Guardian Wolf

Chatper 133

Chatper 133

Getting Real

Nova POV:

“Let’s hear it then” Jax tells Alex as he stands at the head of the table.

“Laurence and Theo have spoken to me about your ideas to have archers and also include guns in

your weapon use” he starts as I simply nod in agreement at what he said. “My warriors are also trained

in those skills so we can arrange groups to be placed at vantage points from buildings around or

nearby the pack house on the

eastern side who can use those weapons to reach the target. However to use the

vantage points it brings the fighting close by, but we should engage the archers before the rogues

reach our first line of defences. So I suggest we put the archers in

the buildings closest to the eastern tree line.”

“So that they can pick off the rogues as they make their attack” I pipe up as I tap my

finger thoughtfully on the table. “We will need warriors with them able to defend.

Once the rogues or whoever else have spotted where the archers and gun men are

they make a beeline to them to get rid of the threat.”

“Exactly” Alex says snapping his fingers looking excited for some reason. “Which is

when we should have some fire involved. I have spoken to Michaela..she is an

elemental witch. So of course my answer is firebombs.”

“Firebombs?” Jax questions.

“Yes” Alex laughs, “I know it sounds like something straight out of a movie I couldn’t

help it. But it’s essentially Michaela using her elemental powers to start spreading fire

between the rogues it will make them sc atter and their attack be less forceful. So..I’m

going to have warriors tomorrow set up tracks which Michaela can set alight during the fighting and that

way the fire is controlled and won’t spread.”

“Yes I’d rather like to keep my buildings and trees as undamaged from fire as possible

Jax frowns at the possibility. “But I have to admit it could work.”


“It could, things are going to be damaged though babe we need to accept that. But

we can help limit that where possible” I say gently knowing it pains him that the

thought of what’s he’s worked so hard for in this pack is at risk. “I also have a plan. I need people with

me as I’m going to hang out of the first attacking lines, I want to try



Getting Reall

to get towards the back of their troops and that way I will hopefully find my grandfather much quicker”

“Plus it means we can fight them from both ends. If we can get them

will be a whole lot easier Laurence chimes.

“Will the use of fire take away from Michaela’s strength though?” Jax points out. “I mean we need the

witches now more than ever to go against the witches siding with Charles. I don’t want to risk Michaela


“I’ve spoken to her and she said it will be the equivalent use of her power as a spec of sand on a beach

Alex says calmly. “She also said this way will be much quicker.”

*******g hell, how strong is she?” Alpha Brad gapes.

“Very” Alex mutters.

“How about some of us hang back? Off of immediate midnight sky territory and move in once they’ve

started their attack” Conor suggests. “They will underestimate us and we can attack when they are

more spread out, easier to pick off as such. I know Luna Nova can link any of us so she can tell them

when to move in.”

“That is a brilliant idea, Alpha Jax can also” Alex says looking at the map and circling a few areas as

Conor puffs his chest out in pride at the Alpha Kings Praise.

For the next 40 minutes we allocate warriors to specific areas and come up with a plan. Sitting back

Jax looks around the table before asking, “are we all in agreement?”

As everybody choruses “yes” I feel relief swell up inside me as calmness settles for the time being.

“Ok. Let’s all get some food, my Luna, Beta and I need to wish farewell to our pack members who are

leaving” Jax says clearly as everybody files out of the room.

“This can work Alex says confidently as he looks over what we have produced. “Let me come with you,

I also need to say goodbye to Ophelia.”

“I’m glad they decided to leave a little later” I say. “I haven’t had chance to spend much time with them


“The pups were a bit unsettled with the arrival of so many others, I decided they needed to relax and

adapt instead of being rushed off” Jax explains.


Getting Real

“That was thoughtful” I praise him as we head to meet the crowd of pack members.

by the buses.

“Is everybody ready?” Jax asks Florence who is stood with a clipboard looking organised,

“Yes Alpha” she says, “bags are loaded. Warriors are ready to escort them all and everybody is as

relaxed as they can be and pups are happy, if a bit sleepy now.”

“Well sleepy is a good thing” I chuckle, “at least they’ll sleep.”

“For the parents sakes I hope so” Florence chuckles.

