Hell Marriage

Chapter 46: A date with Connor

Chapter 46: A date with Connor.

Ava’s POV

Nil stared at me as if I’ve gone out of my mind.

“What the hell are you talking about?, what’s all this?” He said, he was angry suddenly

“Don’t try to pretend you didn’t do this” I said, glaring hard at him.

“Don’t act like you’re stupid Ava, I didn’t do this!” He retrothed

“Don’t give me that!, I’m not stupid, that’s why I’m asking you right now!” I returned.

“Just think for a minute, why would I do this?, what would I gain?” He asked, coming towards me.

“For the very fact that you want me to think of my husband as a murderer!, you hate him, and you want me to hate him too, don’t come any closer!” My words hit him hard.

He stood still without moving.

“Is that really what you think?, after knowing where you stand on this issue and your feelings about it, you think I’ll hurt you by doing this?, is that really how much you trust me?, is this how you…… ” His voice broke. My anger dissolved Like a smoke, when I heard his words, I should have thought about this.

“But if you didn’t, then who did this?” I whispered.

He just stood there, staring at me.

“Cyprian, I’m…..”

“Please don’t” He said roughly.

The door opened suddenly.

“Here you are” Connor said, entering the room like a black Knight.

“I’ll leave first” Nil said, making attempt to leave.

“I’ll like to talk to you Cyprian” Connor said, surprising me, he used his name?.

“Yes sir” Nil answered

“Right away sir?” He asked, a person that didn’t even want to see my husband’s face few days ago, he looked at Connor like he’s some sort of hero,

“No, not now, it’s a matter I’d like to discuss with you tomorrow, you might consider coming to my office with Nicholas tomorrow, 11:30 sharp.” Connor said, a mutual respect seems to be between them.

“Of course sir, I’ll be there” He said and moved out of the room,


I started to follow him, but Connor drew me back and closed the door.

“What are you doing?” I asked, staring strangely at him.

“What I should have done earlier” He said, closing the distance between us.

“What do you mean?” I asked, staring at the broadness of his chest.

“I think you know what I mean perfectly well, I don’t know about what you did down there but…….” He phone rang, cutting his speech.

“Yes?” He spoke into the phone.

“What?” He asked in annoyance

“I’ll be there in two minutes” He said, where is he going?

“Whatever happened in the ball room doesn’t matter, I want you to come on a date with me tonight” He said hurriedly.

“Tonight?, but it’s late” I said

“Yes tonight, and I honestly don’t care if it’s late or not, we need to talk” He said.


“Get ready, I’ll come for you in an hour” He said and left.

Alaina’s POV

I told her the plan and explained every little detail over and over again, telling her what she’ll do and say.

She laid on the couch. Asking questions and answering some of mine. At last she got everything I said, and I made her repeat every word, rehearsing with her.

Someone knocked on the door. Oh at last, the blood’s here, Connor must have ordered more for me. I opened the door making sure to open the door in a way that, I’m the only one the person will see.

“Yes?” I smiled, but they weren’t here to give me blood.

I saw angry guards.

“We’ll like to search your room” One of the three guards said.

“Excuse me?” I asked, what are they looking for.

“We want to search your room” Another repeated.

“Wh.. why do you want to search my room?” I asked, I was already sweating.

“Because your former jail mate has gotten out and we want to see if you’re hiding her, so please move out of the way.” He said, fuck!. How did this happen?.

“Why… Ho… how will I hide her?, uhn?, why will I?, you can’t check my room.” I said, clutching the door.

“We can’t check your room?, we have orders from his highness to check every room in the palace, and he didn’t say not to check yours” the same guard said.

“I don’t care, I can’t, I won’t allow you to check my room, now go away” I said, if they even peep inside, then I’m done for, I mean I can kill all of them, but how will I hide their body?, it’ll make Connor more suspicious, if three of the guards that were supposed to search the palace goes missing, no I can’t take that risk.

I tried to close the door quickly, I’ve got to do something.

One of the guards kicked the door open forcefully and they entered,

“Wow, wow wow, Now what do we have here?” One of them whistled. No!, Fear came over me like a heavy cloak.

Ava’s POV

I walked around the room, clutching my purse desperately, I checked the time again.

He said an hour, it’s two hours already. What’s holding him up?.

I sat down hard on the bed. What is wrong?, on one hand I’ve got a mad person, who’s playing a stupid prank on me, on another hand, I’ve made Cyprain angry, I’ve hurt him, on another, I made Connor suspicious by behaving like that earlier, he told me it doesn’t matter but I think it bothers him, but he’s Just keeping quiet about it, not to worry, I’ll make up for it, and I better find a way to apologize to Nil. We’re going on a date and he’s not even here yet!.

I pryed my purse open, I brought out my phone to call him, when his call came through.

“Just the person I want to talk to” I said as I accepted his call.

“Tell me, where have you been?” I asked.

“I’m sorry…..”

“Sorry for what?, for standing me up?, for Making me wait for an extra hour?, or for making me worry?” I asked feigning anger.

