Hatred With Benefits

F O R T Y - S I X

F O R T Y - S I X


Emerson is staring at me, with his arms still around me with no words coming from him, as if he didn't

hear the words I just let out.

"Are you not going to say anything?" I speak in annoyance and he surprisingly shakes his head,

bringing his face closer to say, "Repeat those words. " His voice is soft, and his gaze drifts to my lower


"No. Let go of me. " I tell him, instead of complying with his demand, suddenly aware of how he's

everywhere around me.

"Repeat the words, Carson. I want to hear them again. " He insists and I raise a brow, "Why?"

"Because I'm not sure I heard them right. " He confesses and I let out a laugh, "Smartly played, Ford

but I'm not dumb. You wouldn't be asking me to repeat them if you didn't hear them right. "

"Carson—" he drawls with his lips turned in a frown. "Just repeat the damn words. "

"Just accept you heard them, or let's pretend I never said that. " I counter and several heartbeats pass

before he heaves a sigh and shakes his head, "You just have to be fúcking difficult always. "

"Isn't that why you're obsessed? You love the game. " I call him out, looking down to the hands that are

pressed to his chest and lowering down to his stomach before raising my head to meet his gaze, and

brown eyes stare deep into mine, threatening to unravel every shield that encompasses my soul as he

says, "That's right. I love the game. " I feel his hand move from my middle to my ass, giving the flesh a

hard squeeze and I suck in a harsh breath at the sensation that spurts through me from that contact.

"Should I stay over tonight?" He proposes, looking down to my chest with a lick of his lips before he

meets my eyes, and continues, "We could make good use of it. " The request is tempting. Both

tempting and relaxing, but it's also risky which is why I say, "No. "

"Why not?" He arches his brows and I throw him a dumb look before I say, "Because you could get

caught? And I wouldn't even try to defend you when that time comes. I'll say you came in through my

window. "

"That's harsh, Carson. " His lips tug up in a small smile and a smirk climbs on my face as I lean forward

to brush my lips against his before I draw back to say, "Harsh is the new fun. "

The smile on his face doesn't fade as he lifts one of his hands from my back to my face, and pushes

back a strand of hair that escaped from the rest behind my ear before he lets his hand rests on the side

of my face and I hum, relaxing into the warmth that comes with his touch.

"I'm used to having you beside me, Carson. " He whispers, and I want to tell him the same goes for me,

but instead I take a breath and say, "I won't always be beside you, Ford. "

Emerson's face falls for a millisecond, and I'm not quick enough to catch onto the emotion that masks

his face before he puts on a neutral look. "Why do you say that?"

"Because it's the truth? Time changes things, Emerson and soon, all of these will—" I don't get to finish

my word before Emerson shifts his hand from the side of my face to press a finger to my lips,

interrupting me.

"More. " He reminds me of our previous agreement, and I give a small nod. "More. "

"No thoughts of the future. Think about now. " He says again, letting his hand fall to my chin. "Think

about what we're doing right now, Carson. Not what we'll do after. "

"You still have to leave. " I tell him and when he purses his lips, I proceed to say, "You can't; we can't.

We'll get caught. "

"A few more minutes? Then I'll leave. " He promises, and I nod, letting my hands fall to his sides as he

slides his hand to the back of my neck and presses my head to his chest while the other slips

underneath my shirt to knead my ass through my panties.

Comforting silence surrounds us and I press my body into his before Emerson breaks the peaceful

atmosphere when he asks, "Where do you want to go?"

I move my head from the side and press my chin to his chest to lift my gaze to meet his. "What do you


"Where's your favourite place to go right now?" He explains, and as I open my mouth to speak;

Emerson beats me to it and says, "Not a bookstore, Carson. I want something else that intrigues you

other than books. "

I take a second to think about his words before I say, "Flowers. "

"Flowers?" Emerson repeats with furrowed brows and I hum, "I love flowers. Something is attractive

about it that brings me happiness when I'm surrounded by it. " I let out.

"So gardens?" He says and I give a bob of my head. "It's been so long since I visited one. " C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

"Meet me at our spot tomorrow. " Emerson speaks, bringing my attention back to him and I say, "Why?

Where are you taking me this time?"

