Hell Marriage

Chapter 49: Descendant of our time

Chapter 49: Descendant of our time

Author’s POV

“What!” Cyprian said, he was shocked.

“I said how was my acting?, I can act can’t I?”

“Because after this, I’m going into acting”

Connor stared at her numbly.

“Don’t tell me you’re serious” Nicholas asked in disbelief.

“About Acting?, yeah I’m seriously considering the prospect of becoming an actress” Ava said.

“You know damn well what I’m talking about.” Nicholas said

“No I don’t” Ava said sitting on the chair with her legs crossed.

“No, I think you do, does this mean, you don’t believe anything she said?” Cyprian asked suspiciously.

“Not one bit, i dont believe anything she said” Ava said


“Yes, I do know Connor, I mean Logan killed his brother and took his name but not because he wanted to, but because that was his mother’s last wish and request from him” Ava said rising from her seat.

“So you know he didn’t kill his mother?” Cyprian asked.

Nicholas was still trying to process everything that has happened so far.

“Yeah” Ava said smiling.

“If you knew everything, then why did you act like that?, scaring the daylights out of us” Cyprian asked glaring at her.

“You’re so annoying, this is really maddening” Cyprian said, sitting down on a sofa

“Because you all deserved it, you deserve everything, you all lied to me!” Ava exclaimed claiming her.

“We never lied to you, atleast not me” Cyprian glared at her.

“Fine, you didn’t lie to me, but no one told me the truth either!” Ava said sharply.

“So dramatic, stop yelling” Arya said in her head.

“Shut up” Ava snapped.

“I’m very very annoyed, no one told me what was happening, not even you, so you’ll keep quiet” Ava told her Aloud.


“Quiet” Ava Snapped.

“Your call ma’am” Arya said, keeping quiet.


“Who’re you talking to?, no one spoke, so why should we keep quiet?” Cyprian asked her.

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter” Ava said, trying to rein in her emotions, throwing tantrums won’t help anything.

“How?” Connor asked a question for the first time since Ava started talking, his single word held lots of emotions.

He closed the door gently.

“Because I was there, I saw everything Logan” Ava whispered.

“I know what happened, what ruined you, I know what he did to you” Ava said, moving towards him, tears stung her eyes.

Connor stood confused, he glanced at Nicholas.

‘I don’t know what she’s talking about either.’ Nicholas sent him mentally.

Cyprian shrugged, who knows?, maybe the shock’s to much for her to bear, it might have gone straight to her head.

“It’s been more than 20 freaking years Ava, you’re just 22 yourself, and you’re telling us you were there?” Nicholas asked

“Well you might not believe me but I saw everything, I saw everything that happened.” Ava said, she placed a hand on Connor’s arm.

“How?” Connor whispered.

“I went back to the painting” Ava said looking down.

“Wait, if you saw everything then?, you’re a seer?” Cyprian gasped sitting straight.

He read the book of the wolf seers, they are only found once in a life time, once a wolf clan has one, it is considered good luck and that they’ve found a lifetime’s treasure

“A wolf seer?” Cyprian asked anxiously

“I don’t know, maybe, but I kinda saw everything that happened like I was there myself.” Ava shrugged.

“Wait, wait, what does this mean?” Nicholas asked.

“Moon!, She’s the fucking descendant of our time” Cyprian Exclaimed.

Jaguar’s POV

I stared at the lady for a minute

“Excuse me?” I asked politely.

“You are?, what’s your name?” She asked

“You’re him right?, you’re…”

“Pardon?” I asked her, it has started to sound a little weird.

“Have we perhaps met before?”I asked, tilting my face up slightly.

“Yes, I mean… forget it, I just thought you’re someone I’ve seen before” She said

I moved away from the shadows, and took my sit on a comfortable arm chair

“Now tell me, why am I here?” She asked folding her arms.

My lips curled in a smile, smart.

“Before we get to that, I assume you’re hungry, do sit, and I’ll order some food” I said, pointing to the matching chair before mine.

I rang the little bell beside my chair. I heard a knock on the door immediately.

“Do come in” I said, an attendant came in.

“Sir?” She said politely

“Miss Alaina, I would have loved to order something for you but I admit, I don’t know your preferences, feel free to order whatever food you’ll……”

“You know damn well sir, I’m not here to sit or feast, true, you haven’t being very polite to me, apparently I’m famished and I’d be lying if I say I’m not hungry, but I demand to know what I’m doing here before anything else” she said, a wild look in her eyes.

Hmmn interesting, her habits have changed quiet a lot since the last time I saw her.

“Well since she doesn’t want anything, if you don’t mind I’ll like a French wine” I said to the attendant.

“Of course sir” She said silently, and slipped out of the room.

