagging, pain etched on his beautiful face so obviously that it clawed at her soul and brought the tears fully on. Shaking her head as she had no memory of anything after sitting for dinner yesterday after the second course. Desperate to explain but not knowing how when she couldn’t think straight. It was all darkness and no clear view of how she got form eating to here.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

“I…I… I don’t know. I woke up here.” She stammered, her voice breaking as she moved towards him, stretching out her hand, wanting to wipe away the agony that was like a thick smog around him. His visible pain breaking her to pieces. YuZhi stepped back to put the distance between them again, his eyes scanning her underwear clad body and he wanted to vomit with the depth of betrayal he was feeling. Unable to believe she would do something like this. Not his Tang.

“Don’t!” He raised his palms unable to allow her to come anywhere near him because he was barely holding onto his sanity. “Tell me nothing happened, and this is explainable. That you wouldn’t do something like this to us.” It was a desperate plea.

He had never known pain like this in his entire life and felt like she had reached down into the depths of his body and ripped his essence out. Unable to compute what he was seeing and scanned the room at the obviousness of what happened here. It painted a vivid picture of two people consumed by passion, tearing off clothes in a rush to get naked. The bed was a strewn mess with some cushions tossed on the floor, making it obvious there had been a lot of movement and rolling around.

“I don’t know what happened. Or how I got here. I don’t remember.” She blurted out honestly, amid sniffs and sobs, clutching her arms around her body to self soothe. She clawed her memory banks not knowing what else to tell him. Desperate to hug him and feel safe while everything collapsed around her.

“You don’t know? You can’t remember? How the fuck do you get here like this and not know how, Tang? I’ve drunk with you, and you always remember everything, no matter how far gone you are. Don’t lie to me!” YuZhi tried to hold his voice steady, but it shook and rasped and betrayed his inner angst and building anger at what this shit was. His composure crumbling into a raw mess.

“I’m not, I swear. I don’t know…I can’t think….. I don’t remember.” She began to cry, tears rolling down her cheeks and dripping onto her exposed cleavage which pulled her attention to the fact she was practically naked. Realizing Rong Cai was standing there watching them, his face blank, that she was not decent and shouldn’t be exposed to anyone but YuZhi. She made a grab for the sheet from the bed and pulled it over herself to cover up. Aware of how bad this looked with how YuZhi walked in and caught her standing here like this. She couldn’t explain it other than to think the worst, ashamed of herself for what she must have done.

“How convenient.” YuZhi clenched his teeth, screwing up his face to control his spiraling emotion, fighting his internal battle of agony. Not believing for one second that she couldn’t recall anything especially as she was standing in her underwear in the middle of the room while this asshole was in nothing but a towel. It hardly screamed of innocence.

“Bit late for that isn’t it.” Rong laughed softly from his position, nodding at her sheet, leaning against the wall behind YuZhi. “It’s not like I haven’t seen it all now.” He boasted, making it clear this was exactly what YuZhi thought it was. So self-assured that this scene would be the start of being TangShi’s future and loving the dramatics.

“You fucking asshole.” YuZhi exploded, his already frayed emotions had only held by a thread, and it snapped with vigor at that one remark. Turning on Rong and in the blink of an eye, ripping him from the wall he was languishing against and pounded a hard punch straight in his face that made his nose and lip explode across his features. YuZhi didn’t let him drop to the floor, catching him as he slumped down, Rong clutching his face and YuZhi delivered two knee blows to his abdomen with deathly precision. Pulling out oooft grunts as he bent double.

YuZhi’s fury and inner jealousy and hatred unleashed and aiming all of his aggression at Rong Cai. TangShi screamed at this display of violence, running at them as YuZhi began to pulverize him half to death, her hysteria coursing through her veins. Her desperation to stop them pushing all else aside.

“Stop it, YuZhi, stop it!” She pulled at his arm, trying to force them apart. Knowing this was the absolute worst thing he could do given his status, and desperate to protect him from the fall out that this could cause. Grabbing YuZhi from around the waist behind him in an attempt to stop him punching and pounding Rong Cai against the wall. Rong was trying hard to shield himself from the blows but was disadvantaged due to YuZhi’s training and unleashed rage and was almost unable to protect himself at all.

“YuZhi, STOP IT!” TangShi jumped on his back, losing her modest covering and wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him tight and pushing her cheek against his ear, begging him. “Please stop. Please.” She wept, clawing at his clothes, hanging on tight.

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