He throws me a small smile as he shifts underneath me so I fall to the side with him laying on his. "To

be surrounded by flowers. I told you; I want more of you, Carson. "

My heart flutters at his words, and I can't hold back the grin that spreads to my face. This side of

Emerson Ford is adorable, and enticing and I'm afraid it'll do a lot more damage than good with the way

he pulls at the strings of my heart with words I never knew could come from him.

Clearing my throat, I speak to break the tension that arises between us. "Are you sure you'll make it?

Flowers are pure, and I don't think they would want them to be tainted by someone like—" I jerk my

head towards him as a reference to the last of my words, which earns me a glare from him and causes

me to laugh.

"Wake early, and dress cute. " He says, dismissing my trial to taunt him and I hiss, "Stop giving me

dress references to meet up with you, Ford. I know how to dress. "

"Everyone else doesn't think so; there's a difference. " He says with a mocking smile and I lift my hand

to show him my middle finger, earning a laugh from him before he brings me to his chest again.

"You said a few minutes earlier. " I remind him of his previous promise and Emerson hums above my

head, "I did, but I changed my mind. I'll leave after you sleep. "

When I attempt to push my head back to speak, Emerson presses harder. "The earlier you close your

eyes; the easier it'll be. "

With a sigh, I close my eyes and wrap my hands around him as I drift into tiredness.


My eyelids flutter and I open my eyes to meet my white ceiling as a yawn escapes from my mouth.

Turning to my side, Emerson is out of my room true to his words and I avert my gaze to my window

which is closed– by him no doubt.

My lips stretch into a small smile and I sit up on the bed to smooth my sore muscles before I grab my

phone from the side to see it's almost nine.

Looking past the time across the screen, there's a new text from Aliya.

ALIYA: First morning back at home and I already regret it here. The only thing holding me back right

now is seeing that woman again. Good morning, bitch. Want to go out today? I'm afraid I'll be forced to

my death if I stay here any longer, and I have something to tell you.

I lift my brows at the last words before I begin to type out a reply.

ME: Why am I not surprised? You're being adorable this morning with your greeting, and no, I don't

think I can make it; I have plans. Can we switch it to tomorrow or I'll come later tonight?

Did I just reject a hangout with my best friend because I have a plan with Emerson Ford? Yes. Am I

questioning myself about it? Also yes. Will I allow myself to dwell too much on the thought and

accidentally do something I would regret? Absolutely not.

I click on the send button to deliver the message to Aliya before tossing my phone to the side to climb

out of my bed.

I slip into my flip-flops by the side of the bed and tie my hair into a tight bun as I make my way into the

bathroom to freshen up for the day.

Making my way out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me, my gaze drifts to my window and

slips through the glasses to a certain window on the other side. Emerson's curtains are closed, and the

urge to stride closer to my window to take a better look surges through me, but I ignore it and walk to

the other side of the room.

I grab my backpack by the side of my old closet, and bring out a short-sleeved white dress with a belt-

like stripe around the waist. I drop the clothing on my bed, and stare at it for long minutes before I

decide to match it with a sun hat from the closet.

I clad my body in the attire minus the hat before I stand in front of the full-length mirror; I smooth my

hands down the dress and let my hair fall down my shoulders before I turn around to grab my phone to

reply to Aliya's new text.

ALIYA: Don't push it. Why are we switching? Do you have someplace to be?

I gnaw at my lips and my fingers hover over the keypad as I contemplate on telling the truth or not.

There's no doubt Aliya will find a way to make a big deal out of this, and possibly try to lecture me

about one of those annoying talks of her.

And that's the only reason for the response I give her.

ME: Yes. And I might stay longer.

A truth without revealing the details.

I smile at my words across the screen before turning the phone away to grab my bag. I throw my hat

over the bag and slide my feet into my boots before I stroll out of my room.

Dad and mom's voices echo around the room as I take the last step that leads me into the living room. I

drop my bag on the couch before I stride into the dining, and wrap my arms around dad's neck from


"Hey, Princess. You're up. " He strokes my hand as a form of greeting and I tilt my head to the side to

get a view of his face. "I am. Good morning, dad. "

"And you certainly have plans if you're dressed like that?" Mom notes from her seat and I lose my

hands around dad's neck to step to the side, taking a swirl in my dress before I meet mom's smiling


"I'm heading out with a friend. " I inform them and when I look back to dad, his eyebrows shoot up in

curiosity as he says, "A friend? And who's this friend of yours?"

