Four or Dead by G O A

Chapter 82

Four or Dead

Chapter 82


Having Emma here makes it feel like everything is back to the way it was and at the same time, it feels like everything has changed. I guess in a lot of ways it has. I can't believe Emma is pregnant and that the baby is Jayden''s. That fact is the most surprising to me. I can't say I ever imagined Jayden being the first of us to have a kid or any kid for that matter. He isn't exactly the warm fatherly type, but as soon as Emma told him I could see a shift. He has been watching her every move since she told us and I can see a protective expression on his face. Almost like he's ready to jump up at any moment and protect Emma from anything and everything even us

I won't lie, I may have wanted to be a dad first since I loved Emma first but I also know that's a stupid reason. It doesn't matter who the father is, that's our baby. We will raise it together, all of us, if Emma lets us

There is a lot we haven't finalized but I think we all just want to enjoy this time together for however long it lasts. Emma is currently snuggled between Wyatt and Jayden, but Logan wouldn't stand not being close to her so he's sitting on the floor and leaning between her legs. She's been mindlessly running her fingers through his hair while we all watch some random movie on TV. \*!

It all feels strangely normal even with the addition of Wyatt. I have taken some time to just watch him with Emma and I can see how much he cares about her from the heart eyes he's always flashing to her even

Chapter 82

when she isn't looking. He's a goner. Poor guy never stood a chance just like the rest of us poor saps. Besides his obvious adoration, he also seems to have an edge to him that looks a lot like ours. A slight tension and the habit of scanning the room for any sort of danger. It's a habit you pick up in this life when you never know who your enemy might be or when they might come for you

I wonder how he ended up with Zane in the first place, but now isn't the right time to ask. Everyone is relaxed right now and I don't want to mess that up, but soon I'm going to want to know everything about the guy. We don't keep secrets from each other between us guys, so he'll have to jump on board. I should say, we won't ever keep secrets from any of the group especially if we don't want to lose Emma for good. We claimed to lie to protect her but we had no right to do that and she has let us know how wrong we were

No, things are going to be different from now on. We can't screw up again

The sudden sound of Asher's phone going off has us all going quiet and watching carefully as he stood to answer it. He mumbled out a greeting but otherwise kept completely quiet while the other person spoke. We all sat straight in anticipation waiting to hear what was happening. The strangest thing happened next. When Asher ended the call, he stood silently with his back to us for a second too long making my heart race in fear. He isn't freaking out and cursing up a storm like he normally does, and even though I couldn't hear the conversation I already knew the news wasn't good

Chapter 82

"Asher?" Emma's sweet voice finally breaks through the silence and she slowly moves toward him. "What happened?"

She moves to stand in front of him and I lose sight of her over Asher's

huge frame

"Asher? What happened?" She asks again and I hear the worry in her voice that we are all no doubt feeling now

"They...they burned down a ton of the apartment complexes we own." Asher finally says quietly and it hits me

The apartment buildings we own house almost all of our crew and their families

"Shit. How many?" Logan asks

"Six," Asher says finally turning to us

"Was anyone hurt?" Emma asks moving around to stand near me

I immediately pull her into my side and feel her lean as close to me as she possibly can

"Some of the men were at the office, but...." Asher stops and squeezes his eyes shut before leaning down to brace his hands on his kneesThis content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

A small sob escaped Emma then and she turned to bury her face in my chest. Asher didn't need to say anymore, his reaction alone told us everything. Everyone, except for a few men, didn't make it out

Chapter 82

Wives...and... 2)

The thought of all the lives taken so easily makes my stomach roll as well but it's quickly replaced by pure rage. How did they even know where our men lived?

"Emma, did Zane give any hint that he knew where to find our crew's homes?" I ask softly

She pulls back and with a furrowed brow she seems to be trying to recall everything he had said to her

"He didn't say as much but he hinted at the Russian's knowing where to hit. I assumed it would be stash houses or warehouses....not...oh god..

I'm sorry." She pulls away from me and runs from the room

Wyatt is quick to follow her, and we let him

"Who called?" I asked Asher

He had collapsed onto the nearest couch with his face in his hands

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"Tony." He says with a sigh

"So what are we doing about it?" Logan asks his words sharp and angry

"My dad wants all of us left to meet at the office. Tony ordered the rest of the families that are still accounted for to leave and stay at the safe houses out of state." Asher says. "The rest of us are going to find out what we can about who exactly is responsible and then we'll hit back

Chapter 82


"Then let's go." Emma's strong tone had us all turning to look at her

Asher is about to open his mouth to object no doubt, but Emma shakes her head

"I don't want to hear it, Asher. I'm coming, and you need us. My guys can help." She turns to Wyatt. "Call them and tell them to meet us."

"Wait, Emma, we can't just tell them where the office is. We don't know if we can trust them." Logan points out and snaps his mouth shuts quickly when Emma's angry gaze snaps to him

"You need our help Logan, or do you plan to fight an enemy you know next to nothing about just to prove you don't need anyone else's help? I bet that will last all of two minutes before your whole crew is taken out

This is a war, and we need all the men we can get. So suck it up and take our help." The strength in her voice sends a shiver up my spine

That was...kind of hot, not gonna lie. \*

Who knew our sweet little thing had that in her. 1 mean damn

Asher sighs once again and stands. "Tell them where to meet us, and make sure they are ready for the hail of bullets that are about to rain on


Emma nods and turns to speak quietly to Wyatt. When she's done, he

Chapter 82

Just a heads up: NovelDrama.Org is the only place to read the complete version of this book for free. Don't miss out on the next chapter-visit us now and continue your journey!

has his phone to his ear and steps out of the room

"Look, baby, I know you want to be in on this but with everything..." He motions toward her stomach, "you need to be far from any danger

You're cooking our little one in there and we can't have you two getting hurt."

Now she's the one who sighs. "Look, I have already made up my mind to stay back at the office when everyone goes out to deal with Zane's mess

But that does not mean you will keep me out of the loop. I may be having this baby, but you guys are going to be dads soon and you have to be careful too. Because I swear if any of you get hurt or worse I will kick your asses. Got it?" \?)

Logan smirks at her. "You got it, baby." The smug bastard

"Okay, the men are meeting us there in an hour," Wyatt says walking back into the room

"Good. Let's go." Emma doesn't even wait for us to say anything or move before she's heading toward the door and pulling it open with Wyatt right behind her. .?)

The rest of us stand watching her walk off in a bit of daze. This new Emma is a whirlwind of sass and confidence that I'm not used to but could easily get used to

"Shit. That was kind of hot." Logan blurts out and I chuckle. I?)

"It's infuriating," Asher says rolling his eyes, but I catch a hint of a smile when he turns away that says he agrees with Logan more than he's willing to admit

Our girl is about to blow everyone away. They won't see her coming, and that is a big mistake. It's always the sweet and innocent-looking

ones that hit the hardest. \*

I'm tempted to let her come with us just so I can see the destruction in her wake. Our Vengeful Angel burning the world to hell

Sounds like a damn good time to me

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