Guardian Wolf

Chapter 107

Chapter 107



Nova POV:

“You did well not to rip or stretch this” Alice comments as she helps me back into my

dress she has retrieved.

“Yes not quite sure how I managed that” I reply absentmindedly. I see her turn to look at Jax out the

corner of my eye before leaving the room quietly. He comes to stand in

front of me and holds my chin lightly guiding me to look at him.

“Are you ok?” He asks quietly.

“So many questions I say with a little laugh.

“Such as?” He asks.

“Why attack with 30 rogues to try and get Caroline?” I start.

“My best guess is they knew we were distracted with the Luna I’m not quite sure. But

they knew the pack was gathered all together” he says furrowing his

brows as he thinks.

“Exactly.. it was a st upid time to attack, we had the added support of Alex, multiple other alphas and

betas who would all have fought rogues and the pack warriors were all there apart from those on patrol

which they somehow managed to slip through” I

point out.

“I thought that” he admits. “Perhaps it was to show they won’t back down. Our patrols should have

been tighter even with a celebration going on. Whatever their reasons it’s clear now that they are

somehow working with rogues or wanderers as your dad refers to them as. So they must be giving

them an incentive. For rogues to be working

with hunters makes no sense, unless..”

“Unless they’re being controlled by witches” I finish as he nods in agreement. “Why would witches be

willing to help the hunters?” All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Every species wants to be the strongest” Jax starts, “and with you and your father both being

Guardian Wolves it would bring strength and unity to the entire werewolf species in general. Of course I

imagine there would still be some disputes nothing is ever easy but vampires, witches, goddess knows

what else..they would all feel more


threatened as a result.

“So it’s not just the hunters that are after me?” I say with sadness.

“I think there will be opposition coming from all directions for a while. But remember what your dad

said, he was looked after and protected by a witch. I think it’s those that are power hungry that will be

against you, not all species as a whole love” Jax

says gently caressing my arm.

“But that gives us an idea of where to look” I say after a moment as Jax looks at me. with interest.

“Those who are desperate for power, it narrows down the options

doesn’t it.”

“It does” he agrees. “Look I know we can’t catch a break at the moment, or it certainly feels that way.

But let’s enjoy the rest of tonight as tomorrow it’s the hunters meeting. We can see if Evan and the

others found out anything from the scouting missions in the morning and go from there. I think it may

be wise asking Elder Martin for a visit.”

“You’re right” I agree as I stand to go touch up my lipstick. “Let’s go back down.”

“Ready to be bombarded with questions?” He chuckles amusedly.

“I don’t like all the attention” I admit quietly.

“It will pass, but you need to understand a Guardian Wolf not just being a myth is a

ga very big deal. They don’t know about your dad yet, the information we know isn’t out there for

everyone. So let’s just be patient” Jax says with a comforting smile as he takes my hand. “Plus I will

happily remind anyone I need to that tonight is our Luna ceremony and we are there to enjoy


“Thank you babe” I say k*ssing his shoulder softly. As I walk down the stairs I feel many people’s eyes

turn on me and watch my every movement. Seeing Alex leaning. casually on the wall waiting for us I

look at him with a grimace.

“I’ve really dropped you in it now haven’t I”

he says with a confident smirk.

Growling at him lightly I nod, “just a tad Alpha King.”

“Oh she’s used my title..I’m in real trouble” he murmurs to Jax.

“It’s not you Alex” he says quietly.

“Kia loves the attention and showing off her skills but of course it’s me who then


deals with the conversations and stares” I mumble looking at him slightly apologetically. “It’s just taking

some getting used to, I’m sorry for snapping at you.”

“Don’t apologise” he says seriously. “I know what it feels like but I’d be more open to the idea of getting

used to it if I were you” Alex says quietly. “You both will be getting. looked at like this for a long time.”

“What?” I ask him sharply.

“You’ll know in time” is all he says before waltzing off to find Ophelia.

“Infuriating” I hiss to Jax as we watch him walk away.

He barks a laugh as his eyes dance with amusement, he is. Come on, let’s go mingle.” Taking my hand

we continue to the gardens where we are met with

Laurence. Luca and Axton.

“There’s our Luna” Laurence smirks proudly.

