Gina, And Her Triplet Alphas

Chapter 62

Third-person narrative.

When Gwen left the palace, she was expecting to see her father’s guards waiting for her. But unknown to her, the guards had run away to protect their various families in the pack.

Knowing full well that she could not return to the palace, she ran into the woods.

After running for some time, she realized that she had forgotten to ask her father at which border, he would be waiting for her.

She quickly tried reaching for her phone to make a call, but that was the moment that she realized that she had left the phone on her bed.

Confused about what to do, she headed out to the east end of the pack. On getting to its borders, she found the place hushed. Thinking that her father may have hidden somewhere in the woods, she moved further into the woods, quietly screaming.

“Dad,” she called out several times until it dawned on her that her father was nowhere around and that she might have lost her way in the woods.

Soon she heard the footsteps of people heading her way; she quickly ran towards them, thinking it must be her father who had come to look for her.

From a distance, she was surprised to see a good-looking man of average height who strangely looked very familiar and smelled familiar too.

On closer inspection, she realized that it was Samuel, her mate, and the father of her unborn child. How did he turn out to be this good-looking and have a domineering aura hovering around him?

Beside him was a girl—a beautiful girl with really nice curves. They looked so good together that she found herself wishing she was the one by his side.

She also noticed that there were numerous other guys around, and from their dress, she could tell that they were guards.

“Don’t you dare move,” a guard said to her while pointing a sword at her back.

She gasped out in terror as the possible thought of her being killed in that instant flashed through her mind.

“Samuel,” she called out to him to get his attention.

Samuel turned to see Gwen, crying profusely, with one of his guards pointing a sword at her.

Instantly, he is reminded of all the things he had tried so hard to forget.

Flash black (three months ago)


“Since you have refused to say anything in your defense, for your crime, you are hereby banished from the Silver Moon Pack. You are not to be seen anywhere around or close to the pack,” Denver said, to my surprise.

I was surprised because I thought I was going to die, and the triplet alphas setting me free meant that my silent wish had been answered.

Well, part of my wish

“Thank you,” I said to the triplets as he stood up from his kneeling position.

“Just so you know, if we get to find out that you were part of any plans to ruin our pack and cause havoc, we are going to find you, and when we do, we will kill you,” Derrick said to me, and I knew he wasn’t joking.

“Run!” The triplets jointly said this to me, and I scampered away into the woods as fast as my two omega legs could carry me.

It was in the dead of night, and I honestly had no idea where I was going. I couldn’t go to see close friends because everyone I knew was in the pack.

At some point, I transformed into my wolf form and ran until I had crossed the border.

As soon as I was certain that I had crossed the border, I tiredly rested my back against a tree to catch my breath.

I was so bitter that Gwen and her father would wish me dead just because I wasn’t on the same social ladder as them.

I was hungry, thirsty, and weak as f**k, and despite being unsure of what was lurking around the woods, I found my eyes drifting into sleep.

I had not slept for more than five minutes when I felt someone beside me. I opened my eyes to see a beautiful girl seated beside me.

“Hi,” she said, flashing me her perfect set of teeth.

I hurriedly stood up as soon as I realized that it could be dangerous for her to be out here alone in the middle of the night.

“Who are you?” I questioned myself as I frantically looked around me to see if I had been trapped.

I couldn’t tell from her scent if she was a werewolf or not, but there was this serenity around her that makes you want to believe that she is incapable of hurting you.

“My name is Selena, but you can call me Lucia,” she said, still wearing her beautiful smile.

“What are you doing here?” I questioned her, still trying to be self-conscious around her.

“I saw you running in the woods earlier on, and I figured you might want to make a wish and have it granted immediately,” she said, as she looked at me with expectancy.

I don’t know whether it was something she said or how she said it, but I found myself laughing nonstop.

But more weird was the fact that she joined me in my laughter, which made me stop my laughter abruptly.

“Look, I don’t know who you are, and I am not bothered. I already have my plate full, and I will appreciate it if we both just go our separate ways,” I said to her, turning my back against her while walking in the opposite direction.

“Okay, if you say so. I was thinking you might want revenge on your mate, who rejected you and also made your pack banish you,” she said, turning in the opposite direction.

“Wait, what did you say?” I questioned, casting her a suspicious yet surprised look.

“Oh, I said what I said,” she said, rolling her eyes at me.

“How did you know? Let’s just say I am in the business of knowing everyone’s business and choosing the ones I want to intervene in,” she said with a shrug.

“You said you could help me; how do you intend to do that?”

“Oh, I didn’t say I was going to help you; I only said I was going to grant you a wish,” she said.

“Are you a witch?” I inquired.

“No. I am not,” she replied.

“Now make your wish before you get me angry,” she said, and from the tone of her voice, I could tell she was serious.

Realizing I didn’t have anything to lose, I decided to wish for that one that I know is nearly impossible for anyone to grant.

“I wish to…” I was saying this when she interrupted me.

“Oh, sorry, but please be very specific about your wish,” she said with a bit of drama in her mannerism.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

“I wish to become the man that my mate wishes I was but can never have,” I said in one breath.

She looked at me, and a playful smile danced on her lips for a while.

