Found Again

Chapter 29 STUNNED

“Because Anne did not resign from her job! She was fired by Lieo!”NôvelDrama.Org content.

I was beyond shocked by Alli’s statement. I know since that night she became hostile towards Anne even though I explained to her what really happened.

Even before, she always thought that I have a feeling for Anne that’s why she did not even bother to ask for an explanation when she saw Anne kissing me at the bar. I feel like I am somehow at fault for why she feels insecure towards Anne. Maybe, I lack in making her feel loved by me.

Anne is indeed special to me, but it was plain platonic. I never like her romantically. I wish I can explain to her the special bond that I have with Anne, but I can’t because Anne pleaded not to tell anyone about her.

“Did Lieo tell you that?” I asked to confirm.

She looks at me with disbelief. I disappoint her again. I know what’s running in her pretty head right now, that I am taking Anne’s side.

Lieo and Anne are both special to me, they are both my friends. But I will be honest that I have been biased because of what I discovered about Lieo’s feeling for Alli. I never blame Lieo for falling to Alli. Allison is very easy to love. She’s so genuine and lovable. But I can’t be fine with it because I love Alli to death.

“Obviously!” She answered then she rolled her eyes.

I sighed. I didn’t know that. And I know that Lieo can’t lie about it but why did Anne tell me otherwise?

“Aren’t you going to ask me why she got fired?” She asked in an annoyed voice.

I bit my lips because I feel guilty. I can’t tell her that I don’t care whether Anne is fired or not. Anne is my friend that’s why I gave her the job and she’s doing pretty well with her job. I could see how passionate she is being my manager.

“You don’t have any plan to ask me about it, am I right?” She asked in a lower voice.

I went to her side and hug her. “Please baby, don’t be mad at me. I don’t want us to fight over this thing.”

She pushes me and pours another wine on her glass. I was about to get her glass to stop her from drinking but she stood up.

“You are so blinded by your love for her!” She accused me.

I shake my head and went to her trying to calm her down but she keeps on pushing me away.

“Please baby,” I pleaded.

She shooked her head. “I don’t know if you are too kind or just plain stupid.”

My lips parted from the shock in her frankness. She thinks I’m stupid now.

“I’m not being kind, Alli. It’s just that, Anne is a friend and she also doing great in her job, what happened with her in Lieo’s company is not my concern anymore.” I explained in a calm voice.

“Even if you don’t ask, I will still tell you the reason! I don’t want my boyfriend to continue to be blinded by that golddigger!” She raised her voice.

My brow furrowed at how Alli branded Anne. “What did you call her?” I asked displeased.

“What?! Are now mad at me?” She said challenging me.

I shook my head. I seated and lower my head. “I will never be mad at you,” I said quietly.

“I doubt that. Should I bring you a mirror for you to see how you look at me right now? Did you get hurt because I called your precious girl a golddigger?” She said no plans on backing out.

My lips settled in a thin line before I pursed it. I should stop talking back at her. It makes her angrier at me.

“I don’t care if you get mad at me right now or you want to break up with me. I will tell you everything I found out about her.”

My eyes widen a fraction again when she said the word break up. Breaking up with her will never be my option.

“What are you saying?! I will never break up with you!” I said grimly.

She avoided my gaze and swallowed hard. “A-anyways, the reason why Lieo fired her was that she found out that everything in her resume is fake! And not only that, she has a proven record of a golddigger.” She said in disgust.

I was about to say something but she cut me off.

“Don’t say anything yet and let me finish.” She said in a cold voice.

She went to the chair across from us and open her bag. She pulls out an envelope from her bag. She went to me and handed me the envelope.

My forehead creased. “What’s this?” I asked in a low voice.

That’s all the evidence, Lance got when she did a background check about Anne.

“Lance did what?! But why?” I asked to feel so lost in what’s happening.

“I was also surprised when Lance handed those documents to me. I was not aware that he did a background check on Anne. As per him, he did that to protect me. He wanted to make sure that the people around me can be trusted. He also did a background check on Charles and Noah since they became close to me.” She explained in detail.

I nodded. I know how protective Lance is when it comes to his family, especially to Allison since she just reunited with them. I completely understand why he did what he did.

Since Alli is very much close with Charles and that guy Noah, it only means that those two guys can be trusted. Now I became curious about what these documents contain for Lance to hand it over to Alli.

I pull out the documents from the envelop. I started to scan everything on it. It contains Anne’s basic information. From her family to her educational background and work experiences. I furrowed because the school she attended missing something. I will just assume that it was not included here since she didn’t graduate from that school.

Everything in this document is very detailed. My forehead creased more when I look at the latter documents. Anne was involved with two men. I know both of them. One of those guys is Liam, he was the only heir of a manufacturing company. He was not popular with girls because he was known as a nerd and lack when it comes to fashion. Nevertheless, he was a decent guy. The other guy is a married man who is well known in the business industry. I don’t know him personally but he was a known playboy. He has many mistresses and in this documents, it says that Anne is one of them.

There is also credit card billing named to Anne but connected to those two men which proves that she was financed by them for a certain time.

Anne’s supposedly next target is Lieo. Here it proves what Allie said a while ago. Anne did fake all her working experiences just to work in Lieo’s company. I can’t blame Alli for calling Anne a golddigger.

“I was Anne’s current target?” I asked quietly.

I saw my picture and details about me. It also says that I might be her next target after she failed on her attempt on Lieo.

“Isn’t obvious?!” Allie said in a sarcastic tone.

“Baby, please.” I just said to her.

Allie sighed. “Fine, now that you know everything about that woman. What are you going to do now?”

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