Found by the Lycan King

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Zenovia For some reason, the dean announced that the lessons were over early and we were all sent to our homes. I groaned, not wanting to return to the packhouse so soon. It was still 5 hours before school lessons ended and I did not want to show up early and be thrown more work or get bullied. But there was no choice. I let out a sigh and gloomily bid Cole goodbye for the day as we all left for our respective homes. The trees and flowers did. not cheer me up as I dreaded going back early and finding Sid waiting for me with his gang to punish me for my mistake. I sneaked up in my cabin through the side, making my way through the bushes instead of walking in through the main entrance. The wooden floor usually creaked a bit as the cabin was never covered under maintenance so mostly I had to beg someone to fix anything broken or try to somehow get it fixed myself. 1 did not want anybody to know I had arrived home early and wanted to just snuggle up in my bed and catch some sleep. With that in mind. I tiptoed around the bushes, carefully not to step on any wooden planks when I heard my name. I froze in my tracks, fearing somebody had seen me and would now be dragged to wash clothes or do the dishes but it was my so-called family talking about me. They were unaware of my presence so I decided to lay low and eavesdrop on their conversation. The voice came from my father’s office which was just near the gym 1

I strained my ears wondering what made them talk about me. So, I went on my knees and literally crawled through the shrubs to reach the backside of the office.

I could not see the entire office because the wall and the shrubs blocked half of my view. “This cannot be happening. We are not ready,” I heard Luna Celeste’s voice. My father looked worried as he replied, “I know, he was going to show up after two days but I just got the news that he is on the way to our territory.” The voice of my stepbrother reached me, “What does he want from us?” “I have no idea, son. I wish I knew so that I could have offered him something. Having him on our side is crucial to our pack.” “The rogues are getting pretty loud and violent. They attacked a few neighboring packs last week.” “Maybe it is that he wants to come here and see how things are going? We are one of the strongest packs in this area so naturally, he would want to have a word with you.” Sid tried to bootlick my father who gave him a warm smile…something that he had stopped giving me. No matter how hard I worked or did anything for him, I was always ignored and given the cold shoulder. “I’ve heard that the Lycan king is getting restless about the rogue attacks and he has decided to set foot in our territory after ages, he wants to take a look at things up close or so I heard.” Luna Celeste grew worried and she neared my father, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. “We need to pacify him before he subjects us to his ire. We already have the threat of the rogues looming over us.” My father held her hand and kissed her knuckles, making her blush. I could only try to not gag at the show of affection. Sid walked up to my father and said, “How about we give him some gift or tribute? That will bring us in his good books.” My father got up from the chair and turned in the direction of the window. I ducked as he walked near the window but thankfully the bushes hid me.

“But he is the Lycan King, he already has money, fame, se ts everything. What can we possibly give him?” 1 peered through the leaves and I saw a knowing look pass between my half-brother and stepmother. My heart began beating wildly as I had seen that look too many times. It always meant something bad. *The Lycan King has a keen eye for beauty. And Zenovia can pass off as beautiful if we dress her appropriately” My heart dropped to my stomach. I knew Sid disliked me but did not know that he hated me so much. Before my father could reply, Luna Celeste hurriedly added, “What a brilliant idea, son! You are going to make a great alpha, one day.” She then walked up to my father and spoke, “Sid is right. Zenoviah is good for nothing and brings nothing but shame to the Chapter 4 pack. Get rid of her. That way your secret is safe.” I almost did not want to hear what my father would say but I still held on to a small ray of hope in my heart that maybe my father would not agree to it that maybe he did not hate me that much. But the words that left his mouth left me speechless. “She is worthless, Celeste. The lycan king will not be pleased with the offer.” Tears stung in the back of my eyes. I dreaded what else my father would say and wanted to run away from this place. All my hopes of him having a change of heart had been crushed already. “Come on, Drake. She is beautiful, I have seen young men look at her. We throw her at the Lycan King’s feet and he walks away from here without asking too many questions. That way we get rid of her, your secret is safe and we also have a good standing in his eyes.” “Are you sure that this will work, Celeste? I don’t want him to look too deeply into our administrative decisions or finances. We already owe him alot.” Celeste batted her eyelashes and took my father’s face in her hand. She kissed him and I again tried not to puke as she continued, NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“I want the best for our pack…for you. Think of this as a deal, darling. The lycan king comes to us and we offer him a beautiful s e for free. Would he not be pleased to be offered an alpha’s daughter? Nobody knows she is a b d. You could just say your first fated mate died and then you found me. So he will be more than happy to receive her as an offering.” Celeste continued to convince my father and those words felt like hot iron was being poured into my ears. She was talking about me as if I was some lifeless object to offer to a beast. The lycan king was known to be fierce, ruthless, and very c g. And that he was cursed to not have a mate. I did not want to be stuck with someone who did not love me but would just use me for his needs. I had been living with her for so many years. How could she not have even an ounce of sympathy for me? Had she already not gotten her revenge after my mom’s death and throwing me out of my own house? While I tried to calm my raging heart, she pressed on. “Can you think of a better solution, Drake?” Before my father could say a word, Sid chimed in. “I thought I should keep this hidden but I don’t think I can hide it anymore. Zenovia…she she has been trying hard to get into my pants. “What?” My father turned to look at him with an aghast face. I pretty much had the same reaction and I could not believe my ears. Celeste ran towards Sid and held him close as he continued, “Just today morning when mom asked her to get her shoes, Zenovia purposely ran into me and kissed me forcibly. When I pushed her away saying that I think of her as a sister, she said that we are step- siblings so there is nothing wrong. When I still said no, she hurled a dumbbell at me.” Celeste looked at him with horrified eyes and caressed his forehead, “Oh my G d, I cannot believe this, Sid. Why didn’t you tell us this before?” Sid hung his head low, “I did not want Father to think I was painting her in a bad light. I wanted to give her another chance but every time she finds me alone….she pushes herself upon me and says that

she would tell everybody how I r*ped her if I don’t agree.” What???

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