Hatred With Benefits




"Try not to kill him. " Aliya laughs before she ends the call and I text the woman.

ME: Hi. GoodDay, there's an issue with the apartment. I suppose you said my roommate will be a lady?

I chew on my lips as I stare at the screen, waiting for a reply.

Her response comes second later.

APARTMENT: Oh right, Miss Carson. I'm extremely sorry to have not notified you instantly. The girl

bailed and luckily, I got another roommate for you right after her. Is there any problem with your new


Any problem? There's a lot of fucking problems!

I hiss in annoyance and stop myself before I send something stupid. Tossing the phone to the side, I

move out of bed.

I slide my feet into the slippers and walk out of the room, moving towards the living room and frowning

at the sight of Emerson on the couch with the TV volume raised to the highest.

"Are you deaf or something? Why's it so loud?" I question him with hands on my hips. Emerson doesn't

give a response with his eyes focused on his screen, ignoring my very existence.

"Hey!" I snap, moving in front of him and he slowly lifts his head from the TV to meet my eyes. A smirk

crosses his face as his eyes move down my body and I swallow down my throat, suddenly feeling

naked with the intense gaze of his eyes.

"What's it this time, Carson?" He asks in a bored tone as he averts his gaze back to the screen and I

scoff, "What's it? You're being so fucking loud and the entire house is booming with the sound. "

"I don't see how that disturbs you. I'll increase the volume if need be, if you have a problem with that

then you may use your headphones. "

"I think you're forgetting the fact that we both have equal rights in this house. " I remind him and he rolls

his eyes. "If I'm uncomfortable with your annoying behaviour then I shall speak. "

"And that goes both ways?" He raises his brows and I nod.

He chuckles and drops the bag of chips to the side. His hands slip into his pockets as he raises to his

feet and strides toward me. Leaving only inches left between us, he lowers his eyes to my chest. "If I

tell you I'm uncomfortable with that top you have on, will you get rid of it?"

"What?" My response is quick as my eyes widen.

Emerson shrugs, "You heard me. Will you?"

"Did you hit your head or something?" I cock my head with lifted brows.

"So much for the equal rights. " He mumbles before moving back to his seat, returning to ignore my


"We need to talk. " I say softly, moving towards him and he meets my eyes with a smile. "About the

best sex of your life which I gave you?"

His words make my heart jump and I halt my steps just before I get to him, my body humming in


"No. We're not talking about that. We're never talking about that. " I declare firmly, pretending my core

doesn't clench against my panties just at the sight of him sitting there and uttering those words.

Pretending I haven't been reliving that moment repeatedly in my head, and pretending I didn't just

touch myself to that image of us in my head a night away, failing miserably when my fingers don't give

me the satisfaction and pleasure he gave.

"Why? Will you be the coward you've always been and say it's a mistake?" A mocking smile rests on

his lips and I want to throw my fist in his face, and clear it off his face.

"I'm not a coward. " I seethe with a glare and he nods, "Sure, daddy's angel. What do you want to talk

about then if it isn't about me sticking my cock inside your pussy?" Please stop.

Emerson keeps his gaze on me and I pray he doesn't notice the way I press my thighs against each

other to dull the ache there. This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

Taking a breath, I finally take a step forward. "We both can't stand the sight of each other. That's

positive. "

"Like it's always been. Unless I have you screaming my name, of course. You seem to withstand me

better when I'm fucking your brains off. " And with each feeling of desire for him, he reminds me yet

again why I hate him.

"The same goes for you. You didn't seem to hate me when you had your mouth on my chest. " I taunt

and his gaze drops. I don't need to trace it to know he's staring at my chest again. "One you haven't

been able to stop staring at by the way. "

Emerson meets my gaze, a laugh falling from his lips. "Just because I hate you doesn't mean I can't

stare at your chest, Carson. I'm a man. "

"And I'm not a girl you can fuck. "

"I did once. " He throws back and I fold my arms against my chest. "Only because I let you. "

"I can do it again. Want me to show you?" He challenges and knowing the back and forth will give him

exactly what he wants, I change the subject.

