Forged in the Flames

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Forged In The Flames By Karima Sa’ad Usman

Chapter 90 Unhealthy Emotions (Gabriel)

What Nikolas told me tore at my soul. I could not believe it. The pain was excruciating. I said goodbye to Gwen and tried to live with the fact that I would never see her again, and then I found out suddenly that she was alive. That an enemy had taken her and was using her. I could only imagine the emotional and mental torture she was going through.

I could not help myself.

Jack and I reacted to the news the only way we could.

Going wild was necessary to let out all the frustration and stress I had bottled up, and I finally felt the need to let it all out.

Title of the document

I needed my emotions to escape and leave me so I could focus.

I honestly thought Nikolas had something to do with her death because of how he reacted when he saw her picture.

I had judged him wrongly and was ashamed of myself for it.

The man had done so much. There was no doubt he loved Aliana. If I did not know better, I would

think they were fated because he cared for my daughter and followed her indulging her every whim like his father once did with Olive.

Everything Nikolas did remind me of Mathias. He might not have a striking resemblance to the King like Miles does, but he was his son by heart. Everything about him showed he was Mathia’s son.

Nikolas was nothing like his mother, and I thanked the Goddess. Something that I thought was a curse had become a blessing.

Hope was what got me back to my senses. The hope was that Gwen was alive and we would get her back. I have come to trust Nikolas because he always kept his word; he kept every promise he made except one; he did not make Aliana’s life miserable.

My daughter has been the happiest since they got together, and I was grateful to him for it. I thanked Goddess for the gift she bestowed to the two of them, and I pray it will flourish.

Heading back to my home in wolf form, I returned with the hope that I would soon have Gwendoylne in my arms again.

I did not care what Fredrick might have done to her; I was just grateful that she was living and breathing, and there was hope of getting her back.

I entered my house naked and went to sit on the couch.

Picking up her photo, I looked at it and traced the picture with my f*ingers.

Her smile was radiant, and I longed to see that smile again.

I prayed that Snow had not ruined her, and if that was the case, I vowed to do everything I could to put a smile on her face again. She was everything to me, and I loved her dearly.

“You will be home soon, darling. Very soon. I promise you. I will drive a sword into the monster’s heart. I will make sure his death is painful,” I said, looking at her image and smiling radiantly.

I set the picture back on the side table and went to shower.

Tomorrow was going to be a challenging day.

I had avoided seeing Isabelle since I found out she was the one. I did not know what her reaction would be when I saw her, but after learning all she did, I did not feel guilty that she lived in the forest.

I had made peace with myself on that matter, and there was nothing she would tell me that would make me feel guilty again.

Nikolas must have a good reason to want to lock her away. Seeing how he executed traitors. I knew he must be finding it hard to realise what Isabelle was. I knew she would be dead by now if she wasn’t his mother. She was privileged that her son loved her. I hoped she would not be stupid enough to test the love.

I went to bed looking optimistic about tomorrow.

Isreal linked me in the morning, and I told him I would see him later. I needed to handle Isabelle’s matter alone.

I decided I would lock her in the isolated underground bunker room. She will be very comfortable there, and no one can reach her.

The walls of the room are made of silver, so it will serve as a deterrent for those who plan to go there, and it will also ensure that she remains there with no hope of trying to escape.

The facility made it possible for her to receive her meals without getting in contact with anyone.

I planned to Assign a werewolf Kappa to give her food.

Werewolves would never team up with a Lycan because they know who will be on the losing side of the partnership. I also knew that was why Nikolas settled for Halfbreed and Werewolf to serve and interact with his guests from outside. For werewolves and halfbreeds, nothing and nowhere is better than Forest.

I got dressed and was ready to leave.

“Good morning, Father,” I always heard Aliana’s voice in my head. She was always greeting me and checking on me. She was the reason why I did not give up after I believed that Gwen was no more; I wondered if Nikolas had told her. I planned to be silent and wait for her to bring it up before speaking.

“How are you feeling today?” She asked.

