Guardian Wolf

Chapter 31

Chapter 31


Jax POV:

Jogging to my parents I can’t help smiling as I replay the few hours I’d spent with Nova. As if on cue my

phone pings and I look down to see she’d sent me the photo of us from earlier making me immediately

save it as my new background.

Still looking at the photo as I walk into my parents house in a daze I jump when I feel my dads hand

land on my shoulder as he says hello.

“Oh..hey dad. Sorry own world there” I laugh off.

“What had you so engrossed in your phone son?” He asks sternly.

I don’t answer I simply look down at my phone before handing it over to him. He

grasps it quizzically before looking at it and freezing.

“Everything alright in here?” I hear my mums soft voice ask me, “hello dear, it’s lovely

to see you.”

“David?” She asks concerned as my father doesn’t move.

“Yes love?” He asks snapping his head up to look at her.

“What’s going on?” She asks slowly looking between us. Gesturing for him to show

her he simply grasps her hand and pulls her to his side before shoving the phone in

her eye line.

“Oh my goddess” she gasps looking at the photo. “Oh hunny she’s gorgeous” she

squeals excitedly.

“It’s Nova” I explain quietly.

Hearing that my parents faces split into huge smiles, “oh you both look so happy, in

that photo I can see my relaxed young boy again. The life in your eyes is bright” my

mum praises.

“Thanks mum” I smile at her.

“That’s an amazing photo son, we can’t wait to meet her” my father says happily.

“So what brings you here tonight son?” My mother asks as she potters into the




kitchen to fix us a drink.

I gulp as I run a hand through my hair, “I just fancied a night away from the pack” I try to shrug off.

Looking up i see both my parents looking at me knowing I’m lying but choosing not to say anything.

Standing up I walk over and grab my drink uttering my thanks to mum before dropping on the sofa and


“We should be with Nova” Zeus grumbles in my head.

“I just can’t” I snap back before taking a breath, “sorry” I mumble but he’s silent on me. After watching

tv for a couple of hours I excuse myself before heading upstairs to my room here.

“Will we see you for breakfast?” My mum calls up after me.

“I don’t know” I call back down before closing the door softly behind me. Slumping on the bed I quickly

strip off and climb under the covers. I toss and turn as sleep refuses to take me. Finally giving up I

stand and walk over to the window to look up into the dark sky.

Feeling a sense of anxiousness wash through me I run a hand through my hair in frustration as I

wonder about how Nova is doing. Glancing at the time I see it’s almost

2 in the morning.

“Why don’t we just go see her?” Zeus grumbles to me. I shut him back trying to calm

my racing heart as I start to ask myself the same thing.

“f**k” I exclaim in frustration as I give in and before I can think more I’ve opened the

window and jumped down. Without thinking Zeus takes over as we race back

towards the pack house, as we pass where Nova and I sat earlier we take a large

inhale of her enticing scent and it spurs us on. Shifting by the pack house door I

freeze as her scent surrounds me, making everything else fade. My eyes widen in

realisation as I race up the stairs to my room, hearing her steady heartbeat I can

sense she’s asleep so I open the door quietly. Looking at her cuddling my pillow I

smile in satisfaction as I realise even when she is sleeping she searches for my

scent. Walking over I sit beside her and brush a lock of her hair from over her eyes. Feeling a strong

shock surge through me blood immediately rushes to my c**k making it spring to life.



Hearing me gasp Novas eyes flash open as she jumps up from where she was laying. “what?” She

mumbles sleepily, “Jax?”

Looking at her in amazement as she rubs her eyes I reach my hand out and grasp her face gently

guiding her to look at me embracing the sparks I get from her touch, as her blue eyes connect with

mine I feel the bond snap into place as her mouth opens in shock.

“MATE” I growl.

“Mate” she whispers in awe.

We stare at one another for a moment as she takes a large breath in of my scent, smelling her arousal

floating up I growl hungrily before pushing myself over her and lying her down. “Mine” i murmur before

claiming her lips in my own. As sparks erupt around us I smile against her lips before biting down

gaining entrance to her sweet mouth. Feeling her moan as she pulls me against her I k*ss her deeply

pouring my need for her through my touch. As I feel her hardened n*****s pushing through her lace top

I feel myself leak pre c*m onto her top. “Off” I growl quickly, words failing me

as my eyes glaze over with lust, reaching a hand up I extend a claw and rip down the

middle freeing her perfect round breasts. Pulling away from her mouth I look up at

her as I lower myself before sucking in one of her n*****s and softly kneading her

other breast.

Feeling her chest heave as she pants in anticipation, I hum against her, her face

flushes in excitement as she bites down on her bottom lip. I pull away so she can

shimmey her way out of her ripped top before I reach my hand out to pin her to the bed. She looks up

at me questioningly but I just shake my head as I trail k*sses down

her toned stomach and over her soaked panties. Breathing in her scent of arousal deeply I feel my c**k

twitch against her leg, “f**k Nova” I breath before I rip her panties off of her and throw them behind me.

