Healing The Ruthless Alpha

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

A chill spread goosebumps all over my skin. My eyes doubled in size when a woman came in pushing a tray. The first sign of danger was the smile on her lips and how she entered my room without waiting for my response.

"I didn't order anything," I said but she continued to smile, shutting the door behind her.

"It's a gift for our special guest. The manager heard Cahir Armani's Luna is staying at our humble hotel so he sent a special meal for our esteemed guest."

An enemy.

Aristo's words rang in my head long after I left Alpha Blood and with the sudden appearance of this woman in my locked room, my frayed nerves became even more frayed.

"Thank you but I'm not interested in eating. I'll call for room service when I'm hungry."

I was hungry before she came in. I'd planned to go downstairs to explore the hotel grounds after my bath but now, I felt my hands tremble as I gripped my dagger.

“Oh, really? Well, is there anything else you need, Luna Sihana?" She opened the curtains closest to her and I hoped with all my being that Sebastian hadn't gone far.

"I need you to leave," I said with a firm tone. She turned to me in surprise but her eyes lowered to my hand behind my back.

"You're armed." The corners of her lips pulled up as she advanced on me. I forced my feet to remain rooted to the ground when my flight responses kicked in. "You are not as naive as he said." She snorted.

The scent on her screamed Alpha. Even with my increased strength from mating with a powerful Alpha, I'd be stupid to think I could take her down. Once again, I prayed Sebastian would arrive soon.

She'd not made any move yet but she would soon. I couldn't take her down but I had a small dagger that could injure her before I made a run for it. Hopefully, my guard was close.

"Whatever you have planned, I can assure you, you'll regret it," I said through gritted teeth.

"Will I?" She smirked at me, her blue eyes turning red as amusement resounding in her voice. I could feel the air turn tense as she dropped all pretence. My omega senses caught the instant change in her demeanour.

I'd seen one too many blows aimed at my head so I knew to dodge. Adrenaline kicked in but rather than embolden me, it triggered my flight responses. While the intruder stumbled from the force with which she swung at me only to miss, I raised the dagger and made to stab at her. Her reflexes were a hundred times quicker than mine so she dodged my attack, grabbed my arm and brought me to the ground.

The air in my lungs whooshed out as my back slammed against the hard ground. I heard something crack but I ignored it, reaching for the knife that slipped my grip as I fell. Her foot came to my face and I looked up to see a sadistic gleam in her eyes. She had me where she wanted me.

"Won't you beg for your life?" She kicked my weapon out of reach and stepped on my chest. She spoke as if we were playing a fun game, looked at me like I was nothing but a toy to amuse her - and I very well could be. She had a maniacal look about her and I could only begin to guess what this tall and lanky woman was capable of.

"If you beg nicely -" She pressed down harder with her foot. "If you beg nicely, I may treat you better than a dog."

Her words were a jumbled mess in my mind. A thousand thoughts flashed through my mind as my eyes darted across the room looking for a possible escape. Her feet on my chest sent sharp stabs of pain through my body,

'Asena,' I called my wolf who was on high alert. 'We're going to shift,' I informed my wolf. My only asset at this point was a quick shift which I could use to take the woman by surprise.

'No, it'll be fatal if she nicks us mid-shift.' Shit. I'd be more vulnerable during a shift but my shifts were quick. Still, I couldn't shift faster than she could cut me.

"Are you ignoring me right now?" She took her foot off my chest and crushed the wrist of my hand which had been inching above my head for something to grab. "You're not much fun." She made a disapproving sound as she stepped back. With a healing wrist and a burning chest, I staggered to my feet, grabbing a chair as I came up.

Her eyes were fixated on me, glimmering with amusement and a faint madness. I'd never seen this woman in my life so why did she look at me as if I was her biggest enemy!? It was only a few hours since I entered my room and I was already being attacked.

"Fuck you," I hissed, grabbing the wooden chair I used as support and flinging it into her face with all my might. Her mouth rounded in a soundless gasp as the chair smacked into her and knocked her down. She hit the ground with a thud and I rushed to the door. The handle jiggled but the door did not open.

"Oh, you want to play." I heard an ominous voice from behind me. My stomach rolled and my fingers froze around the doorknob.

