Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

Normal Life Begins

TangShi put down her brushes and arched her back to work out the kinks from scooping over for too long. Leaning back to admire her handywork on the canvas in front of her and smiled at the results. Watercolors were her favorite medium, and she loved the way the colors subtly blended into soft hues in the pond scene she had created like a beautiful harmony. Gentle white and orange Koi meandering under a rippling blue surface and bringing peace to her as she worked.

It had been a quiet few days of getting used to the workings of this family and settling into a life she didn’t want. And things didn’t seem as terrible as the first couple of days here if today was anything to go by. Now that a lot of her appearance demands had been met, her wardrobe changed and her body primped and preened to Hollywood standards, Aunty was leaving her to find her own busy.

She had been to the clinic twice now this week, both times as soul destroying and shameful to her, making her glad the next trip was a month away as long as her periods showed. Even though she knew the point of this was to fall pregnant, a part of her was reluctant to have it happen and she hoped her body would give her a little time, even if she did have to endure those procedures.

YuZhi had gone out of the city for a couple of days on business and left her alone to her own devices too. Although he hadn’t changed any and was still finding every possible way to get to her and spark reactions. It seemed like he was even beginning to enjoy making her angry or upset. She was still torn about her feelings towards him despite how much of a jerk he was being.

The media was milking the public announcement of the breakup for all it was worth and hashing up articles from the past three years to paw over what could have gone wrong between them. The golden couple claimed to have stopped being in love, while still loving one another as best friends and the public weren’t buying it yet. There were speculations, gossip, and way too much interest in something TangShi found ridiculous. She had never really followed social media, the news or anything of the entertainment rags and yet now she had been flooded with snippets thanks to Xiaosu. Netziens seemed obsessed, angry, and even broken hearted over the news.

“So pretty, Miss Lei.” On cue the young girl wandered behind her with a cup of saffron tea and laid it beside her as carefully as she could so as not to disturb the painting supplies. Admiring the finished piece. “You are very talented; I can see why you have so many online sales of your prints.”

TangShi smiled at her, pride swelling at her words and laid down her brush with a swell of warmth in her heart. Nothing made her feel better than someone appreciating her hard work. This piece would be sent off to the company who dealt with scanning her art, producing prints to order and shipping them off while she was paid her commission in profits every month. It was a good system that had paid her well all these years and she had a growing fanbase under the artists name Alice Lin. Koi art was her best seller so she was sure this one would be popular too.

She found this room the best place to be to pass the day and focus on getting back to her art and revitalizing her mojo. It helped her accept things as they were now and not pine for the school she left in California quite so much. She missed the students and the teachers, but she knew she had no chance of going back there. This was her life for now.

The sunroom annex off the back off the mansion was never used much, where the view was over the gardens and ponds were gorgeous and she could watch the day slowly go by. In a peaceful quiet glass room, where Xiaosu brought tea and food on demand. The Leng family probably used to fill every room in this house, but now they were sparse, and the members left behind spent their working hours elsewhere. Even grandfather.

Rhea was the only constant daily visitor who stopped by for an hour a day to drink tea and chat with TangShi the last few days. To solidify the bond they would be showing publicly soon enough and convince the world their friendship was to come before the matchmaking. The ruse that TangShi and Rhea met through the Lei, Leng collaboration of the announced shopping mall build that hit the news this morning, and would be the driving force to setting up her ex-boyfriend with her new best friend. Rhea would be the one to take credit for their falling in love, so as to appease the public that she was supportive of YuZhi moving on.

It was a ridiculous story, one thought up by suited PR experts in YuZhi’s business. It abhorred TangShi that they had to go to this extent just to protect their precious family name and their stocks.

“Thank you. Painting fish are my favorite thing. I find it therapeutic and somehow helps me relax and ease away all my stress.”

“Mr Lei is the one who bought all the Koi for the large pond over there by the waterfall. He seems to like them too and often buys special fabric prints of Koi for his aunt when he goes on long trips. Maybe you two have that in common?” Xiaosu was never ending in her eagerness to warm TangShi to YuZhi. Having spent years as this family’s house maid she saw a side to him that TangShi didn’t and hoped in time they would at least find a common ground and be less harsh to one another.

“What are our plans today?” TangShi ignored any kind of compliments towards YuZhi, disinterested in talking about him. The clinic situation was making her even more resistant to trying to get along with him and the undertones of constant sarcasm between them was tiring.

“The house is empty. Grandfather Leng has taken Auntie, Uncle and his brother to watch an opera. Rhea called to say she couldn’t come today as she has a full schedule in prepping for a runway show for Aunt’s magazine. So, it’s us, a quiet night and there’s a new drama starting that I want to watch after we catch up with our ongoing one.”

