Guardian Wolf

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Jaxs Family

Nova POV:

“You ready for this?” I hear Alice ask me as I finish putting on my slick of lip gloss. Stepping back I look

at myself in the mirror, I have to admit Alice knows how to dress me for any event. Wearing a flowing

sage green summer dress that ends at my knees fitting snugly around my breasts and waist I look

perfect for a pack BBQ, with my heeled wedges accentuating my toned legs I smile happily to myself.

“Dressed like this I am” I wink at Alice before turning and giving her a big hug, “thank you for organising

this Alice.”

“You look gorgeous” she compliments stepping back and looking at her handy work.

“As do you” I grin back at her, Alice is dressed in a long maxi dress with some heels

giving her small frame a little extra height.

“Yes well I thought I’d make the most of this dress before my belly is too swollen to fit anything” she


Linking my arm through hers I rest my head on her shoulder, “I can’t believe you’re

going to be a mum. It’s amazing news.”

Seeing Alice smile softly as her hand rests gently on her belly I can’t stop the sense of

longing that pangs in my heart. “We will have pups one day Nova, we are still young”

Ki murmurs to me.


“I can’t wait for that day, but I also know now isn’t our time” I confide to Kia, “I’m more

than happy being an Aunty for now.”

Walking downstairs I can hear the music from the back lawn and lots of excited

chatter, “will you be here soon?” Jax links me anxiously.

As we leave the back door my eyes scan over the crowd before focusing on Jaxs

muscular frame standing with Luca and some warriors chatting animatedly, the

afternoon sun glinting off of his tanned skin and adding a shine to his dark hair. “I’m

behind you” I link him giggling.

With that he stops talking and spins round, his eyes searching for mine before he

spots me and a large grin spreads across his face as he makes his way swiftly to me.



Jays Family

As he gets closer I see his eyes briefly glance over my figure as they darken slightly. “you look

gorgeous” he murmurs in my ear dropping a k*ss on my cheek as he says.



Blushing I smile up at him as I rest a hand on his firm chest, “you don’t look too bad yourself” I reply


“I know” he smirks back confidently.

“Shhh calm down Alpha ego” I laugh at him lightly tapping his arm making his chest. rumble with a

deep chuckle.

“Come let’s go see Luca, he’s been waiting for you” he says quietly as he leads me towards my


“Nova!” Luca exclaims happily as I reach him, “you’re finally here” he laughs giddily.

“Eh oh, has someone been drinking” I giggle at him as I take in his slightly unfocused

eyes. He simply smirks at me whilst shrugging his shoulders, “you know me Nova, I won’t get wasted

don’t worry. But I certainly plan on enjoying your birthday and my

time off.”

“I wouldn’t want if any other way..where’s my drink?” I am raising an eyebrow at him.


“Coming right up” he smirks before turning to walk away. He pauses mid stride before

spinning back round and running to twirl me round happily, “I forgot to say

congratulations will make an amazing Luna. I’m very happy for you both.”

Setting me down he steps back to look at my new mark with a happy gleam in his


“Thank you Luca” I whisper trying to hide the emotion in my voice. Seeing an emotion

flit across his face which I’m not used to seeing I grasp his arm and step to one side.

with him.

“You ok?” I ask quietly.

He looks down at me and nods slowly with a little smile on his face, “I am truly happy for

you Nova. But I’m not going to lie, I’ve enjoyed having my sister around the last

few years.”


Looking at him steadily I raise a brow knowing there is more to it. He sighs lightly


Jaxs Family

before continuing, “where’s my mate?” He asks quietly almost to himself.

Hearing those words my eyes soften, “your mate is coming Luca. I know you have been waiting a long

time but I also know you are going to be perfect for her as she will be for you. It will be worth the wait.” I

say hoping to comfort him.

After a moments quiet he shakes his head, “enough about me. It’s not everyday my sister turns 25 and

finds her mate becoming a Luna, let’s celebrate!”

Grinning at him as he jogs over to get me a drink I step back beside Jax. “Everything ok?” He links me

whilst smiling at Naomi and Laurence who have just joined us.

“Yes, he’s been waiting 10 years for his mate. He’s happy for us, but it must be hard watching those

close to you meet their fated mates whilst you’re still waiting” I reply.

“It is hard, but it will be worth it” Jax comforts me.

“That’s what I told him” I say before continuing, “he’s ok don’t worry.”

Nodding his head slightly to show he understands he turns his attention back to the

group, ‘so how’s the birthday Luna?” Laurence asks smiling.

“Good thank you Laurence, this looks beautiful” I gesture around the garden. Seeing

all the lights twi nkling above I can imagine how gorgeous it’s going to look once the

sun has set.

Seeing the men’s chests puff out in pride Naomi and i snigger quietly, “of course it

does. We did it” Laurence beams with pride.

“Men’s ego honestly” i mutter playfully rolling my eyes at Naomi.

Sensing Jaxs attention elsewhere I look up at him inquisitively, with a smile he looks down at me as he

lowers his mouth to talk in my ear, “my family have arrived. Ready for introductions?” He murmurs

huskily sending a shiver down my spine. Stepping back I straighten myself whilst sending him a small

glare as he smirks knowing the

effect he has on me.

“I’m ready” I say confidently as he holds his arm out for me to grasp. Walking towards the drinks table I

see an older couple with the air of authority surrounding them as well as two men who look similar to

Jax but are slightly smaller in their build next to

a tall leggy blonde who is openly admiring the warriors bringing in the food for the

BBQ. Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.


Jer Family

“Hello Ma, Pa..everyone” Jax starts with a smile as we reach them. Td like you all to

meet Nova, my mate.”

“Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you all I say graciously looking at them all clearly.

“You are stunning my dear he mum says as she steps forwards clasping my hands in

hers, ‘welcome to the family. I’m Amelia, Jaxs mother.”

