Heart of the Past

Chapter 4 An act of revenge

Amelia POV

“Sir, you have a meeting now with the directors concerning the annual party of the company “I informed the devil who was busy with some files. Have been working with the devil for a month now and it ain’t easy, he made my life a living hell and I endure because the paycheck was good and I needed the money.

“Sir” I called him again getting annoyed because he was busy with the files.

“Are you blind amelia? because if you are not you would see that am busy! “he yelled glaring at me, sometimes his words are hurtful.

“I just wanted to inform you about the meeting because you said I should inform you,” I told him and watch him get up from his chair and grab me angrily pinning me to the wall.

“I don’t get you, Amelia, I just told you I was busy. Don’t you understand English or are you too dumb to understand? Well, am not surprised maybe your teacher didn’t teach you English because you are a selfish bitch who doesn’t give a damn about other people’s feelings ” he yelled in my face and didn’t let go of my hand.

“Sir please let go of my hand, you are hurting me”I groaned but he tightens his grip on my hand. “Dylan! “I shouted and he let go of my hand. It was the first time I called his name after joining the company.

“Inform the cabinet, let have the meeting now and never call my name again you selfish bitch because the next time you do, I’ll do something bad to you that would make you regret ever showing your pathetic face in front of me” he threatened and walk back to his chair. I stood there looking dumb and tears threatened to fall but I held it and walked out of the office.

I entered my office and burst into tears, ever since I have been working here all he does is insult me. He didn’t even give me a chance to prove him wrong. He is always having a bad mood when am around but smiles at the others except me. He hates me and I know it because of what happened years ago but he didn’t know the whole story, he is the selfish bastard.

I wipe the tears off my face and informed the directors about the meetings, I set the meeting in order and waited for the meeting to start.

A few minutes later, they all walk into the meeting room and settle down, Dylan was the last person to enter the room, he looked at me and our eyes met but I quickly looked away and took my seat. He sat down on his chair and the meeting began.

“So that all the budget for the party right? “Dylan asked the director of the financial department and the man nod. “Okay fine, so you all know that this year’s party is the 40th annual party held in this company so I want the best from you and I don’t want any mistake concerning the preparation” he spoke with confidence, like a true boss . “the person in charge of this year’s annual ball is my assistant Amelia brown,” he said and the directors began to murmur and glare at me.

“What? “I exclaimed and he smirked at me. The hell is wrong with this guy, time he is nice, the next he is angry.

“Sir, what do you mean? “One of the directors Asked

“Exactly what you heard Mr. George” Dylan replied to him and they began to murmur among themselves. “Enough! If you have something to say I’ll like it if you say it directly and not murmur like gossipers”Dylan shouted at the directors and they stop talking. One of the directors raised his hand and stood up to speak.

“Sir, with all due respect the annual party has been handed over to the planning committee for years even when your father was here and the director of the finance had been the one heading the party but why a change now. Why your assistant? She is not the right person for the job, she is just assistance. “The director said and all the directors all agreed with him.

“Silence! “Dylan slams his hand on the table “and what is your point director john? You mean I can’t choose anyone in my own company? ” Dylan asked the director who just finished speaking, I could see he was trembling in fear and couldn’t speak. “If you all have nothing to say, I’ll like to introduce to you Amelia brown my assistant, and the person in charge of planning the annual party”Dylan introduced me, and they all clapped for me but, I could see the hatred in their eyes. “Please do stand Ms brown,” Dylan said and I found myself standing up and looking at the faces of all the directors.

“Ms. Brown, what do you have to say about this important task given to you? ” Dylan asked me and I knew he was waiting for me to embarrass myself but I stood my ground and said.

“Thank you sir for the honor you’ve given me and I promise not to disappoint you. I hope the directors will work with me to make the party work out. “I spoke confidently and they all applauded including Dylan who stares at me with a smile.

That was the first time he smiles at me.

Once the meeting came to end, all the director’s walkout congratulating me except for one of the directors who I guess was the director of finance. He walked to me with his glaring obsidian eyes.

“Don’t think because you are made the head of a party planner that you have achieved something, my dear you have not” he whispered silently, I saw Dylan looking at the both of us. “don’t forget am watching you ” he sneered and was about walking out when I grabbed his hand and whispered back.

“Don’t worry director, I’ll be watching my back, and don’t think too much about how you’ve loose to me today”

“Is everything alright here” Dylan’s voice broke us apart and I let go of the director’s hand.

“Yes, sir I was just on my way”the director bow and left leaving me alone with Dylan.

“What we’re you discussing with him? ” he asked

“Business, I think he is angry that you choose me and not him” I replied him thinking he was going to support but he laughed and said.

” that’s exactly what I want them to feel towards you, Amelia. I want them to hate you and make you suffer in their hands” he laughed.

