Healing The Ruthless Alpha

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

“This is Sebastian. He will be responsible for your security from now on." Cahir introduced me to a tall and lean muscular man.

He had close-cropped sandy brown hair and he looked like he had never and would never smile a day in his life. The stoic expression on his face while he was introduced made me feel as if he didn't like me - as if he thought guarding me would be a waste of his time. The words he spoke next made me realize I was right.

"With all due respect, Alpha, I am the head of your guards. It is my duty to protect you and only you." He turned away from me as if I wasn't anything.

"I don't need your protection," Cahir said to him without paying much attention. He seemed to be waiting for something - or someone. "She is my Luna. Protect her with your life." With those words, he dismissed Sebastian.

"Yes, Alpha." He left Cahir's office with that, giving me one last intense look before he left.

"Sebastian is the best man to protect you," Cahir informed me after the guard left. "That way, I will be sure you are not getting 'harassed' by anyone anywhere." He gave me a pointed look that had me nodding without looking at him.

"He is - scary," I admitted. The man looked strong and hardened which wasn't unusual for someone closely attached to Cahir but the feeling I got from him was off. "Besides, the issue earlier was just petty talk amongst women."

“Sebastian is efficient, that's all that matters. As for how he looks, you need not concern yourself with that. He will first die than allow anything happen to you." I didn't think Sebastian saw me as someone worth dedicating himself to but I said nothing, only nodding. Maybe one day, I would be confident enough to tell Cahir my mind without fear of him lashing out at me.

I sat in his office watching him, having nothing else to do. He interrupted my plan to see around the pack, bringing me to his large office to just – look. He checked his watch for the hundredth time then and I looked at the clock. It was almost eleven so he may be expecting visits soon.

"You're busy. I should go around the pack house myself," I said when he tapped his fingers against the large desk.

"Are you hungry?" He asked all of a sudden. I paused for a second to make sure I hadn't heard him wrong before I shook my head. "No, I had breakfast before coming." There was a short pause that Asena pushed me to fill so I continued. "Are you hungry?" I asked. "Yes," he answered then he stood, shoving his hands into his pocket. "Let's go." He was striding out the door as I scrambled to my feet. "Where are we going?" I asked when I managed to catch up with him. He was acting weird - different somehow but I could not place my hands on what was happening with him.

"To eat," he declared, turning to me for a second. But - but I just told him I already ate!

We got out of the pack house and into his car and then we were off. He stared out the window without a word to me. His mood was starting to get me worried and irritated at the same time. I didn't want to be worried, darn it!

"Is anything the matter?" I asked when the silence in the car became suffocating.

"What do you think of Aristo?" He asked, his quiet voice getting even lower. A frown creased his brows for a split second but I must have imagined it because he looked as unruffled and unimpressionable as ever.

“Aristo?" I paused to get the right words, afraid of saying the wrong thing when he was in a strange mood.

Did this have anything to do with earlier today when he saw his Beta clutching my bicep as he laughed? He was calm now so he should be clear- minded enough to know that that meant nothing.

"He is a nice man," I replied, watching his expression. Nothing changed on his face but the air around him shifted and became even more ominous. "That's all I think of him," I concluded.

He gazed at me with eyes that bore into my soul, striping me of layers of clothes and skin and seeming to read my mind.

"A nice man," he muttered to himself. His expression darkened and I held my breath. What was it this time!?

With his volatile temper, Cahir may soon give me a heart attack!

"Do you like him?" Even without the scowl on his face, the double-edged question would have put me on guard already!


"Why-Why are you asking me this?" I deflected but his gaze did not move from my face. "I - I'm not sure why you're asking me this. I barely know him but Ke seems like a good person, He is your Beta and I-You would not choose an unlikeable person to be your Beta, would you?" He said nothing after that, keeping his eyes on me for much longer. I forced myself not to look away until he did.

"You're smart," he muttered as the car pulled to a halt in front of a restaurant. I got out after him and he linked our fingers.

My breath hitched at that small gesture. It was - It was not the first time he linked our fingers together but for some reason, when he did it this time, my heart beat faster.

The minute we entered the restaurant, I felt my anxiety kick back up. I toyed with the pendant resting on my collarbone as we took a seat in the obviously mega super expensive restaurant.

There were a few other people around us and they were dressed in suits and expensive dresses. I was dressed in a plain sundress with sneakers! "You - You should have told me you - I would have worn something better!" I whispered, looking at the people around me.

A lot of the people here looked like businessmen and women who came out for brunch while I looked like - nobody.

"What's wrong with what you're wearing?" He asked, eyeing my dress. I almost asked him if he did not have eyes to see but a man and woman both dressed in crisp black suits walked up to the table with huge smiles on their faces.

“Alpha, Luna!” They exclaimed. "It is a pleasure to meet you here!" The man said. I faked a weak smile.

"Who are you?" Cahir asked turning to face them.

"I am Beta Morris, and this is my secretary, you remember? We worked together just last month!" The man beamed at us but his smile unnerved me. The look in his eyes

I shivered when his smile fell on me. I felt nothing but absolute hatred from him when his smile fell on me. If I had a scar, it would hurt just from a look from him!

"Why are you interrupting my meal??" Cahir asked the man who lost his smile in a second.

"Ah - Alpha -" He tried to force the smile but it wasn't easy. "We came to pay our respects, sorry for interrupting. Let's go, Anna." He motioned to his assistant who scurried after him.

“What is wrong with what you're wearing?" He asked again after they left.

"I -" Thoughts of being underdressed flew out of my mind after that encounter. I'd met a number of people who were good pretenders, like Alpha Warren for one, but even him could not smile so broadly with someone he hated. "That man loathes your existence."

"He is one of many." Cahir snorted. "Men like him are the reason you should not be coming out like you did today."Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

"W - What? I only came to the pack house," I informed him. "I was going to familiarize myself with the pack since I'm the Luna and -" He shook his head, cutting me off.

"You don't need to do any of that. Alpha Blood has worked just fine without a Luna." I blinked at him but he wasn't even looking at me.

That - That hurt worse than any blow I had ever been dealt. Why - Why did he want to make me feel irrelevant? They'd worked fine without a Luna

so I was – what? There was no need for me then? I felt tears sting my eyes but I blinked them away, staring at a spot behind him.

"Okay,” I answered in a bland voice. "If that is what you want."

"It is," he replied. "I can't think of anything you would need to do but if you must leave the Alpha Castle, make sure Sebastian is with you if am not there." I nodded as he spoke. "Alpha Blood may be mine but there are still dissenters. I don't need anything..." He was still speaking but I had stopped listening alb that I heard was a ringing in my ears and I felt a prickling in my chest.

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