Hell Marriage

Chapter 27: Freedom: Ava pleads for Alaina

Hell Marriage

Chapter 27: Freedom: Ava pleads for Alaina.

Elora’s POV

He’s so rude!, dragging me along like I’m some piece of furniture.

“Let go” I said as he threw me into the room, he closed the door behind him and faced me.

“Young woman, the last time I checked, I stopped holding you like two seconds ago”

“Well I said that while you were holding me and it happened that you left my arm just as I spoke the word” I said glaring at him, matters of the heart?, with whom?

“Woah, what a great speech” He said tauntingly.

“Whatever, what at we doing here, look I appreciate that you helped me out there but now..” I tried saying

“Helped you?” He chuckled

“I saved your darned butt” He smirked

“Thanks, but now, I wanna go home, let me out else…..” I said forming some kind of threat in my head, hoping he’ll let me go.

“Wow, wow, wow, Less than five minutes ago, you were shaking before Connor, and now you’ve suddenly become a scary lady?” He said laughing

“Look here, I….”

“No, you look here, I don’t even like girls like you, and I certainly don’t want you here either, Goddess, why did I even save this woman?, I should have left her to die, you humans are so irritating, you all disgust me” He told me to my face, looking at me like, I’m some dirt on his stark white dress, and I’m not supposed to be there.

“Oh you don’t like girls like me?, so what kind of girls do you like then?, uhn?, and you find humans so irritating, you shouldn’t live with us then, and you don’t want me here, well I don’t want to be here either, and I’m not scared of his highness, just surprised to see him up close.” I said glaring at him.

“Why should I tell you the kind of girls I like?, and yes I find your kind Irritating and I don’t live with you, in fact you broke the law by being here” He said turning his back on me, I wanted to tell him, I’m not here because I want to, but he spoke before I could.

“And of course, you shouldn’t be scared of Connor, I saved you from him but who will save you from me?, you should be very, very scared of me, because I can be your worst nightmare if I choose to be” He said gravely. Why do I feel this is the beginning of my troubles?.

Ava’s POV

I don’t understand what the matter is with Connor, Alaina helped so much and now he’s telling me not not to say her name in his presence and that he has imprisoned her because Nicholas refused to accept that she helped and that he thinks she planned to kill me instead?

“Look Ava, you just woke up after four months of agony, you shouldn’t be concerned about this issues” Connor said obviously Irritated with the Conversation.

“But Connor she……” I tried to talk him out of his decision.

“Please Ava” Connor said, and I suddenly think he looks tired,

“OK I won’t talk about her, but there’s something I’ll like to ask you” I told him trying to lighten his mood.

“Yes?, what is it?” He asked

“Can we go for a ride?, as soon as I’m ok?” I asked surprising him, he probably think I wanted to continue pleading for Alaina.

“Ok, which car do you want?” He asked, his tone flat.

“Horse ride, and I said we, not I” I said Smiling.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“No” He said getting up from his knees, but I held him in place.

“Please, I want us to go for a horse ride just like the old times, won’t you please just do this for me, for us?” I asked making puppy eyes, Enlarging my natural big eyes and making sure tears gathered at the Conner of my eyes.

“Fine” He said, I hid my smile, I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist,

“But only when you’re well enough to go out, as soon as you’re well” he announced to my dislike.

“But Connor….” I drawled

“No buts, take it or leave it” He said grinning, he probably thinks I’ll leave it.

“Fine, take it” I pouted, he stared at me with raised brow

“Then Mr Donnacha, we do have a deal?” I said smiling from ear to ear.

“Definitely your highness” he said

“Then shall we shake hands to seal the deal?” I asked. He regarded me calmly, looking me over.

“But you do know, you weren’t really gonna cry, you cheated, playing with my emotions and…….”

“Uhn uhn, too late now, you agreed already, stop whining.” I said, sticking out my tongue at him.

“Look like…..” He started to say.

“No, I don’t want to get tickled” I shouted

“Don’t worry, I’m not tickling you, you can relax” But I see straight through his ploy, trying to get me to relax and then he’ll…..

“Nobody tricks me to get what they want” He shouted and his hands were all over me, tickling the fuck out of me.