“Why did you hate me so much? All I ever did was left seven years ago. It not like I kill anybody, why are you so mad at me? If you are plotting an act of revenge on me then I must say it very childish of you ” I told him and he walks to me and bent to my level because I was short compared to his height, his lips were inches away from mine.

“Yes I hate you Amelia and the revenge am plotting is far from being childish” he scoffs and walks away leaving me alone in the meeting room.Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

Dylan POV

I thought I could let the feelings go away by hating her but I couldn’t and it hurt me when I insult her with my words, I wanted to send her away from my company but I couldn’t because I love seeing her every day. In frustration, I began to read the files on my desk.

Someone knocked and entered and I knew she was the one, the girl that has to be on my mind all day long. She called me and informed me about the meeting with the directors about the annual party but I pretend not to listen and continue reading the files. She called me again and in frustration, I spoke up.

“Are you blind Amelia, because if you are not you would see that am busy! “I yelled glaring at her, words were hurtful I know that but I wanted to feel the pain I felt when she left me, call me childish I don’t care because if you were in my shoes you would hate her then do.

Amelia spoke up and told me about the meeting again, getting angry I stood up from my chair, walked to where she was standing, and pinned her against the wall.

“I don’t get you, Amelia, I just told you I was busy. Don’t you understand English or are you too dumb to understand? Well, am not surprised maybe your teacher didn’t teach you English because you are a selfish bitch who doesn’t give a damn about other people’s feelings ” I yelled in her face and didn’t let go of her hand. I was getting pissed off at her, she groaned and said I was hurting her, yes that what I wanted her to feel but when she shouts out my name I let go of her hand. Calming myself down I look at her and spoke.

“Inform the cabinet, let have the meeting now and never call my name again you selfish bitch because the next time you do, I’ll do something bad to you that would make you regret ever showing your pathetic face in front of me”I threatened and walked back to my chair. not bothering to look at her because I know if I do I might go to her and apologize for saying that to her. I heard her walking out of my office then I finally looked up, I groaned out in frustration and touch my face.

What have I done?

I typed my password on my computer and watched her from the CCTV camera I installed in her office. She was crying and it was my fault, I should feel happy for hurting her but I was not instead I was hurt and now she is crying. I shut my computer off and yelled at myself.

The meeting was set when I walked in, I searched for her and when her eyes met mine, I realized that I had just made the beautiful face cry. The meeting started with the director of finance who handled the budget over to me to review.

“Okay fine, so you all know that this year’s party is the 40th annual party held in this company so I want the best from you and I don’t want any mistake concerning the preparation, “I said and they all nod. I wanted to make Amelia happy again so I told them she is going to be in charge of the party.

“the person in charge of this year’s annual ball is my assistant Amelia brown” I announced and the directors began to murmur, one of them stood up and spoke but I gave them a shocking reply.

“Exactly what you heard Mr. George” I replied to him and they began to murmur among themselves. “Enough! If you have something to say I’ll like it if you say it directly and not murmur like gossipers” I shouted at the directors and they stopped talking. One of the directors raised his hand and stood up to speak. He was talking about how incompetent Amelia was and that got me angry.

“Silence! “I slammed my hand on the table “and what is your point director john? You mean I can’t choose anyone in my own company? ” I asked the director who just finished speaking, I could see he was trembling in fear and couldn’t speak. “If you all have nothing to say, I’ll like to introduce to you Amelia brown my assistant, and the person in charge of planning the annual party” I introduced Amelia and they all clapped. Amelia looked surprised and kinda happy.

That’s exactly how I want her to feel

“Please do stand Ms brown,” I said “Ms brown, what do you have to say about this important task given to you? ” I asked her and she spoke with confidence, I clapped and smile at her, she looked at me surprised to see me smile, I clapped because she deserved my clapping.

The meeting finally came to an end. Soon, everyone was leaving the room and my eyes searched around for Amelia and when I saw her, she was speaking with the director of the finance. They were both whispering like lovers and that got me angry.

“Is everything alright? ” I asked and they broke apart from what they were saying. The director then bow and left.

“What were you discussing with him,” I asked her and she replied.

I laughed I didn’t know why I did but I laughed. She looks at me shocked because she thought that I was going to support her.

“that’s exactly what I want them to feel towards you Amelia,” i said with a michevious look. “I want them to hate you and make you suffer in their hands”I laughed.

she looked at me and began to speak on how childish I was planning an act of revenge on her which is true but she was changing my plan, her cry broke my heart and I hated myself for it but I would make sure I revenge her for breaking my heart.

I walked to her and bent to her level because she was too short, our lips were inches away and I felt like kissing her but I controlled myself and said “Yes I hate you Amelia and the revenge am plotting is far from being childish” I scoffed and walked away leaving her alone in the meeting room.

When I got to my office, i scattered everything on my desk and threw them onto the ground. I got angry at myself again for causing her pain and then feeling guilty about it.

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