Ghost Lover

Chapter twenty seven

Austin kept running, stumbling and looking back. Repeating this over and over again, anytime he looked back, he saw her still fuming and coming at him. At that point he couldn’t think of what she’d do to him, all he thought of was to get away from her. How could he have forgotten about the plans he made with her. He slapped himself, like he was trying to punish himself for forgetting. He ran into the school hallway, it was the shortest route to leaving the school premises. But as he ran towards the Entrance, it looked like it got farther away. He was Panting and running, his legs were getting weak already, but he couldn’t stop. He had no idea the school hallway was this long. He looked back this time and didn’t see Tasha, but he kept running.

“Yes” he said triumphantly, as he exhaled. He was about getting out of the school when he stepped on his show lace and sent himself flying on the ground. He laid there with his head facing the ceiling, his muscles weak and reluctant to carry him. He gave up, breathing hard with his hands spread out like he was getting crucified. Her feet stamped on his chest, and he didn’t even bother to look up. He was ready for whatever was going to happen, after all his legs failed him.

She bent downwards and his eyes didn’t meet hers, they were still glued to the ceiling.

“I wonder” she muttered, leaning up and taking a look around at the hall way “Is this how you plan on playing football”

“A lady runs after you and you can’t get away. What more if you are on the ball and these angry boys run after you” she retorted with a smile on her face, not that she was happy but she enjoyed making fun of him.

Austin finally threw his gaze at her, still breathing hard on the ground. People weren’t around, so he wasn’t scared or worried about anyone seeing him talking to himself or to someone who wasn’t there, as they would think.

“Ok.. okay.. you.” He struggled to say as his heavy breathing interrupted him. He paused, took a deep breath “okay, you got me. I’m sorry I forgot about…”

“Shhh” Tasha shut him up, putting her hands on her lips. She enjoyed the view of him beneath her, helpless and ready to do whatever she says. “You are just going to apologise over and over again, and it’s tiring at this stage”

Austin grimaced and ran his hands through his hair. Nala had also said the same thing about him, was it something for him to worry about. He tried standing up but she exerted force on her feet which was still on him, forcing him to lay down.

“If you keep this up, I might as well change my mind about helping ”

“Oh really?” Tasha laughed with a mischievous tone. “really?” She asked again, with a smirk on her face.

“Yes, really” Austin shot back, unmoved by the intimidating act Tasha tried to pull off. She knew she needed him and at this point, he knew that too. She threatening him and getting him scared was something he told himself to get rid off. She exhaled, seeing that Austin wasn’t moved by her. She took her feet off him and ordered “Get up” she ordered.

Austin sat up, taking his time and stretching his back. Tasha was getting irritated by how much time it was getting him just to stand up.

“I said, Get u…”

“I heard you,” he shot back with a straight face, “and I would stand up when I want to.”

“Very well then” she flung her hair back as she walked past him to the gate. He was getting under her skin and to prevent herself from ruining things again, she had to leave his presence.

With her out of sight, Austin sighed, relieved that the situation wasn’t worse like he’d expected. Making a deal with the devil and not meeting up with it, how dumb can he be. He remembered his properties he left behind trying to outrun Nala, but he knew Nala would take care of it and he owed her an explanation tomorrow.

He met Tasha leaning on the school gate, waiting on him like a parent who was waiting for her child to run out of school into her arms. He got to where she was, and the look on her face, cold as Ice. Austin signalled to her, to walk with him and she did.

It was five minutes already, since they left the school and no one had said anything to the other. No teasing, or even them taking a Jab at each other, Just silence.

“So…” Austin broke the silence, tilting his head to her direction and she looked back at him. “What’s your story, what happened with you?”

“Now you want to know my story?” She bent her head trying to hide the smile which was finding its way to her face.

“Yeah, how else can I help if I don’t?”

“Oh” the smile faded. “Well, you tell me yours”

“Mine?” Austin confused about what she said

“Yes, yours” she replied, “there’s a reason you can see me. I don’t know why, but there is a reason.”© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Austin ran his hands through his head again, trying to think about it but he could come up with nothing. ” Umm, I don’t think..”

“You said you’ve gone into a coma before, right?” Tasha stopped him abruptly.

“Yes.” Austin nodded, “Yes I have. What does it have to do with anything”

“Ughhh” Tasha exclaimed throwing her hands up, “I’m in a coma dummy”

“You are in what??” Austin repeated, almost laughing, but composed himself quickly. “Okay okay, how did you know that”

“You remember the cemetery you saw me in”

“Yes” Austin nodded, his face the Perfect picture of concentration as he focused his attention on what she was saying.

“I woke up beside a grave and that grave was empty, like empty.” she repeated and widened her eyes, trying to get him to take those facts in and she could notice that he did. ” All I was seeing was space, I tried putting my feet into it but couldn’t see the end of it”

“How’s that possible?” Austin asked, almost not believing what she said

“How is you seeing me possible?” She asked, and he rolled his eyes, knowing she made a point.

“With everything that happened. Starting with me trying to go back to Boston, then realising I’m a ghost. I went back there and jumped into that empty grave, Trying to kill myself”

“Wait wait wait.” Austin interrupted her, smiling. “You knew you were a Ghost, and you tried to kill yourself ” he raised his hands in apology, as he couldn’t control his laughter. He saw she wasn’t having any of it, and stopped laughing, but the smile on his face couldn’t fade away.

“Yes, I know it was crazy at that time,” she eyed him and continued, “but that’s what made me realise what was happening.” She smiled, signalling him she was getting to the main point. “I woke up beside my body and saw my Aunt and an incredibly hot doctor. Urghhh ” she moaned, “he was handsome ”

“Continue,” Austin ordered.

“Okay… umm I couldn’t talk to her, she couldn’t see me. That was when I saw myself lying lifeless on that bed, surviving with just the aid of oxygen ” she ended slowly with a smirk.

“Wow” Austin said, bewildered by everything he had just heard. it seemed like something that would only happen in movies that people watch, because he obviously can’t watch this genre of movie.

“But how did you get back here, if you there already ”

“I went back to the bed, and laid back on my body. It’s easy” she said proudly.

“Or” Austin said slowly, “you where trying to get back to reality and you ended up here again”

“You don’t have to act so smart you know” she hissed.

“But I have to, baby” he replied, mocking her and laughing.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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