Her Forbidden Alpha

Chapter 76

Her Forbidden Alpha By Moonlight Muse Chapter 76

Chapter76 Home

“Do you Alpha Scarlett vow to treat The Blood Moon Pack as your home and family? To stand by my side as my Luna as well as Co-Alpha?” He said, taking everyone by surprise at his change of the traditional vow. Scarlett smiled softly.

“I do.” She said. Elijah sliced his own hand, before taking hers and gently slicing it. They shook hands, their blood mingling and Scarlett was surprised to feel a shift in power, making Elijah smirk. She was after all an Alpha. The pack link was back and she could feel the link between all her members. This was what it felt like to be complete.

“I give you your new Alpha and Luna!” Jackson said.

“You mean Alphas!” Aaron shouted making every laugh and cheer.

“Yes Alpha’s” Jackson corrected, smiling slightly as the couple hugged.

“Welcome back Red.” Elijah murmured in her ear making her smile. He kissed her before stepping back and turned to the pack. “I would like to appoint Aaron Nicholson as my Beta and Michael Bradley as my Delta.”

The pack cheered as Aaron made his way onto the stage and Michael looked shocked, not expecting it, but it was something Elijah and Scarlett had discussed and felt it was the right thing to do. He came over to the stage and everyone cheered for their new Beta and Delta.

“Now I know we all want to party and eat the delicious food being prepped but there’s one more thing I want to do. Before we get to that…” Elijah said now turning and looking at Scarlett. He let go of her waist stepping back, making her raise her eyebrow.

He looked at her, his heart racing thinking this was it.

“I fell in love with you before I even knew you were meant to be mine. I was ready to claim you and keep you forever even if destiny had other plans.” He said, his voice loud and clear in the now silent gathering. To her surprise, he then went down on one knee making her gasp.

“Scarlett, I love you more than life itself. You mean the fucking world to me, so will you do me the honour of marrying me?” He asked quietly, taking out a necklace with a diamond pendant at the end. Her hand went to her chest as everyone awed watching the Alpha’s proposal. Scarlett’s heart pounded, feeling emotional as she nodded gazing into those cerulean orbs she loved so much.

“Yes. Yes, I will!” She said trying to hold back her tears. Elijah stood up and held the necklace he had taken hours to choose out to put it on her. She turned, brushing her hair aside letting him hook it on as everyone clapped. He kissed her shoulder softly sending sparks of pleasure through her.

“I thought a necklace with a long chain was more ideal for when you shift.” He said softly. She turned, gripping his neck a little roughly and pulled him close, kissing him passionately. Her move making a few men chuckle and whistle.

‘I love the idea.’ She said through the mind link, he smirked against her lips when they finally parted. She bit her lip feeling him throb against her stomach. ‘Not getting excited are you Alpha?’ She mocked, pressing herself fully against him.

‘Keep teasing, I’ll have you on your knees throating this dick baby girl.’ He said sucking hard on her neck. She bit back a moan, his words making her juices soak her panties.

“Ok I get it.” She said moving away from him. “Come on! Let’s go dance!”

Elijah smirked, he had smelt her arousal and it only made him want to tease her even more.

“You sure kitten? Cause we could sneak away?” He whispered sexily.

“Elijah! Behave.” She said glaring at him.

“Hm, ok one dance. Then food, then we’re out of here.” He said his eyes trailing over her, licking his lips. She saw his eyes glazing and knew he was mind linking someone. Instantly the current song stopped playing and the lights dimmed a little. The song ‘Unconditionally’ by Katy Perry began playing and Scarlett’s eyes widened looking into Elijah’s cerulean blue ones.

“I never knew you could be so romantic…” She teased as he cupped her waist pulling her close, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders looking up into his eyes.

“Anything for my girl.” He said, this song was the closest thing he could find to show how he felt about her. Their foreheads touched as they began swaying to the music, Scarlett closed her eyes letting the lyrics sink in. Her heart was racing at their proximity and his touch. This felt like heaven on earth. Memories flashing through her mind. Elijah. The boy who could have any woman and did, fell in love and became someone she would never have dreamed of. Her stepbrother whom she had once crushed on secretly. A forbidden desire they had both given into. One she was glad had happened, glad he hadn’t relented and had always pushed his way in even when she had tried to push him away. His love for her truly was unconditional.

They swayed to the music, both lost in the other. The warmth of the other’s body was pleasant, their scents mixing and the sparks that danced through their bodies was all they could focus on. Only one other. The sound of the laughing children, the chattering adults or the boisterous jokes of the men, everything was lost to them. Nothing mattered to the two lovers who moved as one on that dance floor under the night sky.

Slowly other couples began joining the dance floor. Aaron and Monica. Cassandra and Angela and many more. All enjoying the night of happiness. After months and in some of their cases years of pain and tension. This night of laughter and happiness was a pleasant welcome for all.

Scarlett opened her eyes as the song came to an end and looked into his eyes. “I love you Elijah, with all my heart and soul.” She whispered. He caressed her face, his thumb brushing her cheek tenderly.

“I love you way fucking more kitten and don’t argue on it with me.” He said smirking slightly before kissing her tenderly. It was soft yet deep, their love rushing through that kiss. A kiss that meant more than a thousand words ever could.

