Forced Marriage

Extra Part 2

The call that Liza made starts to connect with someone on the other side.

“Li,” Liza’s familiar call. A voice that has always been a coolant for Liza.

Liza was stunned, she really missed the voice of the man she was calling right now. The man she could never have because of Joan’s sudden presence in her life.

Liza was silent, the woman cried suddenly but without a sound.

“Li! Please answer me!” Exclaimed the man on the phone.

“Dilan. How are you?” Liza started to speak.

“Okay, Li. How are you doing there? You’ve given birth, haven’t you, Li? Has Joan been nice to you?”

“Yes, Lan. I’ve given birth, my babies are healthy, I didn’t expect to be a mother this quickly. Everything feels like a dream right now, Lan. Sis Joan is also very kind to me,” Liza explained with trembling lips.

Dilan could be heard sighing heavily. He was indeed happy with the news given by Liza, but his heart was really hurt because he couldn’t have Liza in his life. He lost badly to Joan.

“I’m grateful that you’re happy Li. My parents always ask how you’re doing there, but I answer that I don’t know because we’ve never exchanged news before.”

“I’m sorry” Liza started sobbing.

“Please Li! I don’t want to hear you cry. why came to Curut Joan who suddenly came to Lo’s life,” explained Dilan with a shaking laugh.

Liza believes Dilan is only pretending to be strong. The man was broken, wounded. Liza knows Dilan very well, the man is very anti-woman, Liza isn’t sure that Dilan can find a good woman after losing himself.

“Liza, listen to me! You have to be happy with Joan, you have to be a good wife and mother for your children. Don’t think about me, forget all about our past, including about your own parents. You need to be happy, the future You and Joan are more beautiful, I’m sure Joan is the best match that God has given to you, Li. Don’t waste Joan, Li!”

Liza sobbed hearing Dilan’s words. This man actually made her feel even more guilty. Liza could no longer hear Dilan’s voice, she immediately disconnected the phone and cried uncontrollably.


A few years later

“Keenan wake up …..” shouted the middle-aged man from the doorway.

The man was ready to water his sleeping child with a glass of bucket filled with water.


Joan ‘s patience had run out , her eldest son was now drenched in water from being splashed by her .

“Oh my gosh Daddy can you wake him up in a slightly polite way?” Keenan grumbled as he lowered his feet from the bed.

” Keenan you have to go to school today , look what time it is ” Joan showed Keenan the watch on his wrist .

Keenan’s eyes widened, he did not expect that it was already half past eight in the morning.

Keenan patted his forehead “Oh my gosh how come Daddy didn’t wake you up before?” Keenan asked a little annoyed.

” Nonsense , since earlier Kenzie and I have been going back and forth to this room to wake you up , you are the only one who sleeps like a sleeper ” Rebutted Joan no less annoyed .

“Did Kenzie and Kiran leave already, dad?”

“It’s been an hour ago, Daddy told the driver to drop them off”

Keenan rubbed his face roughly “Siblings don’t know manners, why don’t their older siblings be left alone”

” Eh, why are you even blaming your younger siblings again , who made your own mistake last night to play games so that you forgot to sleep ? ” said Joan .

Keenan is the most difficult child to manage compared to Kiran and Kenzie. Joan had forbidden Keenan to play online or offline games dozens of times, but the boy still didn’t obey his father’s orders.

“Hurry up and clean up, let Daddy take you to school!

Keenan shook his head, he felt lazy if he had to go to school when he still felt very sleepy. What’s more, today is his first day at his new school.

Joan and her family just moved to Indonesia the day before yesterday, they have lived in America for 16 years, at that time neither Joan nor Liza had ever set foot in this country of origin.

The reason for their move was because of Liza, the woman asked Joan to move back to Indonesia because she felt guilty for Joan’s parents.

Liza also doesn’t want her children to grow up in a country that has a free culture like America.

” Clean up now Keenan ! ” Joan tugged her son ‘s ear to the bathroom available in Keenan ‘s room .

“Aaa… let go dad it hurts you know” Keenan winced in pain.

Joan finally released her hand from Keenan’s ear.

” Quickly clean up Keenan , no need to take a shower , just washing your face and brushing your teeth is enough ” Joan ordered which Keenan immediately rebutted .

“Just be honest Dad, when Keenan went to school but didn’t take a bath, what did the world say dad?”

” It’s not a sin not to take a bath every once in a while, besides your handsomeness won’t diminish either ” Joan chuckled softly seeing her son’s face which was starting to frown.

Keenan was forced to obey his father’s orders, he started washing his face using facial wash and continued to brush his teeth carefully.

While waiting for Keenan to clean himself in the bathroom, Joan started to get uniforms for her son in the walk-in closet in the room.

When it comes to children, Joan is never negligent, she always helps Liza to take care of her three children. No matter how busy she is at work , she always finds time to accompany and monitor her three children .

Including today , he was willing to come late to his new company in order to take Keenan to school first .

Joan again approached Keenan in the bathroom carrying a uniform with the Jakarta Intercultural School (JIS) badge, this school is located in Cilandak, South Jakarta. It is quite close to the house where Joan and her family now live.

Joan gave the uniform to Keenan, after two minutes Keenan was ready with the uniform wrapped around his tall body.