“Great, trying to run some errands for Nikolas. Mind you, they are not tedious tasks. I do not want you going to complain to your boyfriend,” I teased her, knowing she would have chuckled if we were having a face-to-face conversation. “Okay, let me know when you are free so I can spend time with you. Nikolas is very busy these days, and sleeping in my room isn’t easy. I also have something to tell you,” She said, and I told her it was okay.

Whatever she had to tell me wasn’t about her mother because if Nikolas had informed her, he would have told her I already knew, and she would have linked me. I hoped he would eventually find the courage to tell her about Gwen. It took a lot for him to tell me.

I entered the palace and instructed the Kappa to prepare the underground bunker cell for Isabelle, and they set out to perform the task. I also requested galvanised bracelets that would not burn her skin.

It took an hour for everything to be ready; within that hour, I checked out the library.

A kappa met me there to inform me that they had done all I had asked and handed me the bracelets. I left the library, went up the stairs, and headed towards Isabelle’s room.

I could easily spot which was hers because it was heavily guarded. Asking to be granted permission, the guards parted ways, and I opened the door and let myself in.

The room was dark when I walked in. It was clear that Nikolas had locked her up for a day or two. I could not tell, but it was dark, and the windows needed to be opened.

Isabelle wasn’t in the room, but the sounds from the bathroom let me know she was in there.

I moved to open the windows to air the room. Then I went to sit on the chair to wait for her.

I heard the door knob turn and knew she was coming out.

“Tell my son not to bother sending food or….” She started coming out and stopped.

I looked at her where she stood, and she was utterly shocked. I stood up immediately.

“Gabriel,” she said, letting out a breathy whisper, and I just stared at her.

“What are you doing here?” She asked, recovering from the shock, and I cleared my throat to speak, but she did not let me start when she cut in.

“Do not tell me you are here to apologies.” She said, and I shook my head.

“Actually, I am not,” I said, and she was shocked.

“How can you say that? You killed Mathias, took Forest and gave me no choice but to live in the woods. I was pregnant, Gabriel,” she said, her eyes misty. I could see the rush of emotions on her face. She was reliving her truth.

“I sent you to go be with your brother,” I said, and she wept.

“He chased us away, and I couldn’t come here. Why? You had taken everything. The least you could have done was take me too for the sake of.,..” She said, bringing up the same request she made that night.

“You know why I said no. You had an unhealthy crush on me. You were Mathais’s wife, and you were carrying his child.

Were your desires worth destroying your son’s future? What would have happened to your son if I had said yes out of duty?” I asked her, and she wiped away her tears. NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“He would have had a home. A father figure and a normal life. We wouldn’t have grown up in the wild, and when the time came, I knew you would have helped him become king,” she said, and I disagreed.

“I doubt there would have been any werewolves left by that time, Isabelle. I knew what you, your brother, Leon and Isaac Lucas were planning,” I said, and she was dumbfounded.

“Did you think it would remain hidden forever or killing the record keeper would somehow absolve you of your sins? Your actions caused Mathais’ death. I thought you loved him,” I said.

She shook her head, tears streaming continuously, and sat on her bed because her knees gave out from the shock and pain.

“I loved him more than I had ever loved anyone. I was infatuated with Leon, but I loved Mathais. He wouldn’t give me a chance, so I lashed out, but I had nothing to do with his death. I had stopped helping Fredrick before I got pregnant. I had removed myself….” She said, and I shut her up.

“If that were true, you would have come clean and told Mathias the truth. It would have saved his life and saved your son all this trouble,” I told her, and she wept.

“I couldn’t. I wasn’t brave enough. It was bad he found out about my affairs and cast me aside. What do you think he would have done if I had confessed? He would have killed me, Gabriel. He did not love me.” She said, and I shook my head. “He did not need to marry you, yet he did. He just did not love you the way you wanted.

Mathias loved you, but you wanted to erase Olive from his life. You could not get that, so you lashed out. Your jealousy and cowardice got him killed and gave your brother the upper hand. You really messed things up, and to think you are still doing it to your son makes me sick, Isabelle,” I said, and she growled at me.