“Now do take a seat Miss, of course that’s if you will like to” I said politely.

She stared at me for few minutes. She walked slowly and sat across me, I had the urge to laugh, but no, that would embarrass her, and it’s very unlike me to insult guests especially guests with potential that way.

“So now, tell me why I’m here” She said sharply, well that was fast, she didn’t even wait a second, Amusing. Well I can surely indulge her a little and tell her what I want from her.

“I’ll like to make a deal with you” I said simply.

The attendant knocked on the door and entered, she placed the tray on the stool beside my chair, the tray contained a bottle of wine and two wine glasses, Good. The wine has been opened already.

She attempted to pour me a glass. I gestured for her to leave.

“I can surely pour my own glass Mi Amor, thank you Patricia” I smiled in her direction. She bowed and left the room.

The room fell into silence once more.

“What deal?” She asked suddenly, while I pour myself a glass calmly.

“Do join me Mademoiselle” I said lightly.

“What deal?” She asked again.Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

“For two people to make a deal, each must have what the other wants” She said crossing her legs.

“Very correct” I replied, studying the glass in my hand.

“And I do believe I might have something you want, but you have nothing that I would want to have” she said.

“Do not be so quick to interpret matters Mia, you might find yourself in the wrong” I smiled gently.

“True, I have nothing of interest to you, but what I want from you, can benefit you as well as me” I said taking a sip from my drink, oh so tasty.

“I don’t understand” She said, looking at me strangely

“Perhaps the question you should be asking is what do I want?” I teased the glass cup with my fingers.

“What do you want?” She asked staring at me

“Good question”

“I’m sure you have certain contacts that will help if the need arise, in the compound” I said, making a statement.

“I don’t understand, what does that have to do with what you want?” She asked, raising a perfectly shaped brow. Pretty.

“Because by helping me get what I want, you’ll get what you want.” I said simply. Taking another sip from my drink.

“I’m well aware that you want Connor, not so?” I asked, I see that the change of topic unbalanced her posture for a second, but not for long, she recovered quickly.

“And what does that have to do with you?” She asked, a little bit of irritation in her voice.

“Well you see, by getting Connor, you’ll be giving me his mate Ava.” I said, placing my cup on the stool soundlessly.

She thought for a few minutes.

“Well that sounds like a good deal” She smiled.

“One I’ll enjoy sealing, what do you want me to do?” She asked. Wow, that was first, I didn’t expect her to agree quite fast, well perhaps I under estimated her greed.

It works in my favor both ways.

“You’ll bring me Ava”

“Sorry?, bring you Ava?, you can get her if you want I mean you got me” She said unfolding her legs.

“You’re quite different from her, it won’t be that easy to get her, you has nothing to run from, but you were running from….”

“I don’t have to tell you that, you know what you were running from.” I said lightly, studying her face.

“And how do you expect me to bring her to you?” She asked after a while.

“Kidnap her”

Author’s POV

“I won’t have any of this father” Eyre said silently.

“You’re not telling me that son, you’ll do it whether you like it or not!” James shouted, shaking his fist in the air.

“You won’t tell me what to do father, I won’t stay here and listen to this crap” Eyre stood up from his chair.

“Eyre, I’m ordering you right now, you’ll do it” James said heavily.

“You’re ordering me to break Connor’s orders and betray him!” Eyre shouted.

“Lower your voice boy, remember who you’re talking to here, you might be the prince of Myths and that bastard’s aide, but I’m the king of Myths, and you’ll do what I tell you to!” James said.

“You might be the King of Myths father, he’s the king of immortals, a vampire and a demon, you’ll rot before I let you carry out your plan, and I’ll die before I do what you’re telling me to do! ” Eyre said.

“Listen son, you either do this or….”

“Or what?, What father?”

“Just listen to yourself speak father, your plan is sick, you’re sick.” Eyre spat

“How dare you…..”

“How dare you ask me to do this father?” Eyre asked cutting James off.

“I’m leaving” Eyre said as he pulled the door open.

“If you even dare leave, you’ll live to regret it.” James threatened,

“Watch me leave father, watch me leave” Eyre said and moved out. He came back a minute later.

“Oh you agreed?” James grinned

“I knew I could count on you boy” James said rising from his seat.

“Just one advice for you father, don’t ever join hands with losers to try take Connor down and try not to mess with Connor, he’ll destroy you and I’ll gladly watch him do so”

“One more thing, I’m not Alex so don’t involve me in this kind of Conspiracy theories every again, or I’ll be forced to report you directly to Connor” Eyre said, wiping off James grin.

“You dare not!” James yelled.

“Oh take my word for it father, I will and you know I will” Eyre said closing the door gently.

“You bastard!” James yelled after him.

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