God Of Vengeance (Kings Of Mafia)

God Of Vengeance: Chapter 42

After leaving Gabriella in Mamma and Vito’s care, Emilio drives Carlo and me to the warehouse.

Yesterday was a quiet day for us. Once we all got some sleep, Emilio ordered food for everyone. There wasn’t much talking being done, because we were all processing the shitstorm we just went through.

But as I’m on my way to the warehouse, my thoughts are focused on what lies ahead.

Vengeance burns in my chest, an incessant inferno that can only be extinguished with blood.

A fuck ton of blood.

Today, everyone who’s hurt me and mine will die. Everyone but Stefano. He will suffer a million times more than Gabriella did before he meets his gruesome end.

After the SUV pulls up to the warehouse, I shove the door open and climb out.

Dressed in a suit, I adjust my jacket before I walk to the side entrance while pulling my phone out to call Tommy.

“Yes, boss?” he answers on the second ring.

“Bring them.”

“Be there in ten minutes.”

When I enter the building, I head to the room where Stefano is being held. The moment I walk inside, one of my men slaps Stefano. “Wake up.”

The fucker lifts his head.

“I told you you were stupid,” I mutter. “How long have you been planning to overthrow me?”

“Since you took the seat,” he grumbles. “I’ve been saving money for nineteen years to afford an army.”

“And look what all that saving bought you,” I mock him. “Before I get started with you, Carlo has a gift he’d like to share with you.” I check the time. “In give or take five minutes.”

I glance at Emilio. “Strip the fucker and put on the belt.”

While the men get to work, ridding Stefano of his clothes and wrapping the stun belt around his waist, I watch.

Emilio pushes a control into Stefano’s hand, then I say, “Every time you want a drink of water, something to eat, or even a piss break, press the button.”

“What happens if I press it?” Stefano asks.

I nod at Emilio, who presses the button, and the next second, Sefano’s ass lifts off the chair he’s tied to as the electric current shoots through him.

He slumps back against the chair, completely breathless from the shock.

“You’ll torture yourself for every basic necessity you need or die of thirst,” I mutter.

“I’d rather fucking die,” he spits at me.

I shrug, and when I hear footsteps, I turn to face the door. “Here they are now.”

“Who?” Stefano asks.

Tommy and his team herd the di Bellas and Cettina into the room, and when my guests lay eyes on Stefano, shock ripples over their faces.

“Stefano!” Cettina cries, and when she tries to rush to her son, Carlo grabs hold of her arm. Her eyes fly wildly between me and Carlo as she asks, “Why are you doing this?”

“What’s going on here?” Mr. di Bella asks. “We were told we were coming for the wedding.”

Ignoring the man, I nod at Carlo.

He drags Cettina closer to Stefano, where he forces her onto her knees.

“Wait? What’s going on?” she asks, panic and fear drenched in each word.

“She has nothing to do with this!” Stefano yells. “Get your hands off my mother, you fucking bastard.”

Carlo presses the barrel of his gun to her head, and looking Stefano dead in the eyes, he growls, “A mother for a mother.”

He pulls the trigger, and her blood sprays over Stefano’s legs before she drops dead by his feet.

“You fucker!” Stefano shouts. “You fucking fucker.”

Carlo watches with satisfaction as Stefano begins to sob while I turn my attention to the di Bellas.

“On their knees,” I mutter the order to Tommy and his team.

“No!” Mr. di Bella yells while his wife makes a panicked sound.

“Wait. Tell us what this is about,” the son barks.

Once they’re on their knees, I pull my Glock from behind my back. My fingers tighten around the handle as I look at them.

“You abused my wife,” I say, my tone low with the promise of death.

“We didn’t,” Mrs. di Bella cries. “I don’t know what lies–” Her sentence cuts off in a scream as I train my gun on her son and pull the trigger.

“No!!! NoNoNo!” she wails when he slumps down dead beside her.

“Please! Stop,” Mr. di Bella begs.

I move the barrel of the gun to Gabriella’s father, and locking eyes with Mrs. di Bella, I say, “You’re not screaming loud enough.”

When I pull the trigger, her eyes fill with horror and heartache as she watches her husband die.

I want this woman to suffer the most unbearable pain of losing her husband and son, because she was supposed to protect and love Gabriella, and she didn’t.

Once the men are dead, I crouch in front of Mrs. di Bella and ask, “How much pain are you in right now?”

She sobs, her body trembling while she gasps for air, then a wounded cry tears right from her fucking soul, and she lets out a harrowing wail.

“Good,” I hiss before I rise to my full height, then I order, “Take her to the other room where she can mourn her loss.”

I watch as they drag her away and signal for the other men to remove the bodies.

Turning to look at Stefano, I mutter, “Get comfortable, cousin. I’ll visit again tomorrow.”

Carlo reaches out and presses the button on the control for the belt, shocking the fuck out of Stefano, before leaving the room with me.

“Feel better?” I ask.

“No. I still have to bury my mother tomorrow.”

The funeral.

Tomorrow’s going to be hard on everyone.