"From college. " I raise my shoulder in a shrug and avoid his gaze as I extend my hand to grab an

apple from the bowl of fruits that sits in the middle of the table.

"And she's taking you out so early?" I don't fail to notice the sly move of my mother and I mentally roll

my eyes before I say, "He's a guy. "

"Explains why you have a smile on your face. Is he your boyfriend?" Mom questions bluntly and I

nearly choke on my bite from the apple I have in hand. "Mother!"

"What? It's a question, and I wouldn't be surprised if you have one, Eva. You're nineteen, and you're

beautiful. " She says with a dismissive shrug and I shake my head, "I could, but I don't. He's just a

friend. " At the end of those words, I look back to dad whose eyes are on me, and haven't uttered a

single word since my announcement.

When I meet his eyes, he opens his mouth to speak, "Are you comfortable with him? That's all I ask for.


Knowing the meaning behind those words, I throw him a smile and say, "I wouldn't be going out with

him if I weren't comfortable, dad. I'm fine. "

"And you trust him?" He raises his brows, and I hum. "He's done nothing to make me think otherwise. I

know what your thoughts are, and I don't want you to think that way. I've learned enough to know when

to stay away, and when to grow close. "

At my words, dad's chest falls in a sigh before he gives a bob of his head. "I can't stop you from

hanging out with boys because of what happened in the past, Eva, but I just want you to be careful. "

"I am. " I assure him before I stride towards him to press my lips to his cheek. "You've taught me more

than I need, dad and I have you still. "

"You do. " His face splits into a smile that matches the one on my face before we're interrupted by the

clear of the throat from mom.

"Could you take a step back? That's my man you have your hands on, young lady. " She throws me a

playful scowl and my lips curve into a smirk as I press my lips to dad's cheek again, which earns me a

pointed look from mom and a laugh from dad.

"I have to leave now. " I tell them as I take a step back.

"Do you want me to drop you off? I'm on my way to the office. " Dad offers and I'm quick to refuse. "No!

" When he gives me an odd look, I proceed to bring up an excuse. "He isn't far from here, so you don't

have to worry about me. "

"Are you sure? I could—" he tries to insist but I cut him off. "I got this, dad. "

He gives a nod of approval and I stride to mom's seat to press a kiss to her cheeks, and just as I'm

about to pull back, she holds me down by my shoulder and whisper, "You don't give in to the sexual

urges on the first dates, Eva. "

"Mom. " I drawl with a frown and she gives me a blank stare. "That's the way you keep them. "

"I honestly don't think I need first dates rules from you, mother. " Because this is everything, but my first

date with Emerson Ford and if only she has any idea the number of times he's been in and out of me.

I shake off that thought before I get turned on by the image of Emerson slamming into me, in the

presence of my parents.

"But you'll take them anyway. I can tell you like him. " She says with a satisfied smile and I groan before

I give a nod, and she squeezes my shoulder before she lets go of me.

"I'll be on my way. " I notify them and they both pass me their smiles before I stride out of the room with

a bite of my apple; I grab my bag from the couch, turning around in time to catch the sight of mom's

thumps up and I shake my head with a tiny chuckle before I move out of the house.


It isn't long before I reach the spot where Emerson's car is parked and I take a glance around before I

climb inside the car.

"What happened to your phone?" They are the first words Emerson utters as I settle on my seat and I

arch my brows as I drop my bag beside me, "What's wrong with it?"

"You tell me. I sent texts, but got no reply. " He says and realization dawns on me. "Oh, It's inside my

bag. "

"You got me worried, Carson. " He mumbles as he places a hand on the steering wheel and looks away

from me.

"Why? I was going to show up either way. " I tell him and he turns his gaze back to me. His lips

twitches and I can tell he wants to say something, but decides against it and let his eyes roam down my

body instead.

"You don't know the difference between cute and beautiful, Eva?" He says as he lifts his gaze and I

throw him a smirk at his indirect compliment. "It wouldn't kill you to admit I look beautiful, Ford. "

Emerson matches my smirk. "It wouldn't, but it'd suffocate me. " He winks and I shove him my middle

finger, earning a laugh from him; the echoes of the sound fill the space of the car before Emerson turns

his head away.

"Let's move. " He says as he fastens his seatbelt while I do the same to mine. Emerson starts the

engine, and pushes the brake, about to drive from the spot when he suddenly says, "Isn't that your


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