Forged in the Flames

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Forged In The Flames By Karima Sa’ad Usman

Chapter 97 Busy and Fruitful (Nikolas’s POV)

After the speech, I walked back into the room with Aliana, and I could see the tremor of emotions still affecting her. Stepping into our bedroom, she suddenly broke away from me, her eyes filled with hurt and confusion.

“Why, Nikolas? Why didn’t you tell me?” Her voice quivered, and I found myself at a loss for words. Beyond wanting our relationship to be founded on genuine love rather than the binding force of a mate bond, I had no other explanation.

“Was that the reason you took me away from my father?” Her question hung in the air, and I couldn’t provide a straightforward answer, for it was both yes and no.

“I fought against it, Aliana. I tried with every fibre of my being. Still, I couldn’t resist its overpowering hold,” I confessed, watching as she wiped away her tears.

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“Why can’t I feel it?” Her voice trembled with concern as she looked at me, searching for answers.

“I’m certain you can feel it, my love; perhaps you haven’t fully comprehended the sensation.

It’s why you calm me in moments of rage, why I could never bring myself to harm you, and why I desired you so intensely, even before truly knowing you. I want you to understand that what we share is not solely based on the bond but on the depth of our feelings for one another.

The more I discovered about you, the more determined I became to spend the rest of my life with you. I thank the heavens that our destinies intertwined, so I needn’t worry about anyone else taking you away

from me. You are mine to love and cherish, Aliana,” I poured my heart out, and she rushed into my arms, holding onto me with all her might. Her tears dampened my chest as she rested her head against it, and we clung to each other tightly.

“I love you, Aliana, and my love is not merely a product of our bond,” I murmured, and she held onto me, her grip unwavering.

“I love you too, Nikolas. I love you with all my heart, and I appreciate everything you’re doing for us,” she whispered, and I k*issed the top of her head, holding her close.

We remained secluded for the rest of the day, revelling in each other’s presence. I made love to her, trying to compensate for the times I had been absent due to my demanding schedule. Now that she knew the truth, her response to my t*ouch differed. There was a sense of belonging, and the fear of being torn apart had dissipated. I was grateful that I had chosen to forge ahead despite the challenges. As I lay beside Aliana, I knew that love would be my ultimate reward once all was said and done.

I woke and went to the office in the morning, three days after I had addressed the crowd. I was waiting for a message from Piotr to inform me of Fredrick’s plans.

Ingham and Grant said they were working on something, and because of that, they were scarce. I was tired of sitting in the office, so I asked Abraham to join me on a stroll.

Qusack wasn’t in the office, and I didn’t need to guess where he was. I knew he was with Ania. I did not know what had changed, but I was sure they were together now. I hoped my friend would not mess it up.

Stepping outside, I saw Ingham and Grant walking towards the palace, dragging a man they had chained in silver and beaten bloody.

They had smiles, and anyone looking at them would think they were psychos, but I knew the man they were dragging was important.

They got to where I was and stood. The man could bearly open his swollen eyes. He was injured, and the silver hindered his healing.

“What have you two been up to?” I asked them, and Grant looked at Ingham, who beamed at me. “Your majesty, meet Aski Claus, aka Isaac Luis,” he said, and Abraham and I were stunned. How did they pull this off? I had no idea how to catch the bastard. I also had no idea they were investigating him. This was a fantastic turn of events.

Without further ado, I quickly led them to our interrogation room at the back of the palace. Once they had secured the prisoner and it was just us, I waited for them to elaborate.

“Since we caught and executed those spies, we have tirelessly pursued him, gathering evidence of his involvement in a web of criminal activities in Forest during and after your father’s reign. This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Since the werewolves we were training did not need supervision because they were already trained, we devoted our time to finding him.

We finally got his location the day before yesterday. We traced him all the way to the outlands, between Forest and Snow, in a cabin in Riverdale. The man was living like a hermit. We also found the correspondence between him and Fredrick. We are determined to extract the truth from him, no matter the cost,” Ingham said with determination and anticipation.

I had focused on Fredrick and figured Isaac could be dealt with later. I was indeed impressed with these two. I could see Ingham’s desperation to get back in my good books, and I was proud of him.

The room was dimly lit and windowless.

Ingham and Grant confronted Isaac, who was bound to a chair. The atmosphere crackled with tension as they prepared to use any means necessary to make him talk.

Isaac was a hardened man, and I could see it from his resilience; he sneered defiantly at us even though he was severely injured.

