Heart Of A Beast

Chapter 22


Feeling so strangely restless I retire upstairs to my room after I had block out Dokata and Don’s growling and pacing around in my head.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

I don’t need all that right now, my mother being around is causing me enough headache and Rina.

At the mention of her name I grit my teeth hard they almost chatter, stupid girl! She didn’t realize I was doing her a favor and helping her, i’m tired of scaring her and all.

Did she know how much I stop myself from marking her? Of taking what’s mine? I’m afraid she wouldn’t survive being intimate with me, I’m a beast, I like sex I mean a whole lot of it.

Fiona is a werewolf but not to brag she can’t even handle me, I mean each after we finish having sex, she sometimes pass out.

I can’t control myself around Rina, and I’m afriad I would hurt her or maybe kill her, I mean she’s already scared to get intimate with me, is she even aware of the restless night I spend when I could hear her crying thinking I was purposely hurting her?

Doesn’t she know it tore my heart to see her that way and knowing I’m. the cause of it all? A heart I didn’t realize I have until she came around.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I notice Damon trying to sneak back into my thoughts, I allowed him though.

*What?” I growled.

*Poor you! You’re so lost in thought you don’t even realise* Damon replied.

*Realising what a jerk you are, disturbing my thoughts?* I snarled back.

*Do you want to hear the bad news or not* Damon snapped angrily.

*Fine go ahead* I hissed.

*She’s gone* That caught my attention.

*Who is gone? What do you mean by that?*My heart started beating faster than normal, dreading what would come next.

*Your mate*D amon whispered and then he was gone, blocking me out.

I sat there frozen, why would Rina leave the pack house? I jump out of the room, I asked the servants if they have seen Rina but none of them gave a specific reply.

“So you’re telling me you don’t know where the fuck your Luna is!” I growled at them.

“You’re always angry dear Damien try to smile don’t scare the pretty girls away, my mate might be among” Drake said walking into the kitchen.

“She left! She bloody left the pack” I groan.

“Who left? Rina?”

“Yes! Tell Daniel to get the car ready we are going after her before the councils get their hands on her, she wouldn’t have gone far” I ordered.

Drake nodded and quickly left.

The councils are once again write letter to their death cause no one takes what mine.



I woke up in a dark room, both my hands and legs tied to a chair.

A shiver ran down my spin, no doubt the councils had capture me and only the moon goddess knows what they’d do to me and I wonder if Damien sod notice I have been gone, will he look for me or be happy with the thought he has gotten ride over me for good?.

“You’re needed” An ugly looking guy said, untying both the ropes, his companions also help lead me out making sure I had no escape.

I was push into the center of the councils, all they did was stare at me for a long time the room quiet, the sound of birds and other animals could be heard.

“Who are you to the beast” Came the first question.

“His slave” I can’t really stay mate can I? Cause he never treats me like one.

“And yet he doesn’t treat you like one” One of the council leader asked.

How did they know? Do they have a spy or something? But either way I refuse to back down.

“Look guys! I don’t know anything about the Beast, all he did was kidnapped me and torture me” I told them.

“We suggested you keep that proper tongue in your mouth. It could get you in trouble” They warned.

The interview went on for an hour trying to find out what i knew about the beast, after i was done, they lead me back to the dark place where i had woken up.

Laying down on the cold floor I let the tears fall, crying is for the weak, i scolded myself drying out the tears.

Crying won’t solve my problems and I will sure get used to this and as for Damien.

He can be with Fiona for all I care!

Running away might not be the best solution cause I have start regretting why I left Damien’s pack, apart from the emotional stuff he does to me he didn’t harm me nor torture me like this people.

The councils were trying to get answers from me and just like every two hours, I was thrown back into the cage, my future session was over but I knee between half an hour later, I would be call upon.

Tears clouded my version as I remembered the happy times Damien and I had together before I fooshly run away, if only I have fight Fiona and confronted Damien about why he’s doing that to me then maybe I wouldn’t have end up in this situation.

There was a loud crashing from just outside, it was so loud it feels like it was next to my cage, people were screaming, I became very scared but I have a feeling it was the beast.

Not taking any chances I look around my cage trying to figure out any means of escape when an old woman approached me, she quickly open the cage and told me to follow her.

I hesitated what if the Councils had told her to get rid of me before Damien could find me?

“Trust me my child” She repeated.

I nodded and follow her down a long hallway, she open a secret door and we walk into a small but cozy room, I didn’t even have chance to admire the decorations of the room when the door came crushing down, and there stood Damien in his wolf form.

Immediately he spot me, he growled and shifted back to human, all this while my back was facing him, I didn’t want to see his huge manhood, that would have been a very bad idea.


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