Get Me Married

Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 16

Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 16

Chapter 16: You gave me the right

I woke up when I heard some sounds around my room, I stared and opened my eyes. Maids were in my room cleaning.

“Good morning ma’am” they chorused when I sat up and I stared at each and everyone of their faces.

They were all young and good looking girls and it still felt awkward for me to know they would serving me.

I gave them a nod and smiled weakly at them before I got up.

“would you like your breakfast to be brought up here” one of them asked and I shook my head.

“Your bath is ready” another came out of the bathroom and bowed her head to me.

“thanks” I said and looked around.

Then I noticed that another was arranging my clothes in the wardrobe.

Memories of what Happened the previous night came back to me. I remembered how I had

spoken to Jordan and my heart skipped. I suddenly felt nervous knowing I had stepped on his tail and it wasn’t a good feeling.

“Are you okay?” another one asked and I gave her a faint smile.

“yes… I am” I said and got up from the bed and walked over to the bathroom.

It was huge and spacious but I knew it wasn’t as huge as the one at the masters bedroom. The bathtub was placed in the center of the bathroom and a mirror stand was placed behind it. By the side of the

bathroom, a shower was placed with a glass wall that surrounded it with the water closet in it. I wondered what the masters bedroom would actually feel like…

“Shhhh” I shushed my own thought, wondering how my thought would have gone to the masters bedroom.

I shook off the feeling of regret that threatened to overwhelm me and turned to the bath tub. It was foamy and inviting and I couldn’t wait to get in. I took off my robe and stepped into the bathtub. It was just the way I liked it, warm enough for me. Not too cold, not too hot. I dipped myself into it and placed my body while I rested my head above the water.

I stayed there for a while, unwilling to come out of the water even after taking my bath.

“You might catch a cold if you don’t come down soon” someone said from the door and I turned towards it to see an older lady standing by it. She wasn’t as young as the other maids I saw but I could tell she was a staff because of her uniform

“Good morning ma’am” she added and walked into the bathroom with some of my clothes in her hands.

“Good morning” I replied her and she smiled warmly at me.

“I’m Margaret, the head maid here” she introduced and I smiled at how contagious her smile was.

“Well…you know me” | said with embarrassment and she chuckled.

“Ofcourse I do” she replied.

“What would you like to wear?” she asked and raised the clothes she held so I could see them.

“You will pick my clothes too?” I asked and she smiled.

“We are literally your eyes, legs and feet. We are here to serve you” she said and I looked at her bewildered. I didn’t want them to be my eyes and legs.

“Well….” I tried talking but couldn’t come up with anything useful to say.

“Don’t be shy ma’am. You are the wife of the boss, you have got more power and control, and a strong voice too” she said and for a moment I thought about her words. And realized she was right, Jordan might have been a jerk but he did give me a voice, some power and control.

“Well, what about some jean. I don’t think I would want a gown today” I said and she smiled.

“Okay ma’am” she said and walked out of the bathroom.

I also felt it was high time I got up from the bathtub. I wrapped a towel around my chest and came out to my room.

Margaret was still there, going through my clothes and she smiled at me when she saw me.

I walked closer to her and sat at the chair that was opposite the huge mirror in my room and I applied some cream on my body.

“I’m hungry” I mumbled to myself.

“Oh not to worry. Breakfast has been served already” she said and I nodded my head.

I quickly wore a jean, a white strapless top and a blue jacket, coupled with a flat.

Margaret helped packed my hair in a bun and I was good to go.

“You are really beautiful, I don’t think I have seen anyone as beautiful as you are” she complimented and my cheeks turned pink immediately.

“Oh please” I said and waved her off. Then I got up from the chair and headed to the door.

My room was at the left wing, I internationally picked the last room so I would avoid Jordan and his mistress perfectly well. But that morning I kind of regretted why I picked that room. It was so tar into the left wing and I was so hungry I literally felt like crying when it seemed like I wouldnt be able to come out to the open.

Margaret was walking beside me and she tried giving me hint, direction and advice at the same

time. When I could finally see the right wing, a smile plastered my lips, it was like I saw heaven itself. My stomach grumbled in excitement and my feet hastened it’s footstep.

But my feet slowed down when I saw Jordan coming in the opposite direction. My heart skipped and I felt like running away. Memories of the previous day came flooding back and I could remember what it felt like all over again. I remembered his words and how hurtful they were, I remembered how hard his eyes were and just as I took a glance at him, I could tell the hardness in his eyes didn’t soften one bit.

I tried my possible best not to trip as I walked nervously to the top of the stairs. I came to a halt as he also came to a halt. But that was it, I didn’t know if I should smile at him, or if I should say good morning. I didn’t know if I should ignore him and walk away or if I should glare at him. I Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

eally didn’t know how I was supposed to react and that made me even more nervous.

Memories of how I had spoken to him the previous night also came back and my hands became sweaty. I didn’t understand what gave me such boldness to speak to him that way but I somehow regretted it because I could feel his eyes on me. Till I raised my head up and Our eyes met and I looked away immediately.

His eyes were hard and his muscles were tensed, how could I look at a man who was glaring at me like I stole his life away from him.

“But that was exactly what I did. I stole the life he was supposed to have with Samantha away from him” my guilty thought protested.

Without saying a word, he walked away. I sighed a sigh of relief and waited till he was far down the stairs before I followed behind.

I walked down the step and realized he was also going to the dinning. I thought of turning back around at that moment. I couldn’t be in the same room with him. He had ordered me to stay away from him and going close to that dinning table was me disobeying him.

I paused on my tracks and Margaret stared at me concerned

“Are you okay?” she asked and I stared at her. I didn’t know what to say, how could I tell her that I was avoiding my husband.

