“So much.” Emma replied. Tears stung her eyes. “And I understand why he has a hard time trusting me, but I can’t live my entire life under suspicion. He doesn’t love me either… Love and trust come together”

“Oh dear,” Amy said. “Relationships are hard. And if you two are ever going to work this out. The both of you really have to try to focus on what’s important now. The baby. The baby is the only thing that matters. You definitely don’t want your baby born into such a negative atmosphere. You guys have to do this for your baby. I know it might be hard, but you have to. So when you return and you are ready. You and Daniel should talk. Talk about how you truly feel…. Communication is very important. And have a conversation where you can both agree on certain things without letting emotions get in the way or cloud your judgment.”

Emma nodded, glad she had come to her mother for support. Her mother had always been the one she could run to when she was sady, scared, happy or in trouble. And the woman always made her feel better. Even fixed things for her sometimes.

She could hold back the tears anymore so she let it out.

“Oh, darling.” Her mother hugged her for the millionth time and rubbed her back. And even though her hug fixed nothing, it fixed everything.


Her uncle Ken gave her a big hug and Aunt Jen could barely hide her excitement when she saw her. Aunt Jen was already giving her ideas for baby names and all Emma could do was exchange looks with her mother. Isabel, Henry and Chip arrived the next day to see her and Emma felt so happy. It was a relief being in such a peaceful place, with people who truly loved and cared for her.

She felt complete – well, almost. A part of her still wanted Daniel. She missed him. She had to admit that to herself. She had kinda gotten used to him… Waking up and seeing him every morning, having meals together and she missed those two weeks they had spent so happily. She had really begun to think that something could come out of it.

She missed him, but she knew she had made the right decision by leaving. They needed the space. When she returned she was going to move back to her apartment, have her baby and look after it. She and Daniel could figure something out when the baby arrived. They would come up with a plan so all of them could be happy. They could make it happen.

They are families like that. She thought. And they are happy. There was no reason why she and Daniel couldn’t be. She knew she couldn’t continue living with him… It wasn’t an option. He didn’t love her, or trust her. And she didn’t want to be the reason for another fight between him and his brother.

She was safe from all that now… now that she was with family.


They were all supposed to have dinner together five days after Emma arrived. She had a nap and, a few hours later, joined all her family as they convened at Uncle Ken and Aunt Jen’s house. Even Samson, Ken and Jen’s son was present. This was the best time to be home.

She burst into tears as she accepted one hug after another from everyone. She had missed them all so much! So predictable. She thought, laughing and crying at the same time. These damn pregnancy hormones.

“How are you holding up?” Isabel asked her the following day after breakfast as she squeezed her hand which lay on the table. “Is everything all right… You know, apart from the stuff with Daniel?”

Emma sighed. “I’m fine. I’m going back in a week. I needed to see everyone, explain things to Mom… you know how she is with giving advice”

Isabel smiled and nodded her head in agreement. “She’s really good,” she said.

“Don’t say anything about anything, okay?” Emma continued. ” About me leaving in a week. She’s never going to want that. She’d think it’s too early and want me to stay longer. But I have things to take care of.”

They heard Henry call Isabel and Isabel stood.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“Talk to you later, Sis,” Isabel said before she went to meet her husband. Henry and Isabel had fallen in love when they were in college and had gotten married three years after they graduated. He was still wickedly handsome, especially when he smiled with genuine welcome and concern.

Isabel and Henry confided in each other about everything because they trusted one another. They were in love. It shone bright as a beacon from both of them.

Must be nice. Emma thought as she watched Isabel laugh at something Henry said. Well, good thing someone was enjoying their relationship. Someone had to, and Isabel deserved all the love she was getting.

Emma swallowed her little envy and moved to sit with her mother who began to talk about some earrings she wanted to give to her.

Emma simply smiled and pressed one hand into her mother’s warm ones.

“I’m gonna miss you after I leave, mom,” Emma said softly.

Her mother glanced at her. “You’re planning to leave soon. Aren’t you?”

Emma stared at her wide eyed, then she started to laugh. “I just gave myself away, didn’t I?” she said.

Amy smiled too. “There’s no rush. You only just got back.” she said.

Emma appreciated her mother’s concern. They didn’t get to see each other all the time. “It’s okay mom. There’s no problem. You can come visit sometime. Plus, I told Daniel I’d be back soon and the earlier we sat and had that talk the better for us.” she said.

She realized her mother’s attention was on the front door which had just opened. She turned around, following her mother’s eyes.

Aunt Jen had just walked in…. And behind her was Daniel Rohan.

“What-?” Emma said as she looked over her shoulder and gasped. Her heart leaped as though the grim reaper himself had shown up for her soul.

“Who’s that?” her mother asked as she averted her eyes from Aunt Jen to Daniel and then back to Emma.

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