Chapter 126
Chapter 126
Informing The Pack.
Informing The Pack
Jax POV:
Waiting outside the dining hall as the pack members arrive I note that many, although looking
apprehensive for the meeting, don’t seem overly nervous. Showing that their
faith in my Luna and I’s leadership is strong.
“What did you think of the dorms?” I ask Nova quietly as she stands by my side.
“Impressive” she commends. “It will work well to house many. I’ll speak to the
warriors as they arrive and ensure they know we don’t want any provocation between them and
everyone is to be amicable whilst staying there.”
“Good idea, warriors can be rather loud and coc k y at times” I muse.
“Show offs you mean” she smirks at me.
“Show offs” I confirm with a grin as we continue waiting for a moment.
Jax we forgot the White Mountain Pack!!” Nova exclaims looks horrified as she turns.
to face me
“They don’t need housing” I explain calmly. “They have mobile housing they are bringing with them for
the warriors. They also haven’t confirmed how many just yet but they will be calling tonight to confirm.
Don’t worry I didn’t want to stress you out. earlier by pointing it out but Alex was aware of it. That’s
probably why he didn’t.
mention it.”
“They have mobile housing?” Nova asks confused.
“Axton knew we would need options so I believe he has hired, or bought, mobile
homes for them to use. It’s not something I’ve seen before but I have to admit, it will
work” I say with a smile.
“I can’t believe I forgot my old pack coming” she mutters embarrassed.
“Don’t be, goddess knows we have enough to remember. If you forget something I’ll remember and
vice versa..hopefully” I laugh. “I won’t tell Luca” I smirk at her
“Phew” she whispers with a little chuckle..
Informing The Pack
Seeing the last of the pack members arrive I square my shoulders and take my Lunas hand as we
stride in, our auras oozing confidence to ease any concerns the pack members may have.
“Good evening everyone” I shout as everyb*dy quietens immediately. “As you all will most likely have
realised this is not a normal pack meeting. I’ve called this meeting to inform you all that on Saturday,
the night of the full moon we will be experiencing an attack of a large proportion. You may wonder how
we know and I am going to explain that but first let me explain who and why this attack will be taking
Looking around I see everyb*dy staying calm as they listen to my every word intently. “As you know
with your Luna being a Guardian Wolf she experiences threats much more regularly than we do
ourselves. Unfortunately..” with this I feel Novas gentle hand grasp my arm lightly.
“Perhaps I could explain this bit?” She asks quietly as I smile at her idea and guide her in front of me as This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.
I hold her side supportingly.
“I’m sorry to interrupt” she calls to everyone, “but I’d like you to hear this from me personally and I ask
you all to be patient. My father, who you have all met, and my mother experienced a hard time in the
lead up to when I was born. What many of your don’t know is my mother was a human, not only a
human but she was a daughter of hunters.” Hearing that there are a few gasps from the crowd but
when looking at those who reacted they don’t look scared they looked pained. “My mother didn’t share
in their views or values and my father and her were happily mated. When I was born my grandparents
went after them, intent on ridding myself and my dad from this world, and most likely my mother at the
time as well despite her being their daughter. That’s how I came to be adopted by my brothers family,
I’m sure many of you have met Luca while he’s visited so I’m sure you can see the love I was brought
up with. Unfortunately my grandfather is still after us and with the help of many hunters under his
leadership they will be attacking on Saturday. My father is also a Guardian Wolf but not only that he is
the new Rogue King” Nova says looking around the pack. members. Seeing them not react she furrows
her brows slightly.
“Which you don’t look too surprised by?” She asks.
With that a warrior steps forward scratching the back of his neck slightly, “Luna speak?”
may !
Informing The Pack
“Of course Anton” she says as the warrior smiles widely at her use of his name.
“While many of us don’t understand Guardian Wolves and much about the history, we could all sense
the power your father wields. We assumed he was a rogue as his scent, although not out right horrible,
it does hold the undertone of a rogue which I’m sure our Alpha can agree?” He asks looking to me as I
nod in understanding, knowing that with the family bond his scent will differ to Nova. “We assumed he
was a Rogue, admittedly him being the Rogue King is surprising, but we are aware of the lack of
attacks in the last few years and I and many others assume it has something to do with him. We know
how caring and protective you are of us in your pack Luna, your
father must be the same.”
Seeing tears threatening to fall from Nova’s eyes she grips my hand tightly. “Did you all assume the
same?” She whispers however everyb*dy heard and smiles or nods.
their agreement.
Clasping her free hand over her heart she smiles softly to them all, “you are all fabulous pack
members. You’re observant, far more observant than I gave you credit for and I apologise for that, I
won’t make that mistake again. But not only that I want to thank you for your understanding and
patience with truly means the world.”
With that the pack members all bow low whilst murmuring “our Luna” as Nova so bs
in relief.
“They love you Nova” I whisper in her ear as I tuck her into my side..
“Thank you pack” I call appreciatively, “you can see how much this means to our Luna and I am more
grateful than ever to be Alpha to this wonderful pack. I’d like to explain how we know the attack will
take place on Saturday. As you know we have Alpha King Alexander staying with us, and with the help
of his pack witches we have been able to confirm the date and place of the attack with a vision they
had, your Luna also shared this vision and saw it for herself. Unfortunately the hunters will be bringing
the attack here, as much as it pains me to admit it, we can’t locate the hunters..they also have the help
of witches, albeit not the good kind. So I believe letting them come here is the only option we have, but
it is also one that we can work in our favour.”
Looking around I see the pack members looking concerned but the fact they’re not. panicking fills me
with hope. “We have help coming from other packs so tomorrow we will be expecting many warriors to
arrive and they have housing organised
Informing The Pack
already. Finally for now, I want to confirm all elderly, pups, pregnant females and vulnerable will be
leaving the pack.”
Seeing confused looks I explained further, “my Luna and myself want you in no way to be near any
fighting or be put at risk. As you know our Beta Female and Gam ma
Female, Naomi and Alice are pregnant. They will be travelling with you all to the
council buildings tomorrow, along with Luna Ophelia. If you have any questions or
concerns please approach them and they will be happy to help, myself and Nova also.
We have arranged transport with warriors escorting you and Elder Martin is expecting
you all along with my Aunt Sophia which many of you know personally. Does this all sound ok for
know?” I ask looking around.
“Yes Alpha” they chorus loudly making me smile.
“Thank you all” I shout with pride. “I will have training programs for warriors issued
first thing along with border patrols organised by your Gam mas Theo and Florence.
Omegas please report to Brea in the morning to get your rotas for food and housing
preparations. But for now, please go fetch your pups and loved ones at home, I have
organised for us all to enjoy a pack dinner together. One last time thank you for
trusting in us and I am more proud than you know for the way in which you all conduct yourselves. The
coming days will be tough but please don’t hesitate to
approach any of us if you would like to. Enjoy this evening with your families.”
With that a large round of applause sounds as the hall fills with pack members
bowing to us.
“Brilliant Boss” Laurence says as I reach him
“I hope so” I sigh as I k*ss Novas temple.
“that was perfect.”
“Let’s eat” he smiles at us as we head to join the pack members.
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