I shook my head and continued walking, I had to eat my breakfast and I had to do it somehow. I was a wife already leaving separately from her husband, I was a wife who allowed a mistress replace her and I knew that the staffs around already noticed what was going on and I didn’t want to make them have more things to gossip about.

When I got to the dinning he was seated at the head table. And gosh the table was a long one. When he looked up and saw me, his shoulders stiffened and his eyes hardened more than I thought they will ever will. I moved away quickly and walked to the other edge of the table. Far from him, I sat down and allowed Margaret serve my breakfast.

I made sure not to look anywhere else, especially at him. I buried my eyes on the food and paid absolute attention to it.

My eyes widened at the breakfast in front of me, But I had to remind myself that I was the wife of a rich man. Breakfast was made of smoked ham, topped with roschti, asparagus served with

rocket salad, bread and hollandaise. My stomach grumbled loudly at the sight of the food and I forgot about Jordan who was sitting further away from me,

I ate as much as I would, I didn’t realize that I was that famished till I started eating. But my breakfast was ruined when I heard Samantha’s voice.

“Babe…” She called out to Jordan and my eyes glanced at where Jordan was sitting. She wrapped her hands around his neck and gave him a kiss on his cheeks, then her eyes met mine. She smirked and went ahead to caress his cheeks before she sat down beside him.

I turned away and continued with my food, while I tried cooling my nerves. I didn’t like her with my husband, the sight of them together hurt my eyes and I couldn’t do anything about it.

“Margaret…” I called out to her. She was the only maid who I knew her name and I was already comfortable with her as it was.

She came in with that same smile she always had on her face.

“I wanted you…

“Margaret….” Samantha called her, interrupting what I had to say.

“Come here, I want my breakfast” she ordered with so much authority.

Margaret stared at me, then at her, she was completely torn and I could understand why.

“Come here Margaret, I need to eat” she said harshly. I blinked and smiled weakly at Margaret.

“Come on, go to her” I gave her a go ahead and she looked at me worriedly.

“Come on, go” I urged her and she walked away reluctantly. I stared at what was left of my breakfast and completely lost my appetite. I wiped my mouth clean and I got up from the chair I sat on, without

looking at the other end of my table. I didn’t want to see Jordan glaring at me, neither did I want to see the smug look Samantha had on her face.

“Yes Samantha” I could hear Margaret call out to Samantha while I turned to the stairs.

Then I heard the chair make a loud noise on the floor signifying that someone got up from it. Then I heard a loud sound that proved someone was slapped. I turned around immediately and saw Margaret holding her cheeks while Samantha stood tall, pompous and angry above her.

“You had to wait for her to give you permission to come to me before you came” she yelled at Margaret and my stomach turned upside down with rage.

“Am I so little to you. Do I look like someone from your wretched class. Do you know who I am?” Samantha yelled louder.

Jordan sat quietly and focused on his breakfast like nothing just happened.

“Samantha… Margaret tried speaking but Samantha picked up a jug of juice and poured it all over Margaret.

That did it, I snapped and my legs found its way to where Samantha stood. I was so enraged at her attitude and I wasn’t just thinking at that point. I got to where she stood, I placed my hand on her shoulder and turned her around to face me. Then I gave her a resounding slap of my own.

“Are you crazy?” I yelled at her while her left hand was placed on her left cheek. Her eyes widened in surprise and rage mixed together. And for the first time, Jordan turned to the scene that was happening.

“You bitch, what gave you the right?” she yelled back.

I ignored her yelling and walked closer to Margaret.

“Are you alright?” I asked her and she nodded her head at me. Then I turned back to Samantha.

“Why did you have to slap her huh? Do you realize that she is older than you?” I fired at her.

“Oh really. I will do what ever I want to that bitch right there and you would do nothing about it You both are pathetic, worthless, gold diggers and you ……” I raised my hand and slapped her again. She screamed and more shock overtook her.

This time Jordan walked closer and he glared at me. But I ignored him, I was too angry to pay attention to him.

“You seem to forget who you are and whose house you are in” I said with a voice that I never knew I had.

“You are a mistress, Jordan’s former lover and I am his wife. His…legal… Wife” I stressed.

“You are in my house and you are eating my food because I let you. This people in it, the workers, old and young are all my staffs and you have no right to lay a finger on them without me saying so” I continued. My eyes widened and my voice harsh, cold and angry.

“If you ever repeat this rubbish again, I am going to drag you by the hair out of this house, do you understand?” I asked and without waiting for a reply I took Margaret’s hands.

But a stronger hands held mine and I turned to see Jordan holding my hands.

“You are a stranger and you mean absolute nothing to me. Don’t go looking and acting high and mighty except you want me to throw you out of this house” he said for the first time since I had met him that morning and with each word, his grip on my arm tightened and I felt like he was going to break my bones.

My heart raced at the way he glared at me, his eyes held so much hatred and rage and he scared me.

“And don’t ever lay your hands on Samantha” he added and my stomach boiled with rage. Maybe I wasn’t going to react but with the mention of Samantha’s name, I just lost it.

I pulled my hands angrily away from him.

“You sat and did nothing when she hit your staff for doing absolutely nothing and you are pissed because I punished her for it. Here people will think Jordan Chase was a man of riches and

honour, but you are just a mere man who has no integrity and honor” I fired at him.

He glared harder at me, his eyes shooting daggers at me.

“Who gave you the right?” his voice came out cold and he growled at me.

“you gave me the right Jordan. I am your wife, you and Samantha should get that into your skull” I spat back and walked away, pulling Margaret behind me.

I didn’t fail to notice that the staffs were all watching. But I didn’t care, I was so angry. Get me married by Tori Chapter 16

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