Gina, And Her Triplet Alphas

Chapter 93


“Are you alright?” Denver asked me after continuously staring at me for some seconds.

“I think so,” I answered, dropping the spoon I was eating with to try and figure out what was wrong with me.

We were having lunch together in our private dining room, and somehow I have been feeling uneasy all day.

It’s been two weeks since I became their luna, and honestly, life has been great, other than the fact that for some days now, I have been having mild cramps in my lower abdomen.

At first, I thought that it may have been the food I ate, but the cramps have lingered for days now.

“Do you need us to take you to the doctor?” Devon asked with concern

“No, I don’t think that is necessary,” I said, standing up from the chair I was seated on to see if that would reduce the discomfort.

I noticed all my triplet mates had their attention directed toward me by now.

“When last did you get your period?” Denver asked sternly, and somehow his question took me aback as I found myself staring at him.

Honestly, I have never been one to take note of my circles, there has never been any need to, since the triplets were the ones that first took my flower.

I was still thinking of how to respond to them when I noticed that all their three pairs of eyes were glowing and fixed on my stomach.

My heart skipped a little bit, as I very well knew their intentions.

“You are pregnant,” Devon said after some time, standing up from his chair and coming to stand beside me.

“You need to see the doctor,” Derrick added, leaving his chair to go grab something I wasn’t sure of.

Within seconds Derrick was throwing car keys to Denver who stood up and gestured for me to lead the way.

Everything was happening so fast leaving me with little or no time to process what the heck was happening.

I am pregnant?

I am going to be a mother, I know I should be excited, but at that moment, I couldn’t tell my state of mind.

If my triplet mates were excited about the pregnancy, they didn’t say. But all their eyes were laced with concern for me.

I was almost tempted to tell them that it wasn’t that serious and that I would be fine, but seeing all their gazes on me told me that they were not about to take a no for an answer.

I slowly started walking ahead of them, even though they were not talking to me, I could tell they were talking with each other.

Devon opened the car door for me to get in, before going the other way round to enter the car.

Denver was driving and Derrick sat at the front with him.

There was an uneasy calmness in the car and I couldn’t help but notice little stares from all three of them at different intervals.

Within minutes, we were at the hospital, and the nurse immediately notified the doctor seriousness of our presence and I was been attended to in no time.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

A young doctor had come take my vitals and asked questions about the symptoms I have been having.

He had asked for a urine sample, but a cold stare from my three mates told him that he needed to be careful of what he was demanding.

“I thought I just stated the fact that she is pregnant,” Denver said coldly to him.

“I’m sorry alpha, but sometimes, we just do that for formality purposes,” the doctor replied to him.

“Look for other means of doing that,” Derrick instructed, and the doctor knew better than to argue that.

A few moments later, the senior doctor came and apologized for not being available to attend to us when we first arrived, he was attending to an emergency.

He told us that he would be scanning my womb to see how far I have gone in the pregnancy.

I was soon eased into the bed-like chair while the doctor started his job.

“Congratulations luna, you are having multiple pups” he said, his eyes fixed on the screen and his hand working the device he was using to scan me.

“Thanks,” I said, as my eyes instinctively went to my triplet mates.

Their eyes seem to soften now and if anything I would say that there was some sort of happiness laced within those sexy eyes of theirs.

“How are you seeing them,” Denver asked the doctor, with his eyes still fixed on the screen.

“Okay, this is the first baby, and this is the second baby and lastly, this is the third baby,” the doctor answered.

“She is having triplets?” Devon asked unable to hide the excitement in his voice.

“Yes alpha…but wait a minute, Oh my God,” the doctor exclaimed after some time of continuously staring at the screen.

“What is it?” Derrick questioned as all eyes instinctively focused on him.

“There is a fourth baby,” he said in total awe.

“Wow,” Devon and Derrick exclaimed.

At that moment the triplets couldn’t keep in the happiness they have been trying so hard to hide.

As their various faces light up with profound happiness and joy. Even I were not left out as I found myself smiling.

“But how come you are just coming now for examination?” the doctor who was still busy doing his business said.

“I don’t understand doctor, what do you mean doctor?” I questioned.

“You are over ten weeks pregnant, leaving just three weeks to round off your first trimester,” he said.

His words or should I say his tune sent me and my triplet mates into confusion.

“Is that a bad thing,” I asked.

“No. Well, technically one would expect that you started having severe morning sickness way earlier than this. Especially since you are pregnant with multiples” he said.

“What is morning sickness?” Devon curiously asked.

“Morning sickness is the nauseous feeling pregnant she-wolves usually have very early in their pregnancy. It is usually the first sign that tells that they are expecting pups soon,” the doctor explained.

“And why did she not get it?” Derrick asked,

“Well, not every she-wolf gets it, but I am just a little surprise because she is having multiples,” the doctor answered.

“Are the pups going to be okay?” Denver asked.

“Yes, they are doing perfect” the doctor answered.

When the doctor was done, he recommended drugs and asked that I should be in the clinic once every week to monitor the growth of our pups. He also advised that I shouldn’t shift into my wolf form during my pregnancy and that I should also stop giving out b***d until I give birth to my pups.

We after which went to the pharmacy to pick up the medicines, before ending to the car.

We were driving home when Denver suddenly stopped the car.

We need to talk, he said.

I wondered what he wanted to talk about, especially since his both brothers seemed to know what was happening.

“Gina, how are you?” He said, turning around to face me.

“I am fine,” I answered,

“No. We just really want to know how you are doing. Are you cool with this pregnancy, I know we all should have talked about this before it happened. We just want to know if you are cool with it or if you are not cool with it,” he said.

I paused for a moment to think about what he had just said. Was I happy about the news of my pregnancy? Yes, I was. But was I ready for the pregnancy, I can’t say for sure.

But there was nothing I could do to change that, I was already pregnant, and I had three amazing mates to look after me.

“I am cool with the pregnancy, although like you have rightly started, we should have talked about this, because I have zero clues on what is expected of me as a mother,” I said

“Thanks for your honesty, we will have our mother and your mother move back into the main house to keep an eye on you and also teach you things you might need to know. And also I do not have any doubt that you will be a great mother to our pups,” Denver said in a calm assuring tone.

“I have already checked online for books to read when you are expecting, so don’t worry I will make sure I read everything ever written on how to be a good father to our pups,” Devon said with a smile.

“I will be available for all the body massages you could ever want,” Derrick added.

“Well since everyone has their job cut out for them, I will then focus on ensuring that the passage the pups are going to pop out from is wide and spacious enough for them,” Denver said, turning on the ignition of the car.

“I thought that was supposed to be teamwork,” Devon said.

“Yeah, it ought to, but you would be busy with reading and Derrick with be busy massaging, so it is only fair that I attend to our pup’s grand entrance to the world,” Denver said with a broad smile, the brightest I have ever seen on him.

“Well, you guys don’t have to split, you can all do it together, I enjoy it more when I have all three of you with me,” I said,

“Talking about that, we forgot to ask just how much s*x is needed, so we don’t harm the pups,” Derrick said.

“I don’t think s*x is ever too much during pregnancy,” Denver started.

“Are you sure, or you are just making up excuses,” Derrick teased.

His response made all of us laugh in the car, and honestly I felt a lot better knowing that my pups are going to have amazing fathers.

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