After the viewing, we all take our seats in the cathedral and Father Parisi says some final words for Aunt Greta.

Gabriella’s sitting on my left with Mamma next to her, and I have Carlo on my right.

“Carlo would like to say something before we proceed to the cemetery,” Father Parisi announces.

Tipping my head closer to Carlo, I murmur, “You’ve got this.”

He nods as he climbs to his feet, and I watch as my second-in-charge, my best friend, and my brother walks to the front.

He clears his throat before his eyes scan over the pews that are filled with members of the Cosa Nostra.

“My mother was too good for this world,” his voice drifts over us with sorrow tightening it.

Mamma lets out a sob, and Gabriella quickly wraps her arm around her.

My women huddle together as Carlo continues, “Christ, Ma, you were supposed to grow old and give me shit about not giving you grandchildren.”


I suck in a deep breath as my heart bleeds for my loved ones, the loss of Aunt Greta finally sinking into my bones.

I never showed her any kind of love, but I did love her. After all, I’ve known her all my life. She was Mamma’s best friend and like a second mother to me.

I shift in my seat, my muscles tightening as I firmly shove the sorrow down so it won’t overwhelm me.

Today, I have to be strong for everyone as they mourn their loss.

Today, I have to guard Carlo like he’s guarded me for nineteen years.

“Ma, you’re the only woman I love with all my heart. No one can ever take your place. I’ll miss you teasing us, hearing you reading…” his voice breaks, and he clears his throat again.

Knowing he’s a second away from breaking down, I stand up and walk to him.

Placing my hand on his back, I lean into the microphone and say, “It was our greatest honor to be loved by Aunt Greta, and she will be missed.” I glance up and kiss my fingers. “Rest in peace, Aunt Greta.”

When I pull Carlo back to the pews, he whispers, “Thanks.”


I gesture for Gabriella to come and she helps Mamma to her feet.

“Carlo?” Mamma asks.

“I’m here,” he murmurs as he moves to her side.

She hooks her arm through his and pats his hand. “That was beautiful. You still have me, mio figlio. We’ll get through this together.”

Jesus, Mamma. You’re going to make me cry in front of all my men.

I grip Gabriella’s hand tightly as we walk down the aisle, and when we’re seated in the SUV, I let out a sigh.

Emilio and Vito get into our vehicle while Tommy and one of his best men drive with Carlo and Mamma.

“Are you okay?” Gabriella whispers.

I lean my head closer to hers. “Yes. You?”

“I’m okay as can be under the circumstances.”

The drive to the cemetery isn’t as slow as it would usually be. We don’t want to be sitting ducks behind a hearse, and soon, we’re driven through the iron gates of the cemetery before we all stop in a row.

Angelo pulls up behind our SUV, and when he, Vittoria, Tiny, and Big Ricky get out of their vehicle, I give him a chin lift.

Aunt Greta was a mafia queen so all the heads follow me to the back of the hearse, where we help Carlo pull the casket out.

I glance at Gabriella, and seeing her with Mamma, where my men surround them as they walk to the gravesite, I focus on carrying Aunt Greta to her final resting place.

We set the casket down, and I take my place between Carlo and Gabriella before Father Parisi says a few words.

When it’s time to lower the casket, Carlo steps forward, and resting his hand on the polished wood, he whispers, “You were the best mother a son could ask for. Ti voglio bene, Ma. Addio.”

We watch as the casket is lowered, and halfway through, Carlo turns around and walks away.

“Stay with Emilio and Vito,” I order Gabriella before I go after him.

When I catch up to Carlo, I hear him take a shuddering breath.

Placing my hand on his back, I say, “I’m here.”

He nods and only stops walking when we reach the SUV.

“Christ, Damiano,” he groans.

“I know.” I step closer to him, and putting my hand behind his head, I let him rest his forehead on my shoulder. “I know, brother.”

I keep an eye over our surroundings and everyone attending the funeral while Carlo takes a moment to catch his breath.

When people start to walk in our direction, I mutter, “Lift your head.”Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

He sucks in a deep breath, and when he raises his chin, I watch as he reins in his sorrow.

“You good?” I ask.

He nods. “Yes.”

“Let’s go to the warehouse,” I order.

We wait for the women, and then I say, “Vito, you and Tommy take the women home.” I lock eyes with Tommy. “From now on, you’ll guard Gabriella and my mother.”

“Yes, boss,” he says before helping Mamma to the SUV.

“Emilio, you’re with us.”

Gabriella holds up her hand to Vito and walks to me. Wrapping her fingers around the back of my neck, she stands on her toes as she tugs me down and presses a kiss to my mouth. “Don’t be late, amore mio.”

I nod, then watch as she faces Carlo. “I got a moment with Aunt Greta before I was taken away.” My wife swallows hard as she fights her tears. “She asked me to tell you she loves you. It was her final request.”

Carlo nods as his features tense.

“She thought of you in her final moments,” Gabriella whispers.

He nods again, then I watch as she walks away and gets into the SUV with Vito.

I take another minute to thank the other heads for coming before I climb into the SUV, and Emilio steers us away from the cemetery.

Time to make Stefano scream.

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