“Let me guess? Another romance featuring Zhang Mingen.” TangShi grinned at Xiaosu as her face turned a darker shade and her cheeks flushed pink. The girl had the worst kind of crush on the Chinese actor. She had made TangShi sit through a dozen episodes already of a show called ‘Nice to meet you’ and didn’t seem to be willing to let her pass up the rest of it.

“He’s simply the cutest man alive.” Xiaosu flushed even darker, clasped her hands by her chest and fluttered dreamy eyes as she was lost in her own head. “You know…. ZhengLi Kim is a dead ringer for him and just about the only man alive I would seriously switch out my crush for.” She beamed gleefully.

“Who?” TangShi stopped arranging her brushes and glanced at Xiaosu, wondering if this was another famous Chinese man she had proclaimed her undying love to. Xiaosu had a list of handsome celebrities.

“Young master Leng’s best friend, his whole life…. And his assistant at work. Here, I’ll show you. I thought you would have met him by now.” Xiaosu quickly pulled her phone from inside the apron she was wearing and scrolled it. Pulling up a Weibo account, she turned it to TangShi to show her a handsome man posing for some event. It was enlarged on the screen and gave her a very good view of his face and shoulders.

She stared at it for a long moment, not denying he was very good looking and did look strikingly like the actor Xiaosu was crazy for. Yet there was something else in his face that was familiar about him, and it made her take the mobile in her hand and look at him closely. Scrolling through a few of his more natural images that were selfies to compare and one of him surfing with YuZhi before it struck her like a lightning bolt. It was seeing them together like that which did it.

“Oh my god. He was…” she trailed off, realizing what she was about to say out loud and quickly slid the phone back into Xiaosu hand. She recognized him, the only person at the ball that night who didn’t seem to care about wearing a mask. The ‘friend’ that YuZhi said bet him he couldn’t dance with her. This solidified everything. YuZhi really was Yoonie and ZhengLi was there that night too. It sent a strange sensation through the put of her stomach and her blood turned cold.

“I know, right? They could be sexy brothers. He’s even better in the flesh too. So handsome, and so charming. Very tall and he has a nice physique.” Xiaosu was off on a dreamy tangent and oblivious to TangShi’s sober expression.

“Yes, he’s cute.” She answered emptily and went back to trying to pick up her brushes in a bid to shake this from her head.

“He’s rich too. Son of Yutian Corp but as he’s fifth in line then he chose to work with YuZhi rather than waste his days with menial jobs in his own family company. I heard it caused so much drama to start with.” She giggled like a child, somewhat enamored with the bold move.

“Yutian Corp?” TangShi was shocked to know exactly who that family were as they were of the same social standing as the Lengs. Even someone like her knew exactly who they were. It’s no wonder there was scandal if the fifth son opted to work as YuZhi’s assistant instead of take his rightful place with his brothers. It was practically unheard of.

Thinking back, she remembered the almost rebellious and mischievous young man who was all smiles and winks and seemed to goad YuZhi on that night. He did seem the type to make his own rules and shrug off the importance of a decision like that. He had disappeared with a young pretty girl in a leather jacket after YuZhi made it clear TangShi and he were leaving to go find an adventure in the streets of Beijing. ZhengLi was a rich playboy type at that age, and she wondered what he was like now. Surely he wasn’t still as wild and carefree as he seemed back then.

“Xiaosu, stay away from men like that. They can only lead to trouble and heartbreak. I’ve met ZhengLi Kim, and he seemed like a complete womanizer.”

“Oh no, no…. you have him all wrong. He’s such a sweet gentleman when he comes here and never been inappropriate towards me at all. He barely notices me.” She made a finger cross motion as if promising she wasn’t being dishonest and TangShi sighed. Xiaosu was naïve and blinded by a crush. TangShi had become so protective of this girl in such a short time and didn’t want to see her pulled down by a rich spoiled jerk that hung around with the likes of YuZhi, playing with girl’s hearts. Similar types always flew together and encouraged bad behavior.

“Just be wary of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Not all ‘nice’ men are actually so. ZhengLi is a fifth generation rich boy and he has all the flaws of being one.”

“Yes, Miss.” Xiaosu knew when to back down and give up and even though she didn’t agree she could tell TangShi was deflecting her feelings about young master YuZhi and tarring ZhengLi with the same brush.

“Can’t argue with that!” YuZhi’s smug, husky tone came at them from behind and startled both girls into snapping around to gawp at the figure standing in the doorway. He was smiling with amusement, one side of his mouth perked up with a dimple on show.