Keenan first applied hair oil to his cropped hair, he saw his body’s reflection in front of a large mirror.

“You’re so pretty” he said praising himself.

Joan, who saw her son’s treatment, could only shake her head, she was very surprised why Keenan’s and Kenzie’s attitudes were so different, even though they were both educated and raised in the same way.

” Come on hurry up Keenan , it’s already eight o’clock ” Shouted Joan who had already started walking towards the garage room .

” Wait Dad , put on some perfume first ” Keenan sprayed some perfume given by one of his girlfriends in America , to areas of his body , especially to the armpits.

Keenan immediately ran the marathon carrying his backpack and headed to the garage to catch up with his father.

It’s strange that Keenan didn’t see his Mommy today, I don’t know where that woman has gone, lately Liza often disappears and doesn’t know where.

” Where is Mommy , dad ? ” Keenan asked after sitting himself in the passenger seat beside Joan who was already sitting in the driver ‘s seat .

“Mommy you’re sleeping in your room, honey” Joan answered, actually Joan was also surprised because lately Liza has been always lethargic and likes to sleep.

Joan started driving her mercy car leaving the luxurious and magnificent yard of the house.

” Mommy is no longer pregnant , right Dad ? ” Keenan asked , which made Joan gasp in surprise .

” No honey , your mommy is just too tired , ” said Joan , she refocused her attention on the road and played with the steering wheel .

In contrast to Keenan, he actually prefers to play on his cellphone. The man started to open the Twitter application and post something there to greet his ex-girlfriends in America.

Keenan chuckled at the comments of his female adoring line .

” Do you still have a lot of all of your medicine ? ” Joan teased , who heard his son ‘s small chuckle .

“Alhamdulillah, there are still a lot of them dad” Keenan replied with a happy smile.

Joan glared at her son, Keenan was indeed his first son but Kenzie’s attitude was more mature than him.

While in America, Keenan has dated thousands of women he has met, even many aunts have dated him. Unlike Kiran and Kenzie, the two of them have never dated any creature on this earth, because Kiran and Kenzie look more like lovers, so sticky. . Kiran and Kenzie are always together everywhere, that’s what makes Keenan always feel lonely because his presence is not considered.

” Dad , is this the school ? ” Keenan asked when their car stopped in a school yard that looked very different from Keenan ‘s old school in America .

“Yes Keenan dear”

Both of them started to get out of the car and walked through the corridors which seemed deserted because class had started half an hour ago .

Joan began to hold her son’s hand to enter a room that was reserved for the school’s guidance counselor.

The middle aged man who was sitting in the room smiled kindly at Joan and also at Keenan .

“Welcome, Mr. Joan,” said the teacher while extending his hand towards Joan.

“Hello Mr. Zidan” Joan returned the teacher’s hand, the two shook handsNôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

“Sorry Mr. Zi, one of my children came late today” Joan said uncomfortably.

Mr. Zidan patted Joan lightly on the shoulder “It doesn’t matter sir, besides this handsome son of yours is a new kid. It’s only natural that he’s late on his first day,” said Mr. Zidan, he glanced at Joan and Keenan alternately.

Keenan winked at Mr. Zidan, he was used to doing that when someone complimented him on being handsome.

Mr. Zidan could only grin indistinctly at the behavior of his new student. Joan’s family has helped a lot in the development of this school. That’s what made all the teachers at this school, including Pak Zidan, fall to their knees before Joan and her three children.

Annoyed, that’s what Joan was feeling right now, it felt like she really wanted to punch her first son with her own hands. But whatever power, Liza never allowed her to educate her children in a harsh way like Papa Ansel’s method of educating her.

“Your name is Keenan Danendra, right?” Ask Mr. Zidane to make sure.

Keenan nodded slowly “That’s right sir, I’m Keenan,” Keenan replied casually.

“Can I know where my class is sir?” Asked Keenan, who was tired of staring at Mr. Zidan.

“Erm… sorry Keenan. Looks like you can’t be in the same class as your two brothers,” said Mr. Zidan looking scared.

“Why sir?” Joan’s eyebrows knit together. It was very strange , whereas previously the school had agreed to put their three children in the same class .

“We apologize in advance sir, but the arrival of the two Keenan brothers made MIPA 1 class very chaotic, the students screamed hysterically when they saw the handsomeness of your youngest son. So we suggest not to include your two sons in the same class” explained Mr. Zidan, an hour ago the subject teacher who was teaching in the MIPA 1 class reported that the students in the class screamed like someone possessed when they saw Kenzie coming.

“All right, sir, that’s the best way, but I hope Keenan can still be put in other MIPA classes,” Joan asked hopefully.

“Don’t worry sir, Keenan is officially registered as a MIPA 2 class student,” replied Mr. Zidan, bringing relief to Joan’s heart.

Not because she wanted her child to be called smart by other people, Joan put her three children in the MIPA class because it was in accordance with the major they had previously studied at Thomas Jefferson School High School, their previous school, when in America the major was science and technology.

Keenan chuckled in annoyance , once again he had to feel miserable because he could not copy assignments from Kenzie or Kiran . It seems that the world has never been on Keenan’s side, for the 16 years they have lived in the world, Keenan has never once felt that he has twins. Because his existence is often forgotten by Kiran and Kenzie.

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