Hello! Mr. Billionaire

Two Phones


“Rita, meet Madison, the maid” Finn introduced the lady who just served us breakfast.

“And Madison, this is Rita, my woman…” He looked at my face; “Uhm?”

I smiled; “I am Rita, it’s nice to meet you Madison” I spoke nicely to the young lady.

“You are so beautiful Miss” Madison complimented.

“Thank you” I felt flattered, especially because I just woke up and I wasn’t wearing any form of make up.

“You’re blushing, stop it!” Finn said when Madison left.

Then he leaned closer and whispered: “Madison is either straight or a lesbian as she’s not so sure of what gender he slash she is. So stop blushing, she or he might be interested in you” He said and I rolled my eyes.

“Come on, don’t speak bad of her. She’s human too. Is that what you tell everyone that visits you; ‘My maid is a queer’ ” I quoted, imitating his voice.

“No, I don’t gossip about people. I told you she’s a queer because I’m jealous” He said and I chuckled as I began to eat.

“Hmmn, she is a good cook”

“Ye.. ah, maybe” Finn replied.

While we ate quietly, I noticed he wouldn’t stop staring at me.

“Say it out already” I said.

He gave a short laugh; “First of all, I am sorry about last night” He spoke steadily.

I giggled; “Why did you bring me to your house?”

“Uhm… because it was late”

“Ugh! My place from Adam’s is nearer than from here”

“I care so much about you” He answered and I smiled.

“Why do you always pretend to be asleep?” He questioned me too.

“I never pretended. I am a light sleeper, a drop of needle on the floor could wake me up instantly” Actually, I was only exaggerating.

“Oh! Wow, I will take note” Finn added; “Before doing anything stupid next time”

We chuckled.

“By the way, your place is very beautiful ” I looked around the dinning room which was twice as wide as my living room.

“Do you live here alone?” I had to confirm.

“With my maid literally and my brother visits once in while but unexpectedly”

“Oh” I mouthed.

“I could show you around once we are done having breakfast or would you come live with me?” He asked and I rolled my eyes.

He gave a short laugh; “May I ask Rita, what are we now?” “Are we what I think we are?” He inquired, staring deep into my eyes.

I shook my head slowly; “Not yet”

“Not yet?” He repeated. “We have crossed a line, something special has transpired between us Rita” He said.

There was nothing I could say to dispute that fact, he was absolutely right.

“I love you Rita and obviously, you love me too, or don’t you?” He paused; “wait a minute, you -you’ve never said you love me too, are you still joking with my feelings?”

“I.. I love you too Finn, and I can’t even hide it anymore. I have fallen for you” I finally admitted.

“Then what’s stopping us from being together, forever. As for me, I already see us in a relationship …”

I interrupted him.

“Because I am still with Zane. Listen Finn, no matter what I have done with you outside the relationship makes me a cheat; Zane and I never broke up officially” I uttered faithfully.

“What? What the heck are you trying to insinuate Rita?” Finn cut in when I was about to explain further. “Oh I understand you alright? Because your boyfriend is far away then you wanna use me as a substitute especially to satisfy the physical touch cravings which I recently found out that it is your major love language” He was heartbroken, he rushed the words.


“Then what?”NôvelDrama.Org content.

“I wanna end things with Zane and move on with you, Finn” I told him.

“But you and Zane are done!”

“Ugh! I never told you that” Yet he was right, Zane and I haven’t communicated for the past few days now, so it’s more like we are done.

“Tell me Rita, do you still love Zane?” Finn asked.

I was mute.

“Or does your feelings fluctuates? Are you in love with two people or more than two people?” He probed further.

The questions tumbled through my mind like a raging storm.

“All I know is I love you Finn and I know it’s not a rebound love. I know my feelings for you is true and it doesn’t fluctuates” My voice softened as I reached out to touch his fingers and interlinked mine with his.

He was hurt and frustrated. I could see he struggled to trust me.

“My feelings for Zane is fading. However, I don’t know how to tell him such, somehow I believe he no longer has feelings for me too as we barely contact with eachother. We might break up soon and I.. don’t want it to come from me first. Also Finn, I cannot be in two relationships, I can’t double -date, that’s how much loyal I am”

Finn sneered; “But we have shared unforgettable memories togethers. I will always see us as lovers even if you don’t” He insisted.