Smirking at her quickly I lean down and blow over her swollen c lit, “so wet for me” I mumble before

sucking gently. Feeling how wound up she is for me as she groans

and writhes underneath me I splay my hand on her stomach to hold her down before reaching my other

hand down and plunging a finger into her wet core.

“Yesss” she moans loudly before I quicken my pace sensing she’s close to her release already. I lick

over her wet slit and continue biting and sucking gently before I feel her



walls start to tighten around me. “That’s it love, c*m for me” I order. She shudders and her juices flow at

my words as she comes undone around me whilst screaming my name, “JAXX, oh f**k yessss” she

moans as she grinds her hips on my hand prolonging her release. Lapping up her sweetness I rise

above her and claim her lips in my own, feeling her reach down I quickly stop her. “I’ll c’ve got

me far too excited” I say quickly as her eyes widen in realisation.

“Ready baby?” I check as I grasp my shaft and rub my head through her wet folds.

“Goddess yes” she moans arching her back trying to coax me in.

Teasing her I continue to rub my head through her folds and round her wet core. making her a writhing

mess below me, not being able to take it any longer I guide. myself to her opening and look at her as I

plunge myself in in one go. She gasps and her eyes widen as her tight walls adjust to my size making

me pause momentarily. She grasps my hair before slamming my lips back on hers giving me all the

encouragement I need to pull out and plunge back into her. Hearing her moan below

pull my mouth away from hers and lift her hips in the air making me go deeper


with each thrust. Admiring the way her lids flutter and she moans my name i reach over and pinch her

n****e making her buck her hips up to meet mine.

*f**k you’re gorgeous” I rasp looking at her as I increase my pace. Pumping into her hard I watch as her

t**s bounce teasingly. Leaning over her I claim my lips in hers again as I suck gently on her neck where

my mark would lay. “I’m not going to last” I wam her.

Seeing her eyes snap to mine she hums and before I know it she has flipped us so I’m lying and

looking up at her, “let me show you just how much I’ve been looking forwards to this” she whispers as

she straddles me. Lifting herself up she guides me to her hole before slamming herself down hard

making us both moan loudly in pleasure. She rocks her hips a couple of times before she sets a

relentless pace. knowing exactly what I need right now as we are faced with primal desire.

“Jax you feel so f*****g good” she moans as I lean forward and suck one of her

n*****s. Feeling her movements jerk slightly as her walls begin to tighten around me I

jerk my hips up into her a couple of times as her movements become erratic. Pulling her towards me I

feel my canines extend as I graze them over her neck causing her to shiver in pleasure.”Oh Jax

YESSSS” she screams as I bite down on her neck hard



causing her to hurtle over the edge as she comes undone on top of me. Feeling her happiness and

love for me through the bond I growl and pump up into her hard for 3 more thrusts as she rides her high

before my balls tighten,m. Feeling her canines graze my neck as she sucks gently my breath hitches

when she bites down hard. causing pain to flash through my b*dy before it’s immediately replaced with

pleasure causing me to stiffen as my shaft twitches and her tight walls milk me for rope after rope of my

c*m. As we both slump down we both pull our teeth away from one another and lick gently over our

new marks sealing them.

She slides off of me looking sad at the loss of contact for a moment before I pull her into my arms

content. “You’re mine Nova” I whisper in her head making her smile against me chest. “Yours” she


After a minute she pulls back looking at me confused, “why did you come back? Naked as well?”

I chuckle as I stretch out on my back with one hand behind my head and the other right around her

waist. “I missed you and I couldn’t sleep, I was restless and to be

honest I just felt like I was in the wrong place, I may have jumped out the window and

shifted back” I admit.

“Your family aren’t visiting are they” she says sitting up and c*****g her head at me. I

shake my head slowly in embarrassment.

“No, they are coming tomorrow but won’t be arriving until after breakfast” I admit

nervously. Hearing that she smiles at me as she leans down to k*ss me.

“You were nervous” she states.

“Yeah” I admit, “I know everyone was saying we were mates and everything indicated

we were but until it was your birthday and we knew for certain I just had this horrible

voice in my head saying what if.”

“I get it” she says softly, “I knew as soon as you organised that for us yesterday. An amazing final

memory if I perhaps did have another mate.”

“I’m sorry” I whisper.

“Don’t be” she shakes her head, “it was thoughtful and I wouldn’t have changed





“I would have” I smirked. Seeing her look at me I continue, “if I’d known for certain that we were mates

then I definitely would have taken you up on the offer of swimming..n*ked. Plus I’d have got my way

with you.”

“Dirty Alpha” she teases.

“I love you Nova” I say suddenly. Looking at her she has tears in her eyes as she smiles widely, “I love

you Jax” she whispers as I feel her love for me flow through the


Hearing those words has my shaft hardening once again, my eyes focus on his

breasts as they rise with each breath. Seeing her eyes dip down to focus on my c**k I

pump it slowly before grabbing her hips and pulling her over me.

“Let me show you just how dirty this Alpha is” I whisper in her as I bite her lobe

making her quiver in excitement.

“I’m all yours” she says raising her brow at me challengingly.


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