Guardian Wolf

Chatper 130

Chatper 130

114 Griffin

When I come to I am in a hospital bed in the BloodMoon pack with Tessie at my bedside, not as my

worried mother-in-law but as the pack doctor. Without her, the pack had been without a doctor. So she

got right back to it even temporarily. Now that her mate was the new Alpha, she was the Luna and the

doctor to the pack. She seemed fairly relaxed, I figured that was because it had to do with Ayla being in

pain again. Not with my body.

“Griffin, you had a panic attack. Do you know what triggered it?” She asked me.

I couldn’t register what she was saying, I was a strong royal Alpha wolf. I should not be having a panic


“I don’t want to offend you Tessie, but I don’t think it is possible for a wolf like me to get a panic attack” I

tried to reason with her.

She crossed her arms and glared at me, almost motherly. I do not know if this is because of the bond

we have. Or if this is how she looks at every patient in the hospital. But it makes me feel small.

“No, you’re right it’s not like you’ve been under a lot of stress lately. It’s not like the most important thing

in your life is missing” She shrugged making me see how ridiculous I was.

“I was suddenly scared that I would never hear Ayla’s voice through the mindlink. And that I understood

why I had to go back to the castle but it feels bad going away when I can feel she is close” I just lay it

all on the table.

If I am getting panic attacks I am not as strong as I used to be. As I




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thought I was, I had been so deadset on being the one to find clues. The one who saved her, but I was

getting nowhere, the more time that passed the bigger the chances were she got hurt. Maybe the panic

attack was what I needed to realize I couldn’t do this on my own.


After having to stay in the pack hospital for the rest of the afternoon, just so Tessie could keep an eye

out on me. She worried and hovered over me like my mom would do. Mom had even visited me, both

insisting I needed to take better care of myself. They are not even wrong but I couldn’t rest before I had

Ayla back in my arms.

Still, I felt a little better about asking for help when I had to leave to go back to the castle. Alpha Jay

had promised me he would send out patrols twice a day. With how small the army had gotten that was

the most he could do. Meanwhile, Father had ordered some heat-seeking drones. Once I could control

from my castle with an app. They would land at the edge of the BloodMoon pack. In a designated spot.

Where the guards on patrol around the borders would pick it up and place it in the charger.

That way I did not have to stay here to try and find some clues. Of course, I would also contact more

Alpha’s than we did before. And I needed to contact the human government to see if they could help

me. Usually, they do not get involved with the pack business. But since this was a crime against the

royal family they might be more inclined to help out. To make sure that the peace among the packs

would remain. A reasonably small war between two packs did not hurt the humans and thus they would

not get involved.

If an all-out war broke out between several packs including the royal pack and at least one other pack.

It could hurt the humans, and that had always been enough motion for them to get involved.

Part of me hated that I had to sit in an office, going to stuffy meetings





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instead of being out there actively searching for her. But I knew it was what I needed to do.


And I had done for the past week, there was still another week left before I finally could go back to the

Bloodmoon pack. It had been almost three weeks now since I got the letter. Four weeks since I last

saw her. Not wanting to leave me she had stayed until Monday morning, she had already quit her job at

that time. So she didn’t have to leave at the cr ack of dawn.

Still, I had been so tired that I overslept. Her alarm didn’t wake me. Neither did her getting ready and

leaving me. By the time I woke up, all that was left was a sweet note on her pillow. I still have the note.

At the time I sent her a sweet text thanking her but I wasn’t too bothered about it. Sure I was a little

bummed out but I thought I knew I would see her at the end of the week.

I would get nightmares about her blaming me because I did not wake up to see her off. Or that she

would fall for David again because I didn’ t even get up to see her off the last day she saw me. I would

wake clammy, my heart beating wildly. It never lasted long because when I was awake I knew my

sweet, kind, loyal Ayla would never do something like that.

Still, it made me worry about how she was feeling. Did she regret slipping out and letting me sleep? Did

she realize her last message never got through? When I made the video announcement after letting

the pack know it was all a lie. I felt so certain this was the way to go. That she would instantly see all

the hints I put in the clip. In my mind it would comfort her to see the hints, knowing I was coming for

her. Ever since getting back to the castle after being close to her, I was second-guessing every

decision I made.