I screeched and pushed him off, I almost got out of the bed but he caught me and tickled me so much, I was laughing and moving like a snake, I laughed and he laughed with, it’s just like the old times,

“Look who got tickled for tricking me” He said laughing and I giggled, We were caught up playing that we didn’t realize someone entered, it took a couple of coughing and throat clearing before we noticed the doctor.

“Sorry to disturb you two, but Nicholas called and said the lady’s awake, so if you don’t mind I’ll check her health status quickly and be on my way.”

Connor’s POV

I blinked, I was so carried away that I didn’t notice him till he was in the room, out of the very few friends I have, Steve walker happens to be one of the two people I really Care about and best buddy, even though I’m quite annoyed he intruded on our privacy, I can’t punish or get angry with him, Anyways like Nicholas, he’s not a little bit scared of me,

“Whatever, get it done quickly and get your butt out of here” I said harshly

“Connor!” Ava scolded, I smiled pleadingly,

“Not to worry miss, your husband has been known to be impatient, when the matters concerns his mate, who happens to be you” Steve said said as he unloaded his brief case.

“Uhn uhn, so I’ve been told” Ava smiled warmly

“If you don’t shut up Steve……” I said, threat evident in my tone.

“I’m not scared of you old chap, you don’t even have the license to seize my license, so pipe it down dude” Steve rethroted.

“You guys know each other?” Ava asked delightedly, a curious expression on her face.

“Aye my Lady, I’ve known him since I was ten and he nine, uhn, how old was Nicholas?, ahh yes 7, I’ve had the unfortunate luck to be friends with him since then” Steve said, faking a sour expression, the nerve of the man!.

“Woah so long” Ava said, surprise written on her face.

“So it seems my love, and dear old Steve, since you know how to tell stories wonderfully, how about I visit your good old home of this days and entertain sweet young Eric and relay to him, stories of your heroic past” I said smirking to the horror of the man, Eric is his 9 year old son, and an interesting boy at that.

“If you even dare, I swear to Selene, I’ll pluck out your eyes from their socket and feed it to……..”

“You’ll do nothing of such manner my good old friend, in anyways you can only do something of that nature, if you have the guts” I replied, cutting off his sentence. By now, as usual I was enjoying our banter and his frustration.

“How dare you say I don’t have the guts, you think I’m less of a man than you are?, Rank and power apart, I’ll wipe that ugly grin off your ugly catholic face with just one blow” Steve said waggering his finger at me.

“How dare you call my pure face ugly, you vicious, ugly specie from space”

“I’ll….” We got so rowdy, intercepting the other’s speech before one finish speaking, we barely heard what the other was saying, we just kept ranting at each other.

Steve shoved his finger to my face and I poked his chest, Steve glasses were off, my shirt’s sleeve rolled up to the elbow, we were ready to have it out by the meat of our teeth.

“Boys…..” No one listened

“Boys!”Ava shouted, her palms over her ears, every movement suspended, arms in the air.

“Does anyone even remember, I’m here?” Ava asked

“Sweetheart…..” I drawled, she glared at me, shutting me up.

“Sorry” Steve said and stepped back, locating his glasses and slipping it on, Ava arched her brow at me in question.

“Yeah me too” I said reluctantly

“You too what?” She asked frowning.

“I’m sor…. sorry, but…”

“What?” She asked still frowning.

“Just saying we’re not boys, we’re grown ups, well at least I am” I said looking away.

“Well after all this, I don’t think you bots are” Ava said, arms crossed.

“We’re not bo….” Steve started to say

“You are to me until you start behaving like grown ups, now if you’d please, have My check up done quickly before I decide, if I’m an headache or heart attack” she said glaring at us, I sat at the edge of the bed while Steve went about his business

“If you’d please lie down ma’am” Steeve said, after 10 minutes had gone by, he announced her ok.

“She’s out of danger and well enough but she still need to rest some more, which means no childish games for now” He said the last bit to spite me.

I ignored his words and stood up to shake his hands.

“And you Logan Donnacha, I declare you unbalance to live in this world” Steve said tight lipped

“What?” I asked amused, knowing we’re about to have another banter, it’s unavoidable.

“Yes, the doctor finds you mentally unfit” Steve said glaring at me while I grinned.

“Oh no, do I perceive another round of madness?” Ava asked in disbelief.

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