Her Forbidden Alpha

Chapter 45

Her Forbidden Alpha By Moonlight Muse Chapter 45

Chapter45 The Alphas Pain

“Scarlett are you alright?!” Jackson asked, worry filling him as Jessica ran out pulling Scarlett into her arms the moment the Beta placed her down. The hug only agitated her extra sensitive skin.

“I just want to go to my room, can I get ice?” She whispered to her mother. Jessica looked her over, panic filling her as she searched for any mark on Scarlett. Amelia hurried from the house, she looked worried and as if she had aged ten years in the last half hour. She was regretting not telling Elijah sooner where Scarlett was. If she had all this could have been avoided.

“Of course! Indigo, Jackson, get ice.” Jessica said as she and Amelia led Scarlett inside.

When she was settled into the bath with lots of ice, the three females surrounded her. Jessica was consumed with guilt, Scarlett was going through this because of her father. How she hated the man… but she felt confused after what Nick had told them. It meant something bad had happened in that cave… Why was Scarlett scratch free? Did Scarlett do something bad without a valid reason, she did have a temper…

“I should never have left you.” Amelia said tenderly stroking her hair. Scarlett flinched from her touch, her entire body hurt and although her body felt numb, she could still feel the scorching pain. With no energy to cry out anymore she didn’t react.

“It isn’t your fault, it’s my luck grandma… Can everyone just leave…? I just want to be alone…”

Amelia pursed her lips. “You don’t mean that child, at least let me stay…”

“Or me.” Indigo said quietly, feeling really upset when she saw her sister like this. A hazy memory of long ago seemed to come to her but she couldn’t quite grasp it.

“I said leave, just bring me ice every hour…” She whispered, a weak whimper leaving her as another spasm shot through her – making the women wish they could help her but there was nothing they could do. There was a knock on the bathroom door and Jackson stood there, he didn’t enter as he stood in the door looking very upset.

“Scarlett, I know this might not be what you need your old man to tell you but what about the boy you love, I’m sure if you called him… He’d… you know…” Jackson’s ears became red at his own words as Amelia frowned at him. She knew Scarlett didn’t need any additional questioning.

“What if that boy didn’t love her back? Would you want her to use her heat to seduce him? You really are stupid! How did you even become Alpha…? Now get out!” She snapped making Jackson flinch, his aunty really was a ruthless woman. She looked at Scarlett who didn’t even react, pain contorting her face, but even then her eyes were blank.

“Where’s Elijah?” Indigo asked, making Scarlett’s heartache a little more.

“He was with the rest investigating this matter. It’s best he is away from home anyway… They aren’t real siblings, her heat could… affect him.” Jackson said. Scarlett almost smiled ironically. So now they weren’t siblings…? When it came to the very laws of nature… but she didn’t care, not anymore. She was done.

“Can everyone just leave.” She said, her voice now sounding icy. Jessica placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before she stood up, trying her best not to break into tears. It was Scarlett who was in pain she had no right to cry.

“If you need anything just shout, we will leave your bedroom door open.” She said. Scarlett didn’t reply, wanting them gone so she didn’t have to hold herself together. She bit her lip hard as she fought against the pain, she just wanted this all to go away… For everyone to leave her alone forever…


The rest made their way into the hallway leaving her bedroom door open.

“The mark is from an Alpha… it is going to be worse…” Amelia said quietly.

“I hate him, I can’t believe he did that to his own daughter. Who could do that?” Jessica spat, Jackson hugged her feeling sad for his broken family. Amelia sighed.

“A monster, that’s who.” She said leading the way downstairs. “I’ll make some tea, I don’t think anyone’s sleeping tonight.”

Indigo shuffled forward. She had learned that her biological father had marked Scarlett, however there was something else niggling at her mind.

“Are you ok Indy?” Jackson asked with concern, as he helped Jessica to sit in her seat at the table.

“I don’t know… I feel like there’s something in my mind that I can’t quite remember…” She said, placing her head in her hands.

“Don’t push it, it is probably some awful memories of your father, don’t try to remember.” Jessica said caressing her dark hair. Indigo frowned, but did forgetting or trying to forget things make it alright?

From both her daughters, Scarlett looked like Zidane, whereas indigo looked like her. Scarlett had her father’s stubbornness too and Jessica always knew she was the strong one, yet now she wondered if she had expected too much from Scarlett. She had looked… broken – empty even.

“What exactly happened Jackson?” Amelia asked, bringing a tray of hot tea over to the table. Jackson hesitated, looking at the young girl.


“I’m not a child, so please stop trying to treat me like one.” She whispered, wishing Elijah was here. What had happened? Why wasn’t he with Scarlett? Did he not care like he said he did. “Actually I’m just going to go for a walk… Carry on.”

Her parents nodded, not questioning it as she took her mug and left the kitchen. Jackson filled the two women in, from what they gathered so far Hank had tried to assault Scarlett and she had killed him. If he had succeeded or not only Scarlett would know or the medical examination. He didn’t tell the women exactly how she had killed him, but he knew the word would soon be out…


Elijah had kept running, not knowing how long he had been out here, hating himself for not being there for her. He had only managed to reign back his wolf now as he slowed, breathing hard. The dirt beneath his feet was dry, the air warm but still he felt suffocated.

He walked to the nearby stream drinking some water, pausing when he realised what he had done. He had promised himself to not leave her and he had… He turned around quickly heading home. He had wasted enough time.

He had kept the link open and Aaron had kept him updated, despite the pain that was running through him he made it clear he would be the one to deal with this not his father. He was just reaching the end of the woods when he saw Indigo running up the small hill.

He stopped, growling at her making her pause. With no wolf yet she couldn’t mind link but she understood he was commanding her to stop. He trotted off behind a tree not too far off, shifting back. He searched in the tree until he found one of the stashes of pants, pulling a pair on he stepped out from behind it. Indigo ran over anger clear on her face.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“How could you leave her!” She said tearfully, smacking his chest. “Something bad happened to her but you should have been there to protect her!”

Elijah said nothing although he felt it, her every word was the painful truth he couldn’t avoid.

“I know…” He said quietly. She stopped her pounding on his chest, hearing his broken voice and she stepped back suddenly, realising the pain this must have caused him. “I’m going to her now… I know I’m late… and she probably doesn’t want to see me… but I need to.”

She nodded as they both walked silently towards the Alpha mansion once again. They stepped inside when the voices stopped talking in the kitchen.

“Elijah… you shouldn’t be here.” Jackson said, stepping out of the kitchen looking tense. Elijah looked at him, Scarlett’s intoxicating scent was stirring his wolf although it was faint. He could smell it wanting him to just go to her.

“I can control myself.” He said quietly. “I need to see her.”

“I don’t think that’s wise.” Jackson said, his Alpha voice firm. Elijah didn’t reply stepping past him when Jackson growled grabbing his arm. “Elijah, I’m warning you.”

“And I’m warning you.” Elijah growled back, his eyes flashing dangerously. The two women stepped out of the kitchen looking at the tension between the two Alpha’s.

“She’s in heat, she doesn’t need you to harass her Elijah! She’s been through enough!” Jackson growled, his patience snapping at his son’s stubbornness.

“I know! I know she’s been through enough… But she’s in heat…” Elijah said quietly, the arrogance and anger was gone from his tone as he simply looked at his dad. The pain and conflict in them clear as

day, and for the first time in his life, the young Alpha put aside his pride. “She needs me dad, please just let me go to her.”

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