The desperation was clawing at my intestines with cold iron claws.





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Leaving me restless and desperate. I was back to the point where I could hardly swallow any food

down. Only now I was hiding the fact that I was surviving on coffee and the mandatory dinner with my

parents. A dinner that was always followed by a run, Conan seemed to be the only one who truly

understood me. Which makes sense he is missing her just as much as I am.

I am on one of my runs again when I get dizzy, my breathing gets labored only this time my vision isn’t

blurring. I am still well aware of where I am, it is nothing like the panic attack I had the other day. This

time I feel claws wrapping around my throat cutting off my air supply. Then I hear her voice in my mind

“Griffin help me”

I know it cannot be we are miles apart from each other and we do not have the ability to mindlink yet.

But I know it is her, I don’t care how I am suddenly able to hear her when I shouldn’t be able to. All I

care for is the fact that my mate needs me and I am going to get her out. We tried to do it the right way,

tactical, careful to not hurt innocent bystanders. We tried so for three weeks and are no further to find

her. I am over it I will find her this week no matter what it costs me. I will travel back to the BloodMoon

Pack tonight with the entire army and I will burn down every inch of the forest surrounding the pack

until I have my mate back in my arms. And I don’t care about the enemies I will make along the way.

Not my parents, not the council.

It is high time I let the world see what truly matters to me. Because Ayla is the only thing that does.

There will not be a trial needed when I kill David with my own hands and then finally mark my mate

next to his dying body so that this can never happen again. With renewed purpose, I stride back to the

guard’s quarter to inform them of my plans.






Betas Suggestion

+1 Banus

Betas Suggestion

Nova POV:

“The White Mountain Pack are just arriving” I hear Jax tell me as I immediately stand

to walk downstairs.

“I’ll be down in 2” I link him eager to see my siblings.

“Nova” I hear Luca shout as I step out of the packhouse doors. Seeing his eyes full of relief as he takes

me in I run to him and he wraps me in his strong arms. “I don’t like being away from you at the moment,

Reed is worrying” he whispers.

“I know, Ki already feels better for having you here and so do I” I mumble into his

chest. Pulling away I peer over his shoulder and see Sophie anxiously waiting.

“Sophie” I breath as I pull her in for a hug. “I’m sorry I should have greeted you first.”

“No” she says shaking her head, “Luca has been so worried for you, as have i. But you

grew up together, i understand Nova honestly, don’t apologise.”

Relaxing in relief as she is understanding of my reaction I smile gratefully at her, “dad

will be back this evening” I inform her as she nods at my words.

“I think I could be of help when his pack arrives. I know them all and I came from

there..people know me here and can vouch for them” she suggests. Looking her over

I notice she’s carrying herself different, with more confidence and assurance in


“Definitely…you seem different, did you have any luck with your wolf when Johnathon visited?” I ask


“No” she answers shaking her head, “there is a ritual we can do but it’s risky and it

could leave me with very little energy if it is successful. He was willing to try but I

thought until the threat is over I can wait a little longer, I’m a good fighter in human

form. But he did break the barrier slightly so I have been able to speak to her a little,

but she still feels far away to an extent.”

“That’s exciting though” I exclaim smiling at her progress as I squeeze her shoulder, happiness

radiating from her. “What is she called?”




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“Anaya” she whispers softly with a proud smile on her face.

“A gorgeous name” I wink. “How have you settled?”

“I love it there” she grins, “everybody was so happy for Luca and I’ve gotten myself involved in training

and helping with some Beta responsibilities. Everyone knows I’m your sister..I think it helped.”

“Probably” I smile, “but I’m sure you’re showing exactly why you’re mated to Luca.”

“She’s doing brilliantly” Luca praises her as Axton walks up behind them and agrees

making Sophie blush slightly.

“So your pack knows about me now huh?” I ask Axton nervously.