Unannounced and unexpected , TangShi’s face colored with heat at realizing he could have been standing there for a while without either girl noticing. He might have heard more than he should.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Although ZhengLi might not be all that happy to hear the home truths. Do you talk about trash me with the same tone, Miss Le?” He winked at TangShi and then pushed off from the doorway casually and meandered in to drop his coat on the nearest chair. He was still dressed in his favorite navy three-piece suit, minus the tie, and his shirt was open at the neck. His outer jacket discarded, and he followed by hauling off his suit jacket and throwing it on top of it with an easy movement.

“I’ll go fetch more tea.” Xiaosu made a quick exit, embarrassed at being caught and avoided his eye as she took off at speed and left them alone. Eager to escape.

“You’re back early. I thought you said you would be in Japan for a few days.” TangShi turned back to her artwork and pretended his presence didn’t affect her heart rate, body temperature or focus. He only left yesterday evening.

“Did you miss me?” he walked up to her side, intruding on her space, ignoring her obvious stiffening of posture and picked up the now dry painting in front of her and holding it up to inspect. His aftershave and his own scent swirled around her, and she looked away form him to gaze at the windows to trey and ignore how good he smelled.

“No. Did you have to come back early and disturb me?” TangShi answered curtly. Caught off guard and now feeling strange that he was so close.

“I was worried my wife might be crying alone in our big bed. I couldn’t stand being apart a minute longer.” He smirked, his tone heavy with sarcasm and he dropped her picture back in front of her and walked off to look at the garden.

“I guess business is done? Don’t you have somewhere else to be? Like work, as it’s the middle of the afternoon and I don’t recall you using this room much last week either so why wander in here?” TangShi wasn’t in the mood for his usual war of words or his presence. She couldn’t ignore the fact her hands were trembling at his surprise rerun and it was doing odd things to her stomach.

“All wrapped up and a cancellation. The paparazzi are out in the droves thanks to my public breakup and the announcement we are building a mall with Lei Enterprises. I have no energy to deal with them after flying home and my offices are swarming.”

“Great. Well, if you’re staying here then I’m leaving. Enjoy your quiet hiding time.” TangShi got up and picked up her case to start packing her supplies and jumped when body heat and the undeniable presence of a large male came right up behind her and made the hackles rise on her neck. His sudden calculated maneuver making her feel hemmed while simultaneously sending her body into overdrive.

“I don’t even get a welcome home kiss?” He whispered, so close to her shoulder that his breath tickled her neck and she shivered involuntarily, hating him for this childish crap he pulled all too often. She knew he did this for her reaction, and he was getting better at picking out the tactics that got to her the most.

“Can you not?” She pushed her ass out and shoved him in the groin, backing up to move him with force, before turning and swiping her brushes into the bag and pulling it from the table as she stepped away. She wasn’t planning on leaving her paints down here but she no longer had a desire to stick around to deal with him in this mood, and could get Xiaosu to fetch them later.

“Anyone would think you don’t like your own husband. I’m so heartbroken. I might cry.” He mocked her, moving back to the window at a casual unbothered pace where he leaned against the glass with his hip and shoulder and watched her with that predator like smug expression. Amused by sensing her change in mood.

“Not biting today. I have better things to do.” She snapped and avoided engaging his focus with hers.

“Running away? You’re no fun today.”

“I’m not running away from you. That would imply you intimidate me or affect me, and you don’t. I’m just busy. Go find some fun with Rhea or ZhengLi Kim!” TangShi brushed him off with a non-interested wave, hoping it sounded true and scowled at him as she zipped up her bag and turned on her heel to leave.

“Guess I’ll see you in bed, baby. Keep it warm for me.” YuZhi had to hold in his laughter as he let the words slide out in a honey thick tone. Eternally amused with the feisty and hateful reaction she gave him anytime he switched up his mood to the offensive like this. Arguing with her, combatting with words, or seeing her recoil and run when he added some sexual inuendo was becoming a hobby and toying with her wasn’t getting old yet.

He still disliked her, what and who she was, and this marriage, but at least the last few days had seen things begin to feel like some kind of livable situation where her presence no longer made him want to throw her out the window.

She was quiet, never really complained or got too emotional. She tried to stick to the house rules and seemed respectful of his family even while Aunt was trying to make life hell for her. She didn’t mention or moan about the god-awful diet Aunt had her on and she didn’t seem to be a creator of drama either. He knew it wasn’t as bad as he feared when he was first told this was happening, but he still wasn’t going to give her an inch. Her personality was bearable, but nothing more.

She was the singular reason he had to break up with Rhea and put his life on hold for two years and he wasn’t about to let her forget it.

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