Four or Dead by G O A

Chapter 51

Four or Dead

Chapter 51


"Can I say again that I hate this plan?" Logan had been in a bad mood all morning while we got ready for school

Last night I was woken by the others climbing into bed with Jayden and me. With a lot of effort, we all managed to fit on Jayden's bed and I fell asleep with all the guys cuddled up to me in some way. It would look silly to people but I needed that closeness and so did they. \°

"Ym with Logan on this one. I mean it makes a lot of sense but I am going to be sick after. Just remember baby, none of it is real." Asher assures me, but I trusted him completely now so I believe every word or at least try toThis is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

The five of us walk into school together and I can already feel the pain of this possibly being the last day I see the boys for a while. I made plans ahead of time to finish my last few credits for school early. Even with what went on at home I made an effort to find a way to distract myself when dad was really bad, and that meant I was finished with all my required classes. I was staying for the extra credits I could get and because I never wanted to be at home longer than I had to be

So I stayed and now I'll be able to disappear with Zane and it won't interfere with anything important. I will still walk at graduation with the rest of my class, that is if I finish all this before then

Chapter 51

"Andrea says she'll meet me before class," Asher says glancing down at his phone and scowling

He was not happy having to get involved with her again, but she is the most ruthless person at this school. She'll take any chance she gets to break me, and we were giving her that chance on a silver platter. .")

"And the others?" I ask looking at the rest of my boys

"Easy. They aren't exactly bright so it didn't take much convincing." Logan says smugly and I can't help but roll my eyes at him

Andrea's friends had also been summoned for the big event today. In short, the guys are going to get caught with them at various times throughout the day. Word will spread fast since our relationship is pretty well known now. The big finally will happen at lunch when I walk in on Andrea all over Asher. \°

Pretty basic but effective and since Andrea likes to turn everything into a spectacle I was sure she would no doubt add her own flair to really make all this hurt. Once we get to my locker the guys don't go for their usual send-off and instead walk away without a word. I tense automatically and I try to hide myself behind my locker door, but I can hear the whispers. The boys are always very clear with their affection and even though this one thing is tiny it has the desired effect

Things escalate even more in class when I sit as far from the boys as possible. I fall back into my habit of trying to be invisible and I hate how easy it feels to fall into the background. \*

Chapter 51

"Are they fighting or something? They're usually all over each other. It's disgusting but this is weird." I hear someone say and I squeeze my eyes shut

I feel my phone vibrate and I carefully pull it out and see a message from Logan

Logan: I miss you already! Don't look so sad baby you're breaking my heart. (3)

I try very hard to fight back a smile and I send him a quick reply

Me: stop it, I'm supposed to look upset. You guys have been cheating and we are supposed to break up! \'

Logan: yeah yeah I just wanted you to know that you are beautiful and amazing! Ok, that's it. °)

Me: you're crazy but you also look very nice today

Logan: you mean sexy? You can say it...I won't judge you Me: shut up and stop texting me! I'm supposed to hate you

Logan: well I got nothing but love for you baby girl. .*

Me: oh my god stop! I need to stay in character

Logan: okay okay, but remember you are the only girl for me. None of what happens will change that. And if Zane lays a hand on you I will

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cut it off

Me: I'll have to let him at least touch a little or I won't sell it. But when it's all over I give you permission to hurt him as much as you want, how's that?

Logan: beautiful you have no idea how happy that will make me. I'll hold you to it

Me: no problem. Love you

Logan: same baby. Now I will scowl at you but in a nice way. \"°

I shake my head and glance up to see he really is scowling at me, but a second later he glances around to make sure no one is watching before throwing me a wink as well. I hold back a smile and turn my attention to Andrea instead. She took a seat next to Asher and is turned in his direction, running her hand down his arm. \*

I can see the vain in his neck tensing but he's putting on a good act of enjoying Andrea's attention. In the corner of my eye, I can see two girls watching me and whispering to each other. I quickly turn away and lower my head again

The next few classes play out the same. The boys flirting with other girls right in front of me and me looking hurt. Seeing the guys like that churns my stomach even though I know it's all fake. When the bell rings for lunch I rush to the bathroom and lock myself in a stall.

Chapter 51

"Oh my gosh. That's her! I knew the Angels wouldn't slum it with someone like her for long. I mean she is plain at best and totally weird

It was probably a bet or something. Did you see Andrea all over Asher last class? It's like things are finally going back to normal." One of the girls I rushed past said to her friend

I know that I shouldn't care but the way she says that the guys have been slumming it with me hurts more than I thought it would. Being with the guys has helped me come a long way with seeing myself in a more positive way, but was that true? I shouldn't care because the guys have told me how they felt about me but that little voice of doubt has started to rise again

"Well, my friend who helps in the office says she'll be gone soon. Out of sight out of mind, you know? No one is going to care or remember after a week I guarantee it." The other girl says. I

My heart clenches and I feel a single tear fall down my cheek and I try to fight the many more gathering in my eyes. I can't let their words hurt me, but maybe it's for the best. At least my pain will look real because some of it is

I hear the door slam closed and I open the door to check and see if I'm alone now. The bathroom seems empty so I step up to the mirror and look at my reflection. My eyes look watery and I decide I'll use this for the final act. I'll need the tears for when I see that snake all over Asher

The mental image alone is making the tears even more real, but I hang

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on to them as best I can. With one more deep breath, I step toward the door and pull it open, ready to play my part

As I walk down the hall everyone is whispering about me and some even have their phones out. I hate this but a public spectacle is what I need so I ignore them. I finally make it to the cafeteria and I slowly open the door. As soon as I step inside everything goes uncomfortably quiet. I look up and see Andrea sitting on Asher's lap, their lips locked together in an intense kiss

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I freeze right there in front of the cafeteria door and lock my eyes on them. A few people start to laugh and whisper and it catches Andrea's attention. She breaks her kiss with Asher and turns to me. The smirk on her face is full of triumph and hate

"Well well, look who's fallen back down to the bottom of the food chain." She stands and walks toward me, a sway to her hips and head held high

When she is standing in front of me, I mentally prepare myself for anything awful she might say. She doesn't say another word though, her hand raises and all I feel is pain. My head is forced to the side at the impact of her hand against my cheek

"How dare you try and take what's mine you little bitch." She grows between clenched teeth. "You're done here. Girls! Show her out." (")

Andrea steps back and I glance over to the guys. There standing and ready to step in but I shake my head. They can't stop them or this

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would all blow up. Two of Andrea's crew step up and each grab one of my arms. They pull me out of the cafeteria and down the hall to the entrance of the school. They slam the doors open and drag me outside

Once were in front of the school they release me with a shove and I stumble forward nearly falling to my knees

I catch myself and turn to them with my chest rising and falling with hate and an urge to fight back

"Bye bye rat! Don't bother coming back! If you do we'll do more than string you up. We'll use poison, and make sure you won't survive." They say without a hint of humor. 7 }

They aren't making empty threats, they mean every word. These girls are happy to kill me to keep what they want. I am an obstacle to them and that means I'm a threat. I turn to walk away from them when I feel one of the girls push me between my shoulder blades and send me tumbling down the front steps

I land hard and I struggle to take in a breath. The impact had knocked the wind out of me and I'm sure I have more serious injuries but my head is pounding too much for me to feel much else. Warm liquid trails down into my mouth and the taste of my blood snaps me back and I whimper from the pain that crashes into me all at once

"Whoops." One of them says before turning away and laughing

I watch them go

"Emma!" I hear his voice call my name and I go still..?

That voice sends a chill down my spine and I feel sick to my stock and not because of my injuries..°

It worked. He is coming for me. I?

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