“Yeah, the warriors are excited to see you I’ve just asked them to hang back a little for

now” he says with a small smile, “I’m not going to lie I’ve dealt with a lot of pis sed off

pack members. They know the whole Rose situation wasn’t my fault but they’re still

upset with you leaving. The only thing that has softened them in regards to you going

is the fact you’ve found your true mate, you saw how happy they were for you.”

“They’ll get over it” I assure him. “They were quite protective of me.”

“Sign of being a good Luna” Jax comments as he slings an arm round my shoulder. It’s why our pack

responded how they have done.”

“Have you told them about Mila?” I ask Axton after kissing Jaxs cheek from his



“No” Axton says shaking his head. “We agreed until everything has been cleared with Alpha Bruno it

was best to wait. I want Mila to be excited not thinking about the

situation that is looming over her.”

“That’s a good idea, she’s just finishing up in the nursery and will be here soon by the way” I say with a

smile. “We are going to have a meeting for all Alphas and officials

that have travelled from different packs as we have gained more information this morning. Can you

meet us at 5pm this evening in the conference room? I’ll come and

see the warriors before then.”

“Of course” Luca replies in Beta mode.

“We’ll leave you to get sorted, Gam ma Theo is on his way over with training rotas so





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everyone has a share of the facilities. There is also information on times for food and

where you can find any extra necessities such as bedding etc. Omega Brea is handling it all so ask for

her if you can’t find one of us” Jax informs them as he

shakes both their hands.

“See you later” I say softly before we turn and head back inside. “Who will be arriving


“Alpha Conor, Alpha Edward and Alpha Marcus will all be coming in the next hour” Jax says. “All

accommodation is ready so we just need to greet the packs on arrival.

Heading upstairs to go over more planning for the attack I hope and pray to the moon Goddess that we

will be enough against the enemy.

“Do you think I should bait them?” I ask Jax suddenly.

“What??” He exclaims looking at me horrified by my idea.

“I know I know” I sigh, “I just hate how many people are here that could be harmed all because they’re

after me.

“They’re here because they want to be Nova, no one has made them” he points out.

Why would you even suggest such a thing?”

“Because the guilt we feel is so much more intense than normal” Kia pipes up to us

both, “it’s crippling and I’m the one that’s absorbing most of it to help Nova. But you

have to realise in a way this completely goes against our inner morals. We are here to

protect others, we are a Guardian Wolf. Yet instead we are putting everyone at risk.”

“I know” Jax whispers sadly as he stag gers slightly as feeling our conflicted emotions

leak through the bond. “But everybody needs help at times, and right now this is one

of the biggest threats wolves have had since the vampires Alex struggled with. It’s a

time to come together Nova, for the greater good.”

“For the greater good” I echo quietly as I try to focus on what we need to achieve.

“I need to lure out my grandfather and my mother” I state as we take a seat in the

office. Laurence hearing what I said looks at me for a moment before speaking up.

“I think you’re right” he admits as Jax lets out a low growl showing his disapproval.

“Let him speak Jax” I reprimand him before my gaze softens, “I know you’re worried



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but we need to consider options.”

“I don’t like you being in danger” he admits.

“I know” I assure him as I reach for his hand across the table. “But we need to go over


“Do you have any ideas Laurence?” I ask turning my attention to the Beta.

“I do” he says slowly. “I imagine they will be at the rear of the attack, with the rogue numbers they have

I believe they will try to over power us that way and weaken us. I

think we need to try and find a way to get behind their attack.”

“So we could attack from both ends” I say slowly.

“Yes, obviously we can’t have as many that way but I think it will be something they

won’t expect. Your grandfather although he’s a hunter is only human, if you can get

close to him he won’t stand a chance” he points out.

“So I need the witches with me to cover the witch he has using dark magic, but not

my father” I mumble voicing my thoughts.

“Why?” Laurence asks puzzled.

“In case I have to contain my mother” I say quietly. “I can’t kill her..I’d lose my dad that way, but I won’t

risk him being there as I doubt he’d be able to fight aaaà normally

with his mate in front of him. She needs to be contained somehow and we have to

ensure no one kills her.”

“What about a sedative?” Jax suggests slowly.

Looking at him with interest we lean forward discussing ideas passing the time

before the other packs arrive.

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