“Its lovely to meet you, I can see where Jax gets his warmth from I note as she embraces me in a

loving hug. Stepping back I see the smile stretching across her face at my words, “thank you Nova.”

“Don’t go telling everyone I can be like that Nova, I have my Alpha image to maintain”

Jax laughs from beside me.

Looking up at him I c**k an eyebrow before replying, “well maybe it will knock your

alpha ego down a couple of notches, goddess knows it seems you men need I

need to get Naomi over to back me up?”

He breaks out in loud laughter as his eyes crinkle, “fair enough, you got me there.”

“I know” I wink at him before turning back to his families amused faces.

“Hello Nova, I’m David his father” his father says stepping up and grasping my hand in

his for a from handshake. As I look in his eyes I see a slight coldness emitting from

them making me furrow my brows slightly before I smooth my expression out and

maintain eye contact with him.

“It’s a pleasure Sir” i murmur quietly. He steps back for a moment looking at me with

an unreadable expression.

Hearing a throat being cleared from my right I look away from David to see his sister

practically bouncing on the spot, “hello you must be his sister” I giggle softly stepping

towards her.

“Hello” she exclaims before drawing me in for a tight hug, “I’m Mila, I am so excited to

meet you. It’s about time one of these found their mates, honestly the amount of

testosterone can be over bearing at times. I can’t wait to spend time with you.” She fires off excitedly

making Jax step forward and grasp her arm gently.

“Calm down Mila” he says gently.

Jays Family

“Don’t be silly Jax, it’s lovely to meet you Mila. I’m looking forwards to spending some time with you” I

assure her graciously. Seeing the smug look she throws Jaxs way I chuckle before looking to his


“Hello Nova, we are Axel and Evan, his twin brothers” they announce simultaneously.

Chuckling I step forward and shake both their hands, “ah another set of twins who speak in tangent” I

grin at Jax. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”

“Strong shake” Axel comment’s approvingly glancing down at where our hands met a

moment ago.

I simply smile at the comment before stepping back into Jaxs side.

“So Nova, I hear you were mated previously?” David asks looking at me pointedly.

“Father..” Jax starts stepping forward before i clasp his arm shaking my head slightly indicating I can

handle this.

“Yes Sir, I was mated with Alpha Axton of the White Mountain Pack. We entered a

chosen mate relationship to help the pack, my brother is the Beta” I inform him not

looking away from his gaze.

“You loved him?” He asks sharply.

I pause for a moment to look into his eyes, seeing the lack of trust in them l understand his Alpha Wolf I

struggling to wrap his head around what has happened. with the knowledge available whilst he’s

wanting to be supportive of his son.

“I did, admittedly it is nothing compared to how I now feel for you son. However for 3 years I was

treated well, Axton and I worked hard to better the pack and we were successful in leading together. He

found his true mate however and i in no way was going to stand between them. I will not deny at the

beginning of the mateship it was for the pack but we did grow to love and respect one another.

However, I can assure you that is no longer the case, I will always look back on my time there with

happiness with when I left the exception. But I am now focused on my life here, with Jax” I assure him

smiling up at Jax who is looking at me in pride.

“You met Jax previously though?” He probes looking at me with an unreadable


“Father..” Jax warns again, I once again shake my head before meeting David’s gaze.


Into Family

With a slightly colder voice I speak clearly maintaining eye contact with David, “I did meet Jax

previously a couple of times yes, I could not meet my mate until the age of 25, I’m sure in time you will

come to understand why but for now I cannot tell you. I

can sense the distrust in you and I want to assure you that I love your son Waking up to him being my

mate this morning was the best moment of my life, I’ve met my soul mate, my other half. I can also

assure you I will take the role of Luna very seriously, have the packs best interest in my heart and I am

excited to work alongside Jaz”

“And you can fight” he states not replying to my previously spoken words.

With that Jax and I exchange a knowing smirk, “yes I can. I trained with the elite warriors from the age

of 15 at the academy when I resided in the Red Moon Pack 1 ran the training program at the White

Mountain Pack and I have been assisting Gam ma Flo and Gam ma Theo during my time here.”

Seeing approval in his eyes !

smile internally.

“I heard you knocked Jax on his as s” Axel sniggered earning a glare from Jax.

“Yes..I did” I laugh lightly, “sorry babe” I add on to Jaz.

With a loud sigh he looks away before turning to me with a playful look, “well someone had to.

Embarrassing that it was my Luna who can do it but weirdly enough

I find it strangely attractive.”

“Oh I know” I wink earning some more sniggers from his brothers before turning back

to once again look at David.

“I know you have your worries and the lack of knowledge is concerning you, I

understand that. But I am asking you to please take the time to see how much your

son and this pack mean to me. They took me in when I felt broken, everyb*dy has

been welcoming and a pleasure to be around. I am looking forward to getting to know


all better” I assure him whilst showing him I will stand up for myself.

“I spoke to the council..” his father starts earning a growl from Jax.

“You did WHAT?” Jax exclaims.

“Shhh Jax, he’s an Alpha of course he’s tried to find more information” I shrug unbothered by his

father’s announcement.

“They had very little to say but what they did was very promising” he continues.


Jaxs Family

I look at him waiting for him to speak once more.

“I’m With a sigh he looks away for a moment before he turns his attention back to us, sorry Nova. It’s

hard to stop being an Alpha at times, especially when it comes to family. After meeting you I can sense

how genuine you are and I should have trusted Jax from the start, for that I apologise son” he says

whilst looking between us. “I am looking forwards to us all spending time together and I have faith you

two will be great leaders.”

“Thank you Sir” I say graciously.

“David” he says simply to me before stepping forward and embracing me gently,”

welcome to the family Nova.”


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