The man clearly had a death wish, even though death was inevitable.

For him, how he died mattered.

I knew we would make him beg for it.

Ingham, known for his stern demeanour, leaned in close.

“You can spare yourself the agony, Isaac,” he growled. “We know about your alliances with Fredrick and Leon. We know about the crimes you’ve committed together.”

Isaac’s eyes flickered, a hint of uncertainty creeping into his expression. He knew his carefully constructed facade was slowly crumbling, and we had unveiled the depths of our investigation.

Resigned to the inevitable, he finally confessed to his involvement, spilling the details of their plans and misdeeds. All that we already knew, piecing together the details we found in the archives.

“Mathias was a tainted man and did not deserve to be King. Leon was supposed to be King, but a stupid law disqualified him. All I was guilty of was drafting letters on behalf of the King and signing decrees.

How the recipient of the letters chose to use is not my fault,” he said, and I punched him in the face. I felt a surge of rage in me.

Looking at the man, I realised my father would be alive if he did not exist.

Indeed my mother did not sign those decrees, and she did not help them kill my father, but her silence about their intentions left my father vulnerable. I growled, and Abraham told me to be calm.

Isaac finally confessed to his crimes.

He told us how he got in with the help of my mother’s recommendation. He said my mother believed he was from Hill and King Aleksander had recommended him.

She thought he was only coming to help my father, but he and Fredrick had other plans that did not involve her and my father surviving.

Leon was dead by then, so they had a free playing field.

They were responsible for the poisoning of the officers that led to my father finally ending Giles and going into seclusion.

My mother helped pass the Unity law to avenge Leon’s death and protect my father.

Isaac said she was stupid. He said she believed that Giles and the werewolves did not mean well; Gabriel’s rejection did not help matters either. The woman was vindictive.

It also made me wonder why she was fixated on the man.

As Isaac listed their crimes, I felt sorry for my father; he was truly alone.

With each revelation, the room seemed to grow colder. Isaac disclosed the heinous murder of Olive and the subsequent forgery of my father’s signature to conceal their tracks and forge their agenda.

He divulged the extent of their manipulation of affairs, weaving a sinister web that had ensnared Forest’s unsuspecting inhabitants and led to war.

I listened intently, my mind racing to connect the dots.

The puzzle pieces were falling into place, and I realised the true extent of Fredrick’s strategy and plans.

It was precisely what I suspected.

Snow was dying, and he wanted to make Forest his home and its riches his own.

Contrary to what we thought, Isaac was from Snow and not Hill, but he had a residence in Hill.

King Aleksander’s seal and signature were forged on his letter of recommendation to make it seem like he was from Hill and not from Snow, so my mother won’t be suspicious of her brother. Should my father want to investigate him, he will not be connected to Snow, and my father will not be suspicious.

It was well planned, and the thought that Fredrick had used my mother to bring in this snake angered me.

When he was done with his confession, I relaxed and calmed down.

“So, what are Fredrick’s plans about the war?” I asked, and the sick bastard started laughing.

Clearly, he was from Snow because only Snow could produce such mentally challenged individuals.

“You are done for, Little boy. Hill and Snow are coming for you, and your brother will help lead your uncle into victory for the promise of your position,” He said, laughing, and Abraham punched him.

I had never seen Abraham lose it before, but clearly, everything Issac said annoyed him.

“We become Scholars to make our world a better place, not help evil people destroy it,” he said, and I could understand his anger.

Isaac Lucas was like Abraham; he was a learned scholar, which was why he could do things meticulously and get away with his crimes.

He understood the Law and knew the records. He was able to manipulate them to good use.

Put him in the underground silver hole in the palace’s forest. Let him starve and thirst to death,” I said, walking out, having heard enough.

The man began to protest. He was silly to think his death would be quick and easy.

As I walked out of place with Abraham, I linked with Ingham and Grant to thank them for their hard work. Because of them, a puzzle piece had been closed, and we finally had the whole picture.

It wasn’t different from what we suspected, but it helped clarify my mother’s role, which was useless to me.

While I walked back to my office, I thought of all the promises Miles made and his enthusiasm.

I honestly wanted to believe him, but I am glad his action didn’t fool me. Regardless of his prowess, he will not be able to defeat Piotr and me. If killing him will bring the peace and

freedom we craved, so be it. I hope my father will forgive me for ending his son, and when Miles joins him in the hereafter, I hope he can face his parents and tell them what he tried to do.

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