Guardian Wolf

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Alpha Henry

Alpha Henry

Jax POV:

Waking up I see Nova is stirring at the same time after having dozed off on my chest, looking a

across Florence’s bed I see Theo still sat watching his sister whilst drawing

circles on the back of her hand with his thumb.

“Sorry Theo I didn’t mean to doze off” Nova whispers as she stretches slightly.

Holding her steady on my lap I stop her moving to avoid any friction in my trousers at

this inappropriate time.

With a tight smile Theo waves us off, “don’t be, I needed the time to process.

everything, plus with everything that’s gone on recently you need some rest yourself”

he assures her.

Just then a nurse comes into the room and checks Flos vitals whilst we watch her

work efficiently. After a few minutes she turns to us with relief in her eyes, “she’s making progress, I

believe the drugs they administered are wearing off now and her wolf is regaining strength. I imagine it

will be another 24 hours before her wolf has

the strength to help heal her wounds so for now there won’t be any change. We will

continue to sterilise them and change the dressings when necessary.”

“Thank you Nurse” Nova says politely as I echo her thanks as she bows her head and

leaves the room.

Seeing we have been here for 6 hours I turn to Theo, “would you mind if Nova and I

go to thank my uncle, we won’t be gone too long but I don’t want to be rude?” I ask quietly as Flo

twitches slightly in her slumber.

“Absolutely fine Alpha, please pass on my thanks I will be sure to say it in person

when I’m comfortable leaving Flo” Theo says. “Thank you for asking” he adds on


With a quick pat on his shoulder I open the door for Nova and I to leave. “How are you holding up?” I

check with Nova as we walk towards the pack house.

“I’m relieved she’s doing better, it’s calmed my worries. But I did have a chat with Theo whilst you were

asleep which has opened my eyes to some things. I’d like to


Alpha Henry

talk to you about it later” she mentions.

“Not now?” I ask.

“I need to think it through and it can wait, for now I want to thank your Uncle. What he did for us, for

Flo..I am incredibly thankful for” she says with a smile.

“Ok love. Im here when you’re ready” I assure her knowing her logical mind.

As we reach the packhouse door I hear our voices being called, “Hello Axel” I say giving him a bear


With a grunt he elbows me, “I know you’re my big brother but do you have to do that?” He whines like a


Hearing a giggle I turn to Nova, “men” she says with a roll of her eyes.

“Hello Luna, it’s lovely to see you again” Axel says giving her a quick k*ss on the cheek. earning

himself a low growl for me, smirking he shrugs his shoulders. “She’s going to be my sister-in-law, chill.”

Nova tries to hide her amusement by looking up at the sky quickly before answering.” and it’s a

pleasure to see you Axel, but please Nova to you is fine.”

With a grin at me he holds the door open for us and escorts us up to my uncles


“He’s expecting you, go right in” Axel says as he holds the door open once again. before following us.

“Ah Jax, Luna Nova, how are you both?” My Uncles powerful voice asks as he stands.

from his desk to greet us.

“We are well considering thank you” Nova says graciously. “I’d like to personally thank you for

everything you have done Alpha Henry, Flo is recovering and her Wolf is

gaining strength as we speak. Without you I dread to think what she could have


With a smile at Novas words Henry motions for us to sit, “we are happy to have

helped” he assures us.

“Did anyone else suffer any injuries?” I ask.


Alpha Henry Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Light scratches, nothing to worry about at all” Henry says easing my concern. He looks at me for a

moment before raising a brow, “so..are you going to tell me any


Feeling Nova tense beside me I grasp her hand not missed by my uncles watchful eyes. Sighing i look

at him, “I’m going to tell you something not only as an Alpha but also as family, we can tell you

some..but not everything. Not yet anyway, and what wer do tell you is up to Novas discretion. What she

is happy to share I am happy with and I am in no way forcing her to say more” I say sharply.

My uncle leans forward with his brows furrowed, “Jax, when have I ever pushed anything with you?

You are an outstanding Alpha and Nova is your mate, I trust your judgement and also your support in

her” he says firmly. Turning to face Nova he softens his gaze, “Luna, please don’t feel like I am

pressurising you in anyway. I have heard rumours, the news Jax has found his mate is spreading like

wildfire and of

course I’m intrigued. But, I will never force anything” he assures her making her relax.

“Thank you Alpha, I appreciate hearing that” she replies politely her voice



“Let’s just say pa wasn’t as understanding” I sigh to Henry as his eyes meet mine as silent

understanding is passed between us.

“Ah” is all he says sitting back in his chair.