They danced to a few songs before eating some of the food that was prepared. Sitting and chatting with their friends. The girls taking a few selfies and forcing the boys to pose with them too. Elijah had just finished his drink, something Scarlett had avoided but Elijah hadn’t questioned thanks to Angela passing her a non-alcoholic one. The woman was super excited to become an aunt. Elijah now turned to her.

“Come on there’s something I want to show you.” He said in her ear, his lips brushing it teasingly.

“It’s not your dick, right?” Angela remarked as Cassandra burst into giggles that she tried to stifle.

“Not jealous, are you?” Elijah shot back with an arrogant smirk.

“I have the best mate I could have hoped for.” Angela shot back, making Monica and Aaron chuckle.

“Seriously just go.” Aaron said to his friend, knowing he wanted to show Scarlett their home. He gave Elijah the thumbs up before Scarlett waved at the group and both left the party that was still going strong.

Hand in hand they walked away from the brightly lit area towards the trees.

“Where are we going?” She asked him.

“Patience Kitten.” He said smirking, the sound of the music and chatter slowly fading away.

“I’m not a patient person remember?” She said kissing his cheek, his slight stubble grazing her lips. “I like the stubble.”

“Oh yeah? What else do you like?” He asked.

“I could show you…” She whispered, now cupping the front of his pants making him tense, liking the feel of her hand as she sensually began massaging him, satisfied when he grew beneath her hand.

“You can show me real soon.” He growled pushing her up against the closest tree and kissing her passionately. Their kisses getting more heated when Scarlett paused. She wanted to tell Elijah about her pregnancy tonight. It still felt so unreal.

“I need to tell you something too.” She said gently pushing him away, making him growl as he bit into her neck making her moan loudly.

“Tease.” He said, his eyes darkening as he moved back and lifted her bridal style. Carrying her through the trees Scarlett realised where he was taking her, to the house near the river that he had been working on for them.

“Are you taking me to our home?” She asked, he didn’t reply when she turned seeing the glow of lights and her breath caught in her throat. There it stood. Glowing with the lights that were turned on inside, she was surprised it was done. He had told her there was so much left to do and being busy she hadn’t even questioned it.

“Welcome home sweetheart.” He said, carrying her to the door. He unlocked it and stepped inside. The soft scent of vanilla filled her nose and she looked around seeing the house that looked even better than the image she had in her head. Not missing the table she had wanted for the entrance hall or the chevron rug…. She looked at Elijah, her eyes stinging with tears.

“You got this ready for me?” She whispered, sounding kind of cute he thought.

“For us.” He said with a wink, kissing her softly. “And for our future pups. On that note, shall we go practice making some?”

She looked at him sharply, it was the first time he had ever really mentioned it. Her heart hammering as he carried her up the stairs.

“Don’t you want pups?” He asked noticing her silence as he opened the bedroom door. Scarlett smiled seeing the dimly lit cosy bedroom decorating with petals and candles as he slowly walked over and sat on the bed, holding her in his arms. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“Of course, I do… but I don’t think we need to practice making them.” She said. Elijah smirked cockily.

“True I’d say we’re pretty well practised in the arts.” He said making Scarlett roll her eyes. One thing was clear, the man was never going to drop his cockiness.

“Although I have to agree to that. The reason I said we don’t need to practice is because…” She stood up taking a deep breath before she turned back to him and took his hand placing it on her stomach. “Is because I’m pregnant.”

Elijah’s eyes widened in shock, staring into her eyes.

“Whoa, fuck… really?” He said his heart was racing, it didn’t seem real. Him, a father? “Hell…” He said running his other hand through his hair. Sure, he had said it but it was already a reality? Scarlett smiled softly, seeing the shock, happiness and nervousness in his eyes.

“You will be the best father ever. Our pup will be lucky to have you.” She said softly knowing his unsaid worry. He smiled softly at her, leaning closer he gripped her by the ass and moved her closer placing a soft kiss on her stomach before he settled his ear against it, closing his eyes as he listened. Scarlett’s heartbeat was strong and he could hear his own. It was then he heard it, not one but two tiny heartbeats and he moved back stunned.

“Maybe moving out was a bad idea…” He said his face pale.

“What do you mean?” Scarlett asked seeing his pale face.

“We’re having twins’ kitten. Two little devils.” He said, despite his words his voice held awe. Scarlett let out a breathy laugh shocked at the new revelation.

“Wow…” She said. “You’re right it’s going to be a mission to handle them.”

He pulled her into his lap dropping back onto the bed, the scent of the rose petals filling their noses. Making her lie on top of him, both stunned yet happy with the news. They lay in silence for a moment simply staring at each other. After a moment Elijah smirked cockily.

“Well, I guess I did good right?” He said stroking her ass.

“You sure did… So how about you make the most of the time we have before we’re changing diapers and carrying babies all night long?” She said licking her lips. His eyes darkened as he gripped the nape of her neck and tugged her down, his lips almost touching hers as he looked into her eyes.

“Then I guess I best not waste time…” He said huskily, caressing her cheek his eyes softened. “I promise you Red. I’ll always treat you like my fucking queen in public, worship you like my goddess in private and treat you like my fucking sex doll in bed.”

A smile graced her face, his words making her stomach all fluttery. She ran her hand down his chest through the opening in his shirt, her nails lightly grazing his skin.

“I like the sound of that…” She whispered seductively before he flipped them over. He leant down and claimed her lips in a hot sizzling kiss. Now, this was life.

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