I turned ever so slowly to see the woman back on her feet with a scratch on her forehead and the side of her lips dripping with blood. She wiped the blood and popped her finger into her mouth, her eyes sparkling.

I swallowed through a dry throat, a weight on my chest and my fingers stiff and sweaty around the doorknob.

"This should be fun." She got closer to me with her eyes flashing between red and blue like a fucking warning sign.

"Help!" I screamed, banging on the door. "Somebody -" The rest of my words were lost as a dizzying spell hit me, causing me to stagger to the side. A fist had connected with the back of my head and it made me see stars as I stumbled.

The door burst open at that moment

and I heaved a sigh of relief but it


was too early. I swallowed a whimper when I saw the man that stepped into my room. He restrained the giDfrom landing another blow. The tall, burly man was unfamiliar and he had the same aura as the crazy lady trying to split my skull open.

"You're not supposed to play with her," the man hissed, tossing the lady aside. His eyes cut to me and my heart missed a beat and then two.

"We can't kill her but it doesn't mean we can't have fun with her!" The woman hissed.

"Don't be stupid. Do you know who you want to go up against?" He shouted.

"He wants her body. I can fuck her face up before we deliver her," the woman responded.

Dread froze my feet and my vision swarmed. My heart pounded in my ears and I inched backwards when he approached me. I turned my head to the side to avoid looking into his cruel eyes. Then I saw the door.

One word echoed in my head.


"Don't even think about running," the man hissed but too late. I dashed out of the room as if my clothes were on fire.

A thousand things echoed in my head as I bounded down the stairs. Who the hell were these people? Who sent them? Was I about to be raped and murdered in an obscure location? If they were Cahir's enemies, did they think they would get away with this?

"This fucking bitch!" I heard a shout but I didn't dare look back. "Catch the whore!" The man shouted. Were there more people? Would I run into them as I fled?

"This is why we should beat the bitch unconscious!" I heard the woman huff and snarl.

"What the hell do you want from me?" I cried out as I got to the hotel lobby. My vision darkened for a second as I looked around the empty place. It was as if I walked into an abandoned building. The area wasn't bustling when we came in but now, it was dead quiet.

"Stop fucking running. It's no use!" Someone said but I did not stop. My lungs and legs were on fire. I didn't know I could run this fast until now. "I'm going to rip your skin off your fucking bones!" The woman screamed from behind me.

There was another man. Oh, goddess, there was another man! He came out of nowhere and blocked the exit door as I neared it. I was running full speed, straight at him and I could not stop. My legs had grabbed on to the 'run' command and they did not stop.

I barreled into him. The bastard had spread his arms open as if to welcome me home and I ran straight into his arms, tumbling out of the hotel with him.

He chuckled and then whispered, “Got you, bitch.” No fucking way.

My teeth sank into the hand he had on me, hard enough to draw blood. He hissed and let out a curse, his grip on me weakening. I wrenched out of his hold and stumbled to my feet, my vision darkening for a split second yet again.

"That skank!" Someone howled as I rushed into the parking lot.

"Hey." I skidded to a halt at that familiar voice and the chill it sent down my spine. "Take two steps back." I did but the words were not for me. The people chasing me paused and took two steps back.

"A - Alpha Cahir -" I heard another person stutter from behind me.

"For your sake, I hope you bade your families goodbye." His presence sucked in the air in the lot, leaving the rest of us gasping.

One minute, I stared at my mate and


the next, a black wolf blurred past me, knocking my attacker to the ground hard enough to crack his skull. A scream lodged in my throat as he slashed the man's throat open in a split second, coating his claws with blood. Then he went after the other two inching back into the hotel. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

There and then, in the rundown

parking lot of the hotel, I bent over and wretched up nothing but water as the black wolf caught up with the people turning to flee. It happened too fast to make sense of. In one minute, the people chasing after me With curses on their lips were on the ground with their throats slit.

The black wolf shifted. I took a step back

"Sihana Asena." The man said.

I took several steps back.

He called my name as if he saying 'You dumb fucking bitch,' but his tone wasn't what concerned me. The man advancing on me - his eyes - they

were an unnatural gold colour.

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