“Alpha Henry, we are meeting with the council this week and then we have another

issue to deal with on Friday, hopefully by the weekend we will be able to explain more

about what exactly is going on. But for now what I can say is both my father and

myself are being sought out by hunters. I was adopted when I was 3 weeks old, left

on my parents door step by my mother a human” Nova starts as she maintains

uncles gaze. “She was the daughter of hunters but was my fathers true mate, so as you can imagine

her parents were not happy with what happened. They have been looking for me ever since and they

are the ones who took Ga mma Flo.”

s my

“So they took your Gam ma to get your attention?” My uncles asks inquisitively having not reacted once

to anything Nova had said.

“Yes” I reply, looking at Nova she nods my head for me to continue. “Her grandfather

left Nova a note on Florence’s mates b*dy after seriously injuring him. It said that if


Alpha Henry

Nova and her father went to an address they provided at the time they mentioned then Florence would

be returned. An exchange as such, but the only thing would have been Nova and Kingsley would have

been walking into a situation without any support, walking into something where they would have been


“This is serious Jax” my uncle acknowledges as he stands to go look out of the window. “Would it be

acceptable to ask for a meeting early next week and we could discuss this further? I am more than

happy to support and aid where possible, but I

would also like to know what we are walking into.”

“Of course, we can call at the end of the week and arrange it further” I reply..

“Thank you Alpha Henry” Nova chimes up from beside me gratitude clear in her


“The council, is it serious?” He asks turning his gaze back to us.

“They have helped me over the years, my life growing up was slightly different to most and i needed a

little extra guidance. The last few weeks has raised some questions, some concerns and I want to

delve into that a bit further before I can give you more information” Nova explains.

“I hope it goes well for you, the council are a tricky bunch” my uncle says with a


“Do you know much about witches uncle?” I ask quietly.

“Witches?” He asks with surprise showing on his face for the first time.

“Yes..witches. This is a different issue we have going on as well, but Nova here has e going on as well,

but Nova here has been mated before to Alpha Axton of the White Mountain Pack” I start. Hearing that

my uncles eyes widen as he turns to Nova quickly.

“You’re that Nova!?” He exclaims.

“Yes Sir” she murmurs.

“Oh my dear, I know Axtons parents extremely well. The things you did for that pack are simply

outstanding!” He praises her making her cheeks flush in embarrassment.

“That’s lovely to hear, thank you” Nova says as I smirk at her.

“Back to the point” I continue, “he met his fated mate at a meeting Nova had


Alpha Henry

arranged, they broke mateship laws and marked one another whilst Nova was

suffering betrayal pains. But since that has happened more information has come to

light, Rose as she’s called has admitted to using a drug to seduce him so he couldn’t

control his lust.”

“I an wondering how he managed to control it better at the meal though” Noval interjects thoughtfully.

“I have a theory” I start, “the first time you were there but he had just felt the

supposed mate bond for the first time so was weakened because of that making him

more susceptible to it. At the meal you were sat opposite, and as he pointed out the drug then made

him lust for you..not Rose. But he controlled it because of you. Nova.”

“That makes sense” she agrees quietly.

“Anyway Axton has referred the trial to the council, he wants answers as he’s doubting it is a true mate

bond so I wondered if it could involve the work of witches” i

muse turning to Henry.

He sits tapping his finger on the desk as he contemplates what I’ve said, “I haven’t heard of it before

but that isn’t to say it’s not possible. I think it’s smart of him to have contacted the council and they will

get the answers needed.”

“I thought as much” I sighed before leaning back.

“Are you staying the night?” My uncle asks changing the subject.

“I think we should head back, the pack needs our presence and it will ease our state of mind. Laurence

has been in touch and has confirmed everything is in order but who knows what’s going to happen with

the hunters having not got their way” I reply.

“Can Theo stay?”

“Of course, he’s her brother I wouldn’t expect anything different” he replies already knowing what I was

going to have said. “I’ll contact you how Florence gets on and we can make the necessary


“Thank you Uncle” I say reaching my hand out for him to shake.

“It’s good to see you Jax, and Luna Nova it was an absolute pleasure to have met you, I hope to see

you again” he says sincerely.

“Alpha if I can have a quick word?” Axel requests before Nova has chance to reply.


Alpha Henry

“Go ahead” Henry replies.

“I’d like to return with Jax following the meeting you have next week, I want to be

there to offer support and it is only a month earlier than we had agreed” Axel says


“That’s a good idea, Jax?” Henry checks.

“I’d like both him and Evan to return” I answer immediately.

“Done” Henry agrees.

Hearing that I smile in relief as Nova steps forward, “thank you for your help, I look

forward to seeing you again” she says whilst shaking his hand.

He bats it aside gently before offering her a hug, “we are family, anything you need

don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Thank you” she whispers into his shoulder as her lips wobbles slightly with emotion.



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