"I was going to talk about the rules of living together. " As ludicrous and unimaginable as that sounds.

We won't last a week with each other, that I know. One of us will have to leave in the end, because

along with our intolerance for each other, we're so far apart. You can't put oil and water together and

expect it to mix.

"Alright, Daddy's pet. Let's hear what you have. " He smiles knowingly. Throwing him a glare for the

ridiculous name, I take the seat next to him.

"You can't mess with my privacy. I respect that, and I do not want you poking your nose in my business.

" I pause to take a look at him and he raises his shoulder dismissively.

"Two, you need to stop with the sexual talks and gazes. "

He laughs. "What sexual gaze?"

"I don't know. You know, the one where you stare too long at my chest than normal people do and the

one where you stare at me like I'm a toy you can't wait to get your hands on again. " I hiss irritably and

Emerson says nothing but lays back against the couch with his arms pressed to his chest, giving me an

indication to continue.

"And the last is what you did earlier. You can't be that loud when I'm around. When I'm out, I have no

problem with it. You can listen till your ears bleed, but not in my presence. "

"Is that all?" Emerson raises his brows after my words and I nod.

Sighing, he raises to his feet. "The first one I can do. The second I refuse to and the third I can't. You

do not give me rules, Carson. I do whatever the fuck I want because I paid for this shit, and if you can't

handle me, then you can move the fuck out. I'm sure Daddy can afford a new apartment for his pet,

can't he?"

Before I can say another word, he grabs the chips and walks away, but that doesn't stop me from


"Fuck you, Ford!"

"I already did, Carson. You don't have to beg for it again. " He responds, the echoes of his laughter

filling the space around me and doing nothing to calm my anger.


A groan slips through my parted lips as I struggle to open my eyes. I pull the book away from my face

and toss it to the side before sitting up on the bed.

With a stretch of my body, I move out of the bed with a yawn and stride to the bathroom.

Shutting the door behind me, I turn around and flinch at the sight of Emerson walking in through the

other door.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I scowl at him.

"What else will I be doing in the bathroom? You keep getting dumber every day, Carson. " He hisses

and I shake my head, "This is my—" I pause and my lips remain parted with no words slipping through

as the reminder that the house has only one bedroom knocks me. God, this is fucking insane. I'll share

a fucking bathroom with Emerson Ford.

"I need it right now. " I tell him and he nods. "So do I. "

"I came in first. " I argue and Emerson laughs. "I don't think so, Carson. "

I move towards him and pin him with a glare, my words coming out in harsh breaths. "You'll get out of

this fúcking room, Ford. "

"You should know it's never fair and just between us, Carson. Do you want to use the room first? Then

fucking win it. " He speaks through gritted teeth.

We're full-on glaring at each other now. My breathing increases rapidly and my heart races in my chest

as I stare between the two of us.

Without another thought, I take my hands to the hem of the thin shirt I have on and pull it over my head

before tossing it to the side. I blow my hair from my face as I stand in my shorts and a naked chest.

Emerson's eyes roam to my chest and I don't miss the way his eyes lingers on the left one, the bob in

his throat shifting before he takes his hands to his hips and yanks his pants down his legs.

Inhaling sharply, I latch my fingers around the waistband of my shorts and tug it down my legs, leaving

me in my lace panties with my chest bare. Emerson pulls his boxers down his legs and I draw a breath

at the sight of his cock. Hard and pointing straight at me.

I feel the sudden ache between my legs and the way my nipples harden as Emerson takes a step

forward, his body heat surrounding me.

"Go on, Carson. Take the final step. " He says and my gaze drops to his cock, not concealing the fact

that I'm staring at it before I look back at my body.

A naked Emerson stands in front of me in all of his manly glory and I'm almost naked myself. There's

that fire again. The fire from that night— right when he pulled me out of the club, right when we threw

insults at each other and right when he pushed me against his car.

The fire never left, it was only quenched to a certain level and now, at the sight of each other

nakedness once again– it's intensified.

And there's no denying such fire.

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