Hell Marriage

Chapter 21: I’ll save him

Hell Marriage

Chapter 21: I’ll save him

Author’s POV

Nicholas knew something was wrong immediately he reached for the car door, someone yelled something indistinctly, he knew whatever was happening is very important, He heard movements, he glanced back and saw Ava clutching her chest and Falling very fast, within a twinkle of an eye he was beside her, holding her, her eyes rolled back in her socket and she lost consciousness, he had no time for this, he has a bigger problem at hand, he had to get to Connor and stop him before he destroys everything Completely,

“Take her in and take care of her” He ordered the maids that gathered nervously around.


Connor was captured with great difficulty, out of the hundred men Nicholas took with him, Connor killed fifty one, with his Elongated nails and fangs, he also had the advantage of the sun, Connor can’t get burned by sun but other vampires get burned, at last he was captured, taken to a secure location and chained

Nicholas plan worked, now the question remains how will they Connor of his madness if Alaina can’t get to him, his demon has taken complete control over his senses. Alaina couldn’t do anything to help, she stood helplessly outside his gate. Maybe not so helpless, calculating in her mind, she smiled blissfully but reminded herself that there’s s CCTV Camera installed there, for Connor’s sake of course , but it won’t be good if she’s caught on the CCTV smiling so brightly,

She dropped her smile and assumed a sober look.

Connor stayed chained in the cell, not quietly of course, he was trying to break the chain, perhaps he would have been able to if he hadn’t been given an injection that’s draining his strength so quickly, after a while he couldn’t thrash about as furiously as before, how the mighty fall, Alaina thought to herself, I could take away your power now, including your leadership,

Even if I can’t take away your physical power but no I won’t take the clan away from you.

How about I take your clan by first becoming your wife, mate then I’ll slowly take away the only thing you hold so dear in your life. She smirked, but reminded herself of the CCTV and she walked out soberly, now her mission is to get rid if his wife, thank Goddess he hasn’t marked her yet, oh Selene You’re simply great, now watch how I ruin your plan of matin a wolf and a vampire.


Ava saw so many things while dreaming, she woke and slept again, strangely enough she couldn’t wake up, fine she woke up but couldn’t open her eyes, she hear people speaking and moving around her, someone touching her head, another forcing bitter liquids down her throat, she felt hot, then another time she’s deeply….. not in sleep but somewhere she couldn’t really say.

At times she saw Connor Chained to the ground howling like an animal, his eyes as black as coal, she couldn’t believe it’s her Connor, her mind is surely playing nasty tricks on her

Other times she was in the middle of a forest, the moon shining bright on her and she was hearing different voices, she couldn’t understand any of the things they were all saying, other times She Alaina trying to kill her with a dagger. All this scenes or visions call it whatever you want were making her mind muddy,

at a point after two weeks had gone by, she finally opened her eyes, unfortunately no one was with her in the room, she tried to get up but she couldn’t, she felt like her throat was burning, she was very thirsty, she tried calling for help but no sounds came out, she swung her legs down from the bed with great difficulty, she tried to stand up but end up falling down and then like an angel, Nil came bouncing in,

“Ava!” He screeched on top of his voice, enough for him to be heard two miles from the palace , you see he’s very concerned for his sister because he loves her to bits, he rushed to her side and helped her up

“Gently, gently” He whispered, he helped her sit down right back on the bed

“Water?” He asked her frowning, wondering where on earth she was trying to go. She managed to nod her head affirmatively, he poured water into a glass cup and supported the cup while she drank from it , he had just dropped the cup when the door busted open, it was the b! tch Anne, the spoilt daughter of the king, with her is Nicholas and a few maids , the doctor and nurses, within seconds the room was filled with people.

“Oh she’s awake ” Anne said sneering

“And why on earth did you scream? Uhn almost blocking our ears just because your useless wolf sister is awake?, I had to get Nicholas here quickly thinking there was some kind of trouble here, what do I expect?, As if you and your Nasty sister are not trouble enough!” She said turning to go.

“Hold on!, just who do you think you are? Bird Brained girl, and how did you know I was the one that screamed, so your ridiculous brainbtold you that?, what do I expect? You are so nasty and unlike you we’re not troubles, in fact you’re the burden here!” Nil replied her

“With are you talking to me?” Anne turned back, turning so fast that she almost fell if not for a nurse nearby that steadied her

“Well I don’t see anyone here who’s bird brained ” Nil taunted

“Hey kid, behave your self, she’s your princess” Anne’s guard stepped closer to him.