“Oh goddess” I groan as he chuckles.

“You were awesome Nova, let me go get your a drink. I think we could all do with

relaxing” he says with an understanding smile my way.

“Kia is a machine Nova” Luca says proudly, and you just as much may I add.”

“Yeah I say with a little shrug, “we might be impressive but it’s causing us some


“Nova” Axton starts before looking to Jax.

“I don’t mind you speaking to her Axton, I understand you have seen her grow over

the years and been there for her, and you’re mated to Mila now after all. f*****g hell

you’re going to be part of the family” he says with a laugh rubbing his forehead.

“Yeah that was unexpected” Axton chuckles as his eyes find Mia dancing with her

ma. Turning back to me his face turns serious, “look I know how concerned you were

about everyone knowing who you are exactly, I’ve seen you struggle for years about the fact that one

day everyone would know. But you need to just accept it, you are literally a wolf of’s massive

news to everyone. You are strong in all aspects and you should be proud of that. The attention might

not be what you want but instead of allowing it to pis s you off to put it bluntly, why don’t you embrace it.




will move on in time Nova, but trust me. When you fight like you just did, it’s worth talking about.”

“You’re sure?” I ask them all as the men nod confidently.

“I want to shout from the rooftops that you’re my sister” Luca says with a shrug. “You

kick as s but not only that, you are just as powerful with your words and influence.”

“It’s going to take some getting used to love, but you’ve been blessed by the Moon

Goddess and that can’t be ignored. Embrace it as Axton said and together we can

navigate the attention, you’re not alone in any of this” Jax says wrapping his arm

round my shoulder protectively.

“Here’s your drink Nova, Jax” Laurence says handing us both a glass. “I’ve made sure everyone knows

to let you both enjoy your evening, people have questions and that’s understandable but they can wait

until morning.”

“Thank you Laurence” I say gratefully.

“Pleasure” he says as I gulp my drink down eagerly. “Now may I have a dance with my

Luna?” He asks raising a brow at Jax.

“One dance” Jax says smirking.

“So generous” Laurence mocks as the others laugh. Taking my hand he leads me to the dance floor

where he starts to lead me with natural confidence.

“You had dance lessons too huh?” I ask with a giggle.

“Yup” he smirks, “Jax only agreed to Amelia’s nagging if I also attended.”

“Smart man” I comment with a laugh.

“Nova I know this is quite overwhelming but I just wanted to make sure you knew that

I I am here for you whenever. You’re my Luna and it’s in my blood to protect you, if your need me you

shout” he says into my ear quietly.

“Thank you Laurence” I say biting my lip. “It’s all just became very real, I’ve known my responsibility for

a long time, but now others do to I feel like they may have.

expectations of me.”

“But you are also

just a person” Laurence says understandingly, “there is no doubt you are an incredible woman Nova

but that does not mean life should take away from


your joy. That’s why Jax and myself want you to enjoy this evening especially.

“I know” I murmur as he spins me gently before pulling me close again.

“I’d die for you Nova” Laurence says suddenly making me look at him in shock. “You are my Luna and

as Beta I am naturally protective of you and want to be there for you,

when I became Beta I swore it.”

“I don’t want you to die for me” I say in horror.

He chuckles at that before he replies, “I’m not planning on dying Nova. But what I’m

trying to say is Guardian Wolf or not, first and foremost you are my Luna. I know you

don’t need people’s protection, you are stronger than many of us combined. But that

doesn’t change how people will view you, that’s what I’m trying to show you. If

anything they may respect you more and that’s always a good thing. Ignore people’s

expectations, you make smart decisions on your own and that’s what’s important.”

“You’re a wise man” I say after a moment making him puff his chest proudly.

“I am” he agrees coc kily.

“And a good friend” I add on softly making him smile.

“Exactly, you would do anything for us and we would do anything for you” he says comfortingly. As the

music stops we step apart and I feel lighter for our conversation.

“Thank you Laurence, that meant more than you know” I say as we walk back to

where Jax is watching.

“Anytime Nova” he smiles before squeezing my hand and saluting at Jax. “Mission accomplished” he


“Mission?” Jax asks raising a brow.

“Be there for my Luna” Laurence says proudly making Jax grin at his Beta and friend.


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