“Oh, if I were you, I would never say never. Okay, now to the list of things that your mate would have wished you had: power, money, influence, and above all, an alpha. Oh boy, that is quite many wishes to grant for a single day, but you asked for it, so I will bless you with the gifts and attributes of a powerful alpha wolf, and every other thing in between,” she said.

But to my surprise, nothing happened—no element of magic whatsoever. She made me think that she was just playing with me, and how foolish I was to think that she could bless me with attributes.

“What?” She questioned me while staring at me.

“Huh, sorry, I think I have to go,” I said to her while turning to leave her.

“Wait, I don’t get a thank you,” she said, obviously surprised by my nonchalant attitude.

“For what? For wasting my time?” I ask, obviously irritated by her audacity.

“I just made you an alpha wolf,” she said, giving a duh kind of look.

“Nothing happened,” I said to her.

“What do you mean nothing happened?” she inquired.

“Have you ever watched a magical movie where when the witch says something, there are lights, sounds, and everything that makes it magical?” I said to her, really not liking the fact that I was sounding like a child.

“Oh, you wanted effects; you should have said so,” she said, and suddenly, there was a thunderous eruption through the sky, and within seconds, it started raining.

The cold rain splattered on my skin as I opened my eyes to see that I was alone and still seated under the tree.

It was a dream—OMG, I could have sworn it was too real to be a dream, but it is what it is. I got up from where I was seated and moved to find a better position to shield myself from the rain.

I finally found a little hut that looked like a hunter’s resting point and decided to hide within.

Not so far away, I could hear some wolves growling and fighting; it appeared as if they were beating someone.

I wondered why they would have to come out this late at night to fight.

My curiosity got the better of me as I came out of the hut to sneak around to see if I could get a glimpse of what was happening.

I didn’t have to look around for so long; I saw a young, vibrating alpha male fighting with an elderly man. My first instinct was to defend the old man without thinking about it.

I jumped right in their midst, and my sudden interference seemed to startle the younger male a little, as he scornfully gnashed his fangs at me.

“Leave him alone,” I said to him, wishing my voice came out a little thicker with a more masculine touch.

But it was obvious that the big bad wolf could tell that I was only an omega, or so he thought.

He soon let out a strong howl that clearly said that I was trespassing and that he owned that territory.

He looked at me as if he wanted me to howl for him to know my strength level.

Some wolves do this to enable them to decide who they can fight and who they can’t.

Usually, Omega is not allowed to howl; technically, there is nothing against them howling. It was just that their howls came out most of the time like the sound of a choking bird. If you understand what I mean,

Well, since I have been challenged, it was only fair that I use all my strength to howl, even though we already know what we are going to get.

I looked at the old man on the floor, and from his eyes, I could tell that he was depending on me to stay alive.

Perhaps I should have just stayed back in the hut.

Okay, here goes nothing. I opened my mouth the first time to howl, but no sound came out.

The big bad alpha looked at me and smirked as he made his way to the old man, probably to finish him or something.

My eyes went to the old man, and at that moment, my heart exploded with something that I couldn’t tell what it was exactly.

As soon as he dared to lay his hands on the old man, a deep, powerful howl vibrated out of my mouth that rang throughout the woods. Even I was surprised at myself.

The big, bad wolf looked unbelievably at me as he let go of the old man and scampered away into the woods.

The old man stared at me with a happy smile on his face. Just then, a group of about five people with a beautiful redheaded girl leading them soon appeared from the woods.

“Stay away from my father,” she said, drawing her sword at me.

I instinctively put both hands in the air as she walked towards the old man, who had managed to stand up from the floor he was on.

“Where is he?” She questioned the old man.

“He ran away after he heard a howl more powerful and dominating.”

howl than his, just like you have always wanted. I am sure we are not hearing from him anytime soon,” the old man said to her.

“We heard the howl; who was it?” she questioned, curiosity evident in her eyes.

“My dear, you should be thankful to this young man; he was the one who made sure that I was not killed by Zack. His howl is capable of driving a lion back to its cave,” the old man said to the redheaded girl, who stared at me as if she were just noticing my presence for the first time since she came.

Holding her eyes in mine now made me realize how beautiful she was with her amber eyes, which match the color of her long hair.

Aside from the few scratches on her skin, she had very fair and healthy skin—almost too healthy for a rogue.

“Thank you,” she said to me, and I nodded my head to accept her gratitude. I was about to walk away from them when she said,

“My name is Rebecca,”

I turned to look back at her and replied.

“My name is Samuel,”

“Do you mind joining us? We were heading home, and we could make use of someone with a big howl like yours,” she said lightly.

“Where is home?”

“Our pack—we call it the new light pack—is committed to finding rogues like ourselves and reforming them into better people. My father was the alpha, and we have been searching for someone who can take his place,” she said.

“But I am not an alpha wolf,” I said to her, and I noticed that she and those with her chuckled.

“Are you trying to be modest with me?” she asked with a smile.

“I am not,” I said in all honesty.

“It’s alright. With a powerful howl like yours, we can bring out the alpha in you,” she said with a wink.

I looked at her and smiled while nodding my head. This should be interesting.

End of flashback

“Take her to the reformatory; I will see everyone in the morning,” Samuel said to his guards while throwing his hand around the waist of his newfound love interest.

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