“Oh bird brained, burden princess” Nil whispered to himself

“And you, were you called or asked to interfere in this conversation, when two Royalties are conversing even if one has obviously lost her brain, you are not allowed to talk! ” Nil told the the guard harshly, all this banter was going on while Ava was being attended to by the doctor and nurses, she couldn’t help but hear part of the conversation and definitely does not approve of Nil’s behavior, she was getting tensed and has to do something.

“How dare you speak to me anyhow, just who do you think you are? You….”

“Enough both of you” Nicholas told them sharply obviously seeing Ava tensed, he had to do something.

“But Nicholas…..” Anne tried pleading her cause

“You’re both burdens here, so get out!” Nicholas told them furiously

“She’s the burden not me!, and Ava’s my sister” Nil argued but left the room anyways.

“And You young miss?” Nicholas said raising his brow at Anne who was obviously reluctant to leave the room, hoping Nicholas will aid her cause.

She stomped her feet in the thickly carpeted floor and flew out of the room in rage.

Nicholas glanced at Ava on the bed and the latter smiled her thanks weakly.


Jaguar’s POV

(If readers would recall a chapter (chapter 16) where two unnamed people were conversing outside the compound immediately after prince Alex’s dissaperance. Let it be noted that Jaguar is the one who wants to know all Possible information about the Connor and Ava and the happenings in the compound.)

“By now sir, his demon is weak, he has been starved for two weeks sir” The informant said Confirming what Jaguar has heard first hand from his pilot.

“Woah this is great news, and great cause for celebration, but no, you do not celebrate your enemy still roams free and he’s yet to be caught” He laughed darkly

The informant flinched unconsciously as the sky changed from bright sunny blue to dark matching Jaguar’s mood, he’s his enemies worst nightmare.

He signaled for the informant to leave, the latter was too happy to leave his presence that he daren’t spend another second there,

This is good, I can safely attack his Clan now an take what was mine years ago but this time he has an obsession in the person of his wife ‘sweet Ava’, her name itself feels and sounds good to him, and what a great pleasure It is that he would get to mark Connor’s Mate, what other Victory is greater than making Connor watch him taking and Making his mate.

Jaguar smiled broadly and the sky lighetened up again.

Author’s POV

The only thing his demon kept screaming is her blood, he wanted to so baldly break his chain but he couldn’t no matter what he did, he was too weak, he didn’t feel hunger or thirst, he just wanted her blood, even though he was loosing his strength with each passing seconds.

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It was a day after Ava woke up, by now she has gathered enough strength to move about, but she kept seeing Connor chained, each time she tried to talk to Nicholas, he quickly excused himself claiming he has Some work to do or something else,

Everyone one in the palace except for Nil of course were trying hard to avoid her, lowering their gaze each time she makes eye contact with any.

Everything makes it seem more like they were hiding something, and That something was terribly wrong and she has her suspicions, she was very determined to ask Nicholas about the truth that she followed him into the King’s Quarters when he was summoned there, she planned to stop accost him on his way out and demand the truth from him, she was sure he wouldn’t be able to deny anything then, she his herself planning to suprise him.

“Princess Anne has complained about you to me, saying you took the wolf boy side instead of hers and turned your back on your own kind” the king said grimly.

Ava rolled her eyes, this is one of the things Ava planned on telling Nil, not to get involved with them, they are…….

“I didn’t support anyone your highness, till the ruling elder recovers, it is my duty to protect his wife and I simply did that when the duo were stressing her” Nicholas replied.

What! Co, Connor is sick? Ava thought sickly

“Oh shut up, did you forget that till Connor’s demon is cured of his madness I rule this palace?, don’t you dare question my authority boy or you’ll have trouble with me when your Vampire king finally dies, now leave my sight you disgusting thing!” The said angrily

No! Connor is OK, nothing’s going to happen to him, Ava gripped her stomach tightly, his demon has gone mad?

Ofcourse Ava has read it in one of her numerous vampire collections that once a vampire who has a demon loses control, he kills all things untill he’s killed, she didn’t even know her Vampire husband has a demon!, but whatever happens, She’ll save him or die doing so!.

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