“I am trying to save him from getting enthralled by your daughter. It is Mathias and Olive playing all over again, and even though I wasn’t in Mathias’s life then, I cannot let it happen. Nikolas can’t be king with her, but he won’t let her go because they are fated. He refuses to let her…” she said, and she had lost me with that word. I could not believe what I had heard.

“So, antagonizing my daughter and spying on her is the best way to go? If you know how fated mates bond work, you should know he will always choose her. Why do you like to play games you will lose?

You had gone feral, Isabelle, but the Goddess gave you a second chance and made you sane by blessing you with a loving son and blessing him with a mate that would have the heart to nurse your health.

Instead of redeeming yourself from your past mistakes by supporting your son and loving him just how he is, you decided to work against and antagonize him. You decided to make his life hell by trying to rip the woman he loves away from him. It shows how unremorseful you are….” I said, and she shook her head.

“I am not remorseful; I am just bitter. Bitter about what you did. You refused to give me a chance but chose my maid instead. My maid, Gabriel. What did Gwen have that I could not give you?” She said,

and I did not want to answer the obvious question.

“You turned me down as if I were nothing and sent me away easily without even considering my proposal. Because of you, Fredrick had the opportunity to do what he did, and I had to hide away in the woods like a wild animal and raise my son the only way I could, so yes am bitter, and I doubt I will ever forgive you for it,” She said in tears. I could see in her eyes that the obsession never died. It just somehow turned into resentment and a need for vengeance.

“There is nothing to forgive, Isabelle. I spared your life and protected you by sending you to your brother, hoping you will be cared for. I promised to care for Forest and return the territory to your child when you return. The only person you should harbor ill feelings towards is your brother for not welcoming you home and protecting you when you need him the most. It was Fredrick that failed you and not me,” I said and walked towards her. She stood up immediately, wondering why I was approaching. Her eyes danced with confusion, anticipation and a tinge of hope. Her feelings were the same.

“What are you doing,” she asked gently, and I t*ouched her cheek. She closed her eyes to feel my palm, and I knew what was on her mind. I looked at her and concluded that even though she was no longer feral, she wasn’t completely healed. I caressed her hand gently, and she moaned. I didn’t want to be rough. She had gone through enough in her life.

“It isn’t too late, Gabriel. I still want you,” she said, and as painful and heartbroken I felt for her, I knew I had to do it.

I clamped the bracelet on her wrist and locked it.

She snapped out of her trans and stepped away from me, looking at her wrist. She was dumbfounded as she stared at the bracelet, and tears were streaming down her cheeks. I knew she felt like I had somehow betrayed her.

“Why did you do this? Why?” she asked, wanting to take it off, but it was useless. I was the one with the key and ensured it wasn’t on me.

“My wolf Gabriel I can’t talk to her like this,” She said, crying.

“Alisia will be fine, Isabelle. You need help, and your son has given me instructions,” I said, my heart heavy.

“No! No! No! I did not cause Mathais’ death, I swear. I hated Fredrik for it. Had I known, I would have ratted them out. I swear! I loved him. I loved you both,” she said in tears.

“You need to get better, Isabelle, for your son’s sake. You need to get better,” I told her, holding her to take her to the bunker that would be her new home until Nikolas said otherwise. While we moved through the passage, she was yelling and crying.

“I promise I won’t trouble anyone. I won’t antagonise Aliana. I will be good. I won’t try to write to Fredrick. I won’t do anything that will annoy Nikolas. Tell him, Gabriel. Tell him that I love him and I will never hurt him. I want you to tell him. please,” she said, and the best I could do was nod as I led her to the bunker.

I thought this would be easy, but seeing Isabelle like this broke me. I had once told Mathias that speaking of Olive where his bride was might cause issues. I knew things might have turned different if she had her way, but how could she expect Mathais to wipe away the woman that made his heart beat for many years?

This book will be fast-paced. We have roughly ten chapters to go, and it will be completed.

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