“Sweetheart I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have even suggested this tonight” He said.

“I can’t believe you, What are you saying?” I asked

“We can’t go on a date tonight” He said.

“Why?” I asked, I can’t believe he said that.

“I’m sorry we just can’t” He said.

“Why?” I pressed him for answers.

“And don’t wait for me, go to sleep, I’ll see you tomorrow, good night” He continued as if I didn’t even speak.

“Goddammit!, tell me the reason for all this!” I screamed into the phone.

“Carrissa escaped, I won’t come back till I find her.” He said.


Alaina’s POV

“Wow wow wow, Now what do we have here?” One of them whistled. No!, fear came over me like a heavy cloak, I’m in trouble.

I turned around swiftly that my hair flew into my face. Empty, the room was empty, and the guards were staring at the empty blood sachets on the floor. I looked around the room, Carrissa was no where in sight. I listened for breathing in the bathroom and heard none. She has truly dissapered.

“What do we have here?, a blood sucking bitch?” He said and the rest laughed.

“Watch your language boys” one of them said, and they stopped laughing.

“Start searching” he said, they searched everywhere, they basically tore the whole room apart. But they found nothing.

“Let’s go guys, there’s nothing here, we’ll inform the others.” One of them said.

“Get out of here and never return” I snarled at them.

“We won’t lady, sorry for the disturbance” The fair haired one said.

“We’ll send someone to clean this up” He said.

“Leave it, I’ll do it myself, just get out!” I yelled at them.

“Easy lady” Another said

They got out, and I slammed the door after them. I heaved a sigh of relief, I didn’t realize I’ve been holding my breath since they got here.

Now where the hell is Carrissa?,

“Carrissa?” I called softly.

“Are they gone?” I heard a voice filled with pain. Carrissa?

“Yeah, is that You?” I asked carefully, I moved to the window, that seems to be the direction where the voice came from.

“Yes silly, pull me up, my arms are giving out!” She whispered with force.

“Where are you?” I asked, placing my hand on the window lash, ready to close the window, and make a run for it if this is a ploy, if it was a trick to make me admit I know where Carrissa is, which I don’t know at the moment anyways.

“Look down fool, help me up” she gasped painfully, I glanced down, and saw her clutching to the window, sweat pestered on her fore head, a look of pain on her face, I sighed, relieved, it’s her after all.

For a moment I had the urge to laugh. You should see what she looked like, clutching to the window desperately, and looking like a rag doll.

“Will you pull me up or hear me scream in pain?” She asked gritting her teeth. That brought me back to the present, I pulled her up without effort, she fell over me, and we both landed on the floor. Such a weakling. I thought in disgust, if I was in her position, I would have climbed the window without any support.

“Get off me” I spat out.

“I would have done so if I have the strength.” She said sighing.

I shifted her off me, I got up and sat on the couch, crossing my legs.

“What now?” She asked, I glanced at her.

“Your brilliant plan has failed, you didnt think of everything after all” She said.

“And now, I’m in deeper trouble, what do we do now?”

“What other brilliant plan have you thought up?” She asked, staring at the ceiling.

“My plan haven’t failed, it has only been stopped for a while but not for long” I said, standing up.

She sat up and stared at me.

“The plan is still the same, but we’ll play this game with a new style in the story” I said.

“Pardon?” She asked.

I walked over to the window and stared into the night.

“The game will be played and you’ll play the game, tomorrow.” I said.

“Are you out of your mind?, I can’t stay in the palace, and after tonight, the security in the place will be tightened, I won’t even be able to walk down the hall” She said.

“Don’t worry, I have everything under control…..”

“You said that the last time, but look at what happened?, I can’t even go back to the dungeon if I want to, and who knows if those guards will come back, oh spare me I won’t hold on to the window again. Where will I stay now?” She asked.

“Well I know where you can and where you’ll stay until it’s time to come out, and don’t worry, you’ll have lots of food to feast on” I smirked.

Author’s POV

He sat in the darkness before the blazing fire place, how could she?

She accused him without even listening to his side of the story, he had always forgiven for everything, he even forgave her for marrying one of their enemy, she had insulted him by doubting him, after all this time, one would think nothing could come between them.

Cyprian hurled the jar on the table beside him and slammed it into the wall.

“How dare she!” He yelled at the wall.

Knock, knock.

Someone was at the door.

“Go away Ava, don’t even think of apologizing because this time, I’m not even going to listen to you talk less of forgiving you!” He yelled at the door.

“Cyprian….” Came Ava’s strained voice.

“Don’t say my name!, don’t you dare!” He yelled at her

“Please, open the door…. just this once” She said.

“Go away!” Cyprian returned, trying to calm down.

“I promise, I won’t make this mistake again, just this once…….”

“Go away” He said again.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.


“How dare you come here after what you did?” He asked.

“I’m sorry baby” She said.

“I don’t want to listen to what you have to say.” He said, sinking lower into the seat, his wolf was whining.

“Just this once, I promise……”

“Don’t even think about it, go away and I don’t want to see your face ever again!” He growled at her.

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