“I’ll get back to you soon, I promise” I said.

I wanted to further talk about the situationship I’ve got myself into but he shoved a piece of steak into my mouth.

End of discussion.


Finn returned to his place after driving Rita home.

He met Alex in his house, at the bar where he was busy drinking. I wasn’t shocked or surprised to see him, Alex sudden presence was no longer a new thing to him.

“Caught red handed. What are you doing here?” Finn moved over to where he was.

“Just chill dude. You haven’t seen me in a while. At least, make me feel welcome”

“I thought you promised never to step your foot into this house”

“Uhm yeah I did, maybe I couldn’t hold on to that promise. That reminds me, Madison told me you had a female visitor not too long ago”

“It’s none of your business” Finn hissed, grabbed a wine bottle and moved away from Alex, whom trailed him behind.

“Did you already go back to the old ways, bringing slutty girls home. I know it’s hard for you to repent ugh!”

“It was Rita, come on. We partied last night, so uhm, she slept over at my place”

“Oh it was Rita! How is she? Are you guys dating now? I can see you look excited” He scrutinized my face

“We are not dating officially. We are almost there” He couldn’t help but smile. “I mean… a whole lot have happened between us”

“Woaaaaaaaaah!” Alex exclaimed.

Finn smirked and shook his head.

“You have taken after me, when did you start having a naughty and dirty mindset ugh! For your information, it’s nothing of such” Finn stomp into his room but Alex followed him so as to pester him.

Alex sniffed around and gasped out: “Your room smells like dried cum”

“Cum? C’mon you are forcing words out of my mouth just because I said a girl passed the night here. Come on brother, it is the literal meaning ‘She Slept Over’ The End. Moreso, Madison has cleaned up the room already ugh!*

Alexander let out a loud laugh because he succeeded in frustrating his brother.

Finn sat down on his bed, while Alex walked in circles, moving from curtains, his table counter, closet like a broad daylight thief, searching for something valuable to steal.

“What have you come to discuss with me?” Finn suspected.

“Nothing. Like I said, it’s been a while I came here last and I know, you wouldn’t check up on me, so I let go of my pride and came to say Hi to you”

“Pride? I love how that sounds”

Alex scorned “You don’t normally check up on Mom too”

“Last time, I spoke with her over the phone”

“You need to go see mom! Don’t be a prodigal son” Alex urged.

“I’ll visit her soon” Somehow, he felt a little bad.

“Alexander, are you done with the deal you have with Charles?” Finn changed topic immediately.

“No, why did you suddenly ask?”

“Why did I ask? Jeez! I so much hate that guy and I can’t wait to fire his ass. Just tell me you are almost done with him”

“Charles is full of himself and although he’s aware of my family background, he seemed to care less about that and I feel redicled and intimidated by him most of the time, maybe because he is way older” Alex complained, frowning his face.

“What is it Alex?” Finn raised his brows.

“I guess I will just try to cope till I’m done learning” Alex brightened up his mood. “Afterall; so far, so good, I have learnt a lot. Soon, I’ll launch a new social platform, it may not major on dating again” Alex said.

“Alexander, don’t change the subject, did Charles bully you?” Finn inquired.

“Hell no, I won’t let him do such. I will make sure I earn what I want from him and we are done”

“That’s the spirit guy! I am also fed up of seeing Charles around” Finn groaned.

“I am so sorry for every inconveniency I may have caused you” Alex apologised then continued pacing around the room.

“Woah!” Something caught his attention. “You got another phone” Alex pointed at the two phones in the drawer, then he took them out.

Finn stood up quickly and grabbed the phones from him.

“Why do you have two same phones? Which is the new one you just got?” Alex asked.

“I love the brand and everything about the phone, that’s why I got the another one” Finn defended himself and kept the phones in his pocket.

“Uhm, I know you don’t fancy having double items. You prefer getting another stuff once you are fed up of one”

Finn didn’t say anything.

“By the way, there are new and upgraded phone brands instead of getting the same phone. One would barely know you’ve got two same phones” Alex argued.

“Exactly what I want. Now Alex, please leave my room now” Finn opened the door and motioned his brother out of the room.

Alex looked at him in a weird way, wondering what he must have said wrong.

He finally left the room quickly without making excuses.


To Be Continued

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