From Frying Pan to Strange Fire

She has to die

At the tone of Williams’ voice, and the look on his face, Roman knew he was not going to like what he was about to hear. So he didn’t even bother to utter a word. Instead, he raised a brow, waiting for Williams to complete what he wanted to say.

“The key to killing you has been found, Rome. And it is buried inside of the woman you married.” Williams revealed, pausing for a moment when he observed Roman’s countenance changed slightly. “Elena saw tragedy in your future, avoidable tragedy and she advised we act fast to avoid it. You are too important to the werewolf community, Rome, so the only way to avoid losing you is to eliminate your wife.”

Immediately the last line of the sentence dropped from Williams lips, a deadly punch came flying toward his face, one which he barely avoided by moving his head quickly to the side. The wall behind his head received the brunt of the attack as the impact left a depression on it as the surface broke down.

Williams widened his eyes in surprise.

“Say it again.” Roman uttered, his face and voice hard with anger.


“Say that rubbish one more time, Liam.” Roman cut him off, moving closer to him threateningly.

Williams knew better than to say anything when he was so close, so he put some distance between them.

“Calm down, Rome. You are angry and therefore not thinking straight right now.” Williams pointed out, and Roman let out a wicked laugh.

“You think I’m not thinking straight?” Roman asked, his eyes holding a level of wildness Williams recognized and wasn’t ready to deal with.

At that point, Trevor arrived at the top floor and approached them, wondering what the noise was all about. When he surveyed the atmosphere, he stopped himself from going any closer to the two fighters.

“Boss, what’s going on?” Trevor asked, but received no response as Roman’s full attention was fixed on Williams.

“Calm down, Rome. Let’s talk about this in a reasonable manner. I need you to see reason with me.”

“Talk about what in a reasonable manner? You want me to join you in the discussion of how to k-” Roman couldn’t complete the word as he clenched his jaws. Only thinking of it was getting him riled up to no end. “You know what, Liam? I am not in a very good mood right now so I’ll advise you to leave my presence and do well not to bring this up again.” Roman turned around and started walking toward his room.

“I’m not leaving, Rome. We have to talk about this and act fast.” Williams said, making Roman halt his steps.

“Alpha Williams, I think you should leave as he said.” Trevor inputted, not sure what had gotten into Williams. He seemed to be looking for death.

“Quiet, Trevor. Stay out of this.” Williams shot Trevor a frown.

“Stay out of it?” Trevor refused to back down. “Look at the wall.” He spoke in incredulity, pointing at the broken wall where Roman’s fist had been lodged earlier. “If you two start to fight now, you will destroy the entire house. Can you, please not provoke him any more than this?”

“You should join me in trying to convince him because if anything happens to him, we are all going to be affected.” Williams said to Trevor, then immediately shifted his attention to Roman, whose back was facing him and Trevor.

“She has what it takes to kill you, Rome. I would have let this go if you had married her because you both are in love. But considering the way you married her, and the fact that she doesn’t love or trust you one bit, she is a threat to your life. Even if we chose to ignore her, hoping she wouldn’t do anything, just imagine what will happen should this information get to Jorell or Casper. Either way, she has to die. It’s either her or you, and your life is one I cannot joke with. I need you alive. The entire werewolf community needs you alive. It has to be her.” Williams declared, and in a blink of an eye, his back hit the wall violently with Romans fingers still wrapped around his neck, keeping him glued to the wall.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Her life is more important than my own and the entire werewolf community combined. So if you care about the community, then make her safety your number one priority. If a drop of her blood touches the earth, then you can kiss the werewolf community goodbye.” Roman growled, his eyes switching from blue to bright red, and at that point, Williams knew not to take his words lightly.

When Roman released his neck, he swallowed every other thing he wanted to say, watching as the latter walked away without looking back and shutting the door violently after he stepped into his room.

With Roman out of the way, Williams shifted his attention to Trevor. “When did she leave?” He asked and Trevor widened his eyes.

“What-why are you asking me that? Don’t put me in trouble, Williams, and you should do well to stay out of it yourself.” Trevor quickly dodged the question.

“Nevermind.” Williams walked away from there, leaving Trevor, who fixed his annoyed gaze on the second damaged part of the wall. Williams was stubborn. He had never met someone as stubborn and reckless as Williams Xander. Infact, he was beginning to believe the guy was a masochist because who in his right senses would have the guts to challenge Roman, knowing the pain that would follow such an endeavor?

Much as he faulted Williams’ recklessness, if what he said was true, then there was going to be a big problem. The werewolves community would have fallen apart if not for Roman’s existence and inability to be killed. The human communities would have been turned upside down by werewolves if not for Roman. He was as important to the werewolves as the air they breathe, being the only Lycan alive, the only one every werewolf feared, and the only one keeping the peace they were enjoying.

It would be a huge problem if anyone found a way to kill him.

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