“Nova” I hear Alice say from beside me as she arrives with Naomi. Looking at her l

can feel the underlying worry she has simmering inside her.

“Hey” I say drawing her away from the others, “you alright?”

“Yes” she says with a forced smile.

“Alice..” I warn her. “I can feel your worry, do you want to talk about it?”

“I just don’t like leaving you all” she admits after a moment.

+1 Bonus

“I know” I say gently. “But you have to. You can’t shift and I don’t want to put you at risk, Theo doesn’t

either. As horrible as it is to leave it will help, Theo won’t be able to focus properly if you’re here

because his natural instincts will be to protect you and his pup. I just don’t want you in harms way.”

“I get it Nova” she assures me with an understanding smile, “I’m just uneasy.”

“And that is understandable. I need you and Naomi along with Luna Ophelia to bring comfort and

support to those going with you. You are who they will be looking up to. Just take deep breaths and

believe in yourself, I know you’ll be fabulous” I tell her firmly. “I will make sure Theo updates you as

much as he can alright?”

“Thank you” she sighs. “I really needed to hear that.”

“Happy to help” I say hugging her gently. “When you’re back we can go for that scan together, I also

want to see my niece or nephew,”

“Deal” she says with a loud laugh. “Theo was amazed at the hospital earlier. Seriously though, thank

you Nova.”

+1 Bonus

Getting Real

“Anytime. Go say goodbye to your mate, he’s giving me some dirty looks for stealing

you away from his time left with you” I chuckle as Theo shifts in embarrassment clearly hearing what I


“She’s all yours” I giggle as I pass him.

“Naomi you good?” I check sensing her confidence in herself as she stands with Laurence.

“Yes Luna” she says with a smile.

“I knew you would be” I praise her. “Ok you know how to contact us if you need to. We will always have

someone in the office incase of an emergency.”

“Of course Luna” she says with a nod as Laurence kisses her head lovingly.

“Good luck” I whisper as I hug her quickly before leaving her and Laurence.

“Pack members are you all understanding of what’s going on?” I hear Jax address the crowd ready to


“Yes Alpha” they all chorus.

“I just want to say that you are all handling this really well, I’m proud of each and every one of you” i call

as I stand beside my mate. “You will all be home in no time and we can’t wait to see everyone back This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.


“Thank you Luna” they say with a few smiles.

“Naomi, Alice and Luna Ophelia are all here along with Elder Johnathon who will be travelling with you.

I assure you elder Martin will look after you all and provide you with anything you need. We will see you

in a few days” Jax says as the pack members bow and begin getting into the vehicles.

“Alpha Jax, Luna Nova” we hear Ophelia say from behind us. “I just want to wish you good luck and

say I will be thinking of you all. Look after my mate for me as well Nova will you.”

“I don’t need looking after, I’m the Alpha King darling” Alex mutters indignantly from beside her.

“You are, and you still got your butt kicked by Nova. So I will say it again, look after my mate Nova” she

says with a giggle and a wink as Alex pouts beside her.

Getting Real

“Of course” I say biting back my smile as I love Alex’s playful embarrassment by his mate. “Look after

yourself Luna, Naomi and Alice will be with you and we will be looking forward to seeing you in a few


“Thank you” she says before she grasps Jax and Is hands reassuringly then turns to go and meet the

warriors travelling with her.

“It’s getting real” I whisper to Jax as we stand and watch everyone ready themselves to depart.

“It is, I..” with that he stops speaking as we both spin to the packhouse hearing loud growling.

“What the hell..?” I mutter before breaking into a sprint. Flying past pack members who are all looking

around in confusion I race around the corner only to skid to a halt as I see visiting pack members

standing against some rogues from my dad’s pack.

“Mutts like you shouldn’t even be here” a warrior growls as he spits at a visiting rogue pack member.

“We are here to help..” the rogue defends as they stand defensively showing no aggression.

“Are you? Or are you going to turn on us?” Another warrior snarls as he steps forward intimidatingly.

Seeing the rogue hold his hands up in surrender I snarl loudly as my aura envelops the gathered

warriors. “Oh hell no” Ki snarls in my head.

